27 resultados para viagens aéreas.
Selostus: Kestävän kehityksen integroidun tutkimuksen ja verkostotalouden teorian tutkimusmenetelmälliset ongelmat
Selostus : Kilpailukykyinen menetelmä pistemäisten fosforikuormitusalueiden paikantamiseen
Selostus: Viljelyalojen muutosten vaikutus hunajan siitepölysisältöön
The patent system was created for the purpose of promoting innovation by granting the inventors a legally defined right to exclude others in return for public disclosure. Today, patents are being applied and granted in greater numbers than ever, particularly in new areas such as biotechnology and information andcommunications technology (ICT), in which research and development (R&D) investments are also high. At the same time, the patent system has been heavily criticized. It has been claimed that it discourages rather than encourages the introduction of new products and processes, particularly in areas that develop quickly, lack one-product-one-patent correlation, and in which theemergence of patent thickets is characteristic. A further concern, which is particularly acute in the U.S., is the granting of so-called 'bad patents', i.e. patents that do not factually fulfil the patentability criteria. From the perspective of technology-intensive companies, patents could,irrespective of the above, be described as the most significant intellectual property right (IPR), having the potential of being used to protect products and processes from imitation, to limit competitors' freedom-to-operate, to provide such freedom to the company in question, and to exchange ideas with others. In fact, patents define the boundaries of ownership in relation to certain technologies. They may be sold or licensed on their ownor they may be components of all sorts of technology acquisition and licensing arrangements. Moreover, with the possibility of patenting business-method inventions in the U.S., patents are becoming increasingly important for companies basing their businesses on services. The value of patents is dependent on the value of the invention it claims, and how it is commercialized. Thus, most of them are worth very little, and most inventions are not worth patenting: it may be possible to protect them in other ways, and the costs of protection may exceed the benefits. Moreover, instead of making all inventions proprietary and seeking to appropriate as highreturns on investments as possible through patent enforcement, it is sometimes better to allow some of them to be disseminated freely in order to maximize market penetration. In fact, the ideology of openness is well established in the software sector, which has been the breeding ground for the open-source movement, for instance. Furthermore, industries, such as ICT, that benefit from network effects do not shun the idea of setting open standards or opening up their proprietary interfaces to allow everyone todesign products and services that are interoperable with theirs. The problem is that even though patents do not, strictly speaking, prevent access to protected technologies, they have the potential of doing so, and conflicts of interest are not rare. The primary aim of this dissertation is to increase understanding of the dynamics and controversies of the U.S. and European patent systems, with the focus on the ICT sector. The study consists of three parts. The first part introduces the research topic and the overall results of the dissertation. The second part comprises a publication in which academic, political, legal and business developments that concern software and business-method patents are investigated, and contentiousareas are identified. The third part examines the problems with patents and open standards both of which carry significant economic weight inthe ICT sector. Here, the focus is on so-called submarine patents, i.e. patentsthat remain unnoticed during the standardization process and then emerge after the standard has been set. The factors that contribute to the problems are documented and the practical and juridical options for alleviating them are assessed. In total, the dissertation provides a good overview of the challenges and pressures for change the patent system is facing,and of how these challenges are reflected in standard setting.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten eri parametrit vaikuttavat monilankaisen verrannollisuuslaskurin laskennallisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä voidaanko suurikokoista monilankaverrannollisuuslaskuria käyttää tehokkaasti suurien pintojen ? - ja ?- kontaminaation mittaamiseen. Ensin selvitettiin EU:n nykyistä clearing-käytäntöä sekä hahmoteltiin tulevia materiaalivirtoja, esiteltiin verrannollisuuslaskurin ja sen monilankamallin toimintaperiaate sekä käytettävien materiaalien ominaisuudet. Kootun teorian pohjalta selvitettiin tärkeimpien parametrien vaikutus ilmaisimen laskennallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Lopuksi suoritettiin rakenteilla olevan monilankaverrannollisuuslaskurin alustava testaus. Tulevien vuosien aikana eri puolilla maailmaa suljettavat erityyppiset ydinlaitokset luovat suuren tarpeen tehokkaiden kontaminaatiomittauslaitteistojen kehittämiselle. Tällä hetkellä mittaukset suoritetaan lähinnä noin 1 dm2 käsi-instrumentein, joten suurikokoinen, automatisoitu mittauslaitteisto sekä tehostaisi mittausprosessia suuresti sekä säästäisi runsaasti miestyötunteja. Jatkotoimenpiteiksi ehdotetaan laitteiston jatkotestausta, liikkeen ja nopeuden testausta sekä lopulta paikkaherkkyystoiminnon toteuttamisperiaatteen valintaa ja testausta.
This master’s thesis gives out the real situation of the China welding industry and factories nowadays in different geographical areas, in order to inform the Finnish companies who have the willing to find a Chinese welding subcontractor a proper and correct selection concept by analyzing and supplying the information of different scale and form welding factories in different Chinese areas. The first section of this thesis gives out the general situation about the co-operation between China and Finland in the welding industry, also includes the general introduction of the Chinese welding industry. The second section gives out the geographical compartmentalization result of Chinese welding industry, which is where and how many areas will be studied in this thesis. The main body of this thesis is the real information of welding productivity, welding cost, and welding quality in China. All the information was collected from real factories in China by the author. The last section of this thesis is the improvements to the Chinese welding factories that have the willing to become a subcontractor, and the suggestions to the Finnish companies who may find a Chinese welding factory as their subcontractor in future.
Unlike their counterparts in Europe and America, the citizen organizations acting for the well-being of animals in Japan have not received scholarly attention. In this research, I explore the activities of twelve Japanese pro-animal organizations in Tokyo and Kansai area from the perspective of social movement and civil society studies. The concept of a ‘pro-animal organization’ is used to refer generally to the collectives promoting animal well-being. By using the collective action frame analysis and the three core framing tasks – diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational – as the primarily analytical tools, I explore the grievances, tactics, motivational means, constructions of agency and identity as well as framing of civil society articulated in the newsletters and the interviews of the twelve organizations I interviewed in Japan in 2010. As the frame construction is always done in relation to the social and political context, I study how the organizations construct their roles as civil society actors in relation to other actors, such as the state, and the idea of citizen activism. The deficiencies in the animal welfare law and lack of knowledge among the public are identified as the main grievances. The primary tactic to overcome these problems was to educate and inform the citizens and authorities, because most organizations lack the channels to influence politically. The audiences were mostly portrayed as either ignorant bystanders or potential adherents. In order to motivate people to join their cause and to enforce the motivation within the organization, the organizations emphasized their uniqueness, proved their efficiency, claimed credit and celebrated even small improvements. The organizations tended to create three different roles for citizen pro-organizations in civil society: reactive, apolitical and emphatic animal lovers concentrating on saving individual animals, proactive, educative bridge-builders seeking to establish equal collaborative relations with authorities, and corrective, supervising watchdogs demanding change in delinquencies offending animal rights. Based on the results of this research, I suggest that by studying how and why the different relations between civil society and the governing actors of the state are constructed, a more versatile approach to citizens’ activism in its context can be achieved.