20 resultados para PLANAR SUBGRAPHS


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Laajojen pintojen kuvaaminen rajoitetussa työskentelytilassa riittävällä kuvatarkkuudella voi olla vaikeaa. Kuvaaminen on suoritettava osissa ja osat koottava saumattomaksi kokonaisnäkymäksi eli mosaiikkikuvaksi. Kuvauslaitetta käsin siirtelevän käyttäjän on saatava välitöntä palautetta, jotta mosaiikkiin ei jäisi aukkoja ja työ olisi nopeaa. Työn tarkoituksena oli rakentaa pieni, kannettava ja tarkka kuvauslaite paperi- ja painoteollisuuden tarpeisiin sekä kehittää palautteen antamiseen menetelmä, joka koostaaja esittää karkeaa mosaiikkikuvaa tosiajassa. Työssä rakennettiin kaksi kuvauslaitetta: ensimmäinen kuluttajille ja toinen teollisuuteen tarkoitetuista osista. Kuvamateriaali käsiteltiin tavallisella pöytätietokoneella. Videokuvien välinen liike laskettiin yksinkertaisella seurantamenetelmällä ja mosaiikkikuvaa koottiin kameroiden kuvanopeudella. Laskennallista valaistuksenkorjausta tutkittiin ja kehitetty menetelmä otettiin käyttöön. Ensimmäisessä kuvauslaitteessa on ongelmia valaistuksen ja linssivääristymien kanssa tuottaen huonolaatuisia mosaiikkikuvia. Toisessa kuvauslaitteessa nämä ongelmat on korjattu. Seurantamenetelmä toimii hyvin ottaen huomioon sen yksinkertaisuuden ja siihen ehdotetaan monia parannuksia. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että tosiaikainen mosaiikkikuvan koostaminen megapikselin kuvamateriaalista on mahdollista kuluttajille tarkoitetulla tietokonelaitteistolla.


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Kolmiulotteisten kappaleiden rekonstruktio on yksi konenäön haastavimmista ongelmista, koska kappaleiden kolmiulotteisia etäisyyksiä ei voida selvittää yhdestä kaksiulotteisesta kuvasta. Ongelma voidaan ratkaista stereonäön avulla, jossa näkymän kolmiulotteinen rakenne päätellään usean kuvan perusteella. Tämä lähestymistapa mahdollistaa kuitenkin vain rekonstruktion niille kappaleiden osille, jotka näkyvät vähintään kahdessa kuvassa. Piilossa olevien osien rekonstruktio ei ole mahdollista pelkästään stereonäön avulla. Tässä työssä on kehitetty uusi menetelmä osittain piilossa olevien kolmiulotteisten tasomaisten kappaleiden rekonstruktioon. Menetelmän avulla voidaan selvittää hyvällä tarkkuudella tasomaisista pinnoista koostuvan kappaleen muoto ja paikka käyttäen kahta kuvaa kappaleesta. Menetelmä perustuu epipolaarigeometriaan, jonka avulla selvitetään molemmissa kuvissa näkyvät kappaleiden osat. Osittain piilossa olevien piirteiden rekonstruointi suoritetaan käyttämäen stereonäköä sekä tietoa kappaleen rakenteesta. Esitettyä ratkaisua voitaisiin käyttää esimerkiksi kolmiulotteisten kappaleiden visualisointiin, robotin navigointiin tai esineentunnistukseen.


