16 resultados para Tests de performance

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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Research presented herein describes an application of a newly developed material called Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) to a single-span bridge. The two primary objectives of this research were to develop a shear design procedure for possible code adoption and to provide a performance evaluation to ensure the viability of the first UHPC bridge in the United States. Two other secondary objectives included defining of material properties and understanding of flexural behavior of a UHPC bridge girder. In order to obtain information in these areas, several tests were carried out including material testing, large-scale laboratory flexure testing, large-scale laboratory shear testing, large-scale laboratory flexure-shear testing, small-scale laboratory shear testing, and field testing of a UHPC bridge. Experimental and analytical results of the described tests are presented. Analytical models to understand the flexure and shear behavior of UHPC members were developed using iterative computer based procedures. Previous research is referenced explaining a simplified flexural design procedure and a simplified pure shear design procedure. This work describes a shear design procedure based on the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) which can be used in the design of UHPC members. Conclusions are provided regarding the viability of the UHPC bridge and recommendations are made for future research.


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The strategic plan for bridge engineering issued by AASHTO in 2005 identified extending the service life and optimizing structural systems of bridges in the United States as two grand challenges in bridge engineering, with the objective of producing safer bridges that have a minimum service life of 75 years and reduced maintenance cost. Material deterioration was identified as one of the primary challenges to achieving the objective of extended life. In substructural applications (e.g., deep foundations), construction materials such as timber, steel, and concrete are subjected to deterioration due to environmental impacts. Using innovative and new materials for foundation applications makes the AASHTO objective of 75 years service life achievable. Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) with compressive strength of 180 MPa (26,000 psi) and excellent durability has been used in superstructure applications but not in geotechnical and foundation applications. This study explores the use of precast, prestressed UHPC piles in future foundations of bridges and other structures. An H-shaped UHPC section, which is 10-in. (250-mm) deep with weight similar to that of an HP10×57 steel pile, was designed to improve constructability and reduce cost. In this project, instrumented UHPC piles were cast and laboratory and field tests were conducted. Laboratory tests were used to verify the moment-curvature response of UHPC pile section. In the field, two UHPC piles have been successfully driven in glacial till clay soil and load tested under vertical and lateral loads. This report provides a complete set of results for the field investigation conducted on UHPC H-shaped piles. Test results, durability, drivability, and other material advantages over normal concrete and steel indicate that UHPC piles are a viable alternative to achieve the goals of AASHTO strategic plan.


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Crashworthy, work-zone, portable sign support systems accepted under NCHRP Report No. 350 were analyzed to predict their safety peformance according to the TL-3 MASH evaluation criteria. An analysis was conducted to determine which hardware parameters of sign support systems would likely contribute to the safety performance with MASH. The acuracy of the method was evaluated through full-scale crash testing. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a pickup truck. Two tall-mounted, sign support systems with aluminum sign panels failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield and floorboard penetration. Another low-mounted system with an aluminum sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a small passenger car. The low-mounted tripod system with an aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to excessive windshield deformation, and another similar system passed the MASH criteria. The low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Hardware parameters of work-zone sign support systems that were determined to be important for failure with MASH include sign panel material, the height to the top of the mast, the presence of flags, sign-locking mechanism, base layout and system orientation. Flowcharts were provided to assist manufacturers when designing new sign support systems.


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Several agencies specify AASHTO T283 as the primary test for field acceptance of moisture susceptibility in hot mix asphalt. When used in this application, logistical difficulties challenge its practicality, while repeatability is routinely scrutinized by contractors. An alternative test is needed which can effectively demonstrate the ability to screen mixtures based on expected performance. The ideal replacement can be validated with field performance, is repeatable, and allows for prompt reporting of results. Dynamic modulus, flow number, AASHTO T283, Hamburg wheel tracking device (HWTD), and the moisture induced sensitivity test (MIST) were performed on plant produced surface mixes in Iowa. Follow-up distress surveys were used to rank the mixes by their performance. The rankings indicate both the quantity of swelling from MIST conditioning and submersed flow number matched the performance ranking of all but one mixture. Hamburg testing parameters also appear effective, namely the stripping inflection point and the ratio between stripping slope and the creep slope. Dynamic modulus testing was ineffective, followed by AASHTO T283 and ratios produced from flow number results of conditioned samples.


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This project was undertaken to study the relationships between the performance of locally available asphalts and their physicochemical properties under Iowa conditions with the ultimate objective of development of a locally and performance-based asphalt specification for durable pavements. Physical and physicochemical tests were performed on three sets of asphalt samples including: (a) twelve samples from local asphalt suppliers and their TFOT residues, (b) six core samples of known service records, and (c) a total of 79 asphalts from 10 pavement projects including original, lab aged and recovered asphalts from field mixes, as well as from lab aged mixes. Tests included standard rheological tests, HP-GPC and TMA. Some specific viscoelastic tests (at 5 deg C) were run on b samples and on some a samples. DSC and X-ray diffraction studies were performed on a and b samples. Furthermore, NMR techniques were applied to some a, b and c samples. Efforts were made to identify physicochemical properties which are correlated to physical properties known to affect field performance. The significant physicochemical parameters were used as a basis for an improved performance-based trial specification for Iowa to ensure more durable pavements.


