51 resultados para Business Organizations Law
Tässä johtaminen ja organisaatiot -oppialaan kuuluvassa väitöstutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten asiakasomisteisten osuuskuntien johtajat sekä hallintohenkilöt vastaavat organisaatioidensa kohtaamiin institutionaalisiin ja kilpailullisiin paineisiin sekä kuinka he pyrkivät vaikuttamaan organisaatiokenttänsä instituutioihin yritystensä kilpailuaseman parantamiseksi pankkisektorilla. Asiakasomisteisten osuuskuntien päätöksentekoa tarkastellaan kolmen kriittisen tapauksen kautta. Tapauksia analysoidaan hyödyntäen institutionaalista organisaatioteoriaa. Kyseisen teoriapohjan soveltaminen strategisen päätöksenteon tutkimiseksi antaa mahdollisuuden tarkastella asiakasomisteisten osuuskuntien eri toimijoiden ja instituutioiden välistä dialogia aiempaa laajemmin. Pitkittäisaineisto (v. 1939 - 2005) koostuu kaikkiaan 57 haastattelusta sekä laaja-alaisesta historiallisesta arkistomateriaalista. Työn keskeinen kontribuutio on asiakasomisteisten osuuskuntien päätöksenteon kytkeminen institutionaaliseen organisaatioteoriaan, erityisesti legitimiteettiin sekä instituutioihin vaikuttamiseen liittyviin kysymyksiin. Työssä esitetään väite, jonka mukaan pankkisektorilla ryhmänä toimiva asiakasomisteinen osuuskunta hakee legitimiteettiä organisaatiokentän lisäksi paikallisyhteisöstä, mikä tuottaa jännitteen liiketoiminnan harjoittamiseen sekä strategiseen johtamiseen.
In this thesis I examine Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) considering both its positive and negative qualities for business organizations and IT. In SOA, services are loosely coupled and invoked through standard interfaces to enable business process independence from the underlying technology. As an architecture, SOA brings the key benefit of service reuse that may mean anything from simple application reuse to taking advantage of entire business processes across enterprises. SOA also promises interoperability especially by the Web services standards that enable platform independency. Cost efficiency is mainly a result of the savings in IT maintenance and reduced development costs. The most severe limitations of SOA are performance implications and security issues, but the applicability of SOA is also limited. Additional disadvantages of a service oriented approach include problems in data management and complexity questions, and the lack of agreement about SOA and its twofold nature as a business as well as technology approach leads to problematic interpretation of the available information. In this thesis I find the benefits and limitations of SOA for the purpose described above and propose that companies need to consider the decision to implement SOA carefully to determine whether the benefits will outdo the costs in the individual case.
Taking a realist view that law is one form of politics, this dissertation studies the roles of citizens and organizations in mobilizing the law to request government agencies to disclose environmental information in China, and during this process, how the socio-legal field interacts with the political-legal sphere, and what changes have been brought about during their interactions. This work takes a socio-legal approach and applies methodologies of social science and legal analysis. It aims to understand the paradox of why and how citizens and entities have been invoking the law to access environmental information despite the fact that various obstacles exist and the effectiveness of the new mechanism of environmental information disclosure still remains low. The study is largely based on the 28 cases and eight surveys of environmental information disclosure requests collected by the author. The cases and surveys analysed in this dissertation all occurred between May 2008, when the OGI Regulations and the OEI Measures came into effect, and August 2012 when the case collection was completed. The findings of this study have shown that by invoking the rules of law made by the authorities to demand government agencies disclosing environmental information, the public, including citizens, organizations, law firms, and the media, have strategically created a repercussive pressure upon the authorities to act according to the law. While it is a top-down process that has established the mechanism of open government information in China, it is indeed the bottom-up activism of the public that makes it work. Citizens and organizations’ use of legal tactics to push government agencies to disclose environmental information have formed not only an end of accessing the information but more a means of making government agencies accountable to their legal obligations. Law has thus played a pivotal role in enabling citizen participation in the political process. Against the current situation in China that political campaigns, or politicization, from general election to collective actions, especially contentious actions, are still restrained or even repressed by the government, legal mobilization, or judicialization, that citizens and organizations use legal tactics to demand their rights and push government agencies to enforce the law, become de facto an alternative of political participation. During this process, legal actions have helped to strengthen the civil society, make government agencies act according to law, push back the political boundaries, and induce changes in the relationship between the state and the public. In the field of environmental information disclosure, citizens and organizations have formed a bottom-up social activism, though limited in scope, using the language of law, creating progressive social, legal and political changes. This study emphasizes that it is partial and incomplete to understand China’s transition only from the top-down policy-making and government administration; it is also important to observe it from the bottom-up perspective that in a realistic view law can be part of politics and legal mobilization, even when utterly apolitical, can help to achieve political aims as well. This study of legal mobilization in the field of environmental information disclosure also helps us to better understand the function of law: law is not only a tool for the authorities to regulate and control, but inevitably also a weapon for the public to demand government agencies to work towards their obligations stipulated by the laws issued by themselves.
The importance of university-company collaboration has increased during the last decades. The drivers for that are, on the one hand, changes in business logic of companies and on the other hand the decreased state funding of universities. Many companies emphasize joint research with universities as an enabling input to their development processes, which aim at creating new innovations, products and wealth. These factors have changed universities’ operations and they have adopted several practices of dynamic business organizations, such as strategic planning, monitoring and controlling methods of internal processes etc. The objective of this thesis is to combine different characteristics of successful university-company partnership and its development. The development process starts with identifying potential partners in the university’s interest group, which requires understanding the role of different partners in the innovation system. Next, in order to find a common development basis, matching the policy and strategy between partners is needed. The third phase is to combine the academic and industrial objectives of a joint project, which is a typical form of university-company collaboration. The optimum is a win-win situation where both partners, universities and companies, can get addedvalue. For the companies added value typically means access to new research results before their competitors. For the universities added value offers a possibility to carry on high level scientific work. The research output in the form of published scientific articles is evaluated by the international science community. Because the university-company partnership is often executed by joint projects, the different forms of this kind of projects is discussed in this study. The most challenging form of collaboration is a semi-open project model, which is not based on bilateral activities between universities and companies but on a consortium of several universities, research institutes and companies. The universities and companies are core actors in the innovation system. Thus the discussion of their roles and relations to public operators like publicly funded financiers is important. In the Finnish innovation system there are at least the following doers executing strategies and policies: EU, Academy of Finland and TEKES. In addition to these, Strategic Centres for Science, Technology and Innovation which are owned jointly by companies, universities and research organizations have a very important role in their fields of business. They transfer research results into commercial actions to generate wealth. The thesis comprises two parts. The first part consists of an overview of the study including introduction, literature review, research design, synthesis of findings and conclusions. The second part introduces four original research publications.
Contemporary higher education operates in an environment of dwindling and parsimonious resources; the increasing need for accountability and relevance to varying stakeholders with differing expectations. These relatively new trends in higher education have been faced by business organizations which have developed different ways of operating in response. This study outlines one way by which business organizations have addressed similar circumstances to show how the Cameroon higher education (HE) could learn from business organizations to manage strategic objectives. The balanced scorecard (BSC) has been used by business organizations to address similar trends. This study evaluates the strategic objectives of Cameroonian higher education using the balanced scorecard. The system level is used to identify the general strategic objectives and one state university is used to represent the translation and implementation of the objectives at the institution level. The BSC principles used include: operational strategic objectives; organizational alignment to the strategy; making strategy everyone’s everyday job; making strategy continual and; mobilizing the leadership for change. The underlying concepts in these principles are communication, consensus, relevance, and a participatory approach. The study employs data from policy documents, relevant literature, websites and semi-structured interviews. The research approach is qualitative and the analyses are done by making meaning of phenomena in their natural contexts. The results show that there is a general knowledge of the strategic objectives but there is disagreement on the relevance of these objectives to HE and on the type of approaches used in implementing the objectives. It was also found that the relevant stakeholders are known, but not all the respondents agree on the importance of these stakeholders. All stakeholders do not have the same level of influence-the state is the most influential. Reporting is sufficiently done but there are insufficient provisions for feedback from stakeholders. The study concludes that the BSC principles can be applied to the management of strategic objectives in Cameroon HE. For Cameroonian higher education, it is recommended that the focus should be first, on developing tools for strategy before the strategy itself. Even though the need for the BSC is confirmed the context does not seem sufficiently ready to implement the BSC as a strategic management tool. The proposed BSC framework can only be used as a communication tool. The barriers to managing strategic objectives in Cameroon HE are related to the communication, consensus, clarity and relevance. However, the system has prospects for improved management and eventual adoption of the BSC as both a strategic management and communication tool. In line with other BSC applications to higher education, this study concluded that it is more feasible to apply the balanced scorecard to a single higher education institution than to a higher education system. The study makes a contribution to the BSC by showing how its principles can be used in a non-business context. The study also opens up possibilities for future research on the same topic in a different context or the same context with a wider scope (more institutions and respondents); the same study with a deeper focus on the interrelationships between the different strategic objectives (strategy maps). The study could also be extended by including the perspectives of the identified stakeholders who are not directly part of the higher education system but constitute the environment in which higher education operates.
Since the implement of opening policy, the overall economy of China has maintained rapid and stable development, which has now makes China become the world's second largest economy. China, it is to become the largest overseas market for many large global enterprises from various industries, this naturally also includes the Tablet PC industry that raised in recent years. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze different internal and external factors that influence the entry mode choices of Finnish SMEs in tablet industry entering Chinese market. The goal is to find out the suitable entry modes for the Finnish tablet or other relevant SMEs entering Chinese market. Qualitative analysis is the main research method in empirical part of this study. The interviews were carried out with the case company and other two Finnish business organizations in China. The result of the study indicated that the internal resource and external business environment affect the entry modes choices much more than other factors for SMES. The exporting mode and sales subsidiary could be a better choice for SMEs entering Chinese market. Furthermore, firms should fully learn the Chinese market combine with its own background before making decisions.
This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organization-level factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.
This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organizationlevel factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.
Delays in the justice system have been undermining the functioning and performance of the court system all over the world for decades. Despite the widespread concern about delays, the solutions have not kept up with the growth of the problem. The delay problem existing in the justice courts processes is a good example of the growing need and pressure in professional public organizations to start improving their business process performance.This study analyses the possibilities and challenges of process improvement in professional public organizations. The study is based on experiences gained in two longitudinal action research improvement projects conducted in two separate Finnish law instances; in the Helsinki Court of Appeal and in the Insurance Court. The thesis has two objectives. First objective is to study what kinds of factors in court system operations cause delays and unmanageable backlogs and how to reduce and prevent delays. Based on the lessons learned from the case projects the objective is to give new insights on the critical factors of process improvement conducted in professional public organizations. Four main areas and factors behind the delay problem is identified: 1) goal setting and performance measurement practices, 2) the process control system, 3) production and capacity planning procedures, and 4) process roles