19 resultados para low-dimensional system

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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Currently, many drivers experience some difficulty in viewing the road ahead of them during times of reduced visibility, such as rain, snow, fog, or the darkness of night- Recent studies done by the National Safety Council provide a detailed contrast between fatal accidents occurring during the day and night. Revealed was that the motor vehicle night death rate (4.41 deaths per 100 million miles driven) was sharply higher than the corresponding death rate during daylight hours (1.21). By providing a delineating system powered by the natural resource of solar power, a constant source of visibility may be maintained throughout the evening. Along with providing enough light to trace the outline of the road, other major goals defined in producing this delineator system are as follows: 1. A strong and durable design that would protect the internal components and survive extreme weather conditions. 2. A low maintenance system where components need few repairs or replacements. 3. A design which makes all components accessible in the event that maintenance is needed, but also prevents vandalism. 4. A design that provides greater visibility to drivers and will not harm a vehicle or its passengers in the event of a collision. This solar powered highway delineator consists of an adjustable solar array, a light fixture, and a standard delineator pole. The solar array houses and protects the solar panels, and can be easily adjusted to obtain a maximum amount of sunlight. The light fixture primarily houses the battery, the circuit and the light assembly. Both components allow for easy accessibility and reduce vandalism using internal connections for bolts and wires. The delineator mounting pole is designed to extensively deform in the event of a collision, therefore reducing any harm caused to the vehicle and/or the passengers. The cost of a single prototype to be produced is approximately $70.00 excluding labor costs. However, these material and labor costs will be greatly reduced if a large number of delineators are produced. It is recommended that the Iowa Department of Transportation take full advantage of the research and development put into this delineator design. The principles used in creating this delineator can be used to provide an outline for drivers to follow, or on a larger scale, provide actual roadway lighting in areas where it was never before possible or economically feasible. In either event, the number of fatal accidents will be decreased due to the improved driver visibility in the evening.


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Crashworthy, work-zone, portable sign support systems accepted under NCHRP Report No. 350 were analyzed to predict their safety peformance according to the TL-3 MASH evaluation criteria. An analysis was conducted to determine which hardware parameters of sign support systems would likely contribute to the safety performance with MASH. The acuracy of the method was evaluated through full-scale crash testing. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a pickup truck. Two tall-mounted, sign support systems with aluminum sign panels failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield and floorboard penetration. Another low-mounted system with an aluminum sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a small passenger car. The low-mounted tripod system with an aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to excessive windshield deformation, and another similar system passed the MASH criteria. The low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Hardware parameters of work-zone sign support systems that were determined to be important for failure with MASH include sign panel material, the height to the top of the mast, the presence of flags, sign-locking mechanism, base layout and system orientation. Flowcharts were provided to assist manufacturers when designing new sign support systems.


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There is a nationwide need for a safe, efficient and cost effective transportation system. An essential component of this system is the bridges. Local agencies perhaps have an even greater task than federal and state agencies in maintaining the low volume road (LVR) bridge system due to lack of sufficient resources and funding. The primary focus of this study was to review the various aspects of off-system bridge design, rehabilitation, and replacement. Specifically, a reference report was developed to address common problems in LVR bridges. The source of information included both Iowa and national agencies. This report is intended to be a “user manual” or “tool box” of information, procedures and choices for county engineers to employ in the management of their bridge inventory plus identify areas and problems that need to be researched