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This report is a supplement to one issued in late summer 1986 which covered construction on U.S. 71, in Buena Vista County Iowa. The work involved rehabilitation of an older 20 feet wide pavement by placing a four inch thick bonded concrete overlay monolithically with two feet of widening on each side. The work was performed on one lane at a time while construction traffic and limited public traffic used the adjacent traffic lane. When work on the first lane was complete traffic was moved onto it and rehabilitation was completed on the second lane. This report covers the condition of the rehabilitated roadway in May 1987 after the first winter. The condition is described by visual observations, core conditions, and various test results including core compressive strength, direct shear tests on cores for bond strength, profilometer results and delamtect test results.


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This is the first report of 6 tasks to be performed in an effort to establish locally-based quality and performance criteria for asphalts, and ultimately to develop performance-related specifications based on simple physicochemical methods. Three of the most promising chemical methods (high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), thermal analysis, and X-ray diffraction were selected to analyze 4 different types of samples. The results will indicate the fundamental asphalt property variables that directly affect the field performance in Iowa. The details of the materials and procedures employed are described, and the results of the tests are presented.


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As part of the overall research program of evaluating asphalt emulsion slurry seal as a pavement maintenance material, 31 duplicate 500-ft test sections were constructed on U.S. 6 between Adel and Waukee in Dallas County during September and October of 1978. These test sections included combinations of eight aggregates, two gradings, three asphalt emulsions, two mineral fillers, and a range of emulsion contents determined by laboratory mix designs. The emulsion contents of the test sections varied from 10.3% for Section 7A (Ferguson coarse) to 32.9% for Section 31A (lightweight aggregate). The post-construction performance evaluation of the test sections, consisting primarily of the friction tests and surface appearance observations, was conducted at different time intervals up to 24 months after construction. At the 24-month final evaluation, most of the test sections had carried a total of 1.4 million vehicles.


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In reinforced concrete systems, ensuring that a good bond between the concrete and the embedded reinforcing steel is critical to long-term structural performance. Without good bond between the two, the system simply cannot behave as intended. The bond strength of reinforcing bars is a complex interaction between localized deformations, chemical adhesion, and other factors. Coating of reinforcing bars, although sometimes debated, has been commonly found to be an effective way to delay the initiation of corrosion in reinforced concrete systems. For many years, the standard practice has been to coat reinforcing steel with an epoxy coating, which provides a barrier between the steel and the corrosive elements of water, air, and chloride ions. Recently, there has been an industry-led effort to use galvanizing to provide the protective barrier commonly provided by traditional epoxy coatings. However, as with any new structural product, questions exist regarding both the structural performance and corrosion resistance of the system. In the fall of 2013, Buchanan County, Iowa constructed a demonstration bridge in which the steel girders and all internal reinforcing steel were galvanized. The work completed in this project sought to understand the structural performance of galvanized reinforcing steel as compared to epoxy-coated steel and to initiate a long-term corrosion monitoring program. This work consisted of a series of controlled laboratory tests and the installation of a corrosion monitoring system that can be observed for years in the future. The results of this work indicate there is no appreciable difference between the bond strength of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel and galvanized reinforcing steel. Although some differences were observed, no notable difference in either peak load, slip, or failure mode could be identified. Additionally, a long-term monitoring system was installed in this Buchanan County bridge and, to date, no corrosion activity has been identified.


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Testing the efficiency of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) curing compounds is currently done following Test Method Iowa 901-D, May 2002. Concrete test specimens are prepared from mortar materials and are wet cured 5 hours before the curing compound is applied. All brands of curing compound submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation are laboratory tested for comparative performance under the same test conditions. These conditions are different than field PCC paving conditions. Phase I tests followed Test Method Iowa 901-D, but modified the application amounts of the curing compound. Test results showed that the application of two coats of one-half thickness each increased efficiency compared to one full thickness coat. Phase II tests also used the modified application amounts, used a concrete mix (instead of a mortar mix) and applied curing compound a few minutes after molding. Measurements of losses, during spraying of the curing compound, were noted and were found to be significant. Test results showed that application amounts, testing techniques, concrete specimen mix design and spray losses do influence the curing compound efficiency. The significance of the spray losses indicates that the conventional test method being used (Iowa 901 D) should be revised.


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This Phase II follow-up study of IHRB Project TR-473 focused on the performance evaluation of rubblized pavements in Iowa. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the structural condition of existing rubblized concrete pavements across Iowa through Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) tests, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests, visual pavement distress surveys, etc. Through backcalculation of FWD deflection data using the Iowa State University's advanced layer moduli backcalculation program, the rubblized layer moduli were determined for various projects and compared with each other for correlating with the long-term pavement performance. The AASHTO structural layer coefficient for rubblized layer was also calculated using the rubblized layer moduli. To validate the mechanistic-empirical (M-E) hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay thickness design procedure developed during the Phase I study, the actual HMA overlay thicknesses from the rubblization projects were compared with the predicted thicknesses obtained from the design software. The results of this study show that rubblization is a valid option to use in Iowa in the rehabilitation of portland cement concrete pavements provided the foundation is strong enough to support construction operations during the rubblization process. The M-E structural design methodology developed during Phase I can estimate the HMA overlay thickness reasonably well to achieve long-lasting performance of HMA pavements. The rehabilitation strategy is recommended for continued use in Iowa under those conditions conducive for rubblization.