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The mechanical and hygroscopic properties of paper and board are factors affecting the whole lifecycle of a product, including paper/board quality, production, converting, and material and energy savings. The progress of shrinkage profiles, loose edges of web, baggy web causing wrinkling and misregistration in printing are examples of factors affecting runnability and end product quality in the drying section and converting processes, where paper or board is treated as a moving web. The structural properties and internal stresses or plastic strain differences built up during production also cause the end-product defects related to distortion of the shape of the product such as sheet or box. The objective of this work was to construct a model capable of capturing the characteristic behavior of hygroscopic orthotropic material under moisture change, during different external in-plane stretch or stress conditions. Two independent experimental models were constructed: the elasto-plastic material model and the hygroexpansivity-shrinkage model. Both describe the structural properties of the sheet with a fiber orientation probability distribution, and both are functions of the dry solids content and fiber orientation anisotropy index. The anisotropy index, introduced in this work, simplifies the procedure of determining the constitutive parameters of the material model and the hygroexpansion coefficients in different in-plane directions of the orthotropic sheet. The mathematically consistent elasto-plastic material model and the dry solids content dependent hygroexpansivity have been constructed over the entire range from wet to dry. The presented elastoplastic and hygroexpansivity-shrinkage models can be used in an analytical approach to estimate the plastic strain and shrinkage in simple one-dimensional cases. For studies of the combined and more complicated effects of hygro-elasto-plastic behavior, both models were implemented in a finite element program for a numerical solution. The finite element approach also offered possibilities for studying different structural variations of orthotropic planar material, as well as local buckling behavior and internal stress situations of the sheet or web generated by local strain differences. A comparison of the simulation examples presented in this work to results published earlier confirms that the hygro-elasto-plastic model provides at least qualitatively reasonable estimates. The application potential of the hygro-elasto-plastic model is versatile, including several phenomena and defects appearing in the drying, converting and end-use conditions of the paper or board webs and products, or in other corresponding complex planar materials.


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Työn tavoitteena on laatia käsikirjamainen läpileikkaus levylämmönsiirtimen rakenteesta ja käytöstä lämpöpumppulaitteistoissa. Kylmäprosessin tarkastelun lisäksi on eri lähteistä haettu yhtälöitä lämmönsiirron ja painehäviönlaskentaan. Lähdeaineistona on käytetty lämmönsiirron oppikirjoja, joiden lisäksi on käyty läpi suuri joukko tieteellisen tutkimuksen julkaisemia tutkimusraportteja levylämmönsiirtimen mitoituksesta erilaisissa käyttökohteissa. Oppikirjoissa ei ole esitetty varsinaisesti levylämmönsiirtimen laskentamenetelmiä, vaan niissä esitetään lämmönsiirron perusyhtälöt. Varsinainen lämmönsiirtolevyprofiilin laskentaan perustuva lähdeaineisto on löytynyt lämmönsiirtoon erikoistuneista julkaisuista. Lämmönsiirto tapahtuu aina kuumemmasta kylmempään tilaan. Lämmönsiirto eri virtausaineiden välillä toteutetaan lämmönsiirtimien avulla. Lämmönsiirrintyyppejä on olemassa lukuisia, joista yksi yleisesti käytetty tyyppi on levylämmönsiirrin. Tässä konstruktiossa on mahdutettu paljon lämmönsiirtopintaa ulkomitoiltaan pieneen tilaan. Tämä siirrintyyppi on eduksi silloin, kun virtaavat aineet ovat puhtaita ja niillä ei ole likaavaa vaikutusta lämmönsiirtopinnoille. Lämpöpumpulla tarkoitetaan laitetta, jolla voidaan käyttää hyödyksi lämmönlähteen matalaa lämpötilatasoa nostamalla lämpötilatasoa kompressorin puristustyön avulla korkeampaan lämpötilatasoon. Lämpöpumppulaitteiston toiminta perustuu kylmäprosessin toimintaan. Kylmäprosessin läpikäynti auttaa lukijaa hahmottamaan, millainen prosessi on kysymyksessä ja mitä komponentteja liittyy kylmäprosessiin. Tässä diplomityössä esitetyt yhtälöt antavat suuntaa, millä tavalla levylämmönsiirtimien ominaisuuksia voidaan laskea ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat siirtimien mitoittamiseen. Tarkemmat vaihdinkohtaiset laskentakorrelaatiot muotoutuvat vasta sitten, kun valmis tuote on testattu laboratorio-olosuhteissa ja siitä on saatu lämpötila-, virtaus- ja painesuhteet selville. Tämän jälkeen voidaan mittaustuloksiin perustuen rakentaa matemaattinen malli, jolla laskennallisesti määritelläänvaihtimien ominaisuudet. Lisäksi on esitetty yleisiä tapoja, joilla voidaan määritellä lämmönsiirtimien lämpöpintoja.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää sekoituskyvyn empiirinen monimuuttujafunktio eräälle dynaamiselle linjasekoittimelle. Monimuuttujafunktio oli tarkoitus kehittää sekoittimen kierrosnopeuden, virtaavien materiaalien ja tilavuusvirtausten perus-teella. Työn kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin pääosin dynaamisia linjasekoittimia ja niiden toimintaperiaatteita sekä sekoituskyvyn määrittämiseen soveltuvia mittausmene-telmiä. Sekoitettavien aineiden epähomogeenisuus määritettiin mittaamalla termoelemen-teillä sekoittimen jälkeisen virran lämpötilavaihtelut. Sekoitettavina aineina käy-tettiin kolmea erilaista seosta: vesi-vesi-, kuitususpensio-vesi- ja karboksyylime-tyyliselluloosa-vesiseoksia. Muita muuttujia kokeissa olivat neljä eri sekoittimen kierrosnopeutta, neljä eri päävirran tilavuusvirtausta ja kolme päävirran sekäsii-hen lisättävän sivuvirran suhdetta. Monimuuttujafunktiokehitettiin vain kuitususpensio-vesiajojen pohjalta muilla seoksilla tehtyjen koeajojen osittaisen epäonnistumisen vuoksi. Hallitsevaksi pa-rametriksi monimuuttujafunktiossa osoittautui sekoittimen kierrosnopeus. Osittai-nen epäonnistuminen kokeissa johtui osaksi termoelementtien käytön sopimatto-muudesta sekoituskyvyn määrittämiseen ja osaksi sekoitettavien aineiden valin-nasta. Jatkotutkimuksiaajatellen muista sekoituskyvyn mittaamiseen käytettävissä olevista menetelmistäkäyttökelpoisimmaksi arvioitiin sähkötomografia.


