24 resultados para slaked lime

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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Results are presented of triaxial testing of three crushed limestones to which either hydrated high-calcium lime, sodium chloride or calcium chloride had been added. Lime was added at rates of 1, 3, 10 and 16 percent, chlorides were added at 0.5 percent rate only. Speciments were compacted using vibratory compaction apparatus and were tested in triaxial compression using lateral pressures from 10 to 100 psi. Triaxial test results indicate that: (1) sodium chloride slightly decreased the angle of internal friction and increased cohesion, (2) calcium chloride slightly increased the angle of internal friction and decreased cohesion, and (3) lime had no appreciable effect on angle of internal friction but increased cohesion, decreased density and increased pore water pressure.


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A lime by-product from the manufacture of acetylene from calcium carbide will be commercially available in Iowa. Since the cost of carbide waste lime f.o.b. source is only about half that of ordinary commercial lime, this material was investigated for potential uses in soil stabilization. The by-product lime is calcium hydroxide in a water slurry with approximately 40% solid concentration. Its effectiveness at stabilizing soils was checked by comparing with commercial high-calcium and dolomitic monohydrate varieties of lime. This was done by soil strength and plasticity tests in addition to studies of the reaction products by X-ray diffraction and chemical methods.


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The interrelation of curing time, curing temperature, strength, and reactions in lime-bentonite-water mixtures was examined. Samples were molded at constant density and moisture content and then cured for periods of from 1 to 56 days at constant temperatures that ranged from 5C to 60C. After the appropriate curing time the samples were tested for unconfined compressive strength. The broken samples were then analyzed by x-ray diffractometer and spectrophotometer to determine the identity of the reaction products present after each curing period. It was found that the strength gain of lime-clay mixtures cured at different temperatures is due to different phases of the complex reaction, lime & clay to CSH(gel) to CSH(II) to CSH(I) to tobermorite. The farther the reaction proceeds, the higher the strength. There was also evidence of lattice substitutions in the structure of the calcium silicate hydrates at curing temperatures of 50C and higher. No consistent relationship between time, temperature, strength, and the S/A ration of reaction products existed, but in order to achieve high strengths the apparent C/S ration had to be less than two. The curing temperature had an effect on the strength developed by a given amount of reacted silica in the cured lime-clay mixture, but at a given curing temperature the cured sample that had the largest amount of reacted silica gave the highest strength. Evidence was found to indicate that during the clay reaction some calcium is indeed adsorbed onto the clay structure rather than entering into a pozzolanic reaction. Finally, it was determined that it is possible to determine the amount of silica and alumina in lime-clay reaction products by spectrophotometric analysis with sufficient accuracy for comparison purposes. The spectrophotometric analysis techniques used during the investigation were simple and were not time consuming.


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This report presents the results of a limited investigation of the use of lime as an auxiliary additive for improving the stabilization of soils with cutback asphalts. It is felt that the data obtained presents additional information on the subject of asphalt stabilization


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Disposal of lime sludge remains a major challenge to cities in the Midwest. Disposal of lime sludge from water softening adds about 7-10% to the cost of water treatment. Having effective and safe options is essential for future compliance with the regulations of the State of Iowa and within budget restrictions. Dewatering and drying are essential to all reuse applications as this affects transportation costs and utility. Feasibility tests were conducted on some promising applications like SOx control in power generation facilities that burn coal, replacement of limestone as an ingredient in portland cement production, dust control on gravel roads, neutralization of industrial wastewater pH, and combination with fly ash or cement in construction fill applications. A detailed report and analysis of the construction fills application is presented in the second half of the report. A brief discussion of the results directly follows.