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Iowa’s Rail Environment Iowa’s rail transportation system provides both freight and passenger service. Rail serves a variety of trips, including those within Iowa and those to other states as well as to foreign markets. While rail competes with other modes, it also cooperates with those modes to provide intermodal services to Iowans. In 2009 Iowa’s rail transportation system could be described as follows: Freight Iowa’s 130,000-mile freight transportation system includes an extensive railroad network, a well-developed highway system, two bordering navigable waterways, and a pipeline network as well as air cargo facilities. While rail accounts for only 3 percent of the freight network, it carries 43 percent of Iowa’s freight tonnage. A great variety of commodities ranging from fresh fish to textiles to optical products are moved by rail. However, most of the Iowa rail shipments consist of bulk commodities, including grain, grain products, coal, ethanol, and fertilizers. The railroad network performs an important role in moving bulk commodities produced and consumed in the state to local processors, livestock feeders, river terminals and ports for foreign export. The railroad’s ability to haul large volumes, long distances at low costs will continue to be a major factor in moving freight and improving the economy of Iowa. Key 2008 Facts • 3,945 miles of track • 18 railroads • 49.5 million tons shipped • 39.7 million tons received • 2 Amtrak routes • 6 Amtrak stations • 66,286 rail passenger rides Key Rail Trends • slightly fewer miles being operated; • railroads serving Iowa has remained the same; • more rail freight traffic; • more tons hauled per car; • higher average rail rates per ton-mile since 2002; • more car and tons hauled per locomotive; and • more ton miles per gallon of fuel consumed. Iowa’s rail system and service has been evolving over time relative to its size, financial conditions, and competition from other modes.


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Research was undertaken to define an appropriate level of use of traffic control devices on rural secondary roads that carry very low traffic volumes. The goal of this research was to improve the safety and efficiency of travel on the rural secondary road system. This goal was to be accomplished by providing County Engineers with guidance concerning the cost-effective use of traffic control devices on very low volume rural roads. A further objective was to define the range of traffic volumes on the roads for which the recommendations would be appropriate. Little previous research has been directed toward roads that carry very low traffic volumes. Consequently, the factual input for this research was developed by conducting an inventory of the signs and markings actually in use on 2,069 miles of rural road in Iowa. Most of these roads carried 15 or fewer vehicles per day. Additional input was provided by a survey of the opinions of County Engineers and Supervisors in Iowa. Data from both the inventory and the opinion survey indicated a considerable lack of uniformity in the application of signs on very low volume rural roads. The number of warning signs installed varied from 0.24 per mile to 3.85 per mile in the 21 counties in which the inventory was carried out. The use of specific signs not only varied quite widely among counties but also indicated a lack of uniform application within counties. County officials generally favored varying the elaborateness of signing depending upon the type of surface and the volume of traffic on different roads. Less elaborate signing would be installed on an unpaved road than on a paved road. A concensus opinion was that roads carrying fewer than 25 vehicles per day should have fewer signs than roads carrying higher volumes. Although roads carrying 0 to 24 vehicles per day constituted over 24% of the total rural secondary system, they carried less than 3% of the total travel on that system. Virtually all of these roads are classified as area service roads and would thus be expected to carry only short trips primarily by local motorists. Consequently, it was concluded that the need for warning signs rarely can be demonstrated on unpaved rural roads with traffic volumes of fewer than 25 vehicles per day. It is recommended that each county designate a portion of its roads as an Area Service Level B system. All road segments with very low traffic volumes should be considered for inclusion in this system. Roads included in this system may receive a lesser level of maintenance and a reduced level of signing. The county is also afforded protection from liability arising from accidents occurring on roads designated as part of an Area Service Level B system. A uniform absence of warning signs on roads of this nature is not expected to have any discernible effect on the safety or quality of service on these very low volume roads. The resources conserved may be expended more effectively to upgrade maintenance and traffic control on roads carrying higher volumes where the beneficial effect on highway safety and service will be much more consequential.


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Concrete will suffer frost damage when saturated and subjected to freezing temperatures. Frost-durable concrete can be produced if a specialized surfactant, also known as an air-entraining admixture (AEA), is added during mixing to stabilize microscopic air voids. Small and well-dispersed air voids are critical to produce frost-resistant concrete. Work completed by Klieger in 1952 found the minimum volume of air required to consistently ensure frost durability in a concrete mixture subjected to rapid freezing and thawing cycles. He suggested that frost durability was provided if 18 percent air was created in the paste. This is the basis of current practice despite the tests being conducted on materials that are no longer available using tests that are different from those in use today. Based on the data presented, it was found that a minimum air content of 3.5 percent in the concrete and 11.0 percent in the paste should yield concrete durable in the ASTM C 666 with modern AEAs and low or no lignosulfonate water reducers (WRs). Limited data suggests that mixtures with a higher dosage of lignosulfonate will need about 1 percent more air in the concrete or 3 percent more air in the paste for the materials and procedures used. A spacing factor of 0.008 in. was still found to be necessary to provide frost durability for the mixtures investigated.