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Theultimate goal of any research in the mechanism/kinematic/design area may be called predictive design, ie the optimisation of mechanism proportions in the design stage without requiring extensive life and wear testing. This is an ambitious goal and can be realised through development and refinement of numerical (computational) technology in order to facilitate the design analysis and optimisation of complex mechanisms, mechanical components and systems. As a part of the systematic design methodology this thesis concentrates on kinematic synthesis (kinematic design and analysis) methods in the mechanism synthesis process. The main task of kinematic design is to find all possible solutions in the form of structural parameters to accomplish the desired requirements of motion. Main formulations of kinematic design can be broadly divided to exact synthesis and approximate synthesis formulations. The exact synthesis formulation is based in solving n linear or nonlinear equations in n variables and the solutions for the problem areget by adopting closed form classical or modern algebraic solution methods or using numerical solution methods based on the polynomial continuation or homotopy. The approximate synthesis formulations is based on minimising the approximation error by direct optimisation The main drawbacks of exact synthesis formulationare: (ia) limitations of number of design specifications and (iia) failure in handling design constraints- especially inequality constraints. The main drawbacks of approximate synthesis formulations are: (ib) it is difficult to choose a proper initial linkage and (iib) it is hard to find more than one solution. Recentformulations in solving the approximate synthesis problem adopts polynomial continuation providing several solutions, but it can not handle inequality const-raints. Based on the practical design needs the mixed exact-approximate position synthesis with two exact and an unlimited number of approximate positions has also been developed. The solutions space is presented as a ground pivot map but thepole between the exact positions cannot be selected as a ground pivot. In this thesis the exact synthesis problem of planar mechanism is solved by generating all possible solutions for the optimisation process ¿ including solutions in positive dimensional solution sets - within inequality constraints of structural parameters. Through the literature research it is first shown that the algebraic and numerical solution methods ¿ used in the research area of computational kinematics ¿ are capable of solving non-parametric algebraic systems of n equations inn variables and cannot handle the singularities associated with positive-dimensional solution sets. In this thesis the problem of positive-dimensional solutionsets is solved adopting the main principles from mathematical research area of algebraic geometry in solving parametric ( in the mathematical sense that all parameter values are considered ¿ including the degenerate cases ¿ for which the system is solvable ) algebraic systems of n equations and at least n+1 variables.Adopting the developed solution method in solving the dyadic equations in direct polynomial form in two- to three-precision-points it has been algebraically proved and numerically demonstrated that the map of the ground pivots is ambiguousand that the singularities associated with positive-dimensional solution sets can be solved. The positive-dimensional solution sets associated with the poles might contain physically meaningful solutions in the form of optimal defectfree mechanisms. Traditionally the mechanism optimisation of hydraulically driven boommechanisms is done at early state of the design process. This will result in optimal component design rather than optimal system level design. Modern mechanismoptimisation at system level demands integration of kinematic design methods with mechanical system simulation techniques. In this thesis a new kinematic design method for hydraulically driven boom mechanism is developed and integrated in mechanical system simulation techniques. The developed kinematic design method is based on the combinations of two-precision-point formulation and on optimisation ( with mathematical programming techniques or adopting optimisation methods based on probability and statistics ) of substructures using calculated criteria from the system level response of multidegree-of-freedom mechanisms. Eg. by adopting the mixed exact-approximate position synthesis in direct optimisation (using mathematical programming techniques) with two exact positions and an unlimitednumber of approximate positions the drawbacks of (ia)-(iib) has been cancelled.The design principles of the developed method are based on the design-tree -approach of the mechanical systems and the design method ¿ in principle ¿ is capable of capturing the interrelationship between kinematic and dynamic synthesis simultaneously when the developed kinematic design method is integrated with the mechanical system simulation techniques.


