24 resultados para Throwing Shoulder
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
The value of providing paved shoulders adjacent to many higher volume roadways has been accepted in many states across the country. Iowa’s paved shoulder policy is considerably more conservative than neighboring states, particularly on rural four-lane and high-volume two-lane highways. The objectives of this research are to examine current design criteria for shoulders employed in Iowa and surrounding states, compare benefits and costs of alternative surface types and widths, and make recommendations based on this analysis for consideration in future design policies for primary highway in Iowa. The report finds that many safety and maintenance benefits would result from enhancing Iowa’s paved shoulder and rumble strip design practices for freeways, expressways, and Super 2 highway corridors. The benefits of paved shoulders include reduced numbers of certain crashes, higher capacity potentials, reduced maintenance, enhanced opportunities for other users such as bicyclists, and even possible increased longevity of pavements. Alternative paved shoulder policies and programming strategies are also offered, with detailed assessments of the benefits, costs, and budget impacts.
Granular shoulders are an important element of the transportation system and are constantly subjected to performance problems due to wind- and water-induced erosion, rutting, edge drop-off, and slope irregularities. Such problems can directly affect drivers’ safety and often require regular maintenance. The present research study was undertaken to investigate the factors contributing to these performance problems and to propose new ideas to design and maintain granular shoulders while keeping ownership costs low. This report includes observations made during a field reconnaissance study, findings from an effort to stabilize the granular and subgrade layer at six shoulder test sections, and the results of a laboratory box study where a shoulder section overlying a soft foundation layer was simulated. Based on the research described in this report, the following changes are proposed to the construction and maintenance methods for granular shoulders: • A minimum CBR value for the granular and subgrade layer should be selected to alleviate edge drop-off and rutting formation. • For those constructing new shoulder sections, the design charts provided in this report can be used as a rapid guide based on an allowable rut depth. The charts can also be used to predict the behavior of existing shoulders. • In the case of existing shoulder sections overlying soft foundations, the use of geogrid or fly ash stabilization proved to be an effective technique for mitigating shoulder rutting.
Granular shoulders need to be maintained on a regular basis because edge ruts and potholes develop, posing a safety hazard to motorists. The successful mitigation of edge-rut issues for granular shoulders would increase safety and reduce the number of procedures currently required to maintain granular shoulders in Iowa. In addition, better performance of granular shoulders reduces the urgency to pave granular shoulders. Delaying or permanently avoiding paving shoulders where possible allows more flexibility in making investments in the road network. To stabilize shoulders and reduce the number of maintenance cycles necessary per season, one possible stabilizing agent—acidulated soybean oil soapstock—was investigated in this research. A pilot testing project was conducted for selected problematic shoulders in northern and northeastern Iowa. Soapstock was applied on granular shoulders and monitored during application and pre- and post-application. Application techniques were documented and the percentage of application success was calculated for each treated shoulder section. As a result of this research, it was concluded that soybean oil soapstock can be an effective stabilizer for granular shoulders under certain conditions. The researchers also developed draft specifications that could possibly be used to engage a contractor to perform the work using a maintenance-type construction contract. The documented application techniques from this project could be used as guidance for those who want to apply soapstock for stabilizing granular shoulders but might not be familiar with this technique.
Federal and state policy makers increasingly emphasize the need to reduce highway crash rates. This emphasis is demonstrated in Iowa’s recently released draft Iowa Strategic Highway Safety Plan and by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s placement of “improved transportation safety” at the top of its list of strategic goals. Thus, finding improved methods to enhance highway safety has become a top priority at highway agencies. The objective of this project is to develop tools and procedures by which Iowa engineers can identify potentially hazardous roadway locations and designs, and to demonstrate the utility of these tools by developing candidate lists of high crash locations in the State. An initial task, building an integrated database to facilitate the tools and procedures, is an important product, in and of itself. Accordingly, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) Geographic Information Management System (GIMS) and Geographic Information System Accident Analysis and Location System (GIS-ALAS) databases were integrated with available digital imagery. (The GIMS database contains roadway characteristics, e.g., lane width, surface and shoulder type, and traffic volume, for all public roadways. GIS-ALAS records include data, e.g., vehicles, drivers, roadway conditions, and the crash severity, for crashes occurring on public roadways during then past 10 years.)
