9 resultados para contact pressure
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
The 2002-2003 Weatherization Program has just come to an end and we would like to take the time to thank you for an excellent year serving the population of Iowa. As always, it was a pleasure working with each and every one of you. We have recently had a new addition to the weatherization family. A hearty welcome is extended to Mike Creeden, the new Weatherization Coordinator at North Iowa. Agencies were recently sent their HEAP and DOE contracts. Once the HEAP contracts are received by our office and signed by the Administrator, they will be promptly returned for your files. The DOE signature pages will be returned to each agency, once DOE has approved the state plan. In the meantime, should you have any questions, feel free to contact our office. There was a change in this year’s utility contracts; a maximum of twelve bulbs may be replaced per house, at a maximum of $10 per bulb. WAMS in Access 2000 is just about ready for use. Be looking for it’s release soon. Look forward to Pressure Diagnostic and TI- 86 training July 8-9 and 22-23. If you are interested in hosting this training, please contact our office.
Contact information for the CASE (Career And Self Awareness) prototype.
Report on a review of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program and the Elevator and Escalator Safety Program administered by Iowa Workforce Development for the period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010
This report was developed to provide summary information to allow state agency staff, practitioners and juvenile justice system officials to access a specific section of Iowa’s Three Year Plan. It includes the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) section of Iowa’s 2006 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant Three-Year Plan. The complete Three Year Plan serves as Iowa’s application for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding.
The primary reason for using steam in the curing of concrete is to produce a high early strength. This high early strength is very desirable to the manufacturers of precast and prestressed concrete units, which often require expensive forms or stress beds. They want to remove the forms and move the units to storage yards as soon as possible. The minimum time between casting and moving the units is usually governed by the strength of the concrete. Steam curing accelerates the gain in strength at early ages, but the uncontrolled use of steam may seriously affect the growth in strength at later ages. The research described in this report was prompted by the need to establish realistic controls and specifications for the steam curing of pretensioned, prestressed concrete bridge beams and concrete culvert pipe manufactured in central plants. The complete project encompasses a series of laboratory and field investigations conducted over a period of approximately three years.
This report documents work undertaken in the demonstration of a low-cost Automatic Weight and Classification System (AWACS). An AWACS procurement specification and details of the results of the project are also included. The intent of the project is to support and encourage transferring research knowledge to state and local agencies and manufacturers through field demonstrations. Presently available, Weigh-in-Motion and Classification Systems are typically too expensive to permit the wide deployment necessary to obtain representative vehicle data. Piezo electric technology has been used in the United Kingdom and Europe and is believed to be the basic element in a low-cost AWACS. Low-cost systems have been installed at two sites, one in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement in Iowa and the other in Asphaltic Cement Concrete (ACC) pavement in Minnesota to provide experience with both types of pavement. The systems provide axle weights, gross vehicle weight, axle spacing, vehicle classification, vehicle speed, vehicle count, and time of arrival. In addition, system self-calibration and a method to predict contact tire pressure is included in the system design. The study has shown that in the PCC pavement, the AWACS is capable of meeting the needs of state and federal highway agencies, producing accuracies comparable to many current commercial WIM devices. This is being achieved at a procurement cost of substantially less than currently available equipment. In the ACC pavement the accuracies were less than those observed in the PCC pavement which is concluded to result from a low pavement rigidity at this site. Further work is needed to assess the AWACS performance at a range of sites in ACC pavements.
A study of four major concrete pavement joint rehabilitation techniques has been conducted, including: pressure relief joints, full-depth repairs, partial-depth repairs and joint resealing. The products of this research include the following for each technique: a summary of published research, detailed documentation of the design and performance of the 36 projects, conclusions and recommendations of the state highway engineers panel, "Design and Construction Guidelines" and "Guide Specifications." The latter two products are prepared for use by state highway agencies. The results of this study are based upon a review of literature, extensive field surveys and analysis of 36 rehabilitation projects, and the experience of an expert panel of state highway engineers.
Plastic air content is typically tested by the pressure method, ASTM C138. Loss of air content through the paver has been shown to exceed 2 percent at times. Research has shown that early deterioration of pavements in Iowa may be directly or indirectly related to low or inadequate air content. Hardened air content is typically checked using the linear traverse method, ASTM C457. The linear traverse method is very time consuming and could not be used on a production scale. A quick and effective method of testing in place air content is needed. Research has shown a high degree of correlation with the high-pressure method of determining air content of hardened concrete versus plastic air content in laboratory conditions. This research indicated that air contents are more variable when comparing core results to plastic air content, although the overall average for the air content was comparable. Perhaps, the location of the plastic air content test, obtained from construction records, versus location of the cores was not as accurate as needed.
The Iowa State Court Administrator’s Office (SCA) created the CASP Advisory Committee in October 2013 to develop a state plan addressing disproportionate minority contact (DMC) in the juvenile justice system. The planning was assisted with a discretionary grant awarded from the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP).