6 resultados para contratación intermodal
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
Iowa’s Rail Environment Iowa’s rail transportation system provides both freight and passenger service. Rail serves a variety of trips, including those within Iowa and those to other states as well as to foreign markets. While rail competes with other modes, it also cooperates with those modes to provide intermodal services to Iowans. In 2009 Iowa’s rail transportation system could be described as follows: Freight Iowa’s 130,000-mile freight transportation system includes an extensive railroad network, a well-developed highway system, two bordering navigable waterways, and a pipeline network as well as air cargo facilities. While rail accounts for only 3 percent of the freight network, it carries 43 percent of Iowa’s freight tonnage. A great variety of commodities ranging from fresh fish to textiles to optical products are moved by rail. However, most of the Iowa rail shipments consist of bulk commodities, including grain, grain products, coal, ethanol, and fertilizers. The railroad network performs an important role in moving bulk commodities produced and consumed in the state to local processors, livestock feeders, river terminals and ports for foreign export. The railroad’s ability to haul large volumes, long distances at low costs will continue to be a major factor in moving freight and improving the economy of Iowa. Key 2008 Facts • 3,945 miles of track • 18 railroads • 49.5 million tons shipped • 39.7 million tons received • 2 Amtrak routes • 6 Amtrak stations • 66,286 rail passenger rides Key Rail Trends • slightly fewer miles being operated; • railroads serving Iowa has remained the same; • more rail freight traffic; • more tons hauled per car; • higher average rail rates per ton-mile since 2002; • more car and tons hauled per locomotive; and • more ton miles per gallon of fuel consumed. Iowa’s rail system and service has been evolving over time relative to its size, financial conditions, and competition from other modes.
The 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan details the state’s role in providing and preserving adequate, safe and efficient rail transportation services to Iowans. The plan is intended to serve as a guide for decision makers and provides a basis for future Iowa DOT policy, funding priorities and programming decisions that affect rail transportation service in Iowa. The primary purpose of the 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan is to guide the Iowa DOT in pursuing actions that maintain and improve railroad transportation in Iowa. The plan is a component of the Iowa Statewide Transportation Plan known as “Iowa in Motion.” This plan considers railroads from an intermodal perspective. Many commodities that move by rail also move by other modes (principally trucks) during part of their journey from origin to destination. The same is true of persons who use rail passenger service to make trips and who must also rely on other modes to access rail service. Therefore, railroads are part of larger intermodal freight and passenger transportation systems.
The purpose of this project was to determine the feasibility of using pavement condition data collected for the Iowa Pavement Management Program (IPMP) as input to the Iowa Quadrennial Need Study. The need study, conducted by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) every four years, currently uses manually collected highway infrastructure condition data (roughness, rutting, cracking, etc.). Because of the Iowa DOT's 10-year data collection cycles, condition data for a given highway segment may be up to 10 years old. In some cases, the need study process has resulted in wide fluctuations in funding allocated to individual Iowa counties from one study to the next. This volatility in funding levels makes it difficult for county engineers to plan and program road maintenance and improvements. One possible remedy is to input more current and less subjective infrastructure condition data. The IPMP was initially developed to satisfy the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) requirement that federal-aid-eligible highways be managed through a pavement management system. Currently all metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in Iowa and 15 of Iowa's 18 RPAs participate in the IPMP. The core of this program is a statewide data base of pavement condition and construction history information. The pavement data are collected by machine in two-year cycles. Using pilot areas, researchers examined the implications of using the automated data collected for the IPMP as input to the need study computer program, HWYNEEDS. The results show that using the IPMP automated data in HWYNEEDS is feasible and beneficial, resulting in less volatility in the level of total need between successive quadrennial need studies. In other words, the more current the data, the smaller the shift in total need.
Disposal of used tires has been a problem throughout the United States. The 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) requires the use of recycled rubber in asphalt concrete starting in FY94. A moratorium has delayed this requirement until FY95. The Iowa DOT has researched six projects using crumb rubber modifier in asphalt concrete using the wet process. This process involves using a blender-reactor to blend the asphalt cement and crumb rubber. Using the wet process the asphalt cement has to reach a hotter temperature, than is normally required, for reaction to occur. The wet process is also much more expensive than conventional asphalt. This research deals with using a dry process to incorporate crumb rubber into the asphalt concrete mix. The project was constructed by Western Engineering of Harlan, Iowa, on IA 37 between Earling, Iowa and US 59. It was completed in September 1993. Western Engineering used a double drum mixer to produce the crumb rubber modified asphalt concrete by the dry process. The production and construction went well with minor difficulty and the dry process is a less expensive procedure for producing crumb rubber modified asphalt concrete.
What is Iowa in Motion? The Iowa Department of Transportation is continuing the journey to develop Iowa’s future transportation system. This ongoing planning process, known as Iowa in Motion, was developed in response to the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and Iowa’s changing transportation needs. The completion of Parts I, II and III of Iowa in Motion has led to development of this State Transportation Plan. Part IV includes activities, both current and future, to support the plan. This State Transportation Plan represents the thoughts and concerns of thousands of Iowans. Individuals, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), regional planning affiliations (RPAs), associations and organizations have become involved and have made recommendations concerning which direction should be followed regarding transportation investments. This plan represents their extensive input into the Iowa in Motion process and consensus building as we moved towards adoption of this State Transportation Plan. The adopted plan serves as a guide for development of transportation policies, goals, objectives, initiatives and investment decisions through the year 2020.
This is a study of how transportation policy can be fashioned to improve Iowa's long-term economic prospects. The research focuses on the state level and covers pricing, resource allocation, investment, and other issues that directly affect the performance of public facilities that support transportation of goods and people to and from points in Iowa. Chapter 1 is an introduction. Chapter 2 begins with an assessment of how Iowa's economy is changing, both functionally and spatially. Commuting patterns and methods of goods movement are then discussed. The purpose of this analysis is to provide a context for the exploration of transportation policy issues in subsequent chapters. In Chapter 3 a framework is established for evaluating changes in transportation policies. A working definition of economic development is given and the role of government policies in making an area more attractive to economic activity is considered. Chapter 4 analyzes public policy options for Iowa's roads and highways. These policy options are intended to help the state compete for economic activity. Chapter 5 assesses alternative investment strategies for major navigational facilities on the upper Mississippi River. Chapter 6 examines major transportation policy issues in Iowa's agricultural sector. The current magnitude of agricultural shipments and the roles of several modes are presented. After focusing on issues related to railroad competitiveness, the analysis turns to how Iowa's rural roads should be financed. The need for joint investment and pricing decisions affecting waterways, railroads, and rural roads is stressed. Chapter 7 examines the current status of freight transportation in Iowa. An assessment is made of issues related to trucking and of intermodal transportation and its potential for cost-effective shipping to and from businesses in Iowa. Chapter 8 summarizes the key findings of this study, offering ten recommendations. These recommendations relate to transportation as a means of facilitating economic development.