78 resultados para TURF analysis, Binary programming, product design


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This study will concentrate on Product Data Management (PDM) systems, and sheet metal design features and classification. In this thesis, PDM is seen as an individual system which handles all product-related data and information. The meaning of relevant data is to take the manufacturing process further with fewer errors. The features of sheet metals are giving more information and value to the designed models. The possibility of implementing PDM and sheet metal features recognition are the core of this study. Their integration should make the design process faster and manufacturing-friendly products easier to design. The triangulation method is the basis for this research. The sections of this triangle are: scientific literature review, interview using the Delphi method and the author’s experience and observations. The main key findings of this study are: (1) the area of focus in triangle (the triangle of three different point of views: business, information exchange and technical) depends on the person’s background and their role in the company, (2) the classification in the PDM system (and also in the CAD system) should be done using the materials, tools and machines that are in use in the company and (3) the design process has to be more effective because of the increase of industrial production, sheet metal blank production and the designer’s time spent on actual design and (4) because Design For Manufacture (DFM) integration can be done with CAD-programs, DFM integration with the PDM system should also be possible.


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Gravitational phase separation is a common unit operation found in most large-scale chemical processes. The need for phase separation can arise e.g. from product purification or protection of downstream equipment. In gravitational phase separation, the phases separate without the application of an external force. This is achieved in vessels where the flow velocity is lowered substantially compared to pipe flow. If the velocity is low enough, the denser phase settles towards the bottom of the vessel while the lighter phase rises. To find optimal configurations for gravitational phase separator vessels, several different geometrical and internal design features were evaluated based on simulations using OpenFOAM computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. The studied features included inlet distributors, vessel dimensions, demister configurations and gas phase outlet configurations. Simulations were conducted as single phase steady state calculations. For comparison, additional simulations were performed as dynamic single and two-phase calculations. The steady state single phase calculations provided indications on preferred configurations for most above mentioned features. The results of the dynamic simulations supported the utilization of the computationally faster steady state model as a practical engineering tool. However, the two-phase model provides more truthful results especially with flows where a single phase does not determine the flow characteristics.


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This Master's Thesis has been written for Stora Enso Flexible Packaging Papers business unit. In the North-American mills, the business unit has developed a range of new flexible packaging paper grades. The Master's Thesis researches opportunities for sales of these new flexible packaging papers in selected Western-European markets. This study consists of theoretical and empirical part. Theoretical part presents supply chain of flexible packaging, discovering of customer requirements, concept of an offering, general market analysis, customer analysis and basis for sales planning. Empirical part includes preliminary market analysis based on secondary sources, results of lead user interviews and conclusions and recommendations. Potential customers' technical and commercial requirements were found and these were compared to current Stora Enso Flexible Packaging Papers offering. Also a list of potential new customers was made and sales action suggestions were presented in order to gain new accounts.


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Preparative liquid chromatography is one of the most selective separation techniques in the fine chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Several process concepts have been developed and applied for improving the performance of classical batch chromatography. The most powerful approaches include various single-column recycling schemes, counter-current and cross-current multi-column setups, and hybrid processes where chromatography is coupled with other unit operations such as crystallization, chemical reactor, and/or solvent removal unit. To fully utilize the potential of stand-alone and integrated chromatographic processes, efficient methods for selecting the best process alternative as well as optimal operating conditions are needed. In this thesis, a unified method is developed for analysis and design of the following singlecolumn fixed bed processes and corresponding cross-current schemes: (1) batch chromatography, (2) batch chromatography with an integrated solvent removal unit, (3) mixed-recycle steady state recycling chromatography (SSR), and (4) mixed-recycle steady state recycling chromatography with solvent removal from fresh feed, recycle fraction, or column feed (SSR–SR). The method is based on the equilibrium theory of chromatography with an assumption of negligible mass transfer resistance and axial dispersion. The design criteria are given in general, dimensionless form that is formally analogous to that applied widely in the so called triangle theory of counter-current multi-column chromatography. Analytical design equations are derived for binary systems that follow competitive Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. For this purpose, the existing analytic solution of the ideal model of chromatography for binary Langmuir mixtures is completed by deriving missing explicit equations for the height and location of the pure first component shock in the case of a small feed pulse. It is thus shown that the entire chromatographic cycle at the column outlet can be expressed in closed-form. The developed design method allows predicting the feasible range of operating parameters that lead to desired product purities. It can be applied for the calculation of first estimates of optimal operating conditions, the analysis of process robustness, and the early-stage evaluation of different process alternatives. The design method is utilized to analyse the possibility to enhance the performance of conventional SSR chromatography by integrating it with a solvent removal unit. It is shown that the amount of fresh feed processed during a chromatographic cycle and thus the productivity of SSR process can be improved by removing solvent. The maximum solvent removal capacity depends on the location of the solvent removal unit and the physical solvent removal constraints, such as solubility, viscosity, and/or osmotic pressure limits. Usually, the most flexible option is to remove solvent from the column feed. Applicability of the equilibrium design for real, non-ideal separation problems is evaluated by means of numerical simulations. Due to assumption of infinite column efficiency, the developed design method is most applicable for high performance systems where thermodynamic effects are predominant, while significant deviations are observed under highly non-ideal conditions. The findings based on the equilibrium theory are applied to develop a shortcut approach for the design of chromatographic separation processes under strongly non-ideal conditions with significant dispersive effects. The method is based on a simple procedure applied to a single conventional chromatogram. Applicability of the approach for the design of batch and counter-current simulated moving bed processes is evaluated with case studies. It is shown that the shortcut approach works the better the higher the column efficiency and the lower the purity constraints are.


