52 resultados para Interaction Parameter


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It is known already from 1970´s that laser beam is suitable for processing paper materials. In this thesis, term paper materials mean all wood-fibre based materials, like dried pulp, copy paper, newspaper, cardboard, corrugated board, tissue paper etc. Accordingly, laser processing in this thesis means all laser treatments resulting material removal, like cutting, partial cutting, marking, creasing, perforation etc. that can be used to process paper materials. Laser technology provides many advantages for processing of paper materials: non-contact method, freedom of processing geometry, reliable technology for non-stop production etc. Especially packaging industry is very promising area for laser processing applications. However, there are only few industrial laser processing applications worldwide even in beginning of 2010´s. One reason for small-scale use of lasers in paper material manufacturing is that there is a shortage of published research and scientific articles. Another problem, restraining the use of laser for processing of paper materials, is colouration of paper material i.e. the yellowish and/or greyish colour of cut edge appearing during cutting or after cutting. These are the main reasons for selecting the topic of this thesis to concern characterization of interaction of laser beam and paper materials. This study was carried out in Laboratory of Laser Processing at Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland). Laser equipment used in this study was TRUMPF TLF 2700 carbon dioxide laser that produces a beam with wavelength of 10.6 μm with power range of 190-2500 W (laser power on work piece). Study of laser beam and paper material interaction was carried out by treating dried kraft pulp (grammage of 67 g m-2) with different laser power levels, focal plane postion settings and interaction times. Interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp was detected with different monitoring devices, i.e. spectrometer, pyrometer and active illumination imaging system. This way it was possible to create an input and output parameter diagram and to study the effects of input and output parameters in this thesis. When interaction phenomena are understood also process development can be carried out and even new innovations developed. Fulfilling the lack of information on interaction phenomena can assist in the way of lasers for wider use of technology in paper making and converting industry. It was concluded in this thesis that interaction of laser beam and paper material has two mechanisms that are dependent on focal plane position range. Assumed interaction mechanism B appears in range of average focal plane position of 3.4 mm and 2.4 mm and assumed interaction mechanism A in range of average focal plane position of 0.4 mm and -0.6 mm both in used experimental set up. Focal plane position 1.4 mm represents midzone of these two mechanisms. Holes during laser beam and paper material interaction are formed gradually: first small hole is formed to interaction area in the centre of laser beam cross-section and after that, as function of interaction time, hole expands, until interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp is ended. By the image analysis it can be seen that in beginning of laser beam and dried kraft pulp material interaction small holes off very good quality are formed. It is obvious that black colour and heat affected zone appear as function of interaction time. This reveals that there still are different interaction phases within interaction mechanisms A and B. These interaction phases appear as function of time and also as function of peak intensity of laser beam. Limit peak intensity is the value that divides interaction mechanism A and B from one-phase interaction into dual-phase interaction. So all peak intensity values under limit peak intensity belong to MAOM (interaction mechanism A one-phase mode) or to MBOM (interaction mechanism B onephase mode) and values over that belong to MADM (interaction mechanism A dual-phase mode) or to MBDM (interaction mechanism B dual-phase mode). Decomposition process of cellulose is evolution of hydrocarbons when temperature is between 380- 500°C. This means that long cellulose molecule is split into smaller volatile hydrocarbons in this temperature range. As temperature increases, decomposition process of cellulose molecule changes. In range of 700-900°C, cellulose molecule is mainly decomposed into H2 gas; this is why this range is called evolution of hydrogen. Interaction in this range starts (as in range of MAOM and MBOM), when a small good quality hole is formed. This is due to “direct evaporation” of pulp via decomposition process of evolution of hydrogen. And this can be seen can be seen in spectrometer as high intensity peak of yellow light (in range of 588-589 nm) which refers to temperature of ~1750ºC. Pyrometer does not detect this high intensity peak since it is not able to detect physical phase change from solid kraft pulp to gaseous compounds. As interaction time between laser beam and dried kraft pulp continues, hypothesis is that three auto ignition processes occurs. Auto ignition of substance is the lowest temperature in which it will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark. Three auto ignition processes appears in range of MADM and MBDM, namely: 1. temperature of auto ignition of hydrogen atom (H2) is 500ºC, 2. temperature of auto ignition of carbon monoxide molecule (CO) is 609ºC and 3. temperature of auto ignition of carbon atom (C) is 700ºC. These three auto ignition processes leads to formation of plasma plume which has strong emission of radiation in range of visible light. Formation of this plasma plume can be seen as increase of intensity in wavelength range of ~475-652 nm. Pyrometer shows maximum temperature just after this ignition. This plasma plume is assumed to scatter laser beam so that it interacts with larger area of dried kraft pulp than what is actual area of beam cross-section. This assumed scattering reduces also peak intensity. So result shows that assumably scattered light with low peak intensity is interacting with large area of hole edges and due to low peak intensity this interaction happens in low temperature. So interaction between laser beam and dried kraft pulp turns from evolution of hydrogen to evolution of hydrocarbons. This leads to black colour of hole edges.


