188 resultados para yhteenveto


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Cyanobacteria are unicellular, non-nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes, which perform photosynthesis similarly as higher plants. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is used as a model organism in photosynthesis research. My research described herein aims at understanding the function of the photosynthetic machinery and how it responds to changes in the environment. Detailed knowledge of the regulation of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria can be utilized for biotechnological purposes, for example in the harnessing of solar energy for biofuel production. In photosynthesis, iron participates in electron transfer. Here, we focused on iron transport in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 and particularly on the environmental regulation of the genes encoding the FutA2BC ferric iron transporter, which belongs to the ABC transporter family. A homology model built for the ATP-binding subunit FutC indicates that it has a functional ATPbinding site as well as conserved interactions with the channel-forming subunit FutB in the transporter complex. Polyamines are important for the cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In plants, polyamines have special roles in stress response and in plant survival. The polyamine metabolism in cyanobacteria in response to environmental stress is of interest in research on stress tolerance of higher plants. In this thesis, the potd gene encoding an polyamine transporter subunit from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 was characterized for the first time. A homology model built for PotD protein indicated that it has capability of binding polyamines, with the preference for spermidine. Furthermore, in order to investigate the structural features of the substrate specificity, polyamines were docked into the binding site. Spermidine was positioned very similarly in Synechocystis PotD as in the template structure and had most favorable interactions of the docked polyamines. Based on the homology model, experimental work was conducted, which confirmed the binding preference. Flavodiiron proteins (Flv) are enzymes, which protect the cell against toxicity of oxygen and/or nitric oxide by reduction. In this thesis, we present a novel type of photoprotection mechanism in cyanobacteria by the heterodimer of Flv2/Flv4. The constructed homology model of Flv2/Flv4 suggests a functional heterodimer capable of rapid electron transfer. The unknown protein sll0218, encoded by the flv2-flv4 operon, is assumed to facilitate the interaction of the Flv2/Flv4 heterodimer and energy transfer between the phycobilisome and PSII. Flv2/Flv4 provides an alternative electron transfer pathway and functions as an electron sink in PSII electron transfer.


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This thesis is based on computational chemistry studies on lignans, focusing on the naturally occurring lignan hydroxymatairesinol (HMR) (Papers I II) and on TADDOL-like conidendrin-based chiral 1,4-diol ligands (LIGNOLs) (Papers III V). A complete quantum chemical conformational analysis on HMR was previously conducted by Dr. Antti Taskinen. In the works reported in this thesis, HMR was further studied by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in aqueous solution including torsional angle analysis, quantum chemical solvation e ect study by the COnductorlike Screening MOdel (COSMO), and hydrogen bond analysis (Paper I), as well as from a catalytic point of view including protonation and deprotonation studies at di erent levels of theory (Paper II). The computational LIGNOL studies in this thesis constitute a multi-level deterministic structural optimization of the following molecules: 1,1-diphenyl (2Ph), two diastereomers of 1,1,4-triphenyl (3PhR, 3PhS), 1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl (4Ph) and 1,1,4,4-tetramethyl (4Met) 1,4-diol (Paper IV) and a conformational solvation study applying MD and COSMO (Paper V). Furthermore, a computational study on hemiketals in connection with problems in the experimental work by Docent Patrik Eklund's group synthesizing the LIGNOLs based on natural products starting from HMR, is shortly described (Paper III).


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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is an important tool in designing new combustion systems. By using CFD modeling, entire combustion systems can be modeled and the emissions and the performance can be predicted. CFD modeling can also be used to develop new and better combustion systems from an economical and environmental point of view. In CFD modeling of solid fuel combustion, the combustible fuel is generally treated as single fuel particles. One of the limitations with the CFD modeling concerns the sub-models describing the combustion of single fuel particles. Available models in the scientific literature are in many cases not suitable as submodels for CFD modeling since they depend on a large number of input parameters and are computationally heavy. In this thesis CFD-applicable models are developed for the combustion of single fuel particles. The single particle models can be used to improve the combustion performance in various combustion devices or develop completely new technologies. The investigated fields are oxidation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in char residues from solid fuels. Modeled char-C oxidation rates are compared to experimental oxidation rates for a large number of pulverized solid fuel chars under relevant combustion conditions. The experiments have been performed in an isothermal plug flow reactor operating at 1123-1673 K and 3-15 vol.% O2. In the single particle model, the char oxidation is based on apparent kinetics and depends on three fuel specific parameters: apparent pre-exponential factor, apparent activation energy, and apparent reaction order. The single particle model can be incorporated as a sub-model into a CFD code. The results show that the modeled char oxidation rates are in good agreement with experimental char oxidation rates up to around 70% of burnout. Moreover, the results show that the activation energy and the reaction order can be assumed to be constant for a large number of bituminous coal chars under conditions limited by the combined effects of chemical kinetics and pore diffusion. Based on this, a new model based on only one fuel specific parameter is developed (Paper III). The results also show that reaction orders of bituminous coal chars and anthracite chars differ under similar conditions (Paper I and Paper II); reaction orders of bituminous coal chars were found to be one, while reaction orders of anthracite chars were determined to be zero. This difference in reaction orders has not previously been observed in the literature and should be considered in future char oxidation models. One of the most frequently used comprehensive char oxidation models could not explain the difference in the reaction orders. In the thesis (Paper II), a modification to the model is suggested in order to explain the difference in reaction orders between anthracite chars and bituminous coal chars. Two single particle models are also developed for the NO formation and reduction during the oxidation of single biomass char particles. In the models the char-N is assumed to be oxidized to NO and the NO is partly reduced inside the particle. The first model (Paper IV) is based on the concentration gradients of NO inside and outside the particle and the second model is simplified to such an extent that it is based on apparent kinetics and can be incorporated as a sub-model into a CFD code (Paper V). Modeled NO release rates from both models were in good agreement with experimental measurements from a single particle reactor of quartz glass operating at 1173-1323 K and 3-19 vol.% O2. In the future, the models can be used to reduce NO emissions in new combustion systems.