The purpose of this research project is to study current practices in enhancing visibility and protection of highway maintenance vehicles involved in moving operations such as snow removal and shoulder operations, crack sealing, and pothole patching. The results will enable the maintenance staff to adequately assess the applicability and impact of each strategy to their use and budget. The report’s literature review chapter examines the use of maintenance vehicle warning lights, retroreflective tapes, shadow vehicles and truck-mounted attenuators, and advanced vehicle control systems, as well as other practices to improve visibility for both snowplow operators and vehicles. The chapter concludes that the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices does not specify what color or kind of warning lights to use. Thus, a wide variety of lights are being used on maintenance vehicles. The study of the relevant literatures also suggests that there are no clear guidelines for moving work zones at this time. Two types of surveys were conducted to determine current practices to improve visibility and safety in moving work zones across the country and in the state of Iowa. In the first survey of state departments of transportation, most indicated using amber warning lights on their maintenance vehicles. Almost all the responding states indicated using some form of reflective material on their vehicles to make them more visible. Most participating states indicated that the color of their vehicles is orange. Most states indicated using more warning lights on snow removal vehicles than their other maintenance vehicles. All responding state agencies indicated using shadow vehicles and/or truck-mounted attenuators during their moving operations. In the second survey of Iowa counties, most indicated using very similar traffic control and warning devices during their granular road maintenance and snow removal operations. Mounting warning signs and rotating or strobe lights on the rear of maintenance vehicles is common for Iowa counties. The most common warning devices used during the counties’ snow removal operations are reflective tapes, warning flags, strobe lights, and auxiliary headlamps.
Highway safety and pavement performance can be directly influenced by the type of shoulders that are constructed. Shoulder design alternatives have always been rather limited. Moreover, the use of some of the alternatives has always been restricted by funding limitations. This research project seeks to explore the use of modified macadam base construction for shoulders. This type of shoulder design could offer the designer another option when paved or stabilized shoulders are being considered. Macadam base construction has in the past been shown to be quite strong and free draining. Two macadam base shoulder designs were developed and constructed for this research project. A new roadway embankment and P.C.C. pavement were constructed on a section of US 6 east of Adel in Dallas County. The macadam base shoulders were constructed adjacent to the pavement as part of the project. The north shoulder was finished with a choke stone course and bituminous surface treatment and the south shoulder was finished with a two (2) inch layer of Type B Class I1 asphalt concrete. Macadam stone base shoulders can be built with relatively minor construction problems with comparable strength and less cost than asphalt treated base shoulders. The macadam stone base shoulders have performed well with very little maintenance necessary. The improved drainage substantially reduces deterioration of the pavement joints.