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The purpose of the thesis was to explore expectations of elderly people on the nurse-client relationship and interaction in home care. The aim is to improve the quality of care to better meet the needs of the clients. A qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured theme interviews were used for data collection. The interviews were conducted during spring 2006. Six elderly clients of a private home care company in Southern Finland acted as informants. Content analysis was used as the method of data analysis. The findings suggest that clients expect nurses to provide professional care with loving-kindness. Trust and mutual, active interaction were expected from the nurse-client relationship. Clients considered it important that the nurse recognizes each client's individual needs. The nurse was expected to perform duties efficiently, but in a calm and unrushed manner. A mechanic performance of tasks was considered negative. Humanity was viewed as a crucial element in the nurse-client relationship. Clients expressed their need to be seen as human beings. Seeing beyond the illness was considered important. A smiling nurse was described to be able to alleviate pain and anxiety. Clients hoped to have a close relationship with the nurse. The development of a close relationship was considered to be more likely if the nurse is familiar and genuine. Clients wish the nurses to have a more attending presence. Clients suggested that the work areas of the nurses could be limited so that they would have more time to transfer from one place to another. Clients felt that they would benefit from this as well. The nurses were expected to be more considerate. Clients wished for more information regarding changes that affect their care. They wished to be informed about changes in schedules and plans. Clients hoped for continuity from the nurse-client relationship. Considering the expectations of clients promotes client satisfaction. Home care providers have an opportunity to reflect their own care behaviour on the findings. To better meet the needs of the clients, nurses could apply the concept of loving-kindness in their work, and strive for a more attending presence.


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Doctoral dissertation, University of Turku


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Selostus: Kohonneen hiilidioksidipitoisuuden, lämpötilan ja kuivuuden vaikutus nurmikasveihin


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Yksi keskeisimmistä tehtävistä matemaattisten mallien tilastollisessa analyysissä on mallien tuntemattomien parametrien estimointi. Tässä diplomityössä ollaan kiinnostuneita tuntemattomien parametrien jakaumista ja niiden muodostamiseen sopivista numeerisista menetelmistä, etenkin tapauksissa, joissa malli on epälineaarinen parametrien suhteen. Erilaisten numeeristen menetelmien osalta pääpaino on Markovin ketju Monte Carlo -menetelmissä (MCMC). Nämä laskentaintensiiviset menetelmät ovat viime aikoina kasvattaneet suosiotaan lähinnä kasvaneen laskentatehon vuoksi. Sekä Markovin ketjujen että Monte Carlo -simuloinnin teoriaa on esitelty työssä siinä määrin, että menetelmien toimivuus saadaan perusteltua. Viime aikoina kehitetyistä menetelmistä tarkastellaan etenkin adaptiivisia MCMC menetelmiä. Työn lähestymistapa on käytännönläheinen ja erilaisia MCMC -menetelmien toteutukseen liittyviä asioita korostetaan. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa tarkastellaan viiden esimerkkimallin tuntemattomien parametrien jakaumaa käyttäen hyväksi teoriaosassa esitettyjä menetelmiä. Mallit kuvaavat kemiallisia reaktioita ja kuvataan tavallisina differentiaaliyhtälöryhminä. Mallit on kerätty kemisteiltä Lappeenrannan teknillisestä yliopistosta ja Åbo Akademista, Turusta.