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Rapid changes in biodiversity are occurring globally, as a consequence of anthropogenic disturbance. This has raised concerns, since biodiversity is known to significantly contribute to ecosystem functions and services. Marine benthic communities participate in numerous functions provided by soft-sedimentary ecosystems. Eutrophication-induced oxygen deficiency is a growing threat against infaunal communities, both in open sea areas and in coastal zones. There is thus a need to understand how such disturbance affects benthic communities, and what is lost in terms of ecosystem functioning if benthic communities are harmed. In this thesis, the status of benthic biodiversity was assessed for the open Baltic Sea, a system severely affected by broad-scale hypoxia. Long-term monitoring data made it possible to establish quantitative biodiversity baselines against which change could be compared. The findings show that benthic biodiversity is currently severely impaired in large areas of the open Baltic Sea, from the Bornholm Basin to the Gulf of Finland. The observed reduction in biodiversity indicates that benthic communities are structurally and functionally impoverished in several of the sub-basins due to the hypoxic stress. A more detailed examination of disturbance impacts (through field studies and -experiments) on benthic communities in coastal areas showed that changes in benthic community structure and function took place well before species were lost from the system. The degradation of benthic community structure and function was directed by the type of disturbance, and its specific temporal and spatial characteristics. The observed shifts in benthic trait composition were primarily the result of reductions in species’ abundances, or of changes in demographic characteristics, such as the loss of large, adult bivalves. Reduction in community functions was expressed as declines in the benthic bioturbation potential and in secondary biomass production. The benthic communities and their degradation accounted for a substantial proportion of the changes observed in ecosystem multifunctionality. Individual ecosystem functions (i.e. measures of sediment ecosystem metabolism, elemental cycling, biomass production, organic matter transformation and physical structuring) were observed to differ in their response to increasing hypoxic disturbance. Interestingly, the results suggested that an impairment of ecosystem functioning could be detected at an earlier stage if multiple functions were considered. Importantly, the findings indicate that even small-scale hypoxic disturbance can reduce the buffering capacity of sedimentary ecosystem, and increase the susceptibility of the system towards further stress. Although the results of the individual papers are context-dependent, their combined outcome implies that healthy benthic communities are important for sustaining overall ecosystem functioning as well as ecosystem resilience in the Baltic Sea.


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Kansalliskirjastossa maaliskuussa 2013 käynnistynyt ONKI-projekti vastaa yleisen suomalaisen ontologian (YSO) sekä kansallisen ONKI-ontologiapalvelun kehityksestä ja ylläpidosta. ONKI-projektia rahoittavat valtiovarainministeriö sekä opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö. Projektin alkuvaiheen ensimmäisiä tavoitteita on ollut vertailla tällä hetkellä tarjolla olevia ontologioiden muokkaukseen käytettäviä ohjelmistoja, joista tästedes käytämme nimeä ontologiaeditori. Vertailun perusteella annetaan yhteenveto ja suositus vertailussa olleista vaihtoehdoista. Ontologia- editori on keskeisin työväline projektin jatkovaiheessa ja vastaavia työkaluja käyttävät myös Kansalliskirjaston ulkopuoliset, ONKI-projektiin liittyvät yhteistyötahot. Raportissa esitellään projektin taustaa ja ontologiaeditorien käyttöä ja merkitystä ontologiatyössä sekä niihin liittyvät perusvaatimukset. Vertailussa olleet editorit, Top Braid Composer eri versioineen, Protégé 4.3, TopBraid EVN, PoolParty Thesaurus Server, VocBench, IQvoc sekä TemaTres esitellään kukin erikseen. Lopuksi esitetään yhteenveto ja suositus.