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This thesis describes the development of advanced silicon radiation detectors and their characterization by simulations, used in the work for searching elementary particles in the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN. Silicon particle detectors will face extremely harsh radiation in the proposed upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider, the future high-energy physics experiment Super-LHC. The increase in the maximal fluence and the beam luminosity up to 1016 neq / cm2 and 1035 cm-2s-1 will require detectors with a dramatic improvement in radiation hardness, when such a fluence will be far beyond the operational limits of the present silicon detectors. The main goals of detector development concentrate on minimizing the radiation degradation. This study contributes mainly to the device engineering technology for developing more radiation hard particle detectors with better characteristics. Also the defect engineering technology is discussed. In the nearest region of the beam in Super-LHC, the only detector choice is 3D detectors, or alternatively replacing other types of detectors every two years. The interest in the 3D silicon detectors is continuously growing because of their many advantages as compared to conventional planar detectors: the devices can be fully depleted at low bias voltages, the speed of the charge collection is high, and the collection distances are about one order of magnitude less than those of planar technology strip and pixel detectors with electrodes limited to the detector surface. Also the 3D detectors exhibit high radiation tolerance, and thus the ability of the silicon detectors to operate after irradiation is increased. Two parameters, full depletion voltage and electric field distribution, is discussed in more detail in this study. The full depletion of the detector is important because the only depleted area in the detector is active for the particle tracking. Similarly, the high electric field in the detector makes the detector volume sensitive, while low-field areas are non-sensitive to particles. This study shows the simulation results of full depletion voltage and the electric field distribution for the various types of 3D detectors. First, the 3D detector with the n-type substrate and partial-penetrating p-type electrodes are researched. A detector of this type has a low electric field on the pixel side and it suffers from type inversion. Next, the substrate is changed to p-type and the detectors having electrodes with one doping type and the dual doping type are examined. The electric field profile in a dual-column 3D Si detector is more uniform than that in the single-type column 3D detector. The dual-column detectors are the best in radiation hardness because of their low depletion voltages and short drift distances.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin TRL-kalibroinnin käyttämistä tasomaisten siirtojohtojen sähköisten parametrien määrittämisessä taajuusalueella 0,3 – 12 GHz. Työssä perehdyttiin TRL-kalibroinnin käyttämiseen piirianalysaattorilla toteutettujen mittauksien mittauskalibrointiin sekä kalibrointiin tarvittavien kalibrointistandardien mitoittamiseen. Kalibrointistandardit suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin sekä mikroliuska- että liuskajohdoille, joiden toiminnallisuutta tarkasteltiin sekä taajuustason että aikatason mittausten avulla. Työssä perehdyttiin myös kalibrointistandardien liityntärajapinnan suunniteluun ja toteuttamiseen. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voitiin osoittaa mikroliuskajohtokitin soveltuvan hyvin mittauskalibroinnin toteuttamiseen tarkoissa mittaussovelluksissa.