The objective of this research was to investigate the application of integrated risk modeling to operations and maintenance activities, specifically moving operations, such as pavement testing, pavement marking, painting, snow removal, shoulder work, mowing, and so forth. The ultimate goal is to reduce the frequency and intensity of loss events (property damage, personal injury, and fatality) during operations and maintenance activities. This report includes a literature review that identifies the current and common practices adopted by different state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other transportation agencies for safe and efficient highway operations and maintenance (O/M) activities. The final appendix to the report includes information for eight innovative O/M risk mitigation technologies/equipment and covers the following for these technologies/equipment: Appropriate conditions for deployment Performance/effectiveness, depending on hazard/activity Cost to purchase Cost to operate and maintain Availability (resources and references)
The bearing capacity and service life of a pavement is affected adversely by the presence of undrained water in the pavement layers. In cold winter climates like in Iowa, this problem is magnified further by the risk of frost damage when water is present. Therefore, well-performing subsurface drainage systems form an important aspect of pavement design by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). However, controversial findings are also reported in the literature regarding the benefits of subsurface drainage. The goal of this research was not to investigate whether subdrains are needed in Iowa pavements, but to conduct an extensive performance review of primary interstate pavement subdrains in Iowa, determine the cause of the problem if there are drains that are not functioning properly, and investigate the effect of poor subdrain performance due to improper design, construction, and maintenance on pavement surface distresses, if any. An extensive literature review was performed covering national-level and state-level research studies mainly focusing on the effects of subsurface drainage on performance of asphalt and concrete pavements. Several studies concerning the effects of a recycled portland cement concrete (RPCC) subbase on PCC pavement drainage systems were also reviewed. A detailed forensic test plan was developed in consultation with the project technical advisory committee (TAC) for inspecting and evaluating the Iowa pavement subdrains. Field investigations were conducted on 64 selected (jointed plain concrete pavement/JPCP and hot-mix asphalt/HMA) pavement sites during the fall season of 2012 and were mainly focused on the drainage outlet conditions. Statistical analysis was conducted on the compiled data from field investigations to further investigate the effect of drainage on pavement performance. Most Iowa subsurface drainage system outlet blockage is due to tufa, sediment, and soil. Although higher blockage rates reduce the flow rate of water inside outlet pipes, it does not always stop water flowing from inside the outlet pipe to outside the outlet pipe unless the outlet is completely blocked. Few pavement surface distresses were observed near blocked subsurface drainage outlet spots. More shoulder distresses (shoulder drop or cracking) were observed near blocked drainage outlet spots compared to open ones. Both field observations and limited performance analysis indicate that drainage outlet conditions do not have a significant effect on pavement performance. The use of RPCC subbase in PCC pavements results in tufa formation, a primary cause of drainage outlet blockage in JPCP. Several useful recommendations to potentially improve Iowa subdrain performance, which warrant detailed field investigations, were made
The bearing capacity and service life of a pavement is affected adversely by the presence of undrained water in the pavement layers. In cold winter climates like in Iowa, this problem is magnified further by the risk of frost damage when water is present. Therefore, well-performing subsurface drainage systems form an important aspect of pavement design by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). However, controversial findings are also reported in the literature regarding the benefits of subsurface drainage. The goal of this research was not to investigate whether subdrains are needed in Iowa pavements, but to conduct an extensive performance review of primary interstate pavement subdrains in Iowa, determine the cause of the problem if there are drains that are not functioning properly, and investigate the effect of poor subdrain performance due to improper design, construction, and maintenance on pavement surface distresses, if any. An extensive literature review was performed covering national-level and state-level research studies mainly focusing on the effects of subsurface drainage on performance of asphalt and concrete pavements. Several studies concerning the effects of a recycled portland cement concrete (RPCC) subbase on PCC pavement drainage systems were also reviewed. A detailed forensic test plan was developed in consultation with the project technical advisory committee (TAC) for inspecting and evaluating the Iowa pavement subdrains. Field investigations were conducted on 64 selected (jointed plain concrete pavement/JPCP and hot-mix asphalt/HMA) pavement sites during the fall season of 2012 and were mainly focused on the drainage outlet conditions. Statistical analysis was conducted on the compiled data from field investigations to further investigate the effect of drainage on pavement performance. Most Iowa subsurface drainage system outlet blockage is due to tufa, sediment, and soil. Although higher blockage rates reduce the flow rate of water inside outlet pipes, it does not always stop water flowing from inside the outlet pipe to outside the outlet pipe unless the outlet is completely blocked. Few pavement surface distresses were observed near blocked subsurface drainage outlet spots. More shoulder distresses (shoulder drop or cracking) were observed near blocked drainage outlet spots compared to open ones. Both field observations and limited performance analysis indicate that drainage outlet conditions do not have a significant effect on pavement performance. The use of RPCC subbase in PCC pavements results in tufa formation, a primary cause of drainage outlet blockage in JPCP. Several useful recommendations to potentially improve Iowa subdrain performance, which warrant detailed field investigations, were made.
