27 resultados para Islamic legends--Indonesia


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To improving efficiency and transparency of government services, government authorities may increase the frequency of interaction between citizens and government as well as improving the quality of the government services and trust. Electronic Government (E-Government) in definition is the delivery of government services to citizens, businesses, and government organizations through the use of internet, web based applications, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is the solution to build more reliable and efficient contact with citizens. Like the developing and developed countries, Iran also has been processing the various aspects of ICT, IT, and e-Government. Though, in order to implement and improve e-Government; Iran has faced with some obstacles. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to study progress of e- Government and identify obstacles of implementing and improving e Government in Iran. In this thesis, based on the literature review, the progress of e-Government in Iran was studied and various obstacles were identified. Therefore, as a result, e- Government of Iran is said to be in the transactional stage of the United Nations’ e-Government maturity stages. In addition, establishing more reliable, efficient, and accurate e-Government initiatives, plans, guidelines, and strategies will extremely enhance e-Government status of Iran. On the other hand, the needs of the citizens should always be under consideration when implementing and improving e-Government services; because citizens are considered to be at the core of every e-Government services and the responsibilities of the authorities.


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Pro-gradu tutkielmani koskee ammatikseen videopeleissä kilpailevien pelaajien työskentelyolosuhteita. Elektroninen urheilu on viimevuosina kasvanut pienen joukon harrastuksesta varsin tunnetuksi kilpailuiksi ja viihteeksi. Kuten tavanomaisessakin urheilussa, myös e-urheilussa kilpailijat ovat alansa tähtiä ja juuri he vetävät katsojia ruutujen ääreen ja paikanpäälle seuraamaan kilpailua. Kuitenkin e-urheilussa he ovat usein heikoimmassa asemassa, joukkueiden ja kilpailuiden järjestäjien pitäessä lähes kaiken vallan itsellään. Keskityin tutkielmassani avaamaan yhden e-urheilupelin, League of Legendsin, ammattilaissarjojen sääntöjä ja erilaisia sopimuksia joita ammattilaispelaajien on allekirjoitettava ja hyväksyttävä, kaikkia pelaajia koskevista pelin sisäisistä käytössäännöistä, pelin loppukäyttäjän lisenssisopimuksesta ja käyttöehdoista, aina ammattilaiskilpailuiden virallisiin sääntöihin ja pelaajasopimukseen jonka ammattilaispelaajat solmivat Riot Gamesin kanssa. Metodina käytin Michael Hardtin ja Antonio Negrin kehittämää imperiumin käsitettä, jonka avulla avasin sääntöjen ja sopimusten vaikutuksia pelaajiin ja heidän asemaansa. League of Legendsin kehittäjä ja tärkein ammattilaiskilpailuiden järjestäjä, Riot Games, toimii hyvin samalla tavalla kuin Hardtin ja Negrin imperiumi. Sillä on mahdollisuus pelinsä yhteydessä käyttää samanlaisia voimakeinoja (ammattilais)pelaajien hallintaan kuin imperiuminkin; se hallitsee kaikkia peliinsä liittyviä markkinoita; toimii samanaikaisesti sekä ’lakeja’ säätävänä, tutkivana, että tuomitsevana tahona; kykenee vaikuttamaan voimakkaasti siihen, miten ja mitä ammattilaispelaajat voivat peliin liittyen julkisesti kommunikoida; ja voi päättää kuka ylipäätänsä osallistuu ammattilaisjoukkueiden toimintaan millään tavalla. Toisin kuin Hardtin ja Negrin imperiumin väellä, ammattilaispelaajilla ei ole samanlaisia mahdollisuuksia vapautumiseen imperiumin vallan alta, ilman vaikeaa ja kallista taistelua oikeudessa Riot Gamesia vastaan. Jotta ammattilaispelaajien asema paranisi, olisi Riot Gamesin muutettava toimintatapojaan ja luovuttava varsin suuresta osaa vallastaan. Esimerkiksi ottamalla ammattilaispelaajat mukaan sääntöjen kehitykseen ja mahdollistamalla Riot Gamesin päätösten haastamisen, vaikka tavanomaiselle urheilulle tyypillisen vetoomustuomioistuimen kautta.


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The escalation in the number of mergers and acquisition transactions involving emerging market firms is a relatively recent phenomenon; as a consequence academic research in such topic is rather limited. The purpose of this research study was to discuss the possible reasons that led the acquisition failure of an emerging multinational firm and an Indonesian player. Extensive theoretical research was performed and it had been achieved, based on this, the finding of a framework that facilitated to understand the way in which the concepts of cultural distances and relate liabilities of foreignness in the process of acquisitions of foreign companies in emerging markets. The theoretical background collects literature related to acquisitions, models of cultural studies between nations and liabilities of foreignness. It has been generated a variety of frameworks that aid to understand the way that the institutional distance and cultural factors together with the concept of liabilities of foreignness can affect the process of market entry of an emerging multinational company to the extent that the best way to stop losing money is to abandon the project. The empirical research consisted of selective semi-structured interviews and an extensive research in available public data on the chosen study case of this research. There were several factors that were identified as the cause of the failure in the market entry of a Mexican multinational firm in Indonesia. The weakness shown by the local government authorities was used by the local community leaders who rioted because of discomfort. These groups were the ones who made the government submit to the extent that the agreements reached at the beginning of the deal were either canceled or modified in a way that favored always the local community. The contributions of this study fall into the knowledge field of emerging multinational firms and market entry process.


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Punk subculture is often assumed to have an antagonistic disposition towards religion. In this thesis, I examine this relationship in the Indonesian context, where the level of religious devotion is higher than in Western societies. I concentrate on how Indonesian punks who belong to secular punk communities negotiate the relationship between their religious or non-religious and subcultural identities. In addition, I examine the status of religion on the collective level in the punk communities. I collected the ethnographic data on Java in 2012. In addition to semi-structured interviews and participant observation, the analyzed data consists of social media sites, punk records and an online enquiry. I utilized thematic analysis in the study. The notion of identity is understood the way Stuart Hall has conceptualized it. Another essential concept, affect, is derived from Lawrence Grossberg’s theorization. The religious participants separated punk and religion in their lives. Many Muslim informants used an Islamic typology to separate one’s personal relationship with Allah and one’s relationship with other people. While some participants filtered away certain elements of “Western punk”, the majority of them saw ideological similarities between punk and Islam. This relationship was negotiated using both affective and ideological rationalizations. Non-religious punks respected religious people, but criticized radical forms of religiosity. Some of them described the difficulties of maintaining a non-religious identity in Indonesia, and that they have felt less marginalized in the punk community. Almost all of the participants stated that punk scenes should be religiously neutral and viewed integrating punk and religion as a problematic phenomenon.


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