19 resultados para Tumatumani Site (Peru)

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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Proper storage practices are critical to protect materials from intermingling, contamination, or degradation, and to maintain consistent aggregate gradation throughout a project. Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no.2


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According to the 1972 Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a set of regulations for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The purpose of these regulations is to reduce pollution of the nation’s waterways. In addition to other pollutants, the NPDES regulates stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities, municipal storm sewer systems, and construction sites. Phase II of the NPDES stormwater regulations, which went into effect in Iowa in 2003, applies to construction activities that disturb more than one acre of ground. The regulations also require certain communities with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) to perform education, inspection, and regulation activities to reduce stormwater pollution within their communities. Iowa does not currently have a resource to provide guidance on the stormwater regulations to contractors, designers, engineers, and municipal staff. The Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) manuals are widely accepted as the statewide standard for public improvements. The SUDAS Design manual currently contains a brief chapter (Chapter 7) on erosion and sediment control; however, it is outdated, and Phase II of the NPDES stormwater regulations is not discussed. In response to the need for guidance, this chapter was completely rewritten. It now escribes the need for erosion and sediment control and explains the NPDES stormwater regulations. It provides information for the development and completion of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) that comply with the stormwater regulations, as well as the proper design and implementation of 28 different erosion and sediment control practices. In addition to the design chapter, this project also updated a section in the SUDAS Specifications manual (Section 9040), which describes the proper materials and methods of construction for the erosion and sediment control practices.


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The Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) helps businesses expand or locate all or part of their business in Iowa. It just makes sense for companies engaged in advanced manufacturing, biosciences and information solutions/financial services to look at Iowa and IDED helps to ensure theireconomic development timelines are met. Iowa is nationally recognized as an innovator in helping businesses by meeting their development needs in a timely and effective manner. IDED networks with Regulatory Assistance Coordinators in agencies across state government to reduce response time to businesses. This agency coordination helps to ensure that regulatory and compliance questions, or other needs associated with project site development and facility expansion are serviced quickly. We have listed information below about some of the more common regulatory requirements related to site development and expansion.


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The purpose of this Iowa manual is to serve as a guide, provide solutions, and offer suggestions on construction sites to comply with Iowa's current soil erosion and storm water runoff regulations. This need is particularly important when land undergoes a land use change. Information provided in this manual will be helpful to land owners, developers, consultants, contractors, planners, local government, as well as the general public. This manual is intended to provide techniques that will meet the mandates of current legislation. Innovations that will benefit the user and still provide effective control are encouraged.


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The Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) helps businesses expand or locate all or part of their business in Iowa. It just makes sense for companies engaged in advanced manufacturing, biosciences and information solutions/financial services to look at Iowa and IDED helps to ensure their economic development timelines are met. Iowa is nationally recognized as an innovator in helping businesses by meeting their development needs in a timely and effective manner. IDED networks with Regulatory Assistance Coordinators in agencies across state government to reduce response time to businesses. This agency coordination helps to ensure that regulatory and compliance questions, or other needs associated with project site development and facility expansion are serviced quickly. We have listed information below about some of the more common regulatory requirements related to site development and expansion.


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The goal of the study is to locate a site appropriate for a 170 offender unit, based on an understanding of current needs, existing and proposed procedure and the longevity of existing facility use. The study is based on master-plan process. A framework on which multiple stages of infrastructure development can be based is initiated through the systemic study of infrastructure condition, infrastructure needs and treatment objectives.


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The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) to evaluate the health impacts associated with exposure to contaminants of concern that have been found at the former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site. The EPA has been involved in the investigation and remediation of the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site since 2005. As part of these investigative activities, on-site soil sampling and both on-and off-site groundwater sampling has been completed. In addition, sub-slab soil gas, indoor air, and ambient air sampling at properties located near the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site has been completed. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to the public from exposure to the soil, groundwater and potential vapors within homes or buildings at or near the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.


