13 resultados para freezing and infralimbic cortex

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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Concrete will suffer frost damage when saturated and subjected to freezing temperatures. Frost-durable concrete can be produced if a specialized surfactant, also known as an air-entraining admixture (AEA), is added during mixing to stabilize microscopic air voids. Small and well-dispersed air voids are critical to produce frost-resistant concrete. Work completed by Klieger in 1952 found the minimum volume of air required to consistently ensure frost durability in a concrete mixture subjected to rapid freezing and thawing cycles. He suggested that frost durability was provided if 18 percent air was created in the paste. This is the basis of current practice despite the tests being conducted on materials that are no longer available using tests that are different from those in use today. Based on the data presented, it was found that a minimum air content of 3.5 percent in the concrete and 11.0 percent in the paste should yield concrete durable in the ASTM C 666 with modern AEAs and low or no lignosulfonate water reducers (WRs). Limited data suggests that mixtures with a higher dosage of lignosulfonate will need about 1 percent more air in the concrete or 3 percent more air in the paste for the materials and procedures used. A spacing factor of 0.008 in. was still found to be necessary to provide frost durability for the mixtures investigated.


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Freezing and thawing action induces damage to unbound gravel roads in Iowa resulting in maintenance costs for secondary road departments. Some approaches currently used by County Engineers to deal with this problem include temporarily spreading rock on the affected areas, lowering or improving drainage ditches, tiling, bridging the area with stone and geosynthetic covered by a top course of aggregate or gravel, coring boreholes and filling them with calcium chloride to melt lenses and provide drainage, and re-grading the crown to a slope of 4% to 6% to maximize spring drainage. However, most of these maintenance solutions are aimed at dealing with conditions after they occur. This study was tasked with identifying alternative approaches in the literature to mitigate the problem. An annotated bibliographic record of literature on the topic of frost-heave and thaw-weakening of gravel roads was generated and organized by topic, and all documents were assessed in terms of a suitable rating for mitigating the problem in Iowa. Over 300 technical articles were collected and selected down to about 150 relevant articles for a full assessment. The documents collected have been organized in an electronic database, which can be used as a tool by practitioners to search for information regarding the various repair and mitigation solutions, measurement technologies, and experiences that have been documented by selected domestic and international researchers and practitioners. Out of the 150+ articles, 71 articles were ranked as highly applicable to conditions in Iowa. The primary mitigation methods identified in this study included chemical and mechanical stabilization; scarification, blending, and recompaction; removal and replacement; separation, and reinforcement; geogrids and cellular confinement; drainage control and capillary barriers, and use of alternative materials. It is recommended that demonstration research projects be established to examine a range of construction methods and materials for treating granular surfaced roadways to mitigate frost-heave and thaw-weakening problems. Preliminary frost-susceptibility test results from ASTM D5916 are included for a range of Iowa materials.


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The Iowa State Highway Commission purchased a Conrad automatic freeze and thaw machine and placed it in operation during October 1961. There were a few problems, but considering, the many electrical and mechanical devices used in the automatic system it has always functioned quite well. Rapid freezing and thawing of 4"x4"xl8" concrete beams has been conducted primarily in accordance with ASTM C-29l (now ASTM C-666 procedure B) at the rate of one beam per day. Over 4000 beams have been tested since 1961, with determination of the resulting durability factors. Various methods of curing were used and a standard 90 day moist cure was selected. This cure seemed to yield durability factors that correlated very well with ratings of coarse aggregates based on service records. Some concrete beams had been made using the same coarse aggregate and the durability factors compared relatively well with previous tests. Durability factors seemed to yield reasonable results until large variations in durability factors were noted from beams of identical concrete mix proportions in research projects R-234 and R-247. This then presents the question "How reliable is the durability as determined by ASTM C-666?" This question became increasingly more important when a specification requiring a minimum durability factor for P.C. concrete made from coarse aggregates was incorporated into the 1972 Standard Specification for coarse aggregates for concrete.


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The main sources of coarse aggregate for secondary slip form paving in Southwest Iowa exhibit undesirable "D" cracking. "D" cracking is a discoloration of the concrete caused by fine, hairline cracks. These cracks are caused by the freezing and thawing of moisture inside the coarse aggregate. The cracks are often hour glass shaped, are parallel to each other, and occur along saw joints. The B-4, a typical secondary mix, utilizes 50% fine aggregate and 50% coarse aggregate. It has been proposed that a concrete mix with less coarse aggregate and more fine aggregate might impede this type of deterioration. The Nebraska Standard 47B Mix, a 70% fine aggregate, and 30% coarse aggregate mix, as used by Nebraska Department of Roads produces concrete with ultimate strengths in excess of 4500 psi but because of the higher cost of cement (it is a six bag per cubic yard mix) is not competitive with our present secondary mixes. The sands of Southwest Iowa generally have poorer mortar strengths than the average Iowa Sand. Class V Aggregate also found in Southwest Iowa has a coarser sand fraction, therefore it has a better mortar strength, but exhibits an acidic reaction and therefore must be·used with limestone. This illustrates the need to find a mix for use in Southwest Iowa that possesses adequate strength and satisfactory durability at a low cost. The purpose of this study is to determine a concrete mix with an acceptable cement content which will produce physical properties similar to that of our present secondary paving mixes.


