72 resultados para Africa, Western
The bedrock of old crystalline cratons is characteristically saturated with brittle structures formed during successive superimposed episodes of deformation and under varying stress regimes. As a result, the crust effectively deforms through the reactivation of pre-existing structures rather than by through the activation, or generation, of new ones, and is said to be in a state of 'structural maturity'. By combining data from Olkiluoto Island, southwestern Finland, which has been investigated as the potential site of a deep geological repository for high-level nuclear waste, with observations from southern Sweden, it can be concluded that the southern part of the Svecofennian shield had already attained structural maturity during the Mesoproterozoic era. This indicates that the phase of activation of the crust, i.e. the time interval during which new fractures were generated, was brief in comparison to the subsequent reactivation phase. Structural maturity of the bedrock was also attained relatively rapidly in Namaqualand, western South Africa, after the formation of first brittle structures during Neoproterozoic time. Subsequent brittle deformation in Namaqualand was controlled by the reactivation of pre-existing strike-slip faults.In such settings, seismic events are likely to occur through reactivation of pre-existing zones that are favourably oriented with respect to prevailing stresses. In Namaqualand, this is shown for present day seismicity by slip tendency analysis, and at Olkiluoto, for a Neoproterozoic earthquake reactivating a Mesoproterozoic fault. By combining detailed field observations with the results of paleostress inversions and relative and absolute time constraints, seven distinctm superimposed paleostress regimes have been recognized in the Olkiluoto region. From oldest to youngest these are: (1) NW-SE to NNW-SSE transpression, which prevailed soon after 1.75 Ga, when the crust had sufficiently cooled down to allow brittle deformation to occur. During this phase conjugate NNW-SSE and NE-SW striking strike-slip faults were active simultaneous with reactivation of SE-dipping low-angle shear zones and foliation planes. This was followed by (2) N-S to NE-SW transpression, which caused partial reactivation of structures formed in the first event; (3) NW-SE extension during the Gothian orogeny and at the time of rapakivi magmatism and intrusion of diabase dikes; (4) NE-SW transtension that occurred between 1.60 and 1.30 Ga and which also formed the NW-SE-trending Satakunta graben located some 20 km north of Olkiluoto. Greisen-type veins also formed during this phase. (5) NE-SW compression that postdates both the formation of the 1.56 Ga rapakivi granites and 1.27 Ga olivine diabases of the region; (6) E-W transpression during the early stages of the Mesoproterozoic Sveconorwegian orogeny and which also predated (7) almost coaxial E-W extension attributed to the collapse of the Sveconorwegian orogeny. The kinematic analysis of fracture systems in crystalline bedrock also provides a robust framework for evaluating fluid-rock interaction in the brittle regime; this is essential in assessment of bedrock integrity for numerous geo-engineering applications, including groundwater management, transient or permanent CO2 storage and site investigations for permanent waste disposal. Investigations at Olkiluoto revealed that fluid flow along fractures is coupled with low normal tractions due to in-situ stresses and thus deviates from the generally accepted critically stressed fracture concept, where fluid flow is concentrated on fractures on the verge of failure. The difference is linked to the shallow conditions of Olkiluoto - due to the low differential stresses inherent at shallow depths, fracture activation and fluid flow is controlled by dilation due to low normal tractions. At deeper settings, however, fluid flow is controlled by fracture criticality caused by large differential stress, which drives shear deformation instead of dilation.
Food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa have been rapidly transforming during the recent decades with diverse outcomes on human development and environment. This study explores the food system change in rural villages in eastern Tanzania where subsistence agriculture has traditionally been the main source of livelihood. The focus is on the salient changes in the spatial dimensions and structural composition of the food system in the context of economic liberalization that has taken place after the end of the socialist ujamaa era in the mid-1980s. In addition, the linkages of the changes are examined in relation to food security, socio-economic situation, livelihoods, and local environment. The approach of the study is geographical, but also involves various multi-disciplinary elements, particularly from development studies. The research methods included thematic and questionnaire interviews, participatory tools, and the analysis of land use/ cover data and official documents. Several earlier studies that were made in the area during the late 1970s and 1980s provided an important reference base. The study shows that subsistence farming has lost its dominant role in food provisioning due to the declining productivity of land, livestock losses, and the increasing shift of labour to non-farm sectors. Also rapid population growth has added to the pressure on land and other natural resources. Despite the increasing need for money for buying marketed foods and other necessities, the nutritional situation shows improvement and severe malnutrition has diminished. However, the long-term sustainability of this transformation raises concerns. Firstly, the food security situation continues to be fragile and prone to shocks such as adverse climatic conditions, crop failures and price hikes. Secondly, the commodification of the food system and livelihoods in general is linked to rapid environmental degradation in the area, particularly the loss of soil fertility and deforestation. The situation calls for efforts that take more determined and holistic approaches towards sustainable development of the rural food system with particular focus on the role and viability of small-scale farming.
Ever since Siad Barre’s regime was toppled in the beginning of the 1990’s Somalia has been without an effective central government. As a result Somalia has remained in an anarchic condition of state collapse for nearly two decades. This anarchy has often been put forward as a potential breeding ground for terrorism. As a response to this threat the United States has undertaken several policies, initiatives, and operations in the Horn of Africa generally and in Somalia specifically. In this descriptive study a twofold analysis has been undertaken. First, conditions in present day Somalia as well as Somali history have been analyzed to evaluate the potential Somalia holds as a terrorist base of operations or a recruiting- or staging area. Second, US strategies and actions have been analyzed to evaluate the adequacy of the US response to the threat Somalia poses in terms of terrorism. Material for the analyses have been derived from anthropological, political, and security studies dealing with Somalia. This material has been augmented by a wide range of news coverage, western and non-western. Certain different US policy documents from different levels have been chosen to represent US strategies for the Global War on Terrorism. Because Somali social institutions, such as the clan system, hold great weight in Somali society, Somalia is a difficult area of operations for terrorist networks. In addition the changing nature of Somali alliances and the tangled webs of conflict that characterize present day Somalia aggravate the difficulties that foreign terrorist networks would encounter in Somalia, would they choose to try to utilize it in any great extent. The US has taken potential terrorism threats in Africa and specifically Somalia very seriously. US actions in Somalia have mainly focused on apprehending or neutralizing terror suspects. Such policies, coupled with backing the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia may have actually turned out increasing Somalia’s terror potential.
Markus Öst & Mikael Kilpi
Tiivistelmä: Metsitettyjen turvepeltojen maan fysikaaliset ominaisuudet
Selostus: Jokioisten seudun maannokset
Globalization of software today is making many companies in the industrialized nations to outsource their work to low-wage countries. This thesis aims at obtaining an initial general overview of offshore software development in Africa. It seeks to explore the state of offshore software outsourcing in Africa with a focus on the factors contributing to the successes and challenges of offshore software development practicesin Africa. The thesis made use of electronic questionnaires and voice interviews to collect the data. Identified African vendors were interviewed, and the data was analyzed qualitatively. The study found that theAfrican software outsourcing industry is still at its infancy. It is expected that the industry will grow. However, a lot needs to be done, and African governments are called upon to actively implement supportive infrastructures that will promote the growth of the local and export software industries. Further research is recommended to cover the wide context ofthe topic.