70 resultados para (Re)significação conceptual Território
The central theme of this thesis is the emancipation and further development of learning activity in higher education in the context of the ongoing digital transformation of our societies. It was developed in response to the highly problematic mainstream approach to digital re-instrumentation of teaching and studying practises in contemporary higher education. The mainstream approach is largely based on centralisation, standardisation, commoditisation, and commercialisation, while re-producing the general patterns of control, responsibility, and dependence that are characteristic for activity systems of schooling. Whereas much of educational research and development focuses on the optimisation and fine-tuning of schooling, the overall inquiry that is underlying this thesis has been carried out from an explicitly critical position and within a framework of action science. It thus conceptualises learning activity in higher education not only as an object of inquiry but also as an object to engage with and to intervene into from a perspective of intentional change. The knowledge-constituting interest of this type of inquiry can be tentatively described as a combination of heuristic-instrumental (guidelines for contextualised action and intervention), practical-phronetic (deliberation of value-rational aspects of means and ends), and developmental-emancipatory (deliberation of issues of power, self-determination, and growth) aspects. Its goal is the production of orientation knowledge for educational practise. The thesis provides an analysis, argumentation, and normative claim on why the development of learning activity should be turned into an object of individual|collective inquiry and intentional change in higher education, and why the current state of affairs in higher education actually impedes such a development. It argues for a decisive shift of attention to the intentional emancipation and further development of learning activity as an important cultural instrument for human (self-)production within the digital transformation. The thesis also attempts an in-depth exploration of what type of methodological rationale can actually be applied to an object of inquiry (developing learning activity) that is at the same time conceptualised as an object of intentional change within the ongoing digital transformation. The result of this retrospective reflection is the formulation of optimally incomplete guidelines for educational R&D practise that shares the practicalphronetic (value related) and developmental-emancipatory (power related) orientations that had been driving the overall inquiry. In addition, the thesis formulates the instrumental-heuristic knowledge claim that the conceptual instruments that were adapted and validated in the context of a series of intervention studies provide means to effectively intervene into existing practise in higher education to support the necessary development of (increasingly emancipated) networked learning activity. It suggests that digital networked instruments (tools and services) generally should be considered and treated as transient elements within critical systemic intervention research in higher education. It further argues for the predominant use of loosely-coupled, digital networked instruments that allow for individual|collective ownership, control, (co-)production, and re-use in other contexts and for other purposes. Since the range of digital instrumentation options is continuously expanding and currently shows no signs of an imminent slow-down or consolidation, individual and collective exploration and experimentation of this realm needs to be systematically incorporated into higher education practise.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Jyvskyl
Mikropiirien valmistus- ja suunnittelutekniikoiden kehittyminen mahdollistaa yh monimutkaisempien mikropiirien valmistamisen. Piirien verifioinnista onkin tullut prosessin aikaa vievin osa,sill kompleksisuuden kasvaessa kasvaa verifioinnin tarve eksponentiaalisesti. Vaikka erinisi strategioita piirien integroinnin verifiointiin on esitetty, mm. verifioinnin jakaminen koko suunnitteluprosessin ajalle, jopa yli puolet koko piirin suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen kytetyst tymrst kuluu verifiointiin. Uudelleenkytettvt komponentit ovat posassa piirin suunnittelussa, mutta verifioinnissa uudelleenkytettvyytt ei ole otettu kunnolla kyttn ainakaan verifiointiohjelmistojen osalta. Tm diplomity esittelee uudelleenkytettvn mikropiirien verifiointiohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin, jolla saadaan verifiointitaakkaa vhennetty poistamalla verifioinnissa kytettvien ohjelmistojen uudelleensuunnittelun ja toteuttamisen tarvetta.
The changing business environment demands that chemical industrial processes be designed such that they enable the attainment of multi-objective requirements and the enhancement of innovativedesign activities. The requirements and key issues for conceptual process synthesis have changed and are no longer those of conventional process design; there is an increased emphasis on innovative research to develop new concepts, novel techniques and processes. A central issue, how to enhance the creativity of the design process, requires further research into methodologies. The thesis presentsa conflict-based methodology for conceptual process synthesis. The motivation of the work is to support decision-making in design and synthesis and to enhance the creativity of design activities. It deals with the multi-objective requirements and combinatorially complex nature of process synthesis. The work is carriedout based on a new concept and design paradigm adapted from Theory of InventiveProblem Solving methodology (TRIZ). TRIZ is claimed to be a `systematic creativity' framework thanks to its knowledge based and evolutionary-directed nature. The conflict concept, when applied to process synthesis, throws new lights on design problems and activities. The conflict model is proposed as a way of describing design problems and handling design information. The design tasks are represented as groups of conflicts and conflict table is built as the design tool. The general design paradigm is formulated to handle conflicts in both the early and detailed design stages. The methodology developed reflects the conflict nature of process design and synthesis. The method is implemented and verified through case studies of distillation system design, reactor/separator network design and waste minimization. Handling the various levels of conflicts evolve possible design alternatives in a systematic procedure which consists of establishing an efficient and compact solution space for the detailed design stage. The approach also provides the information to bridge the gap between the application of qualitative knowledge in the early stage and quantitative techniques in the detailed design stage. Enhancement of creativity is realized through the better understanding of the design problems gained from the conflict concept and in the improvement in engineering design practice via the systematic nature of the approach.
