7 resultados para Welcoming
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
This guidebook has been published by the University of Northern Iowa New Iowans Program to assist employers, managers and supervisors with the unique challenges associated with hiring, training and integrating immigrant and refugee workers. Its purpose is to promote proactive engagement of newcomer workers to assure the vitality of Iowa businesses. Successful integration of immigrants and refugees in our workplaces and communities is essential to insure Iowa’s long-term economic and social health. This book provides essential information for human resource directors, trainers, supervisors and others as they meet the challenges and rewards of hiring immigrants and refugees. Of course, no guidebook can provide simple solutions to complex issues in a great variety if workplaces. This is not a “cookbook” with recipes that provide easy answers to challenges facing every company and worker. All employers are unique and approach problems differently. What works in one company might not work as well in another.
Immigrant and refugee newcomers have an important role in Iowa. These newcomers have revitalized many Iowa communities, workplaces and faith-based institutions. The arrival of immigrants and refugees poses challenges as well as rewards; understanding and addressing these issues is vital to welcoming and accommodating new Iowans and assuring their part in the long-term economic and social health of our state. This handbook represents a unique collaboration between the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) and Ecumenical Ministries of Iowa (EMI). The goal of this collaboration is to create a guidebook for Iowans to learn more about Iowa’s growing immigrant and refugee population and discover ways to welcome these newcomers and accommodate them in our communities and churches. The unique nature of this joint publication between a public university and Christian churches acknowledges that both institutions have a stake in accommodating immigrants in Iowa. UNI and all institutions of higher education need to support population growth to assure future enrollments. Churches and many other community institutions need immigrants and other newcomers to help maintain their viability. Universities and churches also need healthy local economies. Newcomers can provide much needed skills and labor to make this happen. In short, His collaboration recognizes that making immigration in Iowa work has important long-term implications for us all. This book was written and compiled by two university faculty members, but it is not an official university endorsement of Christianity as the only religion practiced and accepted by Iowans, and no university funds were used to print or distribute this handbook. This handbook is written for Iowa’s Christian community and is based on the Biblical mandate to welcome newcomers, but we acknowledge Iowa’s other religious groups and their role in accommodating newcomers as well. We readily acknowledge that other faith-based organizations also welcome newcomers and have a stake in making immigration a positive experience. In order to accommodate the perspectives and needs of these groups, the UNI New Iowans Program is planning to develop similar handbooks for Iowa’s Jewish and Muslim communities. This handbook includes a number of resource lists for individuals, newcomers, churches and others. Of course, as soon as these lists are printed, they may become out-of-date. In order to obtain the most up-to-date information, please visit the UNI New Iowans Web site: www.bcs.uni.edu/idm/newiowans/ The UNI New Iowans website also makes this handbook available in a PDF format.
As a guide for librarians, library policy makers and the local level, community leaders, local and state policy makers, and library customers across the state, these recommendations create a vision of libraries as friendly, welcoming places where Iowans can access inform ation in person or on-lin e, ob tain, an d use ideas and truste d info rmatio n tha t will enhance their quality of life. This report specifies the steps to achieving this vision and creates an environment of opportunity to m ove s teadily toward the new system.
ICRC works to promote safe, just, and inclusive communities. Safe and inclusive communities are free from discrimination and free from loss of dignity and humanity. Civil rights enforcement helps ensure society receives full benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce and reduces economic losses from discrimination. To prevent problems and provide a more welcoming economic climate, our agency educates business and industry on civil rights laws and diversity concerns.
This report documents the progress of the executive branch of Iowa state government in the areas of diversity and affirmative action in employment. While the State has had an affirmative action program since 1986, the focus is shifting toward a more comprehensive view of diversity in order to create a richer and more welcoming workplace. To that end, Governor Chester J. Culver initiated Executive Order Four (EO4) in October of 2007. The goal of EO4 is to achieve and maintain a diverse workforce in state government. In FY 2009, EO4 remained an important driving force for diversity related issues. New this year, each department‘s diversity and affirmative action information contained in this report was also required for the State‘s workforce planning process. Because of the change in the reporting process, some departments submitted full workforce plans and others submitted the required excerpts from the workforce planning template for diversity and affirmative action. We expect full workforce plans from all departments in FY 2010.
For people with disabilities, however, housing options have been limited. Today, state and federal laws are changing this. Who will benefit? All of us. For “accessibility” is an issue that, at one time or another, affects us all. This is true whether _ temporarily or permanently _ we use wheelchairs, need grab bars, cannot climb stairs, require easy-to-reach shelves, or rely on easy-to-navigate living spaces. The primary purpose of accessible housing law is to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, but the end result is a living environment that is more usable for everyone. For example, both the very young and the very old will find an accessible dwelling more comfortable. People with temporary limitations due to injury or illness will find it easier to live in. Such a home will be more welcoming to guests with disabilities.
For people with disabilities, however, housing options have been limited. Today, state and federal laws are changing this. Who will benefit? All of us. For “accessibility” is an issue that, at one time or another, affects us all. This is true whether _ temporarily or permanently _ we use wheelchairs, need grab bars, cannot climb stairs, require easy-to-reach shelves, or rely on easy-to-navigate living spaces. The primary purpose of accessible housing law is to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, but the end result is a living environment that is more usable for everyone. For example, both the very young and the very old will find an accessible dwelling more comfortable. People with temporary limitations due to injury or illness will find it easier to live in. Such a home will be more welcoming to guests with disabilities.