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Developing software is a difficult and error-prone activity. Furthermore, the complexity of modern computer applications is significant. Hence,an organised approach to software construction is crucial. Stepwise Feature Introduction – created by R.-J. Back – is a development paradigm, in which software is constructed by adding functionality in small increments. The resulting code has an organised, layered structure and can be easily reused. Moreover, the interaction with the users of the software and the correctness concerns are essential elements of the development process, contributing to high quality and functionality of the final product. The paradigm of Stepwise Feature Introduction has been successfully applied in an academic environment, to a number of small-scale developments. The thesis examines the paradigm and its suitability to construction of large and complex software systems by focusing on the development of two software systems of significant complexity. Throughout the thesis we propose a number of improvements and modifications that should be applied to the paradigm when developing or reengineering large and complex software systems. The discussion in the thesis covers various aspects of software development that relate to Stepwise Feature Introduction. More specifically, we evaluate the paradigm based on the common practices of object-oriented programming and design and agile development methodologies. We also outline the strategy to testing systems built with the paradigm of Stepwise Feature Introduction.


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The major type of non-cellulosic polysaccharides (hemicelluloses) in softwoods, the partly acetylated galactoglucomannans (GGMs), which comprise about 15% of spruce wood, have attracted growing interest because of their potential to become high-value products with applications in many areas. The main objective of this work was to explore the possibilities to extract galactoglucomannans in native, polymeric form in high yield from spruce wood with pressurised hot-water, and to obtain a deeper understanding of the process chemistry involved. Spruce (Picea abies) chips and ground wood particles were extracted using an accelerated solvent extractor (ASE) in the temperature range 160 – 180°C. Detailed chemical analyses were done on both the water extracts and the wood residues. As much as 80 – 90% of the GGMs in spruce wood, i.e. about 13% based on the original wood, could be extracted from ground spruce wood with pure water at 170 – 180°C with an extraction time of 60 min. GGMs comprised about 75% of the extracted carbohydrates and about 60% of the total dissolved solids. Other substances in the water extracts were xylans, arabinogalactans, pectins, lignin and acetic acid. The yields from chips were only about 60% of that from ground wood. Both the GGMs and other non-cellulosic polysaccharides were extensively hydrolysed at severe extraction conditions when pH dropped to the level of 3.5. Addition of sodium bicarbonate increased the yields of polymeric GGMs at low additions, 2.5 – 5 mM, where the end pH remained around 3.9. However, at higher addition levels the yields decreased, mainly because the acetyl groups in GGMs were split off, leading to a low solubility of GGMs. Extraction with buffered water in the pH range 3.8 – 4.4 gave similar yields as with plain water, but gave a higher yield of polymeric GGMs. Moreover, at these pH levels the hydrolysis of acetyl groups in GGMs was significantly inhibited. It was concluded that hot-water extraction of polymeric GGMs in good yields (up to 8% of wood) demands appropriate control of pH, in a narrow range about 4. These results were supported by a study of hydrolysis of GGM at constant pH in the range of 3.8 – 4.2 where a kinetic model for degradation of GGM was developed. The influence of wood particle size on hot-water extraction was studied with particles in the range of 0.1 – 2 mm. The smallest particles (< 0.1 mm) gave 20 – 40% higher total yield than the coarsest particles (1.25 – 2 mm). The difference was greatest at short extraction times. The results indicated that extraction of GGMs and other polysaccharides is limited mainly by the mass transfer in the fibre wall, and for coarse wood particles also in the wood matrix. Spruce sapwood, heartwood and thermomechnical pulp were also compared, but only small differences in yields and composition of extracts were found. Two methods for isolation and purification of polymeric GGMs, i.e. membrane filtration and precipitation in ethanol-water, were compared. Filtration through a series of membranes with different pore sizes separated GGMs of different molar masses, from polymers to oligomers. Polysaccharides with molar mass higher than 4 kDa were precipitated in ethanol-water. GGMs comprised about 80% of the precipitated polysaccharides. Other polysaccharides were mainly arabinoglucuronoxylans and pectins. The ethanol-precipitated GGMs were by 13C NMR spectroscopy verified to be very similar to GGMs extracted from spruce wood in low yield at a much lower temperature, 90°C. The obtained large body of experimental data could be utilised for further kinetic and economic calculations to optimise technical hot-water extractionof softwoods.


