18 resultados para Sand removal

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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Geographic information systems (GIS) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques were used to develop an intelligent snow removal asset management system (SRAMS). The system has been evaluated through a case study examining snow removal from the roads in Black Hawk County, Iowa, for which the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is responsible. The SRAMS is comprised of an expert system that contains the logical rules and expertise of the Iowa DOT’s snow removal experts in Black Hawk County, and a geographic information system to access and manage road data. The system is implemented on a mid-range PC by integrating MapObjects 2.1 (a GIS package), Visual Rule Studio 2.2 (an AI shell), and Visual Basic 6.0 (a programming tool). The system could efficiently be used to generate prioritized snowplowing routes in visual format, to optimize the allocation of assets for plowing, and to track materials (e.g., salt and sand). A test of the system reveals an improvement in snowplowing time by 1.9 percent for moderate snowfall and 9.7 percent for snowstorm conditions over the current manual system.


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It is commonly regarded that the overuse of traffic control devices desensitizes drivers and leads to disrespect, especially for low-volume secondary roads with limited enforcement. The maintenance of traffic signs is also a tort liability concern, exacerbated by unnecessary signs. The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s (ITE) Traffic Control Devices Handbook provide guidance for the implementation of STOP signs based on expected compliance with right-of-way rules, provision of through traffic flow, context (proximity to other controlled intersections), speed, sight distance, and crash history. The approach(es) to stop is left to engineering judgment and is usually dependent on traffic volume or functional class/continuity of system. Although presently being considered by the National Committee on Traffic Control Devices, traffic volume itself is not given as a criterion for implementation in the MUTCD. STOP signs have been installed at many locations for various reasons which no longer (or perhaps never) met engineering needs. If in fact the presence of STOP signs does not increase safety, removal should be considered. To date, however, no guidance exists for the removal of STOP signs at two-way stop-controlled intersections. The scope of this research is ultra-low-volume (< 150 daily entering vehicles) unpaved intersections in rural agricultural areas of Iowa, where each of the 99 counties may have as many as 300 or more STOP sign pairs. Overall safety performance is examined as a function of a county excessive use factor, developed specifically for this study and based on various volume ranges and terrain as a proxy for sight distance. Four conclusions are supported: (1) there is no statistical difference in the safety performance of ultra-low-volume stop-controlled and uncontrolled intersections for all drivers or for younger and older drivers (although interestingly, older drivers are underrepresented at both types of intersections); (2) compliance with stop control (as indicated by crash performance) does not appear to be affected by the use or excessive use of STOP signs, even when adjusted for volume and a sight distance proxy; (3) crash performance does not appear to be improved by the liberal use of stop control; (4) safety performance of uncontrolled intersections appears to decline relative to stop-controlled intersections above about 150 daily entering vehicles. Subject to adequate sight distance, traffic professionals may wish to consider removal of control below this threshold. The report concludes with a section on methods and legal considerations for safe removal of stop control.


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Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.


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In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results ofLRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured loaddisplacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.


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One of the more severe winter hazards is ice or compacted snow on roadways. While three methods are typically used to combat ice (salting, sanding and scraping), relatively little effort has been applied to improve methods of scraping ice from roads. In this project, a new test facility has been developed, comprising a truck with an underbody blade, which has been instrumented such that the forces to scrape ice from a pavement can be measured. A test site has been used, which is not accessible to the public, and ice covers have been sprayed onto the pavement and subsequently scraped from it, while the scraping loads have been recorded. Three different cutting edges have been tested for their ice scraping efficiency. Two of the blades are standard (one with a carbide insert, the other without) while the third blade was designed under the SHRP H-204A project. Results from the tests allowed two parameters to be identified. The first is the scraping efficiency which is the ratio of vertical to horizontal force. The lower this ratio, the more efficiently ice is being removed. The second parameter is the scraping effectiveness, which is related (in some as yet unspecified manner) to the horizontal load. The higher the horizontal load, the more ice is being scraped. The ideal case is thus to have as high a horizontal load as possible, combined with the lowest possible vertical load. Results indicate that the SHRP blade removed ice more effectively than the other two blades under equivalent conditions, and furthermore, did so with greater efficiency and thus more control. Furthermore, blade angles close to 0 deg provide for the most efficient scraping for all three blades. The study has shown that field testing of plow blades is possible in controlled situations, and that blades can be evaluated using this system. The system is available for further tests as are deemed appropriate.


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Snow removal on the 90,000 mile Iowa secondary road system is a major concern of county engineers. Rural residents rely almost entirely on motor vehicles for travel. They have come to expect passable roads during all types of weather and as most county engineers know, the public is less tolerant of problems in snow removal than in any other highway department function. To avoid snow removal problems, maintenance personnel begin preparation before the winter maintenance season. The slide tape presentation, "Snow Removal on Iowa's Secondary Roads", was developed to assist in training and retraining maintenance personnel each year prior to winter. The program covers preparation for winter, snow and ice removal, and after storm care of equipment.


