46 resultados para freeze-dried emulsions
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
A 5.8 mile section of Dubuque County (Iowa) Road D-53 was selected for this project, the objective of which were to: 1. identify a cost effective asphalt emulsion bound macadam typical cross section; 2. determine the effectiveness of engineering fabric placed under macadam roadbeds; and 3. evalaute the use of emulsions in surface seal coats. A number of conclusions were reached: 1. The minus #200 sieve material for the macadam stone should be held to a minimum. For the emulsion used on this project, the minus #200 material had less than 4 percent to achieve satisfactory coating of the macadam stone. 2. The placement of the emulsion treated macadam required no additional equipment or time than the plain macadam placement. 3. Emulsion treating the macadam stone for the shoulder base appears unnecessary. 4. The emulsion treated macadam base beneath an asphaltic concrete wearing surface yielded a higher structural rating than the plain macadam beneath a comparable ashaltic concrete surface. 5. The performance of the fabric between the subgrade and the macadam base to prevent soil intrusion into the base could not be determined by the non-destructive testing conducted. 6. When no choke stone is used over the macadam base, allowance for ac mix overrun should be made. 7. Use of an emulsion instead of a cutback asphalt saved money and energy. However, the poor performance of the seal coat negated any real savings.
The current study investigated the effect of fly ash class, source and amount on the compressive strength and freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete. Concrete aggregates of varying quality were also included as test variables. The current results and those obtained from previous laboratory and field work indicate that compressive strength can·be affected by fly ash class, source and amount while aggregate quality is shown to have no effect on strength. Freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete is strongly affected by aggregate quality and to a lesser degree by fly ash class, amount and source.
The Iowa State Highway Commission purchased a Conrad automatic freeze and thaw machine and placed it in operation during October 1961. There were a few problems, but considering, the many electrical and mechanical devices used in the automatic system it has always functioned quite well. Rapid freezing and thawing of 4"x4"xl8" concrete beams has been conducted primarily in accordance with ASTM C-29l (now ASTM C-666 procedure B) at the rate of one beam per day. Over 4000 beams have been tested since 1961, with determination of the resulting durability factors. Various methods of curing were used and a standard 90 day moist cure was selected. This cure seemed to yield durability factors that correlated very well with ratings of coarse aggregates based on service records. Some concrete beams had been made using the same coarse aggregate and the durability factors compared relatively well with previous tests. Durability factors seemed to yield reasonable results until large variations in durability factors were noted from beams of identical concrete mix proportions in research projects R-234 and R-247. This then presents the question "How reliable is the durability as determined by ASTM C-666?" This question became increasingly more important when a specification requiring a minimum durability factor for P.C. concrete made from coarse aggregates was incorporated into the 1972 Standard Specification for coarse aggregates for concrete.
The freeze-thaw resistance of concretes was studied. Nine concrete mixes, made with five cements and cement-Class C fly ash combinations, were exposed to freeze-thaw cycling following 110 to 222 days of moist curing. Prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, the specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The influence of a wet/dry treatment was also studied. Infilling of ettringite in entrained air voids was observed in the concretes tested. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The concretes with 15% Class C fly ash replacement show more infilling in their air voids. It was found that the influence of the infilling on the freeze-thaw durability relates to the air spacing factor. The greater the spacing factor, the more expansion under the freeze-thaw cycling. The infilling seems to decrease effective air content and to increase effective spacing factor. The infilling also implies that the filled air voids are water-accessible. These might lead to concrete more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. By combining the above results with field observations, one may conclude that the freeze-thaw damage is a factor related to premature deterioration of portland cement concrete pavements in Iowa.
Due to an equipment malfunction, too much sand was used in the concrete on the bridge floor placed on August 9, 1994, in Washington County, Project No. BRF-22-2(36)38-92. Freeze-thaw durability testing of cores taken from the concrete in question and the other two concretes not in question was performed. The experimental results indicate that the concrete in question is considered at least as durable and resistant to freeze-thaw damage as the concretes which are not in question. The concrete in question can be expected to function properly for the regular service life of the bridge.