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The integrated system of design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) and internet based collaborative design are presented to support product design, manufacturing process, and assembly planning for axial eccentric oil-pump design. The presented system manages and schedules group oriented collaborative activities. The design guidelines of internet based collaborative design & DFMA are expressed. The components and the manufacturing stages of axial eccentric oil-pump are expressed in detail. The file formats of the presented system include the data types of collaborative design of the product, assembly design, assembly planning and assembly system design. Product design and assembly planning can be operated synchronously and intelligently and they are integrated under the condition of internet based collaborative design and DFMA. The technologies of collaborative modelling, collaborative manufacturing, and internet based collaborative assembly for the specific pump construction are developed. A seven-security level is presented to ensure the security of the internet based collaborative design system.


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This research has been focused at the development of a tuned systematic design methodology, which gives the best performance in a computer aided environment and utilises a cross-technological approach, specially tested with and for laser processed microwave mechanics. A tuned design process scheme is also presented. Because of the currently large production volumes of microwave and radio frequency mechanics even slight improvements of design methodologies or manufacturing technologies would give reasonable possibilities for cost reduction. The typical number of required iteration cycles could be reduced to one fifth of normal. The research area dealing with the methodologies is divided firstly into a function-oriented, a performance-oriented or a manufacturability-oriented product design. Alternatively various approaches can be developed for a customer-oriented, a quality-oriented, a cost-oriented or an organisation-oriented design. However, the real need for improvements is between these two extremes. This means that the effective methodology for the designers should not be too limited (like in the performance-oriented design) or too general (like in the organisation-oriented design), but it should, include the context of the design environment. This is the area where the current research is focused. To test the developed tuned design methodology for laser processing (TDMLP) and the tuned optimising algorithm for laser processing (TOLP), seven different industrial product applications for microwave mechanics have been designed, CAD-modelled and manufactured by using laser in small production series. To verify that the performance of these products meets the required level and to ensure the objectiveness ofthe results extensive laboratory tests were used for all designed prototypes. As an example a Ku-band horn antenna can be laser processed from steel in 2 minutes at the same time obtaining a comparable electrical performance of classical aluminium units or the residual resistance of a laser joint in steel could be limited to 72 milliohmia.


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The general task of clamping devise is to connect the parts to the machining centers so that the work piece could be fixed on its position during the whole machining process. Additionally, the work piece should be clamped easily and rapidly by the machine users. The purpose of this Master’s thesis project was to develop a product design and find out the dimensioning of a hydraulic vise system for Astex Engineering OY, which was taking care of the general principles of product design and development during the design process. Throughout the process, the needs of manufacturing and assembling were taken into consideration for the machinability and minimization of the cost of manufacturing. The most critical component of the clamping devise was modeled by FEM for the issue of strength requirements. This 3D model was created with Solidworks and FEM-analysis was done with Cosmos software. As the result of this design work, a prototype of the hydraulic vise was manufactured for Astex Engineering OY and the practical test.


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In this paper, manufacturability analysis and collection of design aspects is made for a microwave test-fixture. Aspects of applying systematic design for a microwave test-fixture design and manufacturing are also analysed. Special questionnaires for the component and machining are made in order to enable necessary information to ensure DFM(A) – aspects of the component. The aspects of easy manufacturing for machining the microwave test-fixture are collected. Material selection is discussed and manufacturing stages of prototype manufacturing are presented.