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The objectives of this research were to develop a low cost fly ash-sand stabilized roadway and to correlate field performance with pavement design assumptions on a county road heavily trafficked by trucks hauling grain. The road was constructed during the summer of 1984. Three test sections comprised of different base thicknesses were incorporated in the roadway and were tested for compressive stength, structural rating, and rut depth. Annual crack surveys showed no appreciable difference in transverse cracking between the test sections and little to no rutting. The sandbase drainage characteristics beneath the roadway may have contributed to the satisfactory performance of the test sections. This project indicates that in spite of the inflated cost of construction due to the research nature of the work, a fly ash-sand base can be a viable alternative for roadway stabilization.


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A research project involving 2, 3, 4, and 5 in. (5.1, 7.6, 10.2, and 12.7 cm) of bonded portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay on a 1.3 mile (2.1 km) PCC pavement was conducted in Clayton County, Iowa, during September 1977, centering on the following objectives: (1) Determine the mixing and proportioning procedures required in using a conventional, central mix proportioning plant to produce a dense PCC mixture using standard mixes with super water reducing admixtures; (2) Determine the economics, longevity and maintenance performance of a bonded, thin-lift, non-reinforced PCC resurfacing course using conventional procedures, equipment and concrete paving mixtures both with and without super water reducing admixtures; and (3) Determine if an adequate bond between the existing pavement and an overlay of thin-lift, dense, non-reinforced PCC can be obtained with only special surface cleaning and no surface removal or grinding. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Normal mixing equipment and proportioning procedures could be used using a conventional central-mix proportioning plant. This was successful when used with super water reducing admixtures. Only minor changes need be made in procedures and timing. (2) The time has been too short since the completion of the project to determine how the new pavement will perform, however, initially it appears that the method is economical and no reason is seen at this time why the life of the pavement should not be comparable to an all new pavement. (3) The initial test results show that bond strength, regardless of which method of cleaning is used, scarifying, sand blasting or water blasting, far exceed what is considered the minimum bond strength of 200 psi (1379 kPa) except where the paint stripes were intentionally left, thus showing that the paint must be removed. (4) It appears that either cement and water grout or sand, cement and water grout may be used and still obtain the required bond.


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Borrow areas are created where soil is removed to provide needed fill material for highway and other construction projects. Where these areas are located beyond the highway right-of-way, they must be restored and returned to useful purposes. In Iowa, borrow areas are often developed on agricultural lands and therefore, it is necessary to return them to agricultural uses whenever possible. This research project was established to evaluate the changes in row crop productivity where borrow is removed for highway construction. Secondly, several reclamation techniques were selected to be applied to borrow area research sites and the response of crops to each treatment will be evaluated. All borrow area research sites were selected in 1977 from Iowa Department of Transportation construction plans. The Audubon and Buchanan County sites were completed in the fall of 1977 and May 1978, respectively. Both were used for research in 1978, 1979, and 1980. The two remaining sites in Hamilton and Lee Counties were completed in the fall of 1978 and research was conducted at these sites in 1979, 1980, and 1981. In this report, the 1981 results from the Hamilton and Lee County borrow sites will be presented. Secondly, a summary of the three years of research from each borrow area will be presented along with specific and general conclusions from the research project.


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In several locations of Iowa, it is becoming more difficult to produce concrete sand consistently at a reasonable cost. Both ASTM and AASHTO have specifications for concrete sands that allow a finer, poorer graded sand than Iowa specifications. The objective of the study was to develop standard mix designs to permit the use of finer graded sand for PC concrete. Three hundred cylinders were made from five sands available in the state. Based on the results of the study, the following are recommended: (1) Create another class of concrete sand by: (a) lowering the current mortar strength ratio from 1.5 to 1.3, (b) raising the allowance for the percent passing one sieve and retained on the next from 40 to 45, and (c) including a provision that 25 to 60 percent passing the number 30 sieve is required for the sand; and (2) Modify the standard paving mixes with and without fly ash for use with the finer sand as follows: (a) 8% more cement and fly ash for B-2 to B-5 mixes, (b) 7% more cement and fly ash for A-2 to A-5 mixes, and (c) 5% more cement and fly ash for C-2 to C-5 mixes and water reduced mixes.