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Lime sludge, an inert material mostly composed of calcium carbonate, is the result of softening hard water for distribution as drinking water. A large city such as Des Moines, Iowa, produces about 30,700 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) annually (Jones et al., 2005). Eight Iowa cities representing, according to the United States (U.S.) Census Bureau, 23% of the state’s population of 3 million, were surveyed. They estimated that they collectively produce 64,470 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) per year, and they currently have 371,800 tons (dry weight basis) stockpiled. Recently, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources directed those cities using lime softening in drinking water treatment to stop digging new lagoons to dispose of lime sludge. Five Iowa cities with stockpiles of lime sludge funded this research. The research goal was to find useful and economical alternatives for the use of lime sludge. Feasibility studies tested the efficacy of using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, dust control on gravel roads, wastewater neutralization, and in-fill materials for road construction. Applications using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, and wastewater neutralization, and as a fill material for road construction showed positive results, but the dust control application did not. Since the fill material application showed the most promise in accomplishing the project’s goal within the time limits of this research project, it was chosen for further investigation. Lime sludge is classified as inorganic silt with low plasticity. Since it only has an unconfined compressive strength of approximately 110 kPa, mixtures with fly ash and cement were developed to obtain higher strengths. When fly ash was added at a rate of 50% of the dry weight of the lime sludge, the unconfined strength increased to 1600 kPa. Further, friction angles and California Bearing Ratios were higher than those published for soils of the same classification. However, the mixtures do not perform well in durability tests. The mixtures tested did not survive 12 cycles of freezing and thawing and wetting and drying without excessive mass and volume loss. Thus, these mixtures must be placed at depths below the freezing line in the soil profile. The results demonstrated that chemically stabilized lime sludge is able to contribute bulk volume to embankments in road construction projects.


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Lime Creek is a sub-watershed of the Cedar River above; approximately 25 miles from Cedar Rapids. The lower half of the stream is on the Iowa 2004 Section 303(d) impaired waters list. Monitoring by the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition documents that Lime Creek delivers above average amounts of nitrate+ nitrite-N, ammonia-Nand total phosphorus (above the 901 percentile) compared to other Cedar River sub-watersheds. The Cedar Rapids water utility is concerned about increasing delivery of nitrate+nitrate to the Cedar River, which provides drinking water for about 125,000 people in the area. A group of local citizens has formed the Lime Creek watershed council with the goal of reducing pollutant delivery to the creek and promoting sustainable, watershed-wide action by producers, urban and rural residents for improved environmental management. The council has established a performance-based program that rewards cooperators for improvement in research-based test and index scores which directly measure environmental impact of BMPs. The Iowa Com Growers Association is funding the performance rewards. The Watershed Coalition is contributing in-kind monitoring. Council and performance cooperators participate primarily with commitment of their own resources. WIRB funds will be used to increase program cooperators and for staff support. In addition to improvement of water quality in Lime Creek, the project will establish baseline values for arket-based a pro ch to valuing pollutant reduction by intensive livestock operations in eastern Iowa.


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The sixth in a series, this bulletin further compiles the reports on completed research done for the Iowa State Highway Research Board under its Project HR-1, The loess and glacial till materials of Iowa; an investigation of their physical and chemical properties and techniques for processing them to increase their all-weather stability for road construction. The research, started in 1950, has been conducted by the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station at Iowa State University under its Project 283-S.


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This is the fifth publication in a series of compilations of the reports on research completed for the Iowa State Highway Commission. This research was done for the Iowa State Highway Research Board Project HR-1, "The Loess and Glacial Till Materials of Iowa; an Investigation of Their Physical and Chemical Properties and Techniques for Processing Them to Increase Their All-Weather Stability for Road Construction." The research, started in 1950, was done by the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station under its project 283-S. The project was supported by funds from the Iowa State Highway Commission. The principal objectives of the project may be summed up as follows: 1. To determine by means of both field and laboratory studies the areal and stratigraphic variation in the physical and chemical properties of the loess and glacial till materials of Iowa. 2. To develop new equipment and methods for evaluating physical and chemical properties of soil where needed. 3. To correlate fundamental soil properties with the performance of soils in the highway structure. 4. To develop a scientific approach to the problem of soil stabilization based on the relationships between the properties of the soils and those of the admixtures. 5. To determine the manner in which the loess and glacial till materials of Iowa can be processed for optimum performance as highway embankments, sub-grades, base courses, and surface courses.