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In the study the recently appeared technology of crowdsourcing and its implications to new product development activities. The goal of the research is to figure out the motivating factors used in crowdsourcing projects related to new product development. The study is based on the theoretical backgrounds of crowdsourcing; new product development, and motivation, which resulted in the framework for the crowdsourcing cases assessment and the list of possible motivating factors used for the analysis. The research is based on 16 crowdsourcing projects divided in 4 sets according to the stage of new product development at which they are directed. The motivating factors present in the projects were distinguished and explained. Further analysis allowed making conclusions showing which of the motivating factors are suitable for the crowdsourcing projects related to the particular stage of new product development. The results can be used for creation or assessment of crowdsourcing projects for the companies because the main factor of success for crowdsourcing is motivation, and the work is answering how to motivate the workers.


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Netnography has been studying in various aspects (e.g. definitions of netnography, application of netngoraphy, conducting procedure…) within different industrial contexts. Besides, there are many studies and researches about new product development in various perspectives, such as new product development models, management of new product development project, or interaction between customers and new product design, and so on. However, the connection and the interaction between netnography and new product development have not been studied recently. This opens opportunities for the writer to study and explore unrevealed issues regarding to applying netnography in new product development. In term of the relation between netnography and new product development, there are numerous of matters need to be explored; for instance, the process of applying netnography in order to benefit to new product development, the involvement degree of netnography in new product development process, or eliminating useless information from netnography so that only crucial data is utilized, and so on. In this thesis, writer focuses on exploring how netnography is applied in new product development process, and what benefits netnography can contribute to the succeed of the project. The aims of this study are to understand how netnography is conducted for new product development purpose, and to analyse the contributions of netnography in the new product development process. To do so, a case-study strategy will be conducted with triple case studies. The case studies are chosen bases on many different criteria in order to select the most relevant cases. Eventually, the writer selected three case studies, which are Sunless tanning product project (HYVE), Listerine (NetBase), and Nivea co-creation and netnography in black and white deodorant. The case study strategy applied in this thesis includes four steps e.g. case selection, data collection, case study analysis, and generating the research outcomes from the analysis. This study of the contributions of netnography in the new product development process may be useful for the readers in many ways. It offers the fundamental knowledge of netnography market research method and basic understanding of new product development process. Additionally, it emphasizes the differences between netnography and other market research methods in order to explain the reasons why many companies and market research agents recently utilized netnography in their market research projects. Furthermore, it highlights the contributions of netnography in the new product development process in order to indicate the importance of netnography in developing new product. Thus, the potential readers of the study can be students, marketers, researchers, product developers, or business managers.


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Tämän insinöörityön tarkoituksena on kehittää avaruusinstrumentti, joka on osa Euroopan avaruusjärjestön ESA:n ja Japanin avaruusjärjestön JAXA:n BepiColombo-yhteistyöhanketta. Satelliitti lähetetään Merkurius-planeetan kiertoradalle vuonna 2013. Avaruusaluksen matka Merkuriukseen kestää yhteensä kuusi vuotta ja on perillä vuonna 2019. Yksi BepiColombo-satelliitin tieteellisistä instrumenteista on Oxford Instruments Analytical Oy:n kehittämä SIXS-instrumentti (Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer). Instrumentin tarkoituksena on mitata auringosta tulevaa röntgen- ja partikkelisäteilyä. Se toimii yhteistyössä Merkuriuksen pintaa mittaavan MIXS-instrumentin (Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer) kanssa. Tuloksista pystytään analysoimaan ne alkuaineet, joista Merkuriuksen pinta koostuu. Työn alussa esitellään teoriataustaa alkuaineiden mittauksesta niiltä osin, kuin se tämän työn kannalta on tarpeellista. Työssä syvennytään tarkemmin auringosta tulevan säteilyn mittauksesta vastaavan instrumentin tekniikkaan ja mekaniikkasuunnitteluun. Instrumentin lämpöteknisestä suunnittelusta, värähtelymittauksista ja lujuusanalyysista on työhön sisällytetty pääasiat. Työn tuloksena on kehitetty instrumenttiin tulevan partikkelidetektorin prototyyppi sekä instrumenttikotelon malli. Lopullisen koon instrumenttikotelolle määrittää vaadittavan elektroniikan viemä tila. Mittalaitteen kehitystyö jatkuu Oxford Instruments Analytical Oy:ssä vuoteen 2011 saakka.