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The stability of air bubbles in fresh concrete can have a profound influence of the potential durability of the system, because excessive losses during placement and consolidation can compromise the ability of the mixture to resist freezing and thawing. The stability of air void systems developed by some air entraining admixtures (AEAs) could be affected by the presence of some polycarboxylate-based water reducing admixtures (WRAs). The foam drainage test provides a means of measuring the potential stability of air bubbles in a paste. A barrier to acceptance of the test was that there was little investigation of the correlation with field performance. The work reported here was a limited exercise seeking to observe the stability of a range of currently available AEA/WRA combinations in the foam drainage test; then, to take the best and the worst and observe their stabilities on concrete mixtures in the lab. Based on the data collected, the foam drainage test appears to identify stable combinations of AEA and WRA.


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The basic purpose of this study was to determine if an expanded polystyrene insulating board could prevent subgrade freezing and thereby reduce frost heave. The insulating board was placed between a nine inch P. C. concrete slab and a frost-susceptible subgrade. In one section at the test site, selected backfill material was placed under the pavement. The P. C. pavement was later covered by asphalt surfacing. Thermocouples were installed for obtaining temperature recordings at various locations in the surfacing, concrete slab, subgrade and shoulders. This report contains graphs and illustrations showing temperature distributions for two years, as well as profile elevations and the results of moisture tests.


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This report describes the research completed under the research contract entitled "Development of a Conductometric Test for Frost Resistance of Concrete" undertaken for the Iowa Highway Research Board. The objective of the project was to develop a test method which can be reasonably and rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict, with a high degree of certainty, the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing. The significance of the results obtained, and recommendations for use and the continued development of conductometric testing are presented in this final report. In this project the conductometric evaluation of concrete durability was explored with three different test methods. The test methods and procedures for each type of test as well as presentation of the results obtained and their significance are included in the body of the report. The three test methods were: (1) Conductometric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing, (2) Conductometric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to natural freezing and thawing, and (3) Conductometric evaluation of the pore size distribution of concrete and its correlation to concrete durability. The report also includes recommendations for the continued development of these test methods.


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Research is described that was aimed at developing a test method which can be reasonably and rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict, with a high degree of certainty, the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing. The conductometric evaluation of concrete durability was explored with 3 different test methods: conductometric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing; conductomtric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to natural freezing and thawing, and conductometric evaluation of the pore size distribution of concrete and its correlation to concrete durability. The study showed that conductance could be used as a viable method for determining the durability of portland cement concrete. This would also allow the continuous monitoring of concrete durability without the removal twice per week from the freeze/thaw chamber. Recommendations for the continued development of these test methods are also included.


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The purpose of this report is to describe the major research activities during the period of February 1, 1985 - October 30, 1986 for the Iowa Highway Research Board under the research contract entitled "Development of a Conductometric Test for Frost Resistance of Concrete." The objective of this research, as stated in the project proposal, is to develop a test method which can be reasonably rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing with a high degree of certainty. In the work plan of the proposal it was stated that the early part of the first year would be devoted to construction of testing equipment and preparation of specimens and the remainder of the year would be devoted to the testing of specimens. It was also stated that the second and third years would be devoted to performance and refinements of tests, data analysis, preparation of suggested specifications, and performance of tests covering variables which need to be studied such as types of aggregates, fly ash replacements and other admixtures. The objective of this report is to describe the progress made during the first 20 months of this project and assess the significance of the results obtained thus far and the expected significance of the results obtainable during the third year of the project.


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Lime sludge, an inert material mostly composed of calcium carbonate, is the result of softening hard water for distribution as drinking water. A large city such as Des Moines, Iowa, produces about 30,700 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) annually (Jones et al., 2005). Eight Iowa cities representing, according to the United States (U.S.) Census Bureau, 23% of the state’s population of 3 million, were surveyed. They estimated that they collectively produce 64,470 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) per year, and they currently have 371,800 tons (dry weight basis) stockpiled. Recently, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources directed those cities using lime softening in drinking water treatment to stop digging new lagoons to dispose of lime sludge. Five Iowa cities with stockpiles of lime sludge funded this research. The research goal was to find useful and economical alternatives for the use of lime sludge. Feasibility studies tested the efficacy of using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, dust control on gravel roads, wastewater neutralization, and in-fill materials for road construction. Applications using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, and wastewater neutralization, and as a fill material for road construction showed positive results, but the dust control application did not. Since the fill material application showed the most promise in accomplishing the project’s goal within the time limits of this research project, it was chosen for further investigation. Lime sludge is classified as inorganic silt with low plasticity. Since it only has an unconfined compressive strength of approximately 110 kPa, mixtures with fly ash and cement were developed to obtain higher strengths. When fly ash was added at a rate of 50% of the dry weight of the lime sludge, the unconfined strength increased to 1600 kPa. Further, friction angles and California Bearing Ratios were higher than those published for soils of the same classification. However, the mixtures do not perform well in durability tests. The mixtures tested did not survive 12 cycles of freezing and thawing and wetting and drying without excessive mass and volume loss. Thus, these mixtures must be placed at depths below the freezing line in the soil profile. The results demonstrated that chemically stabilized lime sludge is able to contribute bulk volume to embankments in road construction projects.