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We present a brief résumé of the history of solidification research and key factors affecting the solidification of fusion welds. There is a general agreement of the basic solidification theory, albeit differing - even confusing - nomenclatures do exist, and Cases 2 and 3 (the Chalmers' basic boundary conditions for solidification, categorized by Savage as Cases) are variably emphasized. Model Frame, a tool helping to model the continuum of fusion weld solidification from start to end, is proposed. It incorporates the general solidification models, of which the pertinent ones are selected for the actual modeling. The basic models are the main solidification Cases 1…4. These discrete Cases are joined with Sub-Cases: models of Pfann, Flemings and others, bringing needed Sub-Case variables into the model. Model Frame depicts a grain growing from the weld interface to its centerline. Besides modeling, the Model Frame supports education and academic debate. The new mathematical modeling techniques will extend its use into multi-dimensional modeling, introducing new variables and increasing the modeling accuracy. We propose a model: melting/solidification-model (M/S-model) - predicting the solute profile at the start of the solidification of a fusion weld. This Case 3-based Sub-Case takes into account the melting stage, the solute back-diffusion in the solid, and the growth rate acceleration typical to fusion welds. We propose - based on works of Rutter & Chalmers, David & Vitek and our experimental results on copper - that NEGS-EGS-transition is not associated only with cellular-dendritic-transition. Solidification is studied experimentally on pure and doped copper with welding speed range from 0 to 200 cm/min, with one test at 3000 cm/min. Found were only planar and cellular structures, no dendrites - columnar or equiaxed. Cell sub structures: rows of cubic elements we call "cubelettes", "cell-bands" and "micro-cells", as well as an anomalous crack morphology "crack-eye", were detected, as well as microscopic hot crack nucleus we call "grain-lag cracks", caused by a grain slightly lagging behind its neighbors in arrival to the weld centerline. Varestraint test and R-test revealed a change of crack morphologies from centerline cracks to grainand cell boundary cracks with an increasing welding speed. High speed made the cracks invisible to bare eye and hardly detectable with light microscope, while electron microscope often revealed networks of fine micro-cracks.


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In many industrial applications, accurate and fast surface reconstruction is essential for quality control. Variation in surface finishing parameters, such as surface roughness, can reflect defects in a manufacturing process, non-optimal product operational efficiency, and reduced life expectancy of the product. This thesis considers reconstruction and analysis of high-frequency variation, that is roughness, on planar surfaces. Standard roughness measures in industry are calculated from surface topography. A fast and non-contact method to obtain surface topography is to apply photometric stereo in the estimation of surface gradients and to reconstruct the surface by integrating the gradient fields. Alternatively, visual methods, such as statistical measures, fractal dimension and distance transforms, can be used to characterize surface roughness directly from gray-scale images. In this thesis, the accuracy of distance transforms, statistical measures, and fractal dimension are evaluated in the estimation of surface roughness from gray-scale images and topographies. The results are contrasted to standard industry roughness measures. In distance transforms, the key idea is that distance values calculated along a highly varying surface are greater than distances calculated along a smoother surface. Statistical measures and fractal dimension are common surface roughness measures. In the experiments, skewness and variance of brightness distribution, fractal dimension, and distance transforms exhibited strong linear correlations to standard industry roughness measures. One of the key strengths of photometric stereo method is the acquisition of higher frequency variation of surfaces. In this thesis, the reconstruction of planar high-frequency varying surfaces is studied in the presence of imaging noise and blur. Two Wiener filterbased methods are proposed of which one is optimal in the sense of surface power spectral density given the spectral properties of the imaging noise and blur. Experiments show that the proposed methods preserve the inherent high-frequency variation in the reconstructed surfaces, whereas traditional reconstruction methods typically handle incorrect measurements by smoothing, which dampens the high-frequency variation.


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Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the main particle accelerator at CERN. LHC is created with main goal to search elementary particles and help science investigate our universe. Radiation in LHC is caused by charged particles circular acceleration, therefore detectors tracing particles in existed severe conditions during the experiments must be radiation tolerant. Moreover, further upgrade of luminosity (up to 1035 cm-2s-1) requires development of particle detector’s structure. This work is dedicated to show the new type 3D stripixel detector with serious structural improvement. The new type of radiation-hard detector has a three-dimensional (3D) array of the p+ and n+ electrodes that penetrate into the detector bulk. The electrons and holes are then collected at oppositely biased electrodes. Proposed 3D stripixel detector demonstrates that full depletion voltage is lower that that for planar detectors. Low depletion voltage is one of the main advantages because only depleted part of the device is active are. Because of small spacing between electrodes, charge collection distances are smaller which results in high speed of the detector’s response. In this work is also briefly discussed dual-column type detectors, meaning consisting both n+ and p+ type columnar electrodes in its structure, and was declared that dual-column detectors show better electric filed distribution then single sided radiation detectors. The dead space or in other words low electric field region in significantly suppressed. Simulations were carried out by using Atlas device simulation software. As a simulation results in this work are represented the electric field distribution under different bias voltages.