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Stability berms are commonly constructed where roadway embankments cross soft or unstable ground conditions. Under certain circumstances, the construction of stability berms cause unfavorable environmental impacts, either directly or indirectly, through their effect on wetlands, endangered species habitat, stream channelization, longer culvert lengths, larger right-of-way purchases, and construction access limits. Due to an ever more restrictive regulatory environment, these impacts are problematic. The result is the loss of valuable natural resources to the public, lengthy permitting review processes for the department of transportation and permitting agencies, and the additional expenditures of time and money for all parties. The purpose of this project was to review existing stability berm alternatives for potential use in environmentally sensitive areas. The project also evaluates how stabilization technologies are made feasible, desirable, and cost-effective for transportation projects and determines which alternatives afford practical solutions for avoiding and minimizing impacts to environmentally sensitive areas. An online survey of engineers at state departments of transportation was also conducted to assess the frequency and cost effectiveness of the various stabilization technologies. Geotechnical engineers that responded to the survey overwhelmingly use geosynthetic reinforcement as a suitable and cost-effective solution for stabilizing embankments and cut slopes. Alternatively, chemical stabilization and installation of lime/cement columns is rarely a remediation measure employed by state departments of transportation.


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Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) has been identified by Bjorksten Research Laboratories as an environmentally harmless alternative to sodium or calcium chloride for deicing highways. Their study found CMA to be noncorrosive to steel, aluminum and zinc with little or no anticipated environmental impact. When used, it degrades into elements found in abundance in nature. The deicing capabilities were found to be similar to sodium chloride. The neutralized CMA they produced did cause scaling of PC concrete, but they did not expect mildly alkaline CMA to have this effect. In the initial investigation of CMA at the Iowa DOT laboratory, it was found that CMA produced from hydrated lime and acetic acid was a light, fluffy material. It was recognized that a deicer in this form would be difficult to effectively distribute on highways without considerable wind loss. A process was developed to produce CMA in the presence of sand to increase particle weight. In this report the product of this process, which consists of sand particles coated with CMA, is referred to as "CMA deicer". The mixture of salts, calcium magnesium acetate, is referred to as "CMA". The major problems with CMA for deicing are: (1) it is not commercially available, (2) it is expensive with present production methods and (3) there is very little known about how it performs on highways under actual deicing conditions. In view of the potential benefits this material offers, it is highly desirable to find solutions or answers to these problems. This study provides information to advance that effort.


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Effects of polyolefins, neoprene, styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) block copolymers, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) latex, and hydrated lime on two asphalt cements were evaluated. Physical and chemical tests were performed on a total of 16 binder blends. Asphalt concrete mixes were prepared and tested with these modified binders and two aggregates (crushed limestone and gravel), each at three asphalt content levels. Properties evaluated on the modified binders (original and thin-film oven aged) included: viscosity at 25 deg C, 60 deg C and 135 deg C with capillary tube and cone-plate viscometer, penetration at 5 deg C and 25 deg C, softening point, force ductility, and elastic recovery at 10 deg C, dropping ball test, tensile strength, and toughness and tenacity tests at 25 deg C. From these the penetration index, the viscosity-temperature susceptibility, the penetration-viscosity number, the critical low-temperature, long loading-time stiffness, and the cracking temperature were calculated. In addition, the binders were studied with x-ray diffraction, reflected fluorescence microscopy, and high-performance liquid chromatography techniques. Engineering properties evaluated on the 72 asphalt concrete mixes containing additives included: Marshall stability and flow, Marshall stiffness, voids properties, resilient modulus, indirect tensile strength, permanent deformation (creep), and effects of moisture by vacuum-saturation and Lottman treatments. Pavement sections of varied asphalt concrete thicknesses and containing different additives were compared to control mixes in terms of structural responses and pavement lives for different subgrades. Although all of the additives tested improved at least one aspect of the binder/mixture properties, no additive was found to improve all the relevant binder/mixture properties at the same time. On the basis of overall considerations, the optimum beneficial effects can be expected when the additives are used in conjunction with softer grade asphalts.