and responsibilities. The appropriate improvement solutions include tools to enhance project planning and scheduling and monitoring the agreed time-frames for different phases of the handling process and pending inventory. The study introduces the identified critical factors in different phases of process improvement work carried out in professional public organizations, the ways the critical factors can be incorporated to the different stages of the projects, and discusses the role of external facilitator in assisting process improvement work and in enhancing ownership towards the solutions and improvement. The study highlights the need to concentrate on the critical factors aiming to get the employees to challenge their existing ways of conducting work, analyze their own processes, and create procedures for diffusing the process improvement culture instead of merely concentrating of finding tools, techniques, and solutions appropriate for applications from the manufacturing sector
The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to examine the relationship between non-governmental organizations and business in the context of academic discourse, corporate responsibility discourse, and stakeholder dialogue. More specifically, motivated by the increasing emphasis on stakeholder dialogue as a tool for corporate responsibility and accountability, the aim is to critically assess the role of stakeholder dialogue as a self-regulatory mechanism, in particular from the perspective of foreign direct investments. The study comprises two parts; an introductory essay containing the research objectives, theoretical foundations and methodological choices, and four research articles that address one sub-objective: 1) to review the literature on NGO-business relations in business and society, management, and international business journals from 1998–2007; 2) to critically analyze the academic discourse on NGO-business relations; 3) to analyze the problematic aspects of sustainable foreign direct investments as a conceptual construct; and 4) to analyze the problematic aspects of stakeholder dialogue in connection with a foreign direct investment. The ontological and epistemological foundations of this dissertation build on the social constructionist view of reality. The dialogue in this study is viewed as a legitimacy bargaining process that is actively shaped by societal parties in discourse. Similarly, articulations of ‘partnership’ and ‘adversarial’ in NGO-business relations in academic business and society discourse are viewed as competing hegemonic interventions in the field. More specifically, the methods applied in the articles are literature review (Article 1), discourse theory (Article 2), conceptual analysis (Article 3), and case study with document analysis (Article 4). This dissertation has three main arguments and contributions. First, it is argued that the potential of stakeholder dialogue as a tool for corporate responsibility and accountability is inherently limited in both contexts. Second, the study shows the power implications of privileging partnership oriented NGO-business relations over adversarial ones, and of placing business at the centre of governance discourse. The third contribution is methodological: a new way to analyze academic discourse is presented by focusing on the problem setting of an article.
Business plans are made when establishing new company or when organizations launch new product or services. In this Master Thesis was examined the elements are included in the business plan and emphasized. Business plan is a wide document and can also contain company specific information, the literature review was restricted into three areas which were investigated from the relating literature and articles. The selected areas were Market Segmentation and Targeting, Competitive Environment, and Market Positioning and Strategy. The different business plan models were investigated by interviewing companies who operates in a different industry sectors from each other’s. The models were compared to each other and to the findings from literature. Based on interview results and literature findings, the business plan for fibre based packaging. The created business plan contains three selected areas. It was found that the selected business plan elements can be found from the interviewed companies’ business plans. The market segmentation was done by comparing the market share to known total market size. When analyzing the competitive environment, there was no one selected model in use. The tools to evaluate competitive environment was selected parts from both SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces model in applicable part. Based on interview results, it can be state that the company or organization should find and built its own model for business plans. In order to receive the benefits for future planning, the company should use the same model for long time.
The computer game industry has grown steadily for years, and in revenues it can be compared to the music and film industries. The game industry has been moving to digital distribution. Computer gaming and the concept of business model are discussed among industrial practitioners and the scientific community. The significance of the business model concept has increased in the scientific literature recently, although there is still a lot of discussion going on on the concept. In the thesis, the role of the business model in the computer game industry is studied. Computer game developers, designers, project managers and organization leaders in 11 computer game companies were interviewed. The data was analyzed to identify the important elements of computer game business model, how the business model concept is perceived and how the growth of the organization affects the business model. It was identified that the importance of human capital is crucial to the business. As games are partly a product of creative thinking also innovation and the creative process are highly valued. The same applies to technical skills when performing various activities. Marketing and customer relationships are also considered as key elements in the computer game business model. Financing and partners are important especially for startups, when the organization is dependent on external funding and third party assets. The results of this study provide organizations with improved understanding on how the organization is built and what business model elements are weighted.