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Solid-state silicon detectors have replaced conventional ones in almost all recent high-energy physics experiments. Pixel silicon sensors don't have any alternative in the area near the interaction point because of their high resolution and fast operation speed. However, present detectors hardly withstand high radiation doses. Forthcoming upgrade of the LHC in 2014 requires development of a new generation of pixel detectors which will be able to operate under ten times increased luminosity. A planar fabrication technique has some physical limitations; an improvement of the radiation hardness will reduce sensitivity of a detector. In that case a 3D pixel detector seems to be the most promising device which can overcome these difficulties. The objective of this work was to model a structure of the 3D stripixel detector and to simulate electrical characteristics of the device. Silvaco Atlas software has been used for these purposes. The structures of single and double sided dual column detectors with active edges were described using special command language. Simulations of these detectors have shown that electric field inside an active area has more uniform distribution in comparison to the planar structure. A smaller interelectrode space leads to a stronger field and also decreases the collection time. This makes the new type of detectors more radiation resistant. Other discovered advantages are the lower full depletion voltage and increased charge collection efficiency. So the 3D stripixel detectors have demonstrated improved characteristics and will be a suitable replacement for the planar ones.


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Planar, large area, position sensitive silicon detectors are widely utilized in high energy physics research and in medical, computed tomography (CT). This thesis describes author's research work relating to development of such detector components. The key motivation and objective for the research work has been the development of novel, position sensitive detectors improving the performance of the instruments they are intended for. Silicon strip detectors are the key components of barrel-shaped tracking instruments which are typically the innermost structures of high energy physics experimental stations. Particle colliders such as the former LEP collider or present LHC produce particle collisions and the silicon strip detector based trackers locate the trajectories of particles emanating from such collisions. Medical CT has become a regular part of everyday medical care in all developed countries. CT scanning enables x-ray imaging of all parts of the human body with an outstanding structural resolution and contrast. Brain, chest and abdomen slice images with a resolution of 0.5 mm are possible and latest CT machines are able to image whole human heart between heart beats. The two application areas are presented shortly and the radiation detection properties of planar silicon detectors are discussed. Fabrication methods and preamplifier electronics of the planar detectors are presented. Designs of the developed, large area silicon detectors are presented and measurement results of the key operating parameters are discussed. Static and dynamic performance of the developed silicon strip detectors are shown to be very satisfactory for experimental physics applications. Results relating to the developed, novel CT detector chips are found to be very promising for further development and all key performance goals are met.


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Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia nikkelin sulfidisaostuksessa syntyvien kiteiden morfologiaa ja siihen vaikuttavia parametreja. Syntyvien kiteiden kasvua ja morfologiaa tutkittiin kiteen muodostumisen ja kasvun teorioiden avulla. Saostuksen olosuhteet, kuten lämpötila, paine ja pH vaikuttavat muodostuvien kiteiden morfologiaan. Muilla parametreilla, kuten liuoksen ylikylläisyydellä, epäpuhtauksilla, lisäaineilla, sekoituksella ja reaktioajalla on myös suuri merkitys. Kokeiden avulla haluttiin liuoskoostumuksen, saostusolosuhteiden ja muiden komponenttien vaikutusta nikkelisulfidikiteiden morfologiaan. Kokeissa käytettiin kahta eri sulfidilähdettä: natriumvetysulfidia ja rikkivetyä. Puolipanoskokeissa nikkelipitoisuus oli 1,5 g/l, paine 101,3 kPa ja sekoitusnopeus 650 rpm. Saostuskokeet tehtiin natriumsulfaatti- 5 g/l ja ammoniumsulfaattiliuoksissa 300 g/l. Saostuskokeissa muuttujia olivat saostimen konsentraatio ja määrä, rauta- ja magne-siumepäpuhtaudet, lämpötila ja lisäaineet. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa morfologiaa tutkittiin suoraan valomikroskoopin ja pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopin (SEM) avulla. Morfologiaa tutkittiin myös epäsuorasti laskeutumisnopeuden, keskimääräisen partikkelikoon, ja ominaispinta-alamittausten avulla. Saostimen pitoisuuden vaikutukset partikkelimuotoon olivat pieniä, mutta vaikutukset ominaispinta-alaan ja partikkelikokoon olivat suuria. Natriumlauryylisul-faatti ja EDTA ohjasivat partikkelien rakennetta levymäisemmäksi, joka johti hitaaseen laskeutumisnopeuteen. Polyakryylihappo lisäaineena muuttaa partikkelien morfologiaa kuutiomaisemmaksi. Flokkulanttien ja raudan morfologiset vaikutukset olivat pieniä. Partikkelikoko ja omaispinta-ala pienenivät selvästi magnesiumpitoisuuden kasvaessa. Lämpötilan kasvattaminen lisäsi epäsäännöllisten kiteiden määrää ja muodostuneet kiteet olivat enemmän neulamaisia.