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Ydinvoimalaitokset on suunniteltu ja rakennettu niin, että niillä on kyky selviytyä erilaisista käyttöhäiriöistä ja onnettomuuksista ilman laitoksen vahingoittumista sekä väestön ja ympäristön vaarantumista. On erittäin epätodennäköistä, että ydinvoimalaitosonnettomuus etenee reaktorisydämen vaurioitumiseen asti, minkä seurauksena sydänmateriaalien hapettuminen voi tuottaa vetyä. Jäädytyspiirin rikkoutumisen myötä vety saattaa kulkeutua ydinvoimalaitoksen suojarakennukseen, jossa se voi muodostaa palavan seoksen ilman hapen kanssa ja palaa tai jopa räjähtää. Vetypalosta aiheutuvat lämpötila- ja painekuormitukset vaarantavat suojarakennuksen eheyden ja suojarakennuksen sisällä olevien turvajärjestelmien toimivuuden, joten tehokas ja luotettava vedynhallintajärjestelmä on tarpeellinen. Passiivisia autokatalyyttisiä vetyrekombinaattoreita käytetäänyhä useammissa Euroopan ydinvoimaitoksissa vedynhallintaan. Nämä rekombinaattorit poistavat vetyä katalyyttisellä reaktiolla vedyn reagoidessa katalyytin pinnalla hapen kanssa muodostaen vesihöyryä. Rekombinaattorit ovat täysin passiivisiaeivätkä tarvitse ulkoista energiaa tai operaattoritoimintaa käynnistyäkseen taitoimiakseen. Rekombinaattoreiden käyttäytymisen tutkimisellatähdätään niiden toimivuuden selvittämiseen kaikissa mahdollisissa onnettomuustilanteissa, niiden suunnittelun optimoimiseen sekä niiden optimaalisen lukumäärän ja sijainnin määrittämiseen suojarakennuksessa. Suojarakennuksen mallintamiseen käytetään joko keskiarvoistavia ohjelmia (Lumped parameter (LP) code), moniulotteisia virtausmalliohjelmia (Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) tai näiden yhdistelmiä. Rekombinaattoreiden mallintaminen on toteutettu näissä ohjelmissa joko kokeellisella, teoreettisella tai yleisellä (eng. Global Approach) mallilla. Tämä diplomityö sisältää tulokset TONUS OD-ohjelman sisältämän Siemens FR90/1-150 rekombinaattorin mallin vedynkulutuksen tarkistuslaskuista ja TONUS OD-ohjelmalla suoritettujen laskujen tulokset Siemens rekombinaattoreiden vuorovaikutuksista. TONUS on CEA:n (Commissariat à 1'En¬ergie Atomique) kehittämä LP (OD) ja CFD -vetyanalyysiohjelma, jota käytetään vedyn jakautumisen, palamisenja detonaation mallintamiseen. TONUS:sta käytetään myös vedynpoiston mallintamiseen passiivisilla autokatalyyttisillä rekombinaattoreilla. Vedynkulutukseen vaikuttavat tekijät eroteltiin ja tutkittiin yksi kerrallaan. Rekombinaattoreiden vuorovaikutuksia tutkittaessa samaan tilavuuteen sijoitettiin eri kokoisia ja eri lukumäärä rekombinaattoreita. Siemens rekombinaattorimalli TONUS OD-ohjelmassa laskee vedynkulutuksen kuten oletettiin ja tulokset vahvistavat TONUS OD-ohjelman fysikaalisen laskennan luotettavuuden. Mahdollisia paikallisia jakautumia tutkitussa tilavuudessa ei voitu havaita LP-ohjelmalla, koska se käyttäälaskennassa suureiden tilavuuskeskiarvoja. Paikallisten jakautumien tutkintaan tarvitaan CFD -laskentaohjelma.