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Recent reports have indicated that 23.5% of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7% are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa secondary road system where over 86% of the rural bridge management responsibilities are assigned to the counties. Some of the bridges can be strengthened or otherwise rehabilitated, but many more are in need of immediate replacement. In a recent investigation (HR-365 "Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System") several types of replacement bridges that are currently being used on low volume roads were identified. It was also determined that a large number of counties (69%) have the ability and are interested in utilizing their own forces to design and construct short span bridges. In reviewing the results from HR-365, the research team developed one "new" bridge replacement concept and a modification of a replacement system currently being used. Both of these bridge replacement alternatives were investigated in this study, the results of which are presented in two volumes. This volume (Volume 1) presents the results of Concept 1 - Steel Beam Precast Units. Concept 2 - Modification of the Beam-in-Slab Bridge is presented in Volume 2. Concept 1, involves the fabrication of precast units (two steel beams connected by a concrete slab) by county work forces. Deck thickness is limited so that the units can be fabricated at one site and then transported to the bridge site where they are connected and the remaining portion of the deck placed. Since Concept 1 bridge is primarily intended for use on low-volume roads, the precast units can be constructed with new or used beams. In the experimental part of the investigation, there were three types of static load tests: small scale connector tests, "handling strength" tests, and service and overload tests of a model bridge. Three finite element models for analyzing the bridge in various states of construction were also developed. Small scale connector tests were completed to determine the best method of connecting the precast double-T (PCDT) units. "Handling strength" tests on an individual PCDT unit were performed to determine the strength and behavior of the precast unit in this configuration. The majority of the testing was completed on the model bridge [L=9,750 mm (32 ft), W=6,400 mm (21 ft)] which was fabricated using the precast units developed. Some of the variables investigated in the model bridge tests were number of connectors required to connect adjacent precast units, contribution of diaphragms to load distribution, influence of position of diaphragms on bridge strength and load distribution, and effect of cast-in-place portion of deck on load distribution. In addition to the service load tests, the bridge was also subjected to overload conditions. Using the finite element models developed, one can predict the behavior and strength of bridges similar to the laboratory model as well as design them. Concept 1 has successfully passed all laboratory testing; the next step is to field test it.


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This project continues the research which addresses the numerous bridge problems on the Iowa secondary road system. It is a continuation (Phase 2) of Project HR-382, in which two replacement alternatives (Concept 1: Steel Beam Precast Units and Concept 2: Modification of the Benton County Beam-in-Slab Bridge) were investigated. In previous research for concept 1, a precast unit bridge was developed through laboratory testing. The steel-beam precast unit bridge requires the fabrication of precast double-tee (PCDT) units, each consisting of two steel beams connected by a reinforced concrete deck. The weight of each PCDT unit is minimized by limiting the deck thickness to 4 in., which permits the units to be constructed off-site and then transported to the bridge site. The number of units required is a function of the width of bridge desired. Once the PCDT units are connected, a cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck is cast over the PCDT units and the bridge railing attached. Since the steel beam PCDT unit bridge design is intended primarily for use on low-volume roads, used steel beams can be utilized for a significant cost savings. In previous research for concept 2, an alternate shear connector (ASC) was developed and subjected to static loading. In this investigation, the ASC was subjected to cyclic loading in both pushout specimens and composite beam tests. Based on these tests, the fatigue strength of the ASC was determined to be significantly greater than that required in typical low volume road single span bridges. Based upon the construction and service load testing, the steel-beam precast unit bridge was successfully shown to be a viable low volume road bridge alternative. The construction process utilized standard methods resulting in a simple system that can be completed with a limited staff. Results from the service load tests indicated adequate strength for all legal loads. An inspection of the bridge one year after its construction revealed no change in the bridge's performance. Each of the systems previously described are relatively easy to construct. Use of the ASC rather than the welded studs significantly simplified the work, equipment, and materials required to develop composite action between the steel beams and the concrete deck.