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Stressignaler avkänns många gånger av membranbundna proteiner som översätter signalerna till kemisk modifiering av molekyler, ofta proteinkinaser Dessa kinaser överför de avkodade budskapen till specifika transkriptionsfaktorer genom en kaskad av sekventiella fosforyleringshändelser, transkriptionsfaktorerna aktiverar i sin tur de gener som behövs för att reagera på stressen. En av de mest kända måltavlorna för stressignaler är transkriptionsfaktor AP-1 familjemedlemen c-Jun. I denna studie har jag identifierat den nukleolära proteinet AATF som en ny regulator av c-Jun-medierad transkriptionsaktivitet. Jag visar att stresstimuli inducerar omlokalisering av AATF vilket i sin tur leder till aktivering av c-Jun. Den AATF-medierad ökningen av c-Jun-aktiviteten leder till en betydande ökning av programmerad celldöd. Parallellt har jag vidarekarakteriserat Cdk5/p35 signaleringskomplexet som tidigare har identifierats i vårt laboratorium som en viktig faktor för myoblastdifferentiering. Jag identifierade den atypiska PKCξ som en uppströms regulator av Cdk5/p35-komplexet och visar att klyvning och aktivering av Cdk5 regulatorn p35 är av fysiologisk betydelse för differentieringsprocessen och beroende av PKCξ aktivitet. Jag visar att vid induktion av differentiering fosforylerar PKCξ p35 vilket leder till calpain-medierad klyvning av p35 och därmed ökning av Cdk5-aktiviteten. Denna avhandling ökar förståelsen för de regulatoriska mekanismer som styr c-Jun-transkriptionsaktiviteten och c-Jun beroende apoptos genom att identifiera AATF som en viktig faktor. Dessutom ger detta arbete nya insikter om funktionen av Cdk5/p35-komplexet under myoblastdifferentiering och identifierar PKCξ som en uppströms regulator av Cdk5 aktivitet och myoblast differentiering.


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The main objective of the study was to find new approaches to the management of work in process in a rapidly changing power distribution network contracting environment in order to improve the efficiency of the management of capital and workload. The study describes the operating environment of a power distribution network contractor based in Eastern Finland and combines various activity indicators to create a general view. The literature review discusses scientific articles on project production, work in process and working capital management, analytical tools for projects as well as Lean criteria. The analysis of two case studies dealing with the characteristics of the power distribution network restructuring, focuses on how production management and management of work in process can potentially be improved in power distribution network contracting environments. The main results are the summary of the key figures of production, the data concerning the significance of different project types for work in process as well as the ways of improving the efficiency of production and business development in the present context.


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Potentiometric ion sensors are a very important subgroup of electrochemical sensors, very attractive for practical applications due to their small size, portability, low-energy consumption, relatively low cost and not changing the sample composition. They are investigated by the researchers from many fields of science. The continuous development of this field creates the necessity for a detailed description of sensor response and the electrochemical processes important in the practical applications of ion sensors. The aim of this thesis is to present the existing models available for the description of potentiometric ion sensors as well as their applicability and limitations. This includes the description of the diffusion potential occurring at the reference electrodes. The wide range of existing models, from most idealised phase boundary models to most general models, including migration, is discussed. This work concentrates on the advanced modelling of ion sensors, namely the Nernst-Planck-Poisson (NPP) model, which is the most general of the presented models, therefore the most widely applicable. It allows the modelling of the transport processes occurring in ion sensors and generating the potentiometric response. Details of the solution of the NPP model (including the numerical methods used) are shown. The comparisons between NPP and the more idealized models are presented. The applicability of the model to describe the formation of diffusion potential in reference electrode, the lower detection limit of both ion-exchanger and neutral carrier electrodes and the effect of the complexation in the membrane are discussed. The model was applied for the description of both types of electrodes, i.e. with the inner filling solution and solidcontact electrodes. The NPP model allows the electrochemical methods other than potentiometry to be described. Application of this model in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy is discussed and a possible use in chrono-potentiometry is indicated. By combining the NPP model with evolutionary algorithms, namely Hierarchical Genetic Strategy (HGS), a novel method allowing the facilitation of the design of ion sensors was created. It is described in detail in this thesis and its possible applications in the field of ion sensors are indicated. Finally, some interesting effects occurring in the ion sensors (i.e. overshot response and influence of anionic sites) as well as the possible applications of NPP in biochemistry are described.