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Over 70% of the total costs of an end product are consequences of decisions that are made during the design process. A search for optimal cross-sections will often have only a marginal effect on the amount of material used if the geometry of a structure is fixed and if the cross-sectional characteristics of its elements are property designed by conventional methods. In recent years, optimalgeometry has become a central area of research in the automated design of structures. It is generally accepted that no single optimisation algorithm is suitable for all engineering design problems. An appropriate algorithm, therefore, mustbe selected individually for each optimisation situation. Modelling is the mosttime consuming phase in the optimisation of steel and metal structures. In thisresearch, the goal was to develop a method and computer program, which reduces the modelling and optimisation time for structural design. The program needed anoptimisation algorithm that is suitable for various engineering design problems. Because Finite Element modelling is commonly used in the design of steel and metal structures, the interaction between a finite element tool and optimisation tool needed a practical solution. The developed method and computer programs were tested with standard optimisation tests and practical design optimisation cases. Three generations of computer programs are developed. The programs combine anoptimisation problem modelling tool and FE-modelling program using three alternate methdos. The modelling and optimisation was demonstrated in the design of a new boom construction and steel structures of flat and ridge roofs. This thesis demonstrates that the most time consuming modelling time is significantly reduced. Modelling errors are reduced and the results are more reliable. A new selection rule for the evolution algorithm, which eliminates the need for constraint weight factors is tested with optimisation cases of the steel structures that include hundreds of constraints. It is seen that the tested algorithm can be used nearly as a black box without parameter settings and penalty factors of the constraints.


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Cardiac failure is one of the leading causes of mortality in developed countries. As life expectancies of the populations of these countries grow, the number of patients suffering from cardiac insufficiency also increase. Effective treatments including the use of calcium sensitisers are being sought. They cause a positive inodilatory effect on cardio-myocytes without deleterious effects (arrhythmias) resulting from increases in intracellular calcium concentration. Levosimendan is a novel calcium sensitiser that hasbeen proved to be a welltolerated and effective treatment for patients with severe decompensated heart failure. Cardiac troponin C (cTnC) is its target protein. However, there have been controversies about the interactions between levosimendan and cTnC. Some of these controversies have been addressed in this dissertation. Furthermore, studies on the calcium sensitising mechanism based on the interactions between levosimendan and cTnC as followed by nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) are presented and discussed. Levosimendan was found to interact with bothdomains of the calcium-saturated cTnC in the absence of cardiac troponin I (cTnI). In the presence of cTnI, the C-domain binding site was blocked and levosimendan interacted only with the regulatory domain of cTnC. This interaction may have caused the observed calcium sensitising effect by priming the N-domain for cTnI binding thereby extending the lifetime of that complex. It is suggested that this is achieved by shifting the equilibrium between open and closed conformations.