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This research project looked at the economic benefits and costs associated with alternative strategies for abandoning low volume rural highways and bridges. Three test counties in Iowa were studied, each 100 square miles in size: Hamilton County having a high agricultural tax base and a high percentage of paved roads and few bridges; Shelby County having a relatively low agricultural tax base, hilly terrain and a low percentage of paved road and many bridges; and Linn County having a high agricultural tax base, a high percentage of paved roads and a large number of non-farm households. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to develop estimates of farm and household travel patterns. Benefits and costs associated with the abandonment of various segments of rural highway and bridge mileages in each county were calculated. "Benefits" calculated were reduced future reconstruction and maintenance costs, whereas "costs" were the added cost of travel resulting from the reduced mileage. Some of the findings suggest limited cost savings from abandonment of county roads with no property access in areas with large non-farm rural population; relatively high cost savings from the abandonment of roads with no property access in areas with small rural population; and the largest savings from the conversion of public dead-end gravel roads with property or residence accesses to private drives.


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Recent reports have indicated that 23.5% of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7% are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa secondary road system where over 86% of the rural bridge management responsibilities are assigned to the counties. Some of the bridges can be strengthened or otherwise rehabilitated, but many more are in need of immediate replacement. In a recent investigation (HR-365 "Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System") several types of replacement bridges that are currently being used on low volume roads were identified. It was also determined that a large number of counties (69%) have the ability and are interested in utilizing their own forces to design and construct short span bridges. After reviewing the results from HR-365, the research team developed one "new" bridge replacement concept and a modification of a replacement system currently being used. Both of these bridge replacement alternatives were investigated in this study, the results of which are presented in two volumes. This volume (Volume 2) presents the results of Concept 2 - Modification of the Beam-in-Slab Bridge. Concept 1 - Steel Beam Precast Units is presented in Volume 1. Concept 2 involves various laboratory tests of the Beam-in-Slab bridge (BISB) currently being used by Benton County and several other Iowa counties. In this investigation, the behavior and strength of the BISB were determined; a new method of obtaining composite action between the steel beams and concrete was also tested. Since the Concept 2 bridge is primarily intended for use on low-volume roads, the system can be constructed with new or used beams. In the experimental part of the investigation, there were three types of laboratory tests: push-out tests, service and ultimate load tests of models of the BISB, and composite beam tests utilizing the newly developed shear connection. In addition to the laboratory tests, there was a field test in which an existing BISB was service load tested. An equation was developed for predicting the strength of the shear connection investigated; in addition, a finite element model for analyzing the BISB was also developed. Push-out tests were completed to determine the strength of the recently developed shear connector. A total of 36 specimens were tested, with variables such as hole diameter, hole spacing, presence of reinforcement, etc. being investigated. In the model tests of the BISB, two and four beam specimens [L=9,140 mm (30 ft)] were service load tested for behavior and load distribution data. Upon completion of these tests, both specimens were loaded to failure. In the composite beam tests, four beams, one with standard shear studs and three using the shear connection developed, were tested. Upon completion of the service load tests, all four beams were loaded to failure. The strength and behavior of the beams with the new shear connection were found to be essentially the same as that of the specimen with standard shear studs.