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Mass-produced paper electronics (large area organic printed electronics on paper-based substrates, “throw-away electronics”) has the potential to introduce the use of flexible electronic applications in everyday life. While paper manufacturing and printing have a long history, they were not developed with electronic applications in mind. Modifications to paper substrates and printing processes are required in order to obtain working electronic devices. This should be done while maintaining the high throughput of conventional printing techniques and the low cost and recyclability of paper. An understanding of the interactions between the functional materials, the printing process and the substrate are required for successful manufacturing of advanced devices on paper. Based on the understanding, a recyclable, multilayer-coated paper-based substrate that combines adequate barrier and printability properties for printed electronics and sensor applications was developed in this work. In this multilayer structure, a thin top-coating consisting of mineral pigments is coated on top of a dispersion-coated barrier layer. The top-coating provides well-controlled sorption properties through controlled thickness and porosity, thus enabling optimizing the printability of functional materials. The penetration of ink solvents and functional materials stops at the barrier layer, which not only improves the performance of the functional material but also eliminates potential fiber swelling and de-bonding that can occur when the solvents are allowed to penetrate into the base paper. The multi-layer coated paper under consideration in the current work consists of a pre-coating and a smoothing layer on which the barrier layer is deposited. Coated fine paper may also be used directly as basepaper, ensuring a smooth base for the barrier layer. The top layer is thin and smooth consisting of mineral pigments such as kaolin, precipitated calcium carbonate, silica or blends of these. All the materials in the coating structure have been chosen in order to maintain the recyclability and sustainability of the substrate. The substrate can be coated in steps, sequentially layer by layer, which requires detailed understanding and tuning of the wetting properties and topography of the barrier layer versus the surface tension of the top-coating. A cost competitive method for industrial scale production is the curtain coating technique allowing extremely thin top-coatings to be applied simultaneously with a closed and sealed barrier layer. The understanding of the interactions between functional materials formulated and applied on paper as inks, makes it possible to create a paper-based substrate that can be used to manufacture printed electronics-based devices and sensors on paper. The multitude of functional materials and their complex interactions make it challenging to draw general conclusions in this topic area. Inevitably, the results become partially specific to the device chosen and the materials needed in its manufacturing. Based on the results, it is clear that for inks based on dissolved or small size functional materials, a barrier layer is beneficial and ensures the functionality of the printed material in a device. The required active barrier life time depends on the solvents or analytes used and their volatility. High aspect ratio mineral pigments, which create tortuous pathways and physical barriers within the barrier layer limit the penetration of solvents used in functional inks. The surface pore volume and pore size can be optimized for a given printing process and ink through a choice of pigment type and coating layer thickness. However, when manufacturing multilayer functional devices, such as transistors, which consist of several printed layers, compromises have to be made. E.g., while a thick and porous top-coating is preferable for printing of source and drain electrodes with a silver particle ink, a thinner and less absorbing surface is required to form a functional semiconducting layer. With the multilayer coating structure concept developed in this work, it was possible to make the paper substrate suitable for printed functionality. The possibility of printing functional devices, such as transistors, sensors and pixels in a roll-to-roll process on paper is demonstrated which may enable introducing paper for use in disposable “onetime use” or “throwaway” electronics and sensors, such as lab-on-strip devices for various analyses, consumer packages equipped with product quality sensors or remote tracking devices.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa on analysoitu elinkaariajattelua suomalaisessa meriteollisuussektorissa. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä on ollut kartoittaa, miten meriteollisuudessa on lähestytty elinkaariajattelua ja mitä tutkimus- tai sovellustarpeita alalla ilmenee. Tutkimus analysoi meriteollisuusyritysten liiketoimintaa ja niiden elinkaarijohtamista, erityisesti tuotteiden sekä palvelujen elinkaaren että asiakaskunnan elinkaaren suhteita ja tasapainoa. Samalla on analysoitu elinkaarinäkökulmasta yritysten kokemia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia sekä arvioitu elinkaariajattelun relevanssia meriteollisuuden liiketoiminnalle. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta pääosasta, joita ovat: -Akateemisen kirjallisuuden ja -tutkimuksen analyysi meriteollisuusklusterin ja sen yritysten perspektiivistä koskien elinkaariajattelua -Empiirinen kartoitus alan yritysten toiminnoista koskien kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan kehittämistä ja erityisesti elinkaariliiketoimintaa -Yhteenveto ja synteesi, jossa akateemisen keskustelun suuntaviivat sovelletaan yritysten tarpeisiin ja tehdään ehdotus tutkimuskokonaisuuksista ja painopisteistä, joihin jatkossa tulisi panostaa. Tutkimuksen elinkaariteoreettinen tarkastelu osoittaa, että eri elinkaarimalleilla on erilaiset ontologiset lähtökohdat ja fokukset. Elinkaarimalleja on erilaisia, mutta eri näkökulmia yhdistävää kokonaisvaltaista mallia ei ole olemassa. Tuotepohjainen ajattelu dominoi vahvasti elinkaariteoriakenttää ja osin tästä syystä elinkaarimallit koskien innovaatioita, revaloration-toimintaa ja liiketoimintakonseptien kehitystä tai näiden yhdistämistä ovat jääneet selkeästi taka-alalle. Näillä on kuitenkin huomattavaa potentiaalia luoda uutta näkökulmaa yritysten arvonluontilogiikalle, yhteistyölle ja kilpailukyvylle. Jatkossa elinkaariteoriat tulisi paremmin sovittaa liiketoimintakohtaiseen viitekehykseen ja niiden ulottuvuuksia tulisi yhdistää selkeästi kokonaisvaltaisempaan ajatteluun. Elinkaariajattelu on haaste yritysjohdolle, sillä verkottuneessa meriteollisuudessa arvoa luodaan yhdessä erilaisten partnerien kanssa. Haasteita se luo esimerkiksi markkinoinnille, viestinnälle ja asiakassuhteiden hoitamiselle, koska meriteollisuuden asiakkaita pidetään varsin konservatiivisina ja omistamisen filosofia on edelleen varsin keskeistä. Toisaalta elinkaaren edut ja hyödyt voivat olla monen yrityksen toiminnan summa ja ne voivat olla kuin osa palapeliä eli vaikeita hahmottaa. Elinkaarihyötyjen konkreettista arvoa ja laskelmia on myös usein vaikea osoittaa, koska mekanismit ovat monimutkaisia ja tuotteen omistajat saattavat vaihtua moneen kertaan. Yritykset eivät tuo voimakkaasti esiin esimerkiksi eurooppalaisten toimijoiden vahvuuksia sosiaalisina, vastuullisina yrityksinä tilanteessa, jossa kilpailevat ekosysteemit pohjautuvat pitkälti halpakustannusmalliin. Vastuullisuuteen ja kestävään kehitykseen liittyviä liiketoimintamalleja voisikin tulevaisuudessa kehittää ja tarjota siten uutta arvoa loppuasiakkaille ja yhteisorganisaatioille. Yleisesti vaikuttaisi siltä, että konkreettisimmin elinkaariajattelua pystyvät tällä hetkellä liiketoiminnassaan soveltamaan laitevalmistajat ja järjestelmätoimittajat. Meriteollisuuden eri asiakassegmentit ja liiketoiminta-alueet ovat elinkaariliiketoiminnan näkökulmasta erilaisia. Myös sääntelyn merkitys liiketoiminnalle vaihtelee suuresti. Esimerkiksi end-of-life-toiminnot, kuten laivojen romutus, ovat lähes kokonaan pois Euroopan alueelta. Toisaalta esimerkiksi offshore-alalla säädösympäristö tuo mahdollisuuksia uudentyyppisten huolto-, konversio- ja purkupalveluiden kehittämiseen ja suunnitteluun, vaikka merkittävä osa struktuuria ei vielä tällä hetkellä ole elinkaarensa lopussa. Perinteistä rahtipuolta pidetään yleisesti haasteellisimpana liiketoiminnan kannalta, sillä laivan elinkaari yhdellä omistajalla voi olla erittäin lyhyt. Liiketoimintapotentiaalia luo kuitenkin se, että meriteollisuuden loppu- ja osatuotteilla on tyypillisesti jatkoelämä, joka edellyttää erilaisia suunnittelu-, muutos- ja kehitystöitä. Alan yritykset toteavat selkeästi, että palveluliiketoiminnalla ja elinkaaripalveluilla on vaikutus uusinvestointitilaisten saamiseen ja sääntelytoiminta tai sen porsaanreiät vaikuttavat liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin. Tutkimuksella on potentiaali ja rooli elinkaariliiketoimintojen kehitykselle tulevaisuudessa. Jatkossa tulisi lisätä esimerkiksi public-private-partnership -yhteistyömuotoja elinkaariliiketoimintaa tukevassa informaationhallinnassa. Laitteiden ja prosessien käyttöön liittyvää tietoa on usein vain käyttäjän tai esimerkiksi vakuutusyhtiön halussa, neutraaleita tietokantoja ei ole ja tiedon omistussuhteet ovat ongelmallisia. Neutraalit institutionaaliset toimijat kuten yliopistot voivat osaltaan olla ratkaisemassa näitä haasteita. Tutkimus korostaa jatkotutkimustarpeita erityisesti elinkaariajattelun soveltamisessa ympäristöajatteluun, vastuullisuuteen ja kilpailukyvyn kohottamiseen. Liiketoimintamalleja tulisi tutkia alkaen pre-vaiheesta, rahoituksesta, vakuutuksista ja telematiikasta aina romutukseen asti kokonaisvaltaisesti. Keskeisimmiksi tutkimusteemoiksi yrityshaastatteluiden perusteella nousivat a) sopimusmallit, vastuukysymykset ja riskien hallinta pitkäkestoisissa palvelusuhteissa ja yhteistyössä, b) asiakassegmenttien profilointi ja analysointi, käyttäytyminen ja ennakointi liiketoimintamallien kehittämiseksi, c) omistaminen ja sen soveltaminen eri liiketoimintaratkaisuissa, d) vakuutukset ja rahoitus osana elinkaaripalveluita, e) järjestelmä-, laite-, ja toimintatiedon tehokas kerääminen, analysointi ja hyväksikäyttö liiketoiminnan tukena, erityisesti etäteknologioiden avulla, sekä f) tuoreet ajatusmallit ja filosofiat tulevaisuuden arvojen muuttamisesta liiketoiminnaksi. Tutkimuksen ovat toteuttaneet Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun CCR Tutkimuspalvelut yhdessä kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan oppiaineen kanssa.


