6 resultados para improvement of turbine efficiency
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
A plan for improvement of Iowa's Juvenile Courts handling of Child in Need of Assistance cases. A brief report focusing on just the plan for improvement pulled from the main report: A Study of Iowa's Court Performance in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases and Plan for Improvement.
Concerning improvements to the State Capitol Grounds including placement of the Allison memorial and Soldiers and Sailor's momuments; removal of heating plant and relieving the state of coal, ashes, gas and smoke; provision of office space to the Adjutant General; an eventual executive mansion; provision of office buildings; and for a Supreme Court building where together with its library auxiliaries will have perpetual growth and constant accessbility; and propose restoration of natural scenic value of the capitol site.
Research is reported which attempted to identify construction procedures that will provide an improved centerline joint on asphalt concrete pavements. Various construction procedures and their evaluation are described. Core densities were made and visual inspections were made 3 years after construction. Center cracking was measured at 4, 5, and 6 years. The only procedure to rank the same when comparing cracking and density (delete the 1:1 slope shoe on the edge) is described. This procedure had the highest average density and also the least cracking through 1985. This method provided the best performance for 4 years after construction and involved the removal of the 1:1 slope shoe from the paver when placing the surface course. This method had 9.0% cracked after 4 years and 100% cracked after 6 years of service.
A highway base course may be defined as a layer of granular material which lies immediately below the wearing surface of a pavement and must possess high resistance to deformation in order to withstand pressures imposed by traffic. A material commonly used for base course construction is crushed limestone. Sources of limestone, acceptable for highway bases in the state of Iowa, occur almost entirely in the Pennsylvanian, Mississippian and Devonian strata. Performance records of the latter two have been quite good, while material from the Pennsylvanian stratum has failed on numerous occasions. The study reported herein is one segment of an extensive research program on compacted crushed limestone used for flexible highway base courses. The primary goals of the total study are: 1. Determination of a suitable and realistic laboratory method of compaction. 2. Effect of gradation, and mineralogy of the fines, on shearing strength. 3. Possible improvement of the shear strength with organic and inorganic chemical stabilization additives. Although the study reported herein deals primarily with the third goal, information gathered from work on the first two was required for this investigation. The primary goal of this study was the evaluation of various factors of stability of three crushed limestones when treated with small amounts of type I Portland cement. Investigation of the untreated materials has indicated that shear strength alone is not the controlling factor for stability of crushed stone bases. Thus the following observations were made in addition to shear strength parameters, to more adequately ascertain the stability of the cement treated materials: 1. Volume change during consolidation and shear testing. 2. Pore pressure during shear. The consolidated-undrained triaxial shear test was used for determination of the above factors.
One significant benefit of asphalt concrete pavement construction is that it may be opened to traffic within one hour after being laid. Therefore, road closure and detour are not necessary, but only temporary lane closure and control of traffic. This one lane construction, even though desirable in regard to maintaining traffic flow, does pose an additional problem. The longitudinal joint at centerline often becomes a maintenance problem. The objective of this research project is to identify construction procedures that will provide an improved centerline joint.
In the November 2011 report issued by the Governor’s Transportation 2020 Citizen Advisory Commission (CAC), the commission recommended the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), at least annually, convene meetings with the cities and counties to review the operation, maintenance and improvement of Iowa’s public roadway system to identify ways to jointly increase efficiency. In response to this recommendation, Gov. Branstad directed the Iowa DOT to begin this effort immediately with a target of identifying $50 million of efficiency savings that can be captured from the $1.2 billion of Road Use Tax Funds (RUTF) provided to the Iowa DOT, cities and counties to administer, maintain and improve the public roadway system. This would build upon past joint and individual actions that have reduced administrative costs and resulted in increased funding for system improvements. Efficiency actions should be quantified, measured and reported to the public on a regular basis. Beyond the discussion of identifying funding solutions to our road and bridge needs, it is critical that all jurisdictions that own, maintain and improve the nation’s road and bridge systems demonstrate to the public these funds are utilized in the most efficient and effective manner. This requires continual innovation in all aspects of transportation planning, design, construction and maintenance - done in a transparent manner to clearly demonstrate to the public how their funds are being utilized. The Iowa DOT has identified 13 efficiency measures separated into two distinct categories – Program Efficiencies and Partnership Efficiencies. The total value of the efficiency measures is $50 million. Many of the efficiency items will need input, refinement and partnership from cities, counties, other local jurisdictions, and stakeholder interest groups. The Iowa DOT has begun meetings with many of these groups to help identify potential efficiency measures and strategies for moving forward. These partnerships and discussions will continue through implementation of the efficiency measures. Dependent on the measures identified, additional action may be required by the legislature, Iowa Transportation Commission, and/or other bodies to implement the action. In addition, a formal process will be developed to quantify, measure and report the results of actions taken on a regular basis.