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Remote monitoring through the use of cameras is widely utilized for traffic operation, but has not been utilized widely for roadway maintenance operations. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has implemented a new remote monitoring system, referred to as a Cloud-enabled Remote Video Streaming (CRVS) camera system for snow removal-related maintenance operations in the winter. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the CRVS camera system in snow removal-related maintenance operations. This study was conducted in two parts: opinion surveys of maintenance station supervisors and an analysis on snow removal-related maintenance costs. The responses to the opinion surveys mostly displayed positive reviews of the use of the CRVS cameras. On a scale of 1 (least effective) to 5 (most effective), the average overall effectiveness given by the station supervisors was 4.3. An expedition trip for this study was defined as a trip that was made to just check the roadways if snow-removal was necessary. The average of the responses received from surveys was calculated to be a 33 percent reduction in expedition trips. For the second part of this study, an analysis was performed on the snow removal-related maintenance cost data provided by UDOT to see if the installation of a CRVS camera had an effect in reducing expedition trips. This expedition cost comparison was performed for 10 sets of maintenance stations within Utah. It was difficult to make any definitive inferences from the comparison of expedition costs over the years for which precipitation and expedition cost data were available; hence a statistical analysis was performed using the Mixed Model ANOVA. This analysis resulted in an average of 14 percent higher ratio of expedition costs at maintenance stations with a CRVS camera before the installation of the camera compared to the ratio of expedition costs after the installation of the camera. This difference was not proven to be statistically significant at the 95 percent confident level, but indicated that the installation of CRVS cameras was on the average helpful in reducing expedition costs and may be considered practically significant. It is recommended that more detailed and consistent maintenance cost records be prepared for accurate analysis of cost records for this type of study in the future.


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Pavements constructed in Iowa during the period of the 1920's through the late 1940's were built with an integral curb. The purpose of the curb was to control drainage of water from the pavement surface in areas where runoff took place at a very rapid rate. It is for this reason that curbing is found on pavements constructed during this period. The curbing led the water flowing on the pavement surface to drainage outlets; this helped reduce erosion along the edge of the slab. The curbs have satisfactorily performed the job for which they were intended. The advent of bigger and faster vehicles has created a demand for changes in the design of pavements. Current designs provide wider driving surfaces with reduced grades which can better accommodate the wider cars and trucks. By present day design standards the narrow highways are inadequate and are being replaced or improved. The normal improvement procedure is to widen to 24 feet by providing additional driving surface at each edge of the pavement. Curbing is removed from the pavement so that the surface of the widening can be placed at the same level as that of the slab.


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The specifications for concrete sand in Iowa have been used for many years with very good results. In several locations of the state, it is becoming more difficult to produce concrete sand consistently at a reasonable cost. Both ASTM and AASHTO have specifications for concrete sands that allow a finer, poorer graded sand than the Iowa specification. The ASTM and AASHTO specifications are based on the use of trial mix testing prior to construction. Iowa does not currently use the trial mix procedure.


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It is commonly regarded that the overuse of traffic control devices desensitizes drivers and leads to disrespect, especially for low-volume secondary roads with limited enforcement. The maintenance of traffic signs is also a tort liability concern, exacerbated by unnecessary signs. The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s (ITE) Traffic Control Devices Handbook provide guidance for the implementation of STOP signs based on expected compliance with right-of-way rules, provision of through traffic flow, context (proximity to other controlled intersections), speed, sight distance, and crash history. The approach(es) to stop is left to engineering judgment and is usually dependent on traffic volume or functional class/continuity of system. Although presently being considered by the National Committee on Traffic Control Devices, traffic volume itself is not given as a criterion for implementation in the MUTCD. STOP signs have been installed at many locations for various reasons which no longer (or perhaps never) met engineering needs. If in fact the presence of STOP signs does not increase safety, removal should be considered. To date, however, no guidance exists for the removal of STOP signs at two-way stop-controlled intersections. The scope of this research is ultra-low-volume (< 150 daily entering vehicles) unpaved intersections in rural agricultural areas of Iowa, where each of the 99 counties may have as many as 300 or more STOP sign pairs. Overall safety performance is examined as a function of a county excessive use factor, developed specifically for this study and based on various volume ranges and terrain as a proxy for sight distance. Four conclusions are supported: (1) there is no statistical difference in the safety performance of ultra-low-volume stop-controlled and uncontrolled intersections for all drivers or for younger and older drivers (although interestingly, older drivers are underrepresented at both types of intersections); (2) compliance with stop control (as indicated by crash performance) does not appear to be affected by the use or excessive use of STOP signs, even when adjusted for volume and a sight distance proxy; (3) crash performance does not appear to be improved by the liberal use of stop control; (4) safety performance of uncontrolled intersections appears to decline relative to stop-controlled intersections above about 150 daily entering vehicles. Subject to adequate sight distance, traffic professionals may wish to consider removal of control below this threshold. The report concludes with a section on methods and legal considerations for safe removal of stop control.


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In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results of LRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured load-displacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.