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Rajavartiolaitoksen palveluksessa työskentelee yli 3000 henkilöä erilaisissa tehtävissä. Tässä joukossa 72 meriupseeria ei ole suuri määrä, mutta kyseessä on kuitenkin henkilöstöryhmä, joka työskentelee johtotehtävissä sekä merivartiostoissa, että koko rajavartiolaitoksessa. Viimeisen kymmenen (10) vuoden aikana tästä joukosta on irtisanoutunut yhteensä 19 henkilöä, ennen eläkeoikeuden saavuttamista tai eroamisikää. Kun samaan aikaan ainoastaan kolme (3) muiden upseeriryhmien (maa- ja ilmavoimien koulutuksen saanutta) edustajaa on päätynyt vastaavaan ratkaisuun, voidaan puhua poikkeuksellisesta ilmiöstä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa selkeä yhteenveto niistä syistä, jotka ovat johtaneet nähdynlaiseen kehitykseen. Tutkimusongelmaksi muodostui: miksi moni meriupseeri on irtisanoutunut rajavartiolaitoksesta vuoden 1996 jälkeen? Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena ei ollut muodostaa kehitysehdotusta siitä, miten irtisanoutumiset voitaisiin jatkossa välttää. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen taustan muodostivat meriupseerin ura rajavartiolaitoksen työntekijänä erityispiirteineen, työtyytyväisyys sekä upseerin uramotivaatio. Tutkimusta suunniteltaessa ei haluttu luoda mitään hypoteesia siitä, mikä on johtanut kyseiseen kehitykseen. Yhtenä syynä oli se, että tutkimuksen taustaa kartoitettaessa havaittiin, että aihetta – henkilöstön irtisanoutumisia – oli ylipäänsä tutkittu hyvin vähän, jos ollenkaan. Tutkimusotteena tässä tutkimuksessa oli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jota täydennettiin kvantitatiivisella osuudella. Tutkimusmetodiksi valittiin sisällönanalyysi. Tiedonkeruu suoritettiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla, joiden pohjalta laadittiin lopuksi vielä haastatteluja täydentävä kysely. Sisällönanalyysi suoritettiin teoriasidonnaisen analyysin avulla. Tutkimustuloksista ensimmäiset liittyivät irtisanoutuneiden erittäin suureen määrään rajavartiolaitokseen valmistuneiden upseerien joukosta: vuosien 1988 - 2000 aikana valmistuneista meriupseereista 47,5 % oli irtisanoutunut. Neljä (4) upseeria oli kuitenkin ehtinyt palata rajavartiolaitoksen palvelukseen, mikä laski edelleen muualla työskentelevien osuudeksi 37,5 %. Vastauksena varsinaiseen tutkimuskysymykseen ei saatu mitään yksiselitteistä, kaikkia yhdistävää tekijää. Lähimmäksi sellaista osuu uran kulminaatiopisteeksi laskettava siirtyminen kenttätyöstä toimistotehtäviin, mikä vaikuttaa useaan osa-alueeseen irtisanoutumisen syissä. Erityisen kiinteästi tähän liittyvät taloudelliset tekijät, eli kokonaisansion lasku, vaikka palkka mahdollisesti pysyisi samana tai hieman nousisi. Toinen kokonaisuus oli siirtovelvollisuuden, työpaikan sijainnin ja yksityiselämän muodostama yhtälö. Siirto toiselle paikkakunnalle, tai työpaikan epätoivottu sijainti, vaikuttaa väistämättä myös läheisiin, mitä kautta irtisanoutuminen saattaa nousta ajankohtaiseksi. Henkilöstöpolitiikka ja urakehitys sekä työn sisältö esittivät osalla irtisanoutuneista merkittävää tekijää: rajavartiolaitos ei mahdollistanut suuntautumista tietylle, henkilöitä itseään kiinnostavalle urapolulle. Syyt saattoivat olla myös pelkästään epäonnistuneessa henkilöstöpolitiikassa: esimerkiksi annettuja lupauksia tulevista työtehtävistä ei pidetty. Jokaisen tutkitun syyt irtisanoutumiseen olivat viime kädessä luonnollisesti yksilöllisiä, mutta kaikissa tapauksissa niissä kuitenkin esiintyi yhteisiä piirteitä. Painotukset eri syiden kohdalla vain vaihtelivat.


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This thesis presents a set of methods and models for estimation of iron and slag flows in the blast furnace hearth and taphole. The main focus was put on predicting taphole flow patterns and estimating the effects of various taphole conditions on the drainage behavior of the blast furnace hearth. All models were based on a general understanding of the typical tap cycle of an industrial blast furnace. Some of the models were evaluated on short-term process data from the reference furnace. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was built and applied to simulate the complicated hearth flows and thus to predict the regions of the hearth exerted to erosion under various operating conditions. Key boundary variables of the CFD model were provided by a simplified drainage model based on the first principles. By examining the evolutions of liquid outflow rates measured from the furnace studied, the drainage model was improved to include the effects of taphole diameter and length. The estimated slag delays showed good agreement with the observed ones. The liquid flows in the taphole were further studied using two different models and the results of both models indicated that it is more likely that separated flow of iron and slag occurs in the taphole when the liquid outflow rates are comparable during tapping. The drainage process was simulated with an integrated model based on an overall balance analysis: The high in-furnace overpressure can compensate for the resistances induced by the liquid flows in the hearth and through the taphole. Finally, a recently developed multiphase CFD model including interfacial forces between immiscible liquids was developed and both the actual iron-slag system and a water-oil system in laboratory scale were simulated. The model was demonstrated to be a useful tool for simulating hearth flows for gaining understanding of the complex phenomena in the drainage of the blast furnace.


