7 resultados para School and community integration

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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The major objective of this problem identification document is the determination of the relative severity of traffic safety problems in each of the 99 counties. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Iowa Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau are committed to the reduction of death and injury on the nation's roads. As part of its duty in administering federal traffic safety funds in the State of Iowa, the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau conducts a comprehensive Problem Identification update each year.


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This document is the State of Iowa's Annual Performance Report (APR) for the period beginning January 1, 2006 and ending December 31, 2006 (Program Year 2006). This report is intended to fulfill the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements that require the state to annually review and report the progress made in carrying out its Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. This report, and the supplemental documentation included with it, replaces several year end reports submitted individually in the past.


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The state of Iowa must submit to HUD a Consolidated Plan and an Annual Action Plan. The Consolidated Plan is a 5-year plan to address housing and community development needs. The 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan was submitted to HUD in 2015 and outlines the state of Iowa’s goals for the 5-year period. The state’s Consolidated Plan includes goals and proposed activities under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs.


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The Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Elderly Waiver program provides assistance to qualified individuals who are 65 or older and prefer to stay in their own home or another community setting when needing long-term health care services. The Elderly Waiver program provides services and support to older Iowans who are medically qualified for the level of care provided at a nursing facility but do not wish to live in a nursing home. The program allows older Iowans to age in environments that are familiar and comfortable, while saving money from expensive nursing home costs.


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This document is intended to assist Iowa communities in making informed decisions on combining school and public library services. It provides decision-makers with a means of assessing the feasibility of establishing a combined library and, if the decision is made to proceed, with a Planning Guide that addresses the many areas of library operations that need to be considered if the combined library is to be successful. Alternatives to combining libraries exist. Contracted services provide one such option. There are many areas where school and public libraries can and should collaborate in order to provide better service to the community. These alternatives are also outlined in this document.


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In the early 1990’s the Chief Juvenile Court Officers (JCOs) and other key players desired to provide services, such as school support, family support, and community support to both juvenile court and at-risk youths within the school setting. With strong support from both Iowa’s Attorney General and Governor the Iowa State Legislature first appropriated funds for school liaisons in 1994. The liaison program is currently funded with 75 percent state dollars appropriated to the Department of Human Services and a minimum of 25 percent match from the local school districts. In some cases the schools do not actually match funds with “school money,” rather they may utilize community money from other sources, such as the local decategorization process. In 1994, the state legislature funded this effort at $400,000. Since that time the amount has grown to more than $3,000,000. In the early years there were just a handful of liaisons working in a few school districts, but by the beginning of the 2000-2001 school year there were 304 schools served by 147 liaisons. The cost per liaison, including salary and benefits, was estimated at approximately $34,324 including both the DHS and school contributions. It was a desire of the Chief JCOs to place the liaisons under the school districts and thus allow them to be independent of the juvenile court. Agreements were developed between the schools and juvenile court regarding employee status, funding, information sharing, and other such issues.


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This document contains two related, but separate reports. The Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is a summary of outcomes from services and activities funded through the Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund in FY2001. The Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary describes Iowa communities’ current prevention and sanction programs supported with funding from the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) during FY2002. The material in Juvenile Crime Prevention Community Grant Fund Outcomes Report is presented in response to a legislative mandate to report specific prevention outcomes for the community Grant Fund. It includes a brief description of a Youth Development Results Framework established by the Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development. Outcomes are reported using this results framework, which was developed by a number of state agencies as a common tool for various state programs involving youth development related planning and funding processes. Included in this report is a description of outcomes from the prevention activities funded, all or in part, by the Community Grant Fund, as reported by local communities. The program summaries presented in the Juvenile Justice Youth Development Program Summary provide an overview of local efforts to implement their 2002 Juvenile Justice Youth Development plans and include prevention and sanction programs funded through the combined resources of the State Community Grant Fund and the Federal Title V Prevention, Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act Formula Grant and Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant programs. These combined funds are referred to in this document as the Juvenile Justice Youth Development (JJYD) funds. To administer the JJYD funds, including funds from the Community Grant Fund, CJJP partners with local officials to facilitate a community planning process that determines the communities’ priorities for the use of the funds. The local planning is coordinated by the Iowa’s Decategorization Boards (Decats). These local officials and/or their staff have been leaders in providing oversight or staff support to a variety of local planning initiatives (e.g. child welfare, Comprehensive Strategy Pilot Projects, Empowerment, other) and bring child welfare and community planning experience to the table for the creation of comprehensive community longterm planning efforts. The allocation of these combined funds and the technical assistance received by the Decats from CJJP is believed to have helped enhance both child welfare and juvenile justice efforts locally and has provided for the recognition and establishment of connections for joint child welfare/juvenile justice planning. The allocation and local planning approach has allowed funding from CJJP to be “blended” or “braided” with other local, state, and federal dollars that flow to communities as a result of their local planning responsibilities. The program descriptions provided in this document reflect services and activities supported with JJYD funds. In many cases, however, additional funding sources have been used to fully fund the programs. Most of the information in this document’s two reports was submitted to CJJP by the communities through an on- line planning and reporting process established jointly by the DHS and CJJP.