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This project continues the research which addresses the numerous bridge problems on the Iowa secondary road system. It is a continuation (Phase 2) of Project HR-382, in which two replacement alternatives (Concept 1: Steel Beam Precast Units and Concept 2: Modification of the Benton County Beam-in-Slab Bridge) were investigated. In previous research for concept 1, a precast unit bridge was developed through laboratory testing. The steel-beam precast unit bridge requires the fabrication of precast double-tee (PCDT) units, each consisting of two steel beams connected by a reinforced concrete deck. The weight of each PCDT unit is minimized by limiting the deck thickness to 4 in., which permits the units to be constructed off-site and then transported to the bridge site. The number of units required is a function of the width of bridge desired. Once the PCDT units are connected, a cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck is cast over the PCDT units and the bridge railing attached. Since the steel beam PCDT unit bridge design is intended primarily for use on low-volume roads, used steel beams can be utilized for a significant cost savings. In previous research for concept 2, an alternate shear connector (ASC) was developed and subjected to static loading. In this investigation, the ASC was subjected to cyclic loading in both pushout specimens and composite beam tests. Based on these tests, the fatigue strength of the ASC was determined to be significantly greater than that required in typical low volume road single span bridges. Based upon the construction and service load testing, the steel-beam precast unit bridge was successfully shown to be a viable low volume road bridge alternative. The construction process utilized standard methods resulting in a simple system that can be completed with a limited staff. Results from the service load tests indicated adequate strength for all legal loads. An inspection of the bridge one year after its construction revealed no change in the bridge's performance. Each of the systems previously described are relatively easy to construct. Use of the ASC rather than the welded studs significantly simplified the work, equipment, and materials required to develop composite action between the steel beams and the concrete deck.


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Red light running continues to be a serious safety concern for many communities in the United States. The Federal Highway Administration reported that in 2011, red light running accounted for 676 fatalities nationwide. Red light running crashes at a signalized intersections are more serious, especially in high speed corridors where speeds are above 35 mph. Many communities have invested in red light countermeasures including low-cost strategies (e.g. signal backplates, targeted enforcement, signal timing adjustments and improvement with signage) to high-cost strategies (e.g. automated enforcement and intersection geometric improvements). This research study investigated intersection confirmation lights as a low-cost strategy to reduce red light running violations. Two intersections in Altoona and Waterloo, Iowa were equipped with confirmation lights which targeted the through and left turning movements. Confirmation lights enable a single police officer to monitor a specific lane of traffic downstream of the intersection. A before-after analysis was conducted in which a change in red light running violations prior to- and 1 and 3 months after installation were evaluated. A test of proportions was used to determine if the change in red light running violation rates were statistically significant at the 90 and 95 percent levels of confidence. The two treatment intersections were then compared to the changes of red light running violation rates at spillover intersections (directly adjacent to the treatment intersections) and control intersections. The results of the analysis indicated a 10 percent reduction of red light running violations in Altoona and a 299 percent increase in Waterloo at the treatment locations. Finally, the research team investigated the time into red for each observed red light running violation. The analysis indicated that many of the violations occurred less than one second into the red phase and that most of the violation occurred during or shortly after the all-red phase.


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Conventional highway lane markings are ineffective at night, particularly when the pavement is wet. There is a recognized need for a system that is effective at night under wet conditions and where there is no reduction in current daytime standards. To be effective at all times the system must maintain wet-night retroreflective properties while resisting deterioration caused by snowplows, studded tires, sand and salt applications, and lane changing maneuvers by traffic. This project tested a system of low-profile lane markers developed by Battelle Columbus Laboratory under contract with the Implementation Division of the Federal Highway Administration.


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The purpose of this investigation was to determine the comparative effectiveness of standard D-57 concrete and Iowa system Low Slump Dense Concrete in preventing threshold levels of chloride from penetrating the concrete slabs to the reinforcing steel.


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Intrusion of deicing materials and surface water into concrete bridge decks is a main contributor in deck reinforcing steel corrosion and concrete delamination. Salt, spread on bridge decks to melt ice, dissolves in water and permeates voids in the concrete deck. When the chloride content of the concrete in contact with reinforcing steel reaches a high enough concentration, the steel oxidizes. In Iowa, the method used to reduce bridge deck chloride penetration is the application of a low slump dense concrete overlay after the completion of all Class A and Class B floor repairs. A possible alternative to the use of dense concrete overlays, developed by Poly-Carb, Inc., is the MARK-163 FLEXOGRID Overlay System. FLEXOGRID is a two component system of epoxy and urethane which is applied on a bridge deck to a minimum thickness of ¼ inch. An aggregate mixture of silica quartz and aluminum oxide is broadcast onto the epoxy at a prescribed rate to provide deck protection and superior friction properties. The material is mixed on site and applied to the deck in a series of lifts (usually two) until the desired overlay thickness has been attained.