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The aim of this thesis research was to gain a better understanding of the emplacement of rapakivi granite intrusions, as well as the emplacement of gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids in structurally controlled mineralizations. Based on investigations of the magnetic fabric, the internal structures could be analysed and the intrusion mechanisms for rapakivi granite intrusions and respectively different deformation stages within gold-bearing shear and fault zones identified. Aeromagnetic images revealed circular structures within the rapakivi granite batholiths of Wiborg, Vehmaa and Åland. These circular structures represent intrusions that eventually build up these large batholiths. The rapakivi granite intrusions of Vehmaa, Ruotsinpyhtää within the Wiborg batholith and Saltvik intrusions within the Åland batholith all show bimodal magnetic susceptibilities with paramagnetic and ferromagnetic components. The distribution of the bimodality is related to different magma batches of the studied intrusions. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) reveals internal structures that cannot be studied macroscopically or by microscope. The Ruotsinpyhtää and Vehmaa intrusions represent similar intrusion geometries, with gently to moderately outward dipping magnetic foliations. In the case of Vehmaa, the magnetic lineations are gently plunging and trend in the directions of the slightly elongated intrusion. The magnetic lineations represent magma flow. The shapes of the AMS ellipsoids are also more planar (oblate) in the central part of the intrusion, whereas they become more linear (prolate) near the margin. These AMS results, together with field observations, indicate that the main intrusion mechanism has involved the subsidence of older blocks with successive intrusion of fractionated magma during repeated cauldron subsidence. The Saltvik area within the Åland batholith consists of a number of smaller elliptical intrusions of different rapakivi types forming a multiple intrusive complex. The magnetic fabric shows a general westward dipping of the pyterlite and eastward dipping of the contiguous even-grained rapakivi granite, which indicates a central inflow of magma batches towards the east and west resulting from a laccolitic emplacement of magma batches, while the main mechanism for space creation was derived from subsidence. The magnetic fabric of structurally controlled gold potential shear and fault zones in Jokisivu, Satulinmäki and Koijärvi was investigated in order to describe the internal structures and define the deformation history and emplacement of hydrothermal fluids. A further aim of the research was to combine AMS studies with palaeomagnetic methods to constrain the timing for the shearing event relative to the precipitation of ferromagnetic minerals and gold. All of the studied formations are dominated by monoclinic pyrrhotite. The AMS directions generally follow the tectonic structures within the formations. However, internal variations in the AMS direction as well as the shapes of the AMS ellipsoids are observed within the shear zones. In Jokisivu and Satulinmäki in particular, the magnetic signatures of the shear zone core differ from the margins. Furthermore, the shape of the magnetic fabric in the shear zone core of Jokisivu is dominated by oblate shapes, whereas the margins exhibit prolate shapes. These variations indicate a later effect of the hydrothermal fluids on the general shear event. The palaeo-magnetic results reveal a deflection from the original Svecofennian age geomagnetic direction. These results, coupled with correlations between the orientation of the NRM vectors and the magnetic and rock fabrics, imply that the gold-rich hydrothermal fluids were emplaced pre/syntectonically during the late stages of the Svecofennian orogeny.