9 resultados para Trees and shrubs.

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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This document lists all trees and shrubs that are native to Iowa is their common name and scientific name. Along with height of maturity, growth rate uses and limitations.


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Mulch helps to recreate the organic layer and soil structure of a wooded environment, which benefits your trees and shrubs... • Helps maintain even soil temperature in the roots by keeping them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. • Promotes plant growth. • Controls weeds. • Conserves soil moisture, meaning you use less water. • Improves soil structure and quality over the root area. • Protects from mechanical damage (mowers, string trimmers, etc.) • Helps beautify the new planting.


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This booklet takes a look at the role trees and woodlands play in the development of Iowa's history. It identifies the individual and groups of trees that have historical significance in the state.


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Every year, a typical family in the United States spends around half of its home energy budget on heating and cooling. In Iowa, that percentage can be higher, due to temperature extremes reached during the winter and summer months. Unfortunately, many of those dollars often are wasted, because conditioned air escapes through leaky ceilings, walls and foundations—or flows through inadequately insulated attics, exterior walls and basements. In addition, many heating systems and air conditioners aren’t properly maintained or are more than 10 years old and very inefficient, compared to models being sold today. As a result, it makes sense to analyze your home as a collection of systems that must work together in order to achieve peak energy savings. For example, you won’t get anywhere near the savings you’re expecting from a new furnace if your airhandling ducts are uninsulated and leak at every joint. The most energy-efficient central air-conditioning setup won’t perform to your expectations if your attic insulation is inadequate and can’t reduce solar heat gain to help keep your home cool. And planting the wrong types of trees or shrubs close to your home adversely can affect potential energy savings all year long.


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The Gypsy moth is a serious pest of trees ans shrubs. It damages the plants when the caterpillar stage eats the leaves. When there are many caterpillars, They defoliate entire trees, which can weaken and sometimes kill the trees. The gypsy moth is a notorious hitchhiker; it has been brought into Iowa on recreations vehicles and nursery stock. Learning the recognize the gypsy moth is an important part of preventing infestations and severe damage to Iowa's forests, woodlands, and urban landscapes.


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If you have ever flown in an airplane over Iowa, you would see that our woodlands are scattered along the rivers and streams and areas too steep to farm. You would also see a green carpet of trees within out cities and towns. Did you know the 90% of the over 2.7 million acres of forest in Iowa is owned by over 138,000 different private owners? Or that 30% of the land cover in a typical Iowa community if covered by trees? Trees are vital for the protection of our drinking water supply, critical for wildlife habitat, and help sustain employment of over 7,000 Iowans in the wood products industry. This booklet "20 Native trees to Plant" will help you gain a greater knowledge about Iowa's trees and forests. Learn about and enjoy Iowa's trees. Consider ways that you can improve our environment by planting and caring for Iowa's trees and forests.


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The city of Ankeny is submitting this WIRB application for development of green urban stormwater practices on city and private property in the Fourmile Creek watershed. The stormwater project proposed includes stream restoration of the SE Tributary to Fourmile Creek (Tributary B), including weirs, bank shaping, toe protection, trees, and native plantings. The project also includes the creation of a native buffer along the stream channel in the city’s Summerbrook Park, installing four native planting beds, installing a pervious surface trail, installing a series of rain gardens/biorentention cells, and installing educational signage. Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District has committed $17,000 towards the native buffer and rain garden/biorentention cell. The city of Ankeny was also awarded a $100,000 I-JOBS grant from IDNR to complete the stormwater retrofit practices. The largest component of this project is public education. Our vision for this project is to take the entire 281 acre watershed and address it as a whole. We want to make a collaborative watershed that not only addresses the water entering the stream channel through adjacent properties, but takes each individual parcel within the watershed and strives to reduce contributions to the stormwater system. The stormwater issues of concern for Tributary B include stormwater volume, sediment, and nutrients. The stream restoration, best management practices (BMP) at Summerbrook Park, and BMPs on private property should help decrease the volume of stormwater and reduce the amount of sediment and nutrients that enter Tributary B and ultimately Fourmile Creek.


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Most local agencies in Iowa currently make their pavement treatment decisions based on their limited experience due primarily to lack of a systematic decision-making framework and a decision-aid tool. The lack of objective condition assessment data of agency pavements also contributes to this problem. This study developed a systematic pavement treatment selection framework for local agencies to assist them in selecting the most appropriate treatment and to help justify their maintenance and rehabilitation decisions. The framework is based on an extensive literature review of the various pavement treatment techniques in terms of their technical applicability and limitations, meaningful practices of neighboring states, and the results of a survey of local agencies. The treatment selection framework involves three different steps: pavement condition assessment, selection of technically feasible treatments using decision trees, and selection of the most appropriate treatment considering the return-on-investment (ROI) and other non-economic factors. An Excel-based spreadsheet tool that automates the treatment selection framework was also developed, along with a standalone user guide for the tool. The Pavement Treatment Selection Tool (PTST) for Local Agencies allows users to enter the severity and extent levels of existing distresses and then, recommends a set of technically feasible treatments. The tool also evaluates the ROI of each feasible treatment and, if necessary, it can also evaluate the non-economic value of each treatment option to help determine the most appropriate treatment for the pavement. It is expected that the framework and tool will help local agencies improve their pavement asset management practices significantly and make better economic and defensible decisions on pavement treatment selection.


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Vigorous and Healthy woodlands in Iowa have the unique distinction of being able to provide a wealth of benefits for the landowner and residents of the state. Benefits from a healthy forest include timber and wood resources, watershed protection, fragile site protection, wildlife and bird habitat, aesthetics and beauty, and recreational opportunities.