34 resultados para digital projects
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
The choice of a research path in attacking scientific and technological problems is a significant component of firms’ R&D strategy. One of the findings of the patent races literature is that, in a competitive market setting, firms’ noncooperative choices of research projects display an excessive degree of correlation, as compared to the socially optimal level. The paper revisits this question in a context in which firms have access to trade secrets, in addition to patents, to assert intellectual property rights (IPR) over their discoveries. We find that the availability of multiple IPR protection instruments can move the paths chosen by firms engaged in an R&D race toward the social optimum.
This report is of the projects for the capital.
Audit report on Highway Safety Projects administered by The Integer Group Midwest for the year ended September 30, 2006
The Iowa Department of Elder Affairs, in collaboration with the University of Iowa College of Nursing, has been engaged in developing and evaluating community based services for persons with dementia in the state of Iowa over the past 7 years under a grant form the Administration on Aging. This grant tested out several models of care (dementia nurse care manager, memory loss nurse specialist, “People Living Alone Need Support” (PLANS), varying models of respite care), surveyed agencies and service providers in regard to how they provide services for persons with dementia, and provided training to case management, community college instructors, adult day service providers and other related services providers including assisted living and nursing home facilities.
Report on a review of the Transportation Enhancement Program of the Iowa Department of Transportation for projects closed out during the period July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009
Pursuant to section 34, subsection 1 of S.R. 376 passed by the 2010 session of the 83rd Iowa General Assembly, please find attached the report on the status of all bridge projects, completed or in progress, that were funded with the Bridge Safety Fund established by S.F. 376.
Per legislative requirement, attached is the Iowa Department of Transportation’s summary of project status for infrastructure projects that have been appropriated revenue from various funds including Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure, Health Restricted Capitals, Bridge Safety, Revenue Bonds Capitals, and Revenue Bonds Capitals II. Although a status report for the Bridge Safety Fund was already submitted to the directors of LSA and DOM, a status report on those projects is also included within this attachment for consistency with last year’s reporting. In addition, per request from LSA, status reports for the FY 2011 passenger rail appropriation from the Underground Storage Tank Fund and the FY 2010 Commercial Service Vertical Infrastructure appropriation from the General Fund are also listed in this report.
Audit report on Highway Safety Projects administered by The Integer Group Midwest for the year ended September 30, 2007
Audit report on Highway Safety Projects administered by The Integer Group Midwest for the year ended September 30, 2008
Audit report on Highway Safety Projects administered by The Integer Group Midwest for the year ended September 30, 2009
Audit report on Highway Safety Projects administered by The Integer Group Midwest for the year ended September 30, 2010
The following data was derived from 1391 reports of participating contractors for the annual 2002 through 2011 reporting periods. The workforce data is reflective of one peak work week for highway contractors during the most active time of the season, the last full week of July. The summary data on pages 4 and 5 was compiled by Iowa DOT staff from the 1391 reports received. Interesting changes and trends have been addressed in the written analysis.
The Bridges Decision Support Model is a geographic information system (GIS) that assembles existing data on archaeological sites, surveys, and their geologic contexts to assess the risk of bridge replacement projects encountering 13,000- to 150-year-old Native American sites. This project identifies critical variables for assessing prehistoric sites potential, examines the quality of available data about the variables, and applies the data to creating a decision support framework for use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) and others. An analysis of previous archaeological surveys indicates that subsurface testing to discover buried sites became increasingly common after 1980, but did not become routine until after the adoption of guidelines recommending such testing, in 1993. Even then, the average depth of testing has been relatively shallow. Alluvial deposits of sufficient age, deposited in depositional environments conducive to human habitation, are considerably thicker than archaeologists have routinely tested.
In 2001, the Iowa Legislature approved approximately $475,000 to fund strategies for elder abuse detection, training and services in an effort to evaluate Iowa’s adult abuse system. This endeavor became known as Iowa’s Elder Abuse Initiative (EAI) demonstration projects. These projects were located in 4 of the 13 Area Agencies on Aging and available in 22 of Iowa’s 99 counties. The EAI focused on the prevention, intervention, detection, and reporting of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation by presenting elders with options to enhance their lifestyle choices.
Program from the dedication of the Osage-Mitchell County RISE (Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy) paving project on Sept. 27, 1989.