Examination of field portland cement concrete cores, from Iowa pavements with premature deterioration, reveals extensive infilling of calcium sulfate aluminum (CSA) compound in their air voids. A previous study (Phase I) has shown some evidence of the correlation between freeze-thaw durability of concretes and ettringite infilling. To further verify the previous observation, a more extensive experimental program was conducted in this Phase 2 study. A total of 101 concrete mixes were examined. Seven cements, six fly ashes, two water reducers and three coarse aggregates were used in the concrete mixes. Specimens were under moist curing for up to 223 days before being subjected to the freeze-thaw cycling. An environmental treatment consisting of three consecutive wet [70 deg F (21 deg C) in distilled water]/dry [120 deg F (49 deg C) in oven] cycles was applied to some specimens. Immediately prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, most specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The results obtained further demonstrate the correlation between concrete freeze-thaw response and CSA compound infilling in the air voids. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The extent of the infilling also relates to materials used. Concrete mixes with extensive infilling are more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. Based on the obtained results, material criteria on cements and fly ashes for mainline paving were proposed for minimizing potential infilling of CSA compound in concrete.
For the past several year Kossuth County has had a scheduled maintenance program of bituminous seal coating. This program has been used to maintain the 467 miles of asphaltic concrete surfaced roads in Kossuth County. Since most of the experience that Kossuth County had in seal coating was with cutback asphalt, it was decided to include the use of emulsified asphalt in Kossuth County's 1980 seal coat program. Federal Demonstration Project Funds were requested from the Federal Highway Administration to study the use of emulsified asphalt and funding was granted under Demonstration Project No. 55,:Asphalt Emulsions for Highway Construction." Items studied were design and construction procedure cost of alternate material, energy consumption and environmental considerations. A construction contract was awarded to Everds Brothers, Inc. of Algona, Iowa, on July 1, 1980. There were four bidders on the 54.5 miles of seal coating that was let. A map showing the location of the seal coating projects is shown in Appendix A, and a copy of the contract is shown in Appendix B. The contractor started the project on July 11, 1980 and completed the project on August 1, 1980. Construction inspection and follow-up inspections of the project were conducted by personnel of the Kossuth County Engineer's Office and testing of the materials, friction testing and road rater testing were conducted by the Material's Department of the Iowa Department of Transportation.
The air void analyzer (AVA) with its independent isolation base can be used to accurately evaluate the air void system—including volume of entrained air, size of air voids, and distribution of air voids—of fresh portland cement concrete (PCC) on the jobsite. With this information, quality control adjustments in concrete batching can be made in real time to improve the air void system and thus increase freeze-thaw durability. This technology offers many advantages over current practices for evaluating air in concrete.
This report presents the results of the largest and most comprehensive study to date on portland cement pervious concrete (PCPC). It is designed to be widely accessible and easily applied by designers, producers, contractors, and owners. The project was designed to begin with pervious concrete best practices and then to address the unanswered questions in a systematic fashion to allow a successful overlay project. Consequently, the first portion of the integrated project involved a combination of fundamental material property investigations, test method development, and addressing constructability issues before actual construction could take place. The second portion of the project involved actual construction and long-term testing before reporting successes, failures, and lessons learned. The results of the studies conducted show that a pervious concrete overlay can be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained. A pervious concrete overlay has several inherent advantages, including reduced splash and spray and reduced hydroplaning potential, as well as being a very quiet pavement. The good performance of this overlay in a particularly harsh freeze-thaw climate, Minnesota, shows pervious concrete is durable and can be successfully used in freeze-thaw climates with truck traffic and heavy snow plowing.
Fly ash was used in this evaluation study to replace 15% of the cement in Class C-3 concrete paving mixes. One Class "c" ash from Iowa approved sources was examined in each mix. Substitution rate was based on 1 to 1 basis, for each pound of cement removed 1.0 pound of ash was added. The freeze/thaw durability of the concrete studied was not adversely affected by the presence of fly ash. This study reveals that the durability of the concrete test specimens made with Class II durability aggregates was slightly increased in all cases by the substitution of cement with 15% Class "c" fly ash. In all cases durability factors either remained the same or slightly improved except for one case where the durability factor decreased from 36 to 34. The expansion decreased in all cases.