The focus of this report is a capacity analysis of two long-term urban freeway Work Zones. Work Zone #1 tapered four mainline lanes to two, using two separate tapers; Work Zone #2 tapered two mainline lanes to one. Work Zone throughput was analyzed throughout the day over multiple days and traffic operations conditions were analyzed up to a distance of five miles upstream of the Work Zone entrance. Historical data from pavement-embedded detectors were used to analyze traffic conditions. The database consisted of five-minute volume, speed and occupancy data collected from 78 detectors for a total of 50 days. Congestion during each analyzed Work Zone existed for more than fourteen hours each day; Work Zone impacts adversely affected freeway operations over distances of 3.7 to 4.2 miles. Speed and occupancy conditions further upstream were, however, not affected, or even improved due to significant trip diversion. Work Zone capacity was defined based on the maximum traffic flows observed over a one-hour period; throughput values were also compiled over longer periods of time when traffic was within 90% of the maximum observed one-hour flows, as well as over the multi-hour mid-day period. The Highway Capacity Manual freeway capacity definition based on the maximum observed 15-min period was not used, since it would have no practical application in estimating Work Zone throughput when congested conditions prevail for the majority of the hours of the day. Certain noteworthy changes took place for the duration of the analyzed Work Zones: per-lane throughput dropped; morning peak periods started earlier, evening peak periods ended later and lasted longer; mid-day volumes dropped accompanied by the highest occupancies of the day. Trip diversion was evident in lower volumes entering the analyzed freeway corridor, higher volumes using off-ramps and lower volumes using onramps upstream of the Work Zones. The majority of diverted traffic comprised smaller vehicles (vehicles up to 21 feet in length); combination truck volumes increased and their use of the median lane increased, contrary to smaller vehicles that shifted toward a heavier use of the shoulder lane.
Experiments with early entry light sawing of Portland cement concrete (PCC) contraction joints began in Iowa in 1989. Since that time, changes in early sawing equipment have occurred as well as changes in specifications for sawing. The option to use early sawing for transverse contraction joints was specified in 1992. A problem happening occasionally with early sawing was the break out of some of the concrete around the end of the joint as the saw blade approached the edge of the slab. To prevent this, it was proposed that the sawing would terminate approximately 1/2" to 3/4" before the edge of the slab, creating a "short joint". This procedure would also leave a concrete "dam" to prevent the run-out and waste of the hot liquid joint sealant onto the shoulder. It would also eliminate the need for the labor and material for applying a duct tape dam at the open ends of each sawed joint to stop hot liquid sealant run-out Agreements were made with the contractor to apply the "short joint" technique for 1 day of paving. The evaluation and results are compared with an adjoining control section. The research found no negative aspects from sawing the "short joint". Three specific findings were noted. They are the following: 1) No joint end "blow-out" spalls of concrete occurred. 2) The need for the duct tape dam to stop liquid sealant overflow was eliminated. 3) Joint end corner spalls appear to be caused mainly by construction shouldering operations equipment. The "short joint" sawing technique can be routinely applied to early entry sawed transverse contraction joints with expectations of only positive results.