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In nature, many animals use body coloration to communicate with each other. For example, colorations can be used as signals between individuals of the same species, but also to recognise individuals of other species, and if they may comprise a threat or not. Many animals use protective coloration to avoid predation. The two most common strategies of protective coloration are camouflage and aposematism. Camouflaged animals have coloration that minimises detection, usually by matching colours or structures in the background. Aposematic animals, on the other hand, signal to predators that they are defended. The defence can be physical structures, such as spikes and hairs, or chemical compounds that make the animal distasteful or even deadly toxic. In order for the warning signal to be effective, the predator has to recognise it as such. Studies have shown that birds for example, that are important visual predators on insects, learn to recognise and avoid unpalatable prey faster if they contrast the background or have large internal contrasts. Typical examples of aposematic species have conspicuous colours like yellow, orange or red, often in combination with black. My thesis focuses on the appearance and function of aposematic colour patterns. Even though researchers have studied aposematism for over a century, there is still a lot we do not know about the phenomenon. For example, as it is crucial that the predators recognise a warning signal, aposematic colorations should assumingly evolve homogeneously and be selected for maximal conspicuousness. Instead, there is an extensive variation of colours and patterns among warning colorations, and it is not uncommon to find typical cryptic colours, such as green and brown in aposematic colour patterns. One hypothesis to this variation is that an aposematic coloration does not have to be maximally signalling in order to be effective, instead it is sufficient to have distinct features that can be easily distinguished from edible prey. To be maximally conspicuous is one way to achieve this, but not the only way. Another hypothesis is that aposematic prey that do not exhibit maximal conspicuousness can exploit both camouflage and aposematism in a distance-dependent fashion, by being signalling when seen close up but camouflaged at a distance. Many prey animals also make use of both strategies by shifting colour at different ecological conditions such as seasonal variations, fluctuations in food resources or between life stages. Yet another explanation for the variation may be that prey animals are usually exposed to several predator species that vary in visual perception and tolerance towards various toxins. The aim with this thesis is, by studying their functions, to understand why aposematic warning signals vary in appearance, specifically in the level of conspicuousness, and if warning coloration can be combined with camouflage. In paper I, I investigated if the colour pattern of the aposematic larva of the Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo) can switch function with viewing distance, and be signalling at close range but camouflaged at a distance, by comparing detection time between different colour variants and distances. The results show that the natural coloration has a dual distance-dependent function. Moreover, the study shows that an aposematic coloration does not have to be selected for maximal conspicuousness. A prey animal can optimise its coloration primarily by avoiding detection, but also by investing in a secondary defence, which presence can be signalled if detected. In paper II, I studied how easily detected the coloration of the firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), a typical aposematic species, is at different distances against different natural backgrounds, by comparing detection time between different colour variants. Here, I found no distance-dependent switch in function. Instead, the results show that the coloration of the firebug is selected for maximal conspicuousness. One explanation for this is that the firebug is more mobile than the butterfly larva in study I, and movement is often incompatible with efficient camouflage. In paper III, I investigated if a seasonal related colour change in the chemically defended striated shieldbug (Graphosoma lineatum) is an adaptation to optimise a protective coloration by shifting from camouflage to aposematism between two seasons. The results confirm the hypothesis that the coloration expressed in the late summer has a camouflage function, blending in with the background. Further, I investigated if the internal pattern as such increased the effectiveness of the camouflage. Again, the results are in accordance with the hypothesis, as the patterned coloration was more difficult to detect than colorations lacking an internal pattern. This study shows how an aposematic species can optimise its defence by shifting from camouflage to aposematism, but in a different fashion than studied in paper I. The aim with study IV was to study the selection on aposematic signals by identifying characteristics that are common for colorations of aposematic species, and that distinguish them from colorations of other species. I compared contrast, pattern element size and colour proportion between a group of defended species and a group of undefended species. In contrast to my prediction, the results show no significant differences between the two groups in any of the analyses. One explanation for the non-significant results could be that there are no universal characteristics common for aposematic species. Instead, the selection pressures acting on defended species vary, and therefore affect their appearance differently. Another explanation is that all defended species may not have been selected for a conspicuous aposematic warning coloration. Taken together, my thesis shows that having a conspicuous warning coloration is not the only way to be aposematic. Also, aposematism and camouflage is not two mutually exclusive opposites, as there are prey species that exploit both strategies. It is also important to understand that prey animals are exposed to various selection pressures and trade-offs that affect their appearance, and determines what an optimal coloration is for each species or environment. In conclusion, I hold that the variation among warning colorations is larger and coloration properties that have been considered as archetypically aposematic may not be as widespread and representative as previously assumed.