16 resultados para Risk-based maintenance

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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A comprehensive field detection method is proposed that is aimed at developing advanced capability for reliable monitoring, inspection and life estimation of bridge infrastructure. The goal is to utilize Motion-Sensing Radio Transponders (RFIDS) on fully adaptive bridge monitoring to minimize the problems inherent in human inspections of bridges. We developed a novel integrated condition-based maintenance (CBM) framework integrating transformative research in RFID sensors and sensing architecture, for in-situ scour monitoring, state-of-the-art computationally efficient multiscale modeling for scour assessment.


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Winter maintenance, particularly snow removal and the stress of snow removal materials on public structures, is an enormous budgetary burden on municipalities and nongovernmental maintenance organizations in cold climates. Lately, geospatial technologies such as remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and decision support tools are roviding a valuable tool for planning snow removal operations. A few researchers recently used geospatial technologies to develop winter maintenance tools. However, most of these winter maintenance tools, while having the potential to address some of these information needs, are not typically placed in the hands of planners and other interested stakeholders. Most tools are not constructed with a nontechnical user in mind and lack an easyto-use, easily understood interface. A major goal of this project was to implement a web-based Winter Maintenance Decision Support System (WMDSS) that enhances the capacity of stakeholders (city/county planners, resource managers, transportation personnel, citizens, and policy makers) to evaluate different procedures for managing snow removal assets optimally. This was accomplished by integrating geospatial analytical techniques (GIS and remote sensing), the existing snow removal asset management system, and webbased spatial decision support systems. The web-based system was implemented using the ESRI ArcIMS ActiveX Connector and related web technologies, such as Active Server Pages, JavaScript, HTML, and XML. The expert knowledge on snow removal procedures is gathered and integrated into the system in the form of encoded business rules using Visual Rule Studio. The system developed not only manages the resources but also provides expert advice to assist complex decision making, such as routing, optimal resource allocation, and monitoring live weather information. This system was developed in collaboration with Black Hawk County, IA, the city of Columbia, MO, and the Iowa Department of transportation. This product was also demonstrated for these agencies to improve the usability and applicability of the system.


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The performance audit conducted by the Department of Management concerned the licensed substance abuse treatment programs in Department of Corrections’ institutions. This report uses the same methodology, modified for community-based corrections populations, to examine the delivery of substance abuse treatment for higher risk offenders under field supervision, and all offenders who were assigned to community corrections residential facilities.


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The objective of this research was to investigate the application of integrated risk modeling to operations and maintenance activities, specifically moving operations, such as pavement testing, pavement marking, painting, snow removal, shoulder work, mowing, and so forth. The ultimate goal is to reduce the frequency and intensity of loss events (property damage, personal injury, and fatality) during operations and maintenance activities. This report includes a literature review that identifies the current and common practices adopted by different state departments of transportation (DOTs) and other transportation agencies for safe and efficient highway operations and maintenance (O/M) activities. The final appendix to the report includes information for eight innovative O/M risk mitigation technologies/equipment and covers the following for these technologies/equipment: Appropriate conditions for deployment Performance/effectiveness, depending on hazard/activity Cost to purchase Cost to operate and maintain Availability (resources and references)


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Remote monitoring through the use of cameras is widely utilized for traffic operation, but has not been utilized widely for roadway maintenance operations. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has implemented a new remote monitoring system, referred to as a Cloud-enabled Remote Video Streaming (CRVS) camera system for snow removal-related maintenance operations in the winter. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the CRVS camera system in snow removal-related maintenance operations. This study was conducted in two parts: opinion surveys of maintenance station supervisors and an analysis on snow removal-related maintenance costs. The responses to the opinion surveys mostly displayed positive reviews of the use of the CRVS cameras. On a scale of 1 (least effective) to 5 (most effective), the average overall effectiveness given by the station supervisors was 4.3. An expedition trip for this study was defined as a trip that was made to just check the roadways if snow-removal was necessary. The average of the responses received from surveys was calculated to be a 33 percent reduction in expedition trips. For the second part of this study, an analysis was performed on the snow removal-related maintenance cost data provided by UDOT to see if the installation of a CRVS camera had an effect in reducing expedition trips. This expedition cost comparison was performed for 10 sets of maintenance stations within Utah. It was difficult to make any definitive inferences from the comparison of expedition costs over the years for which precipitation and expedition cost data were available; hence a statistical analysis was performed using the Mixed Model ANOVA. This analysis resulted in an average of 14 percent higher ratio of expedition costs at maintenance stations with a CRVS camera before the installation of the camera compared to the ratio of expedition costs after the installation of the camera. This difference was not proven to be statistically significant at the 95 percent confident level, but indicated that the installation of CRVS cameras was on the average helpful in reducing expedition costs and may be considered practically significant. It is recommended that more detailed and consistent maintenance cost records be prepared for accurate analysis of cost records for this type of study in the future.


