17 resultados para Thesis about conflicto
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
During the 2002 session of the Iowa General Assembly, Senate File 2278 was enacted, establishing a new Section 356.36A within the Iowa Code. Subsequently, House File 2623 was enacted, which served to make a minor amendment to Senate File 2278. The Governor subsequently signed the amended legislation into law. The final version of the new Section 356.36A required that the Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning and Statistical Analysis Center (CJJP) prepare a report for the Legislature “analyzing the confinement and detention needs of jails and facilities established pursuant to chapters 356 and 356A.
Investigative report produced by Iowa Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
This brochure answers questions injured workers commonly ask about workers’ compensation. You may check Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87 and 17A, as well as Iowa Administrative Code chapter 876, for detailed information. References to Iowa Code sections and Iowa Administrative Rules appear in parentheses.
This brochure answers questions injured workers commonly ask about workers’ compensation. You may check Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87 and 17A, as well as Iowa Administrative Code chapter 876, for detailed information. References to Iowa Code sections and Iowa Administrative Rules appear in parentheses.
This brochure answers questions injured workers commonly ask about workers’ compensation. You may check Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87 and 17A, as well as Iowa Administrative Code chapter 876, for detailed information. References to Iowa Code sections and Iowa Administrative Rules appear in parentheses.
Thie bourchure that is produced by the Iowa Geological Society, talks about points of interest to people that are biking accross Iowa. Part of RAGBRAI.
As worldwide consumer demand for high-quality products and for information about these products increases, labels and geographical indications (GIs) can serve to signal quality traits to consumers. However, GI systems among countries are not homogeneous and can be used as trade barriers against competition. Philosophical differences between the European Union and the United States about how GIs should be registered and protected led to the formation of a WTO dispute settlement panel. In this paper we discuss the issues behind the dispute, the World Trade Organization (WTO) panel decision, and the EU response to the panel decision leading to the new Regulation 510/2006. Given the potential for GI labels to supply consumer information, context is provided for the discussion using recent literature on product labeling. Implications are drawn regarding the importance of the panel decision and the EU response relative to GI issues yet to be negotiated under the Doha Round.
Part of Iowa's Water Ambient monitoring Program, produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Thie bourchure that is produced by the Iowa Geological Society, talks about points of interest to people that are biking accross Iowa. Part of RAGBRAI.
This fact sheet answers questions such as, is it safe to swim in the water and who is monitoring the beaches in Iowa
Summary of Medicare information, your need to know information place.
Want to know what conditions to expect over the next stage of RAGBRAI? How hilly will it be, what towns and parks are between here and there, or what services are coming up in the next town?
On today’s ride we continue riding across the Southern Iowa Drift Plain. This landform region covers over 40% of the state and comprises most of southern Iowa. Over the last several million years Iowa was subjected to at least seven glacial advances. The last of these older advances occurred approximately 500,000 years ago. Since then the landscape has been subjected to stream erosion and from12,500-24,000 years ago was mantled with a thick blanket of loess before being further eroded.
Although during much of its geologic history Iowa was part of an interior sea, today what we see on the land surface has been heavily influenced by recent glaciation. Everything from Iowa soils, rivers, lakes, and hills has been influenced by glaciation. Most of Iowa’s bedrock is hidden beneath a thick mantle of deposits from the Cenozoic (i.e., new life) Era, spanning the last 65 million years. Geologists have divided the Cenozoic Era into two periods. These are the Tertiary (1.8-65 million years ago) and Quaternary Periods (recent to 1.8 million years ago). Most geologic records in Iowa are from the Quaternary period, and include glacial till and loess.
Today’s ride departs Ames and heads towards Nevada. The Ames area is one of the classic areas to view elongated hummocks. These landforms are discontinous, lower relief curvilinear ridges which are east-west trending features. At one time geologists thought these hummocks formed at the base of the glacier due to glacial movement. It is now understood that these features may have developed within the glacier, in a large crevasse field that formed behind the ice (Bemis Moraine) margin as the ice stagnated and melted.