The overall purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the existence of business-IT alignment trap in Finnish IT organizations. The alignment trap refers to the inability of IT investments to deliver the expected business benefits. The basis for this investigation is due to the previous knowledge that high level of IT alignment practice with very low efficacy in an organization can lead to alignment trap. The theory which was established on the dimensions of IT-alignment and efficacy of IT as a whole with considerations for cost reduction and revenue growth benefits. This study explored the same dimensions with the previous study but identified additional benefit (profitability). The study was conducted using the Finnish IT barometer data from different IT organizations. A quantitative research method was used in conducting this study which was built on positivist philosophical stance. The empirical data is based on survey data, an excerpt from the Finnish IT barometer data that captured the annual survey results of IT significance to Finnish organizations as evaluated by business and IT professionals. The survey data comprised of 249 respondents and their responses were categorized into high and low IT intensive which form the basis of the statistical analysis conducted. Overall, five analyses were conducted using the variables of cost reductions, revenue growth and profitability in the 2x2 matrix dimensions of IT alignment and efficacy of IT, grouped into alignment trap, maintenance zone, well-oiled IT and IT-enabled growth. The empirical results, revealed a partial existence of alignment trap in Finnish IT organizations. This is due to a very minute number of organizations that were ensnared in the alignment trap zone on the analyses conducted. Although they recorded considerable high performances in terms of revenue growth rate with IT spending below the average companies, their profitability was considered very low. Generally it was observed that Finnish IT organizations with high efficacy of IT practices had good performances, while those with low efficacy of IT experienced low performances, especially in the aspect of profitability, regardless of the degree of IT alignment. The study proposes that organizations should improve on practices that enhance effectiveness of IT more in order for them to realize the full benefits of IT and to avoid alignment trap.
Tässä työssä käsitellään niitä motiiveja, haasteita ja menestystekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat lisäarvoatuottavassa liiketoimintaverkostossa. Työssä on selvitetty sitä, miten partneriverkostot syntyvät sekä mitkä seikat vaikuttavat siihen jatkuuko yhteistyö vai ei. Motiiveja partneruuteen on tutkittu kirjallisuudesta sekä analysoimalla työssä esitettyä tapausta. Tässä työssä käydään keskustelua myös partneruuden elinkaaresta, jota ei ole käsitellyssä kirjallisuudessa tuotu esille. Työssä esitettyä tapausta arvioitiin lähettämällä siihen liittyneille henkilöille kysely. Kyselyiden lähettämisen jälkeen järjestettiin haastattelu kyselyyn vastanneiden kanssa. Lopputulokset perustuvat pitkälti haastateltujen henkilöiden kanssa käytyihin keskusteluihin. Kävi ilmi, että arvoa tuottavan partneriverkoston yksi tärkeimpiä tavoitteita on saavuttaa jatkuvuutta liiketoiminnallaan. Ainoastaan pitkäaikaisella partneruudella voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä etuja markkinoilla. Siksi on tärkeätä, jo partnerin valinnassa, kiinnittää huomiota partneruuden jatkuvuuteen pitkällä tähtäimellä. Liiketoimintaverkostossa partneruudesta syntyvät tuotot ja niiden jakaminen on tärkein yksittäinen osaalue. Oleellista partneruuden jatkuvuudelle pitkällä tähtäimellä on jo partneria valittaessa se, että kyetään arvioimaan miten partneruudesta syntyvät tuotot jaetaan tasapuolisesti ja onko partneruudesta syntyvälle liiketoiminnalle jatkuvuutta. Jotta partneriverkostolle asetetut tavoitteet voitaisiin saavuttaa, on tärkeää suunnitella partneriverkoston hallintaa myös operatiivisella tasolla. Lisäksi tärkeää on jakaa verkostolle asetetut yhteiset tavoitteet organisaatioiden sisällä. Jos ylemmänja operatiivisen tason johdon yhteistyö on riittämätöntä, se vaikeuttaa oleellisesti asetettujen tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Tiedon jakaminen aikaisessa vaiheessa sitouttaa eri sidosryhmät paremmin yhteisiin tavoitteisiin.