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This research project was conducted in an attempt to determine the cause of paste strength variability in Iowa fly ashes and to develop test methods to more adequately reflect fly ash physical and chemical characteristics. An extensive three year sampling and testing program was developed and initiated which incorporated fly ash from several Iowa power plants. Power plant design and operating data were collected. The variability was directly linked to power plant maintenance schedules and to sodium carbonate coal pretreatment. Fly ash physical and chemical properties can change drastically immediately before and after a maintenance outage. The concentrations of sulfate bearing minerals in the fly ash increases sharply during shutdown. Chemical, mineralogical, and physical testing indicated that the sodium, sulfate bearing minerals, lime and tricalcium aluminate contents of the fly ashes play important roles in the development of hydration reaction products in fly ash pastes. The weak pastes always contained ettringite as the major reaction product. The strong pastes contained straetlingite and monosulfoaluminate as the major reaction products along with minor amounts of ettringite. Recommendations for testing procedure changes and suggested interim test methods are presented.


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Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) has been identified by Bjorksten Research Laboratories as an environmentally harmless alternative to sodium or calcium chloride for deicing highways. Their study found CMA to be noncorrosive to steel, aluminum and zinc with little or no anticipated environmental impact. When used, it degrades into elements found in abundance in nature. The deicing capabilities were found to be similar to sodium chloride. The neutralized CMA they produced did cause scaling of PC concrete, but they did not expect mildly alkaline CMA to have this effect. In the initial investigation of CMA at the Iowa DOT laboratory, it was found that CMA produced from hydrated lime and acetic acid was a light, fluffy material. It was recognized that a deicer in this form would be difficult to effectively distribute on highways without considerable wind loss. A process was developed to produce CMA in the presence of sand to increase particle weight. In this report the product of this process, which consists of sand particles coated with CMA, is referred to as "CMA deicer". The mixture of salts, calcium magnesium acetate, is referred to as "CMA". The major problems with CMA for deicing are: (1) it is not commercially available, (2) it is expensive with present production methods and (3) there is very little known about how it performs on highways under actual deicing conditions. In view of the potential benefits this material offers, it is highly desirable to find solutions or answers to these problems. This study provides information to advance that effort. The study consisted of four principal tasks which were: 1. Production of CMA Deicer The objective was to further develop the laboratory process for producing CMA deicer on a pilot plant basis and to produce a sufficient quantity for field trials. The original proposal called for producing 20 tons of CMA deicer. 2. Field Evaluation of CMA Deicer The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of CMA deicer when used under field conditions and obtain information on application procedures. Performance was compared with a regular 50/50 mixture of sand and sodium chloride. 3. Investigation of Effects of CMA on PC Concrete The objective was to determine any scaling effect that mildly alkaline CMA might have on PC concrete. Comparison was made with calcium chloride. 4. Determine Feasibility of Producing High Magnesium CMA The objective was to investigate the possibility of producing a CMA deicer with magnesium acetate content well above that produced from dolomitic lime. A high magnesium acetate content is desirable because pure magnesium acetate has a water eutectic of -22 F° as compared with +5 F° for calcium acetate and is therefore a more effective deicer.


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In view of the energy, environmental, and economic advantages of the foamed asphalt process using local aggregates in cold mixes and the promising results from Research Project HR-212, a 4.2-mile section of county road in Muscatine County was built with foamed asphalt and local aggregates during August-September 1983. Extensive laboratory evaluation was carried out on five plant mixes representing foamed mixes used in the nine test sections, a laboratory prepared foamed mix, and a laboratory prepared hot mix similar to Plant Mix 1. The foamed mixes were compacted, cured under 15 curing conditions and tested for bulk specific gravity, Marshall stability at 77° F and at 140° F, cured moisture content, resilient modulus and effects of moisture damage due to freeze-thaw cycles, water soaking, and vacuum saturation. In addition, four sets of 83 core samples were taken at 1 to 15 months and tested for moisture content, specific gravity, Marshall stability, and resilient modulus. In summary, the test road has performed satisfactorily for almost two years. The few early construction problems encountered were to be expected for experimental projects dealing with new materials and technologies. Overall results to date are encouraging and foamed asphalt mixes have proved to have the potential as a viable base material in areas where marginal aggregates are available. It is hoped and expected that performance evaluation of the test sections will be continued and that more foamed asphalt trial projects will be constructed and monitored so that experiences and findings from this project can be verified and mix design criteria can be gradually established. For future foamed asphalt projects it is recommended that anti-stripping additives, such as hydrated lime, be added in view of the potential moisture susceptibility of foamed mixes observed in the laboratory evaluation.