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Diplomityön ensimmäisenä tavoitteena on selvittää robotisoidun särmäyssolun tehokkaimmat käyttöalueet särmättävien kappaleiden muotojen ja laitteiston teknisten edellytysten perusteella. Toisena tavoitteena on tuoda esille robotisoidun särmäyssolun käyttöönottoon liittyviä ongelmia ja antaa käytännön ohjeita niiden ratkaisemiseksi. Tuloksia sovelletaan jatkossa kohdeyrityksen markkinoiman särmäyssolun tuotekehitykseen. Särmäyksen automatisoinnin pääpiirteitä tarkastellaan tutkimalla markkinoilla olevien robottisolujen toimintaperiaatteita ja ohjelmointitapoja. Työssä on myös esitetty kohdeyrityksen omat tavoitteet ja lähtökohdat särmäysmenetelmien kehittämiseen, joista tärkeimmät ovat integroitavuus joustavaan valmistusjärjestelmään ja solun kehittäminen myyntiartikkeliksi. Työssä esitellään robotisoidun särmäyssolun toimintaa kuvaamalla työkierron toiminnot pääpiirteissään. Samassa yhteydessä esitellään myös solun konekanta sekä koneiden välillä tapahtuva tiedon siirto. Erityisenä mielenkiinnon kohteena ovat olleet joustavan valmistusjärjestelmän soluohjaimen toiminnot ja särmäyssolun toimivuus FMS:n osana. Analyyttisessä osuudessa tutkitaan kappaleiden särmättävyyttä robotisoidussa tuotantoratkaisussa. Lähtökohdaksi on otettu särmäyspuristimen, robotin, lisälaitteiden ja kappaleen muotojen asettamat rajoitukset sekä toisaalta robotisoinnin tuomat uudet mahdollisuudet. Tulosten perusteella robotisointi soveltuu parhaiten painaville tai monimutkaisille kappaleille, joiden manuaalisärmäys vie paljon aikaa. Taloudellisia käyttöalueita kartoitettiin tutkimalla eräkokoon, ohjelmointiajan, kappaleajan ja särmien määrän vaikutusta valmistuskustannuksiin. Robotisoinnin on todettu kannattavan yrityksissä, joissa sarjat ovat usein toistuvia ja eräkoot yli 150 kappaleen suuruisia. Kappaleen muoto ja särmien määrä vaikuttaa monin tavoin kappaleaikaan ja siten myös valmistuskustannuksiin. Robotisoinnin kannattavuutta on näissä tapauksissa arvioitava aina tapauskohtaisesti työkierron vaatimien toimintojen perusteella.


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Työssä tutkittiin oliosuunnittelumalleja EPOC-käyttöjärjestelmässä. Työssä tutkittiin sekä yleisiä suunnittelumalleja että EPOC-ympäristössä esiintyviä oliorakenteita, niiden aiheuttamia vaatimuksia sovelluksille sekä niiden käyttämisestä saatavia hyötyjä. Työssä toteutettiin EPOC-ohjelmiston suunnittelu hyödyntäen suunnittelumalleja ja periaatteita. Oliosuunnittelumallit ovat yleistyneet huomattavasti viime vuosina. Suunnittelumallien lähtökohtana ovat sekä yleiset että ympäristökohtaiset suunnitteluperiaatteet ja säännöt. Suunnittelumallit ovat osa isompaa rakennekokonaisuutta, joka käsittää sekä prosessi-, analyysi-, arkkitehtuuri- ym. malleja. Oliosuunnittelumallit nopeuttavat ja helpottavat suunnittelua sekä parantavat uudelleenkäytettävyyttä korkeammalla abstraktiotasolla. EPOC on tulevaisuuden mobiililaitteiden yleisimpiä käyttöjärjestelmiä. EPOC on kokonaisuudessaan oliopohjainen ja sisältää lukuisia oliorakenteita, joiden ymmärtäminen on sovelluskehityksen kannalta elintärkeää. Koska ympäristöt, joissa EPOC-käyttöjärjestelmää käytetään, ovat yleensä resurssien puolesta rajoittuneita, on yleisten suunnittelumallien käytössä oltava tarkkana. EPOC vaatii yleisiin suunnittelumalleihin muutoksia ja estää joidenkin käytön kokonaan.


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Tässä luomistyössä on esitetty tutkimus informaation suojaamisen menetelmien osalta paikallisissa ja ryhmäkuntaisissa verkoissa. Tutkimukseen kuuluu nykyaikaisten kryptagraafisten järjestelmien, Internetin/Intranetin ohjelmointikeinojen ja pääsyoikeuksien jakelumenetelmien analyysi. Tutkimusten perusteella on laadittu ohjelmiston prototyyppi HTML-tiedostojen suojaamista varten. Ohjelmiston laatimisprosessi on sisältänyt vaatimusten, järjestelmän ja suojelukomponenttien suunnittelun ja protytyypin testauksen. Ohjelmiston realisoinnin jälkeen kirjoitettiin käyttöohjeet. Ohjelmiston prototyyppi suojaa informaatiota HTML-tiedoston koko käytön aikana ja eri yrityksissä voidaan käyttää sitä pienien laajennuksien jälkeen.