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The goals of this project were to implement several stabilization methods for preventing or mitigating freeze-thaw damage to granular surfaced roads and identify the most effective and economical methods for the soil and climate conditions of Iowa. Several methods and technologies identified as potentially suitable for Iowa were selected from an extensive analysis of existing literature provided with Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) Project TR-632. Using the selected methods, demonstration sections were constructed in Hamilton County on a heavily traveled two-mile section of granular surfaced road that required frequent maintenance during previous thawing periods. Construction procedures and costs of the demonstration sections were documented, and subsequent maintenance requirements were tabulated through two seasonal freeze-thaw periods. Extensive laboratory and field tests were performed prior to construction, as well as before and after the two seasonal freeze-thaw periods, to monitor the performance of the demonstration sections. A weather station was installed at the project site and temperature sensors were embedded in the subgrade to monitor ground temperatures up to a depth of 5 ft and determine the duration and depths of ground freezing and thawing. An economic analysis was performed using the documented construction and maintenance costs, and the estimated cumulative costs per square yard were projected over a 20-year timeframe to determine break-even periods relative to the cost of continuing current maintenance practices. Overall, the sections with biaxial geogrid or macadam base courses had the best observed freeze-thaw performance in this study. These two stabilization methods have larger initial costs and longer break-even periods than aggregate columns, but counties should also weigh the benefits of improved ride quality and savings that these solutions can provide as excellent foundations for future paving or surface upgrades.


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The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the accuracy and utility of a freezing drizzle algorithm that can be implemented on roadway environmental sensing systems (ESSs). The types of problems related to the occurrence of freezing precipitation range from simple traffic delays to major accidents that involve fatalities. Freezing drizzle can also lead to economic impacts in communities with lost work hours, vehicular damage, and downed power lines. There are means for transportation agencies to perform preventive and reactive treatments to roadways, but freezing drizzle can be difficult to forecast accurately or even detect as weather radar and surface observation networks poorly observe these conditions. The detection of freezing precipitation is problematic and requires special instrumentation and analysis. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) development of aircraft anti-icing and deicing technologies has led to the development of a freezing drizzle algorithm that utilizes air temperature data and a specialized sensor capable of detecting ice accretion. However, at present, roadway ESSs are not capable of reporting freezing drizzle. This study investigates the use of the methods developed for the FAA and the National Weather Service (NWS) within a roadway environment to detect the occurrence of freezing drizzle using a combination of icing detection equipment and available ESS sensors. The work performed in this study incorporated the algorithm developed initially and further modified for work with the FAA for aircraft icing. The freezing drizzle algorithm developed for the FAA was applied using data from standard roadway ESSs. The work performed in this study lays the foundation for addressing the central question of interest to winter maintenance professionals as to whether it is possible to use roadside freezing precipitation detection (e.g., icing detection) sensors to determine the occurrence of pavement icing during freezing precipitation events and the rates at which this occurs.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of low-permeability concrete, made with reduced water‐to‐binder ratios (w/b) and/or supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), on the need for air entrainment to achieve freezing‐thawing (F‐T) durability. In the present study, concrete mixes were made with different types of cement (Types I and IP), with or without fly ash replacement (15%), with different water‐to‐binder ratios (w/b =0.25, 0.35, 0.45 and 0.55), and with or without air entraining agent (AEA). All concrete mixtures were controlled to have a similar slump by using different dosages of superplasticizer. The rapid chloride permeability and F-T durability of the concrete samples were determined according to ASTM C1202 and ASTM C666A, respectively. The air void structure of the concrete was studied using the Air Void Analyzer, RapidAir, and porosity tests (ASTM C642). In addition, the general concrete properties, such as slump, air content, unit weight, and 28‐day compressive strength, were evaluated. The results indicate that all concrete mixes with proper air entrainment (ASTM C231 air content ≥ 6%) showed good F‐T resistance (durability factor ≥85%). All concrete mixes without AEA showed poor F‐T resistance (durability factor < 40%), except for one mix that had very low permeability and high strength. This was the concrete made with Type IP cement and with a w/b of 0.25, which had a permeability of 520 coulombs and a compressive strength of 12,760 psi (88 MPa). There were clear relationships between the F‐T durability and hardened concrete properties of non–air entrained concrete. However, such relationships did not exist in concrete with AEA. For concrete with AEA, good F‐T durability was associated with an air void spacing factor ≤ 0.28 mm (by AVA) or ≤ 0.22 mm (by RapidAir).