A 5.8 mile section of Dubuque County (Iowa) Road D-53 was selected for this project, the objective of which were to: 1. identify a cost effective asphalt emulsion bound macadam typical cross section; 2. determine the effectiveness of engineering fabric placed under macadam roadbeds; and 3. evalaute the use of emulsions in surface seal coats. A number of conclusions were reached: 1. The minus #200 sieve material for the macadam stone should be held to a minimum. For the emulsion used on this project, the minus #200 material had less than 4 percent to achieve satisfactory coating of the macadam stone. 2. The placement of the emulsion treated macadam required no additional equipment or time than the plain macadam placement. 3. Emulsion treating the macadam stone for the shoulder base appears unnecessary. 4. The emulsion treated macadam base beneath an asphaltic concrete wearing surface yielded a higher structural rating than the plain macadam beneath a comparable ashaltic concrete surface. 5. The performance of the fabric between the subgrade and the macadam base to prevent soil intrusion into the base could not be determined by the non-destructive testing conducted. 6. When no choke stone is used over the macadam base, allowance for ac mix overrun should be made. 7. Use of an emulsion instead of a cutback asphalt saved money and energy. However, the poor performance of the seal coat negated any real savings.
Highway safety and pavement performance can be directly influenced by the type of shoulders that are constructed. Shoulder design alternatives have always been rather limited. Moreover, the use of some of the alternatives has always been restricted by funding limitations. This research project seeks to explore the use of modified macadam base construction for shoulders. This type of shoulder design could offer the designer another option when paved or stabilized shoulders are being considered. Macadam base construction has in the past been shown to be quite strong and freedraining. Two macadam base shoulder designs were developed and constructed for this research project. A new roadway embankment and P.C.C. pavement were constructed on a section of US 6 east of Adel in Dallas County. The macadam base shoulders were constructed adjacent to the pavement as part of the project. The north shoulder was finished with a choke stone course and bituminous surface treatment and the south shoulder was finished with a two (2) inch layer of Type B Class II asphalt concrete. The initial results are considered satisfactory. Follow-up performance evaluation and load bearing tests are planned.
Lane departure crashes are the single largest category of fatal and major injury crashes in Iowa. The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) estimates that 60 percent of roadway-related fatal crashes are lane departures and that 39 percent of Iowa’s fatal crashes are single-vehicle run-off-road (SVROR) crashes. Addressing roadway departure was identified as one of the top eight program strategies for the Iowa DOT in their Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan (CHSP). The goal is to reduce lane departure crashes and their consequences through lane departure-related design standards and policies including paved shoulders, centerline and shoulder rumble strips, pavement markings, signs, and median barriers. Lane-Departure Safety Countermeasures: Strategic Action Plan for the Iowa Department of Transportation outlines roadway countermeasures that can be used to address lane departure crashes. This guidance report was prepared by the Institute for Transportation (InTrans) at Iowa State University for the Iowa DOT. The content reflects input from and multiple reviews by both a technical advisory committee and other knowledgeable individuals with the Iowa DOT.
The report compares and contrasts the automated PASCO method of pavement evaluation to the manual procedures used by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to evaluate pavement condition. Iowa DOT's use of IJK and BPR roadmeters and manual crack and patch surveys are compared to PASCO's use of 35-mm photography, artificial lighting and hairline projection, tracking wheels and lasers to measure ride, cracking and patching, rut depths, and roughness. The Iowa DOT method provides a Present Serviceability Index (PSI) value and PASCO provides a Maintenance Control Index (MCI). Seven sections of Interstate Highway, county roads and city streets, and one shoulder section were tested with different speeds of data collection, surface types and textures, and stop and start conditions. High correlation of results between the two methods in the measurement of roughness (0.93 for the tracking wheel and 0.84 for the laser method) were recorded. Rut depth correlations of 0.61 and cracking of 0.32 are attributed to PASCO's more comprehensive measurement techniques. A cost analysis of the data provided by both systems indicates that PASCO is capable of providing a comparable result with improved accuracy at a cost of $125-$150 or less per two-lane mile depending on survey mileage. Improved data collection speed, accuracy, and reliability, and a visible record of pavement condition for comparable costs are available. The PASCO system's ability to provide the data required in the Highway Pavement Distress Identification Manual, the Pavement Condition Rating Guide, and the Strategic Highway Research Program Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Studies, is also outlined in the report.