17 resultados para Social impacts

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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This booklet, financed through the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) in Iowa, provides public relations tips for transportation agencies. Information is provided on how to deal with the media, especially how to develop story ideas, where to send them, and how to write more effective news releases. Also included is information on handling complaints, speaking to the public, and working with elected officials.


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The research summarized in this report examines: current litter policies and practices of public organizations, the amount and makeup of litter along Iowa roadways, and the opinions of Iowans regarding litter and illegal dumping.


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This report summarizes Iowa results of a five year, Pooled Fund study involving the Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota Departments of Transportation (DOTs) designed to 1) assess the public's perceptions of the DOTs' pavement improvement strategies and 2) develop customer-based thresholds of satisfaction with pavements on rural two lane highways in each state as related to the DOTs' physical indices, such as pavement ride and condition. The primary objective was to seek systematic customer input to improve the DOTs' pavement improvement policies by 1) determining how drivers perceive the DOTs' pavements in terms of comfort and convenience but also in terms of other tradeoffs the DOTs had not previously considered, 2) determining relationships between perceptions and measured pavement condition thresholds (including a general level of tolerance of winter ride conditions in two of the states), and 3) identifying important attributes and issues that may not have been considered in the past. Secondary objectives were 1) to provide a tool for systematic customer input in the future and 2) to provide information which can help structure public information programs. A University of Wisconsin-Extension survey lab conducted the surveys under the direction of a multi-disciplinary team from Marquette University. Approximately 4500 drivers in the 3 states participated in the 3 phases of the project. Researchers conducted 6 focus groups in each state, approximately 400 statewide telephone interviews in each state and 700-800 targeted telephone interviews in each state. Approximately 400 winter ride interviews were conducted in Wisconsin and Minnesota. A summary of the method for each survey is included. In Phase I, focus groups were conducted with drivers to get an initial indication of what the driving public believes in regards to pavements and to frame issues for inclusion in the more representative statewide surveys of drivers conducted in Phase II. Phase II interviews gathered information about improvement policy tradeoff issues and about preliminary thresholds of improvement in terms of physical pavement indices. In Phase III, a two step recruitment and post-drive interview procedure yielded thresholds of ride and condition index summarized for each state. Results show that, in general, the driving public wants longer lasting pavements and are willing to pay for them. They want to minimize construction delay, improve entire sections of highway at one time but they dislike detours, and prefer construction under traffic even if it stretches out construction time. Satisfaction with pavements does not correlate directly to a high degree with physical pavement indices, but was found instead to be a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon. A psychological model was applied to explain satisfaction to a respectable degree for the social sciences. Results also indicate a high degree of trust in the 3 DOTs which is enhanced when the public is asked for input on specific highway segments. Conclusions and recommendations include a 3-step methodology for other state studies.


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This report addresses delays to freight shippers. Although the focus is on just-in-time (JIT) businesses, the authors also note that non JIT businesses also suffer delays that impact their productivity. The table of contents lists the following headings: chapter 1 - introduction - a trial application: the Des Moines metropolitan area; structure of the report; chapter 2 - reliability at the forefront of freight transport demand - manufacturing and inventory; just-in-time operations in the U.S.; transportation consequences; summary; chapter 3 - JIT operations in Iowa - survey and sample; trucking activity and service; just-in-time truck transportation in Iowa; assessment of factors affecting truck transportation service; summary and conclusions; chapter 4 - travel time uncertainty induced by incidents - a probabilistic model for incident occurrences and durations; calculation of delay; trial application; conclusions; and chapter 5 - conclusions and recommendations - conclusions; recommendations.


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Exhaust emissions from diesel engines are a substantial source of air pollution in this country. In recognition of this fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has issued strict new regulations due to take effect -in 1991 and 1994 that will drastically reduce the amount of some pollutants these engines will be allowed to emit. The technology is not currently available to produce diesel engines that can meet these regulations without large penalties in engine performance and efficiency. One technique that offers promise of being able to reduce emissions from both existing engines and new engines is alcohol fumigation.


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There is now a nationwide effort (the Scenic Byways Movement) to focus attention on the need to develop scenic byways and on their potential for enhancing tourism and recreation; to create coalitions and strategies to actually develop the byways; and, alternatively, to see that the job gets done. As part of this nationwide effort, the Transportation Departments of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska sponsored this project so they might obtain guidance related to Scenic Byways programs that may be developed in each state. The following issues are addressed in this report: scenic quality, road safety, scenic byway designation, and scenic byway information.


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Results from a 13-page BEST Measurement Survey given to Iowa Department of Transportation Employees.


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In September 1996, a grain flow survey consisting of two parts was completed and published. One part was a farm-to-market survey from a sample of Iowa grain producers, and the second was a survey of all Iowa country elevators. An updated survey for the crop year September 1, 1999 -August 31, 2000, was initiated in September 2000. The results of the two updated surveys are presented in this report. The purpose of the surveys is to estimate the amount of Iowa corn and soybeans that are shipped from each crop reporting district to each major market. Copies of the two questionnaires are presented in the appendices.


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The purpose of the present recordation project is to provide a documentary record of the Thomas A. Graham House in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Iowa State Historic Preservation Office regarding historic property studies for houses. Background research for this project was conducted in April 2002. The property was inspected and photographed in November 2001.


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In June 1988, 1341 employees of the Iowa State Department of Transportation (DOT) were surveyed via a mailed questionnaire. The sample was selected such that conclusions about all DOT employees, male employees, female employees, majority employees; minority employees, employees under age 40, and employees 40 years of age or older could be made. These sampling characteristics were chosen in order to facilitate comparisons between current DOT employee attitudes and employee attitudes evaluated in 1984. In addition, the sample size and response rates were sufficiently high that conclusions could be made about each of the six districts, the Ames Highway Division, and the Ames complex, excluding the Highway Division. Altogether fifty-five percent (or 739) questionnaires were· returned. Thirty additional employees voluntarily completed the survey, resulting in a final sample size of 769. The survey covered topics related to job satisfaction, work environment or climate, skill utilization, sexual harassment, communication and information adequacy, and morale. The first four topics were evaluated in 198- while the last two were unique to this survey.


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In March 1993, all 3, 666 employees of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) were invited to participate in a survey related to morale and work practices. Survey questionnaires were sent to employees / homes and participation in the study was voluntary. This survey, in part, replicates assessments made by random, stratified samples of DOT employees in 1984 and 1988. Thus it is possible to evaluate some changes in morale and work practices at three points in time. The present survey was designed to allow for generalizations about all DOT employees and various subgroups of employees (i.e., majority and minority employees, males and females, employees less than 40 years of age and those 40 years of age or older, and work area location). Altogether, 2249 usable questionnaires were returned, yielding a much higher-than-average response rate 61.3%.


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A Job Access project focuses on implementing new or expanded transportation services, targeted at filling transportation gaps and designed to transport welfare recipients and low-income individuals to and from jobs and other employment-related activities such as child care or training.


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This manual is intended to provide complete but concise information on how to prepare an Environmental Assessment in accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations. These regulations incorporate the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation Order 5610.lC, "Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts," as found in 23 CFR 771 (Federal Regulations (F.R.) August 28, 1987) and the "Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the Environmental Policy Act," as set forth by the Council on Environmental Quality (i.e., 40 CFR Part 1500-1508).


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The object of this report is to present the data and conclusions drawn from the analysis of the origin and destination information. Comments on the advisability and correctness of the approach used by Iowa are encouraged.


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The Iowa Statewide Recreational Trails Plan was developed in response to the State Legislature's recognition of the increased public demand for quality outdoor recreational facilities and the numerous benefits associated with the development and usage of trail systems. The plan presents a statewide trails system that will serve as a basis for trail planning efforts throughout the state. Included are design guidelines for each of the major trail modes contained within the plan including bike, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, off-road vehicles, and equestrian, as well as for locating trails within the highway right-of-way. Also included are estimates of implementation costs and financing alternatives. This report contains the complete plan. Separately bound documents include the Executive Summary and two additional appendices: (1) Trails Plan Resource Inventory and (2) Summary of Public Comments and Summary of Technical Advisory Committee Comments.