The purpose of this guide is to help practitioners understand how to optimize concrete pavement joint performance through the identification, mitigation, and prevention of joint deterioration. It summarizes current knowledge from research and practice to help practitioners access the latest knowledge and implement proven techniques. Emphasizing that water is the common factor in most premature joint deterioration, this guide describes various types of joint deterioration that can occur. Some distresses are caused by improper joint detailing or construction, and others can be attributed to inadequate materials or proportioning. D cracking is a form of joint distress that results from the use of poor-quality aggregates. A particular focus in this guide is joint distress due to freeze-thaw action. Numerous factors are at play in the occurrence of this distress, including the increased use of a variety of deicing chemicals and application strategies. Finally, this guide provides recommendations for minimizing the potential for joint deterioration, along with recommendations for mitigation practices to slow or stop the progress of joint deterioration.
Fly ash was used to replace 15% of the cement in C3WR and C6WR concrete paving mixes containing ASTM C494 Type A water reducin9 admixtures. Two Class C ashes and one Class F ash from Iowa approved sources were examined in each mix. When Class C ashes were used they were substituted on the basis of 1 pound of ash added for each pound of cement deleted. When Class F was used it was substituted on the basis of 1.25 pounds of ash added for each pound of cement deleted. Compressive strengths of the water reduced mixes, with and without fly ash, were determined at 7, 28, and 56 days of age. In every case except one the mixes containing the fly ash exhibited higher strengths than the same concrete mix without the fly ash. An excellent correlation existed between the C3WR and C6WR mixes both with and without fly ash substitutions. The freeze-thaw durability of the concrete studied was not affected by presence or absence of fly ash. The data gathered suggests that the present Class C water reduced concrete paving mixes can be modified to allow the substitution of 15% of the cement with an approved fly ash.
Fly ash was used in this evaluation study to replace 15% of the cement in Class C-3 concrete paving mixes. One Class "c" ash from Iowa approved sources was examined in each mix. Substitution rate was based on 1 to 1 basis, for each pound of cement removed 1.0 pound of ash was added. The freeze/thaw durability of the concrete studied was not adversely affected by the presence of fly ash. This study reveals that the durability of the concrete test specimens made with Class II durability aggregates was slightly increased in all cases by the substitution of cement with 15% Class "c" fly ash. In all cases durability factors either remained the same or slightly improved except for one case where the durability factor decreased from 36 to 34. The expansion decreased in all cases.
Fly ash was used in this evaluation study to replace 30, 50 and 70 percent of the 400 1bs. of cement currently used in each cu. yd. of portland cement econocrete base paving mix. Two Class "c" ashes and one Class "F" ash from Iowa approved sources were examined in each mix. When Class "c" ashes were used, they were substituted on the basis of 1.0 pound for each pound of cement removed. When Class "F" ash was used, it was substituted on the basis of 1.25 pounds of ash for each pound of cement removed. Compressive strengths with and without fly ash were determined at 7, 28 and 56 days of age. In most cases, strengths were adequate. The freeze/thaw durability of the econocrete mixes studied was not adversely affected by the presence of fly ash. The tests along with erodibility and absorption tests have demonstrated the feasibility of producing econocrete with satisfactory mechanical properties even when relatively low quality and/or locally available aggregate is being used at no sacrifice to strength and/or durability.
An adequate air void system is imperative to produce concrete with freeze-thaw durability in a wet freeze environment such as found in Iowa. Specifications rely on a percentage of air obtained in the plastic state by the pressure meter. Actual, in place air contents, of some concrete pavements in Iowa, have been found with reduced air content due to a number of factors such as excessive vibration and inadequate mixing. Determining hardened air void parameters is a time consuming process involving potential for human error. The RapidAir 457 air void analyzer is an automated device used to determine hardened air void parameters. The device is used in Europe and has been shown to quickly produce accurate and repeatable hardened air results. This research investigates how well the RapidAir 457 results correlate to plastic air content and the image analysis air technique. The repeatability and operator variation were also investigated, as well as, the impact of aggregate porosity and selection of threshold value on hardened air results.