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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has requested that the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) complete an update of the health consultation for the Hills, Iowa Perchlorate Groundwater Contamination Site that was originally completed in June 2004. In this updated health consultation, the IDPH will: 1) summarize background information on this site, 2) summarize the progress of work that has been completed regarding the site, 3) summarize the environmental data that has been collected, 4) summarize toxicological information and regulatory information regarding perchlorate, and 5) provide an update to any conclusions and recommendations from the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Iowa Department of Public Health’s priority is to ensure the Hills community has the best information possible to safeguard its health and the IDNR has the best information to guide its activities. That information is included in the following paragraphs.


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The Prairie Trail Development Area is located in the southern portion of Ankeny, Iowa. This development area is located in an area that was formally occupied by the Des Moines Ordnance Plant. The Des Moines Ordnance Plant was constructed for the production and testing of small arms munitions for use during World War II. The Landfill and Lagoon Complex was utilized for disposal of wastes from the ordnance plant and also from various entities that utilized the site property until 1991. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is verseeing the cleanup of the Landfill and Lagoon Complex. A portion of the remainder of the site property had been used for burning of scrap explosives, the storage and disposal of chemicals, a disposal pond, testing of products, and various munitions manufacturing activities. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is overseeing the cleanup of this remaining portion of the site property. The Iowa Department of Public Health has been contacted by residents within the Prairie Trail Development Area and by individuals that have an interest in relocating to the Prairie Trail Development Area. These residents are concerned with any environmental contamination that will be left after site remedial activities are completed. These residents want to know if any remaining environmental contamination will adversely impact their health or the health of their families.


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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is completing a third five-year review of the E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., County Road X-23 Superfund site in Lee County, Iowa. The site is also known as the Baier and McCarl subsites. The EPA is inviting public comment on whether the current site remedy continues to be protective of public health and the environment. The Iowa Department of Public Health in cooperation with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) prepared this health consultation to review the current status of the Baier and McCarl subsites and to provide an evaluation of the public health status of these subsites. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this docum ent’s conclusions and recommendations.


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This letter has been prepared as a consultation to EPA regarding the first five-year review of the Mason City Coal Gasification Plant Site, located in Mason City, Iowa to provide an evaluation of the public health status of the site.


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This letter has been prepared as a consultation to EPA regarding the third five year review of the Northwestern States Portland Cement Company Site, located North of Mason City, Iowa in Cerro Gordo County to provide an evaluation of the public health status of the site.


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This letter has been prepared as a consultation to evaluate human health impacts from residual contamination left from the former operation of a salvage yard on this property that is planned to be utilized by the North Iowa Humane Society located in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The Iowa Department of Public Health’s priority is to ensure the Fort Dodge community has the best information possible to safeguard its health. That information is included in following paragraphs.


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The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program to evaluate the health impacts of the proposed remedial strategy to be implemented at the Iowa City Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site (FMGP). The proposed remedial strategy to be implemented incorporates the following: 1) access restrictions through the continued operation of the Iowa-Illinois Manor and restriction on any future water well installation through continued implementation of a local environmental covenant; 2) previous site decommissioning activities that have restricted access to site contaminants; and 3) continued monitoring of the groundwater to ensure that contaminant levels in groundwater remain the same or are declining in concentration. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to people from exposure to the soil and vapors within the property. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.


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The Doty Landfill encompasses 13 acres of land and is located in the southeastern quarter of Section 29, Township 81 North, Range 6 East, Clinton County, Iowa. The site was used as a landfill for municipal solid waste from 1970 to 1975. In addition, local residents have expressed concern that other chemical-or pesticide waste had been disposed at the site. Previous site investigations had been completed in 1992 and in 2005. In October 2007 water samples from private wells located in the vicinity of the Doty Landfill site were collected and analyzed for dissolved metals. Two of the water samples obtained from drinking water wells contained dissolved arsenic above the US EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic of 10 μg/L (micrograms per liter) or 10 ppb (parts per billion). The water samples in question contained dissolved arsenic at concentrations of 19.3 and 14.9 μg/L or 19.3 and 14.9 ppb.