20 resultados para reported domestic violence
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
This booklet is a general summary of domestic abuse law and procedures in Iowa.
This project is part of an effort conducted by the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) under a grant whose objective is to provide states with descriptions of existing methodologies to collect Domestic Violence (DV) and Sexual Assault (SA) data. JRSA has identified three different methodologies to collect such data: · Incident-based reporting as part of the Uniform Crime Reports · Specialized data collection from law enforcement through a separate data collection system · Specialized data collection coming directly from service providers. One state has been selected as an example of each type of data collection above, with Iowa selected as a representative of states with incident based reporting (IBR) as part of the UCR system.
Young women in the juvenile justice system present with characteristics and experiences that differentiate them from their male counterparts. As such, the juvenile justice system in Iowa must consider these factors if it is to effectively and efficiently impact recidivism, rehabilitation and public safety. Data reveal the following trends: All youth in the juvenile justice system experience a significantly higher rate of child maltreatment than do youth in the general population. Additionally, young women have a distinctly higher percentage of reported sexual abuse. Young women commit primarily non-violent offenses, with shoplifting and running away being the only two areas where they exceed young men in number. Young women are held in detention for a substantially higher percentage of misdemeanor versus felony offenses than young men. Young women of color, particularly African American females, are far more likely to come into contact with the juvenile justice system. Additionally, arrests of minority females have increased during the same time frame as arrests of Caucasian females have decreased. The general type of offense committed by young women is against public order (i.e. alcohol related violations, disorderly conduct) or property (i.e. shoplifting), though young women with subsequent charges of a violent nature are likely to have had violent offenses initially as well. Historically, young women have been a smaller segment of the juvenile justice population. They remain so today. Consequently, they are easy to overlook. But Iowa’s response to them is no less important. Perhaps, because they are fewer in number, our system can have a true and meaningful influence, with prevention of further penetration into both the juvenile and adult systems being the ultimate goal. The Iowa Task Force on Young Women recommends the following measures to facilitate movement toward that goal: 1. Facilities and programs striving to provide the most effective and efficient services to young women will opt for single gender environments with female responsive programming that includes components to address trauma. 2. All institutions and agencies that work with females involved in the juvenile justice system and which receive state funding should be required to provide annual female responsive training to their employees. Training should be research based, progressive, ongoing and result in an implementation plan. 3. As detention reform proceeds, gender and the disproportionate number of females in detention for misdemeanor offenses must be an integral part of policy and decision making discussions including any recommendations for solutions to be implemented. 4. As research, data and planning progresses related to disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile system, the needs of girls of color be given equal consideration. Specifically, assessment tools must be without race/ethnic bias and they must also be female responsive.
Deterring abuse is important to ensuring safety among domestic violence and assault victims. Protective orders are tools aimed at restricting contact between the victim and the abuser to prevent subsequent violence. While empirical research has indicated that protective orders are effective, the extent of the effectiveness is uncertain because violation rates have varied widely from study to study. In addition, little research exists to explain how violations of protective orders are handled, which factors are considered when giving penalties, and whether certain situations lead to a given type of penalty.
A study was conducted examining recidivism of inmates released from Iowa prisons during State FY1996, FY1998, and FY2000 whose most serious conviction offense had been a crime against persons. These offenders were tracked for varying periods of time due to differing times of release.
This Document is an E-Report by the CJJP.
CJJP takes a look at the forecast of inmates population in the state of Iowa in a ten year period. Information was produced by Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning. This report was made possible partially through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and its program for State Statistical Analysis Centers. Points of view or opinions expressed in this report are those of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Information on the laws that affect Iowa women.
Thank you for inviting me again this year to talk with you about the condition of Iowa’s judicial branch. As your partner in government, we look forward to working with you on issues affecting the administration of justice. If I could capture the condition of our courts, indeed the condition of our state, in a few words, it would be: “We live in challenging times.” No one knows the true meaning of this phrase better than those Iowans hit by natural disasters. But my focus today is, of course, on the courts. Ensuring the delivery of equal, affordable and accessible justice is always challenging work, but it will be especially so this year and the next in light of the State’s budget problems. Given the magnitude of this challenge, it is even more imperative that we work together in the spirit of unity, candor and cooperation. And I address you today in this spirit. We are deeply concerned, as you are, about the present financial situation and its effect on individual Iowans. Naturally, we are particularly troubled about its impact on the delivery of justice to our citizens. Even in good economic times, the administration of justice is difficult to fulfill given the sheer volume and complexity of problems Iowans bring to their courthouses. Because of the effects of the nation’s economic downturn, people will need access to justice now more than ever. We already see this happening. The number of mortgage foreclosure cases in Iowa rose 14% in the past year. Debt collection cases increased 20% in the same time. An increase in these types of cases is predictable in tough economic times, but other types of problems may escalate as well. Some experts fear that a recession may also give rise to more crime, child abuse, domestic violence, and substance abuse. Naturally, for the sake of the people who may be harmed by these problems, we hope they do not occur. If they do, however, these matters will demand our immediate attention.
The Iowa Accountability program (IAP) was established to address the disproportionate numbers of African American affected by domestic violence. IAP specializes in programming tailored to working with the community, African American leaders, victim advocates and members of the legal system.
The following report contains district-level numbers for the percent of juveniles in Iowa’s Juvenile Court System and the number who re-offended (subsequent complaint/s). These numbers represent the data available in the ICIS system for initial complaints in 2002, an subsequent complaints. The report also includes recidivism numbers for those counties that had more than 180 initial complaints These numbers are representative, but are not state totals. All districts are represented, but no all counties. The 5th District only includes Polk County due to a data migration issue that, at this time, does not allow the remaining 5th District counties data to be analyzed.
The following report contains district-level numbers for the percent of juveniles in Iowa’s Juvenile Court System and the number who re-offended (subsequent complaint/s). These numbers represent the data available in the ICIS system for initial complaints in 2004, and subsequent complaints in 2004, 2005, and 2006. The report also includes recidivism numbers for those counties that had more than 180 initial complaints during 2004.
Young women in the juvenile justice system present with characteristics and experiences that differentiate them from their male counterparts. As such, the juvenile justice system in Iowa must consider these factors if it is to effectively and efficiently impact recidivism, rehabilitation and public safety.
The Iowa Accountability program (IAP) was established to address the disproportionate numbers of African American affected by domestic violence. IAP specializes in programming tailored to working with the community, African American leaders, victim advocates and members of the legal system.
The Iowa Accountability program (IAP) was established to address the disproportionate numbers of African American affected by domestic violence. IAP specializes in programming tailored to working with the community, African American leaders, victim advocates and members of the legal system.