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This research project covered a wide range of activities that allowed researchers to understand the relationship between stability, pavement distress, and recycled portland cement concrete (RPCC) subbase aggregate materials. Detailed laboratory and field tests, including pavement distress surveys, were conducted at 26 sites in Iowa. Findings show that specific gravities of RPCC are lower than those of crushed limestone. RPCC aggregate material varies from poorly or well-graded sand to gravel. A modified Micro-Deval test procedure showed that abrasion losses of virgin aggregate materials were within the maximum Micro-Deval abrasion loss of 30% recommended by ASTM D6028-06. Micro-Deval abrasion loss of RPCC aggregate materials, however, was much higher than that of virgin materials and exceeded 30% loss. Modulus of elasticity of RPCC subbase materials is high but variable. RPCC subbase layers normally have low permeability. The pavement surfaces for both virgin and RPCC subbase across Iowa were evaluated to fulfill the objectives of this study related to field evaluation. Visual distress surveys were conducted to gather the detailed current pavement condition information including the type, extent, and severity of the pavement distresses. The historical pavement condition information for the surveyed field sections was extracted from the Iowa DOT's Pavement Management Information System (PMIS). The current surface condition of existing field pavements with RPCC subbase was compared with the virgin aggregate subbase sections using two different approaches. The changes in pavement condition indices (PCI and IRI) with time for both types of pavements (subbases) were compared.


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The strategic plan for bridge engineering issued by AASHTO in 2005 identified extending the service life and optimizing structural systems of bridges in the United States as two grand challenges in bridge engineering, with the objective of producing safer bridges that have a minimum service life of 75 years and reduced maintenance cost. Material deterioration was identified as one of the primary challenges to achieving the objective of extended life. In substructural applications (e.g., deep foundations), construction materials such as timber, steel, and concrete are subjected to deterioration due to environmental impacts. Using innovative and new materials for foundation applications makes the AASHTO objective of 75 years service life achievable. Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) with compressive strength of 180 MPa (26,000 psi) and excellent durability has been used in superstructure applications but not in geotechnical and foundation applications. This study explores the use of precast, prestressed UHPC piles in future foundations of bridges and other structures. An H-shaped UHPC section, which is 10-in. (250-mm) deep with weight similar to that of an HP10×57 steel pile, was designed to improve constructability and reduce cost. In this project, instrumented UHPC piles were cast and laboratory and field tests were conducted. Laboratory tests were used to verify the moment-curvature response of UHPC pile section. In the field, two UHPC piles have been successfully driven in glacial till clay soil and load tested under vertical and lateral loads. This report provides a complete set of results for the field investigation conducted on UHPC H-shaped piles. Test results, durability, drivability, and other material advantages over normal concrete and steel indicate that UHPC piles are a viable alternative to achieve the goals of AASHTO strategic plan.


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To provide insight into subgrade non-uniformity and its effects on pavement performance, this study investigated the influence of non-uniform subgrade support on pavement responses (stress and deflection) that affect pavement performance. Several reconstructed PCC pavement projects in Iowa were studied to document and evaluate the influence of subgrade/subbase non-uniformity on pavement performance. In situ field tests were performed at 12 sites to determine the subgrade/subbase engineering properties and develop a database of engineering parameter values for statistical and numerical analysis. Results of stiffness, moisture and density, strength, and soil classification were used to determine the spatial variability of a given property. Natural subgrade soils, fly ash-stabilized subgrade, reclaimed hydrated fly ash subbase, and granular subbase were studied. The influence of the spatial variability of subgrade/subbase on pavement performance was then evaluated by modeling the elastic properties of the pavement and subgrade using the ISLAB2000 finite element analysis program. A major conclusion from this study is that non-uniform subgrade/subbase stiffness increases localized deflections and causes principal stress concentrations in the pavement, which can lead to fatigue cracking and other types of pavement distresses. Field data show that hydrated fly ash, self-cementing fly ash-stabilized subgrade, and granular subbases exhibit lower variability than natural subgrade soils. Pavement life should be increased through the use of more uniform subgrade support. Subgrade/subbase construction in the future should consider uniformity as a key to long-term pavement performance.


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This report addresses the field testing and analysis of those results to establish the behavior of the original Clive Road Bridge that carried highway traffic over Interstate 80 (I-80) in the northwest region of Des Moines, Iowa. The bridge was load tested in 1959, shortly after its construction and in 1993, just prior to its demolition. This report presents some of the results from both field tests, finite element predictions of the behavior of aluminum bridge girders, and load distribution studies.