Asiakastyytyvisyys on lheisesti yhteydess yrityksen taloudelliseen menestykseen ja yrityksen yleisen laadun mrittmiseen. Asiakastyytyvisyyden mittaamista vaaditaan tll hetkell mys ISO 9001 laatujrjestelmstandardissa. Tmn vuoksi tarve tutkia ja mitata asiakastyytyvisyytt on kasvanut yritysten ja yhteisjen joukossa. Kokonaisvaltainen asiakastyytyvisyyden tutkiminen sislt sek asiakastyytyvisyyden mittaamista ja jrjestelmllist asiakaspalautteen tutkimista ja analysointia. Asiakastyytyvisyysmittaamisessa kytetn menettelytapoja ja tekniikoita, jotka ovat yleisesti kytss markkinointitutkimuksessa. Menetelmi on kuitenkin mukautettava, jotta ne sopivat asiakastyytyvisyyden mittaamiseksi. Asiakastyytyvisyysmittaustulosten perusanalyysit ovat helppo toteuttaa mutta tulokset voidaan helposti tulkita vrin ilman syvllisempi tilastomatemaattisia analyysej. Asiakastyytyvisyyden mittaaminen on helppo toteuttaa mutta tutkimussuunnitelma ja tulostenkerysmenetelm pit suunnitella huolellisesti, jotta mittaustulosten luotettavuus ja validiteetti voidaan taata. Jotta asiakastyytyvisyyden tutkimisesta saataisiin maksimaalinen hyty, pitisi tutkimuksen mys tarkastella kuinka asiakastyytyvisyys, yrityksen sisinen ja ulkoinen laatu sek asiakaslojaalisuus ovat yhteydess toisiinsa.
The objective of this thesis work is to describe the Conceptual Design process of an embedded electronic display device. The work presents the following sub processes: definition of device specifications, introduction to the technological alternatives for system components and their comparison, comparative photometric measurements of selected display panels, and the design and building of a functional concept prototype. This work focuses mainly on electronics design, albeit the mechanical issues and fields of the software architecture that significantly affect the decisions are also discussed when necessary. The VESA Flat Panel Display Measurement (FPDM) 2.0 Standard was applied to the appropriate extent into photometric measurements. The results were analyzed against the requirement standards of a customer-specific display development project. An Active Matrix LCD was selected as the display of concept prototype, but also the excellent visual characteristics of Active Matrix OLED technology were noted. Should the reliability of the OLED products be significantly improved in the future, utilizing such products in the described application must be reconsidered.
The present thesis in focused on the minimization of experimental efforts for the prediction of pollutant propagation in rivers by mathematical modelling and knowledge re-use. Mathematical modelling is based on the well known advection-dispersion equation, while the knowledge re-use approach employs the methods of case based reasoning, graphical analysis and text mining. The thesis contribution to the pollutant transport research field consists of: (1) analytical and numerical models for pollutant transport prediction; (2) two novel techniques which enable the use of variable parameters along rivers in analytical models; (3) models for the estimation of pollutant transport characteristic parameters (velocity, dispersion coefficient and nutrient transformation rates) as functions of water flow, channel characteristics and/or seasonality; (4) the graphical analysis method to be used for the identification of pollution sources along rivers; (5) a case based reasoning tool for the identification of crucial information related to the pollutant transport modelling; (6) and the application of a software tool for the reuse of information during pollutants transport modelling research. These support tools are applicable in the water quality research field and in practice as well, as they can be involved in multiple activities. The models are capable of predicting pollutant propagation along rivers in case of both ordinary pollution and accidents. They can also be applied for other similar rivers in modelling of pollutant transport in rivers with low availability of experimental data concerning concentration. This is because models for parameter estimation developed in the present thesis enable the calculation of transport characteristic parameters as functions of river hydraulic parameters and/or seasonality. The similarity between rivers is assessed using case based reasoning tools, and additional necessary information can be identified by using the software for the information reuse. Such systems represent support for users and open up possibilities for new modelling methods, monitoring facilities and for better river water quality management tools. They are useful also for the estimation of environmental impact of possible technological changes and can be applied in the pre-design stage or/and in the practical use of processes as well.
Invocatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.
Painovuosi nimekkeest.
1 kartta : vr. ; 43,8 x 54,8 cm, lehti 46 x 56,7 cm.
La Carelie, et lIngrie, ou Ingermenland. Par le S:r Sanson geogr ord:re du roy. 1 kartta : vr. ; 46,7 x 55 cm, lehti 48,5 x 59,3 cm.
1 kartta : vr. ; 43,7 x 58 cm, lehti 45,6 x 60 cm.