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The application of forced unsteady-state reactors in case of selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) with ammonia (NH3) is sustained by the fact that favorable temperature and composition distributions which cannot be achieved in any steady-state regime can be obtained by means of unsteady-state operations. In a normal way of operation the low exothermicity of the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reaction (usually carried out in the range of 280-350°C) is not enough to maintain by itself the chemical reaction. A normal mode of operation usually requires supply of supplementary heat increasing in this way the overall process operation cost. Through forced unsteady-state operation, the main advantage that can be obtained when exothermic reactions take place is the possibility of trapping, beside the ammonia, the moving heat wave inside the catalytic bed. The unsteady state-operation enables the exploitation of the thermal storage capacity of the catalyticbed. The catalytic bed acts as a regenerative heat exchanger allowing auto-thermal behaviour when the adiabatic temperature rise is low. Finding the optimum reactor configuration, employing the most suitable operation model and identifying the reactor behavior are highly important steps in order to configure a proper device for industrial applications. The Reverse Flow Reactor (RFR) - a forced unsteady state reactor - corresponds to the above mentioned characteristics and may be employed as an efficient device for the treatment of dilute pollutant mixtures. As a main disadvantage, beside its advantages, the RFR presents the 'wash out' phenomena. This phenomenon represents emissions of unconverted reactants at every switch of the flow direction. As a consequence our attention was focused on finding an alternative reactor configuration for RFR which is not affected by the incontrollable emissions of unconverted reactants. In this respect the Reactor Network (RN) was investigated. Its configuration consists of several reactors connected in a closed sequence, simulating a moving bed by changing the reactants feeding position. In the RN the flow direction is maintained in the same way ensuring uniformcatalyst exploitation and in the same time the 'wash out' phenomena is annulated. The simulated moving bed (SMB) can operate in transient mode giving practically constant exit concentration and high conversion levels. The main advantage of the reactor network operation is emphasizedby the possibility to obtain auto-thermal behavior with nearly uniformcatalyst utilization. However, the reactor network presents only a small range of switching times which allow to reach and to maintain an ignited state. Even so a proper study of the complex behavior of the RN may give the necessary information to overcome all the difficulties that can appear in the RN operation. The unsteady-state reactors complexity arises from the fact that these reactor types are characterized by short contact times and complex interaction between heat and mass transportphenomena. Such complex interactions can give rise to a remarkable complex dynamic behavior characterized by a set of spatial-temporal patterns, chaotic changes in concentration and traveling waves of heat or chemical reactivity. The main efforts of the current research studies concern the improvement of contact modalities between reactants, the possibility of thermal wave storage inside the reactor and the improvement of the kinetic activity of the catalyst used. Paying attention to the above mentioned aspects is important when higher activity even at low feeding temperatures and low emissions of unconverted reactants are the main operation concerns. Also, the prediction of the reactor pseudo or steady-state performance (regarding the conversion, selectivity and thermal behavior) and the dynamicreactor response during exploitation are important aspects in finding the optimal control strategy for the forced unsteady state catalytic tubular reactors. The design of an adapted reactor requires knowledge about the influence of its operating conditions on the overall process performance and a precise evaluation of the operating parameters rage for which a sustained dynamic behavior is obtained. An apriori estimation of the system parameters result in diminution of the computational efforts. Usually the convergence of unsteady state reactor systems requires integration over hundreds of cycles depending on the initial guess of the parameter values. The investigation of various operation models and thermal transfer strategies give reliable means to obtain recuperative and regenerative devices which are capable to maintain an auto-thermal behavior in case of low exothermic reactions. In the present research work a gradual analysis of the SCR of NOx with ammonia process in forced unsteady-state reactors was realized. The investigation covers the presentationof the general problematic related to the effect of noxious emissions in the environment, the analysis of the suitable catalysts types for the process, the mathematical analysis approach for modeling and finding the system solutions and the experimental investigation of the device found to be more suitable for the present process. In order to gain information about the forced unsteady state reactor design, operation, important system parameters and their values, mathematical description, mathematicalmethod for solving systems of partial differential equations and other specific aspects, in a fast and easy way, and a case based reasoning (CBR) approach has been used. This approach, using the experience of past similarproblems and their adapted solutions, may provide a method for gaining informations and solutions for new problems related to the forced unsteady state reactors technology. As a consequence a CBR system was implemented and a corresponding tool was developed. Further on, grooving up the hypothesis of isothermal operation, the investigation by means of numerical simulation of the feasibility of the SCR of NOx with ammonia in the RFRand in the RN with variable feeding position was realized. The hypothesis of non-isothermal operation was taken into account because in our opinion ifa commercial catalyst is considered, is not possible to modify the chemical activity and its adsorptive capacity to improve the operation butis possible to change the operation regime. In order to identify the most suitable device for the unsteady state reduction of NOx with ammonia, considering the perspective of recuperative and regenerative devices, a comparative analysis of the above mentioned two devices performance was realized. The assumption of isothermal conditions in the beginningof the forced unsteadystate investigation allowed the simplification of the analysis enabling to focus on the impact of the conditions and mode of operation on the dynamic features caused by the trapping of one reactant in the reactor, without considering the impact of thermal effect on overall reactor performance. The non-isothermal system approach has been investigated in order to point out the important influence of the thermal effect on overall reactor performance, studying the possibility of RFR and RN utilization as recuperative and regenerative devices and the possibility of achieving a sustained auto-thermal behavior in case of lowexothermic reaction of SCR of NOx with ammonia and low temperature gasfeeding. Beside the influence of the thermal effect, the influence of the principal operating parameters, as switching time, inlet flow rate and initial catalyst temperature have been stressed. This analysis is important not only because it allows a comparison between the two devices and optimisation of the operation, but also the switching time is the main operating parameter. An appropriate choice of this parameter enables the fulfilment of the process constraints. The level of the conversions achieved, the more uniform temperature profiles, the uniformity ofcatalyst exploitation and the much simpler mode of operation imposed the RN as a much more suitable device for SCR of NOx with ammonia, in usual operation and also in the perspective of control strategy implementation. Theoretical simplified models have also been proposed in order to describe the forced unsteady state reactors performance and to estimate their internal temperature and concentration profiles. The general idea was to extend the study of catalytic reactor dynamics taking into account the perspectives that haven't been analyzed yet. The experimental investigation ofRN revealed a good agreement between the data obtained by model simulation and the ones obtained experimentally.