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Granular shoulders are an important element of the transportation system and are constantly subjected to performance problems due to wind- and water-induced erosion, rutting, edge drop-off, and slope irregularities. Such problems can directly affect drivers’ safety and often require regular maintenance. The present research study was undertaken to investigate the factors contributing to these performance problems and to propose new ideas to design and maintain granular shoulders while keeping ownership costs low. This report includes observations made during a field reconnaissance study, findings from an effort to stabilize the granular and subgrade layer at six shoulder test sections, and the results of a laboratory box study where a shoulder section overlying a soft foundation layer was simulated. Based on the research described in this report, the following changes are proposed to the construction and maintenance methods for granular shoulders: • A minimum CBR value for the granular and subgrade layer should be selected to alleviate edge drop-off and rutting formation. • For those constructing new shoulder sections, the design charts provided in this report can be used as a rapid guide based on an allowable rut depth. The charts can also be used to predict the behavior of existing shoulders. • In the case of existing shoulder sections overlying soft foundations, the use of geogrid or fly ash stabilization proved to be an effective technique for mitigating shoulder rutting.


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The Iowa EHDI High-Risk Monitoring Protocol is based on the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing 2007 position statement. Emphasis is placed on follow-up as deemed appropriate by the primary health care provider and audiologist. The Iowa protocol describes the follow-up process for children with risk factors.


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This report documents Phase IV of the Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle (HMCV) project, a pooled fund study sponsored by the Departments of Transportation of Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. This report provides the background, including a brief history of the earlier phases of the project, a systems overview, and descriptions of the research conducted in Phase IV. Finally, the report provides conclusions and recommendations for future research. Background The goal of the Highway Maintenance Concept Vehicle Pooled Fund Study is to provide travelers with the level of service defined by policy during the winter season at the least cost to taxpayers. This goal is to be accomplished by using information regarding actual road conditions to facilitate and adjust snow and ice control activities. The approach used in this study was to bring technology applications from other industries to the highway maintenance vehicle. This approach is evolutionary in that as emerging technologies and applications are found to be acceptable to the pooled fund states and as they appear that to have potential for supporting the study goals they become candidates for our research. The objective of Phase IV is to: Conduct limited deployment of selected technologies from Phase III by equipping a vehicle with proven advanced technologies and creating a mobile test laboratory for collecting road weather data. The research quickly pointed out that investments in winter storm maintenance assets must be based on benefit/cost analysis and related to improving level of service. For example, Iowa has estimated the average cost of fighting a winter storm to be about $60,000 to $70,000 per hour typically. The maintenance concept vehicle will have advanced technology equipment capable of applying precisely the correct amount of material, accurately tailored to the existing and predicted pavement conditions. Hence, a state using advanced technology could expect to have a noticeable impact on the average time taken to establish the winter driving service level. If the concept vehicle and data produced by the vehicle are used to support decision-making leading to reducing material usage and the average time by one hour, a reasonable benefit/cost will result. Data from the friction meter can be used to monitor and adjust snow and ice control activities and inform travelers of pavement surface conditions. Therefore, final selection of successfully performing technologies will be based on the foundation statements and criteria developed by the study team.


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Weathering steel is commonly used as a cost-effective alternative for bridge superstructures, as the costs and environmental impacts associated with the maintenance/replacement of paint coatings are theoretically eliminated. The performance of weathering steel depends on the proper formation of a surface patina, which consists of a dense layer of corrosion product used to protect the steel from further atmospheric corrosion. The development of the weathering steel patina may be hindered by environmental factors such as humid environments, wetting/drying cycles, sheltering, exposure to de-icing chlorides, and design details that permit water to pond on steel surfaces. Weathering steel bridges constructed over or adjacent to other roadways could be subjected to sufficient salt spray that would impede the development of an adequate patina. Addressing areas of corrosion on a weathering steel bridge superstructure where a protective patina has not formed is often costly and negates the anticipated cost savings for this type of steel superstructure. Early detection of weathering steel corrosion is important to extending the service life of the bridge structure; however, written inspection procedures are not available for inspectors to evaluate the performance or quality of the patina. This project focused on the evaluation of weathering steel bridge structures, including possible methods to assess the quality of the weathering steel patina and to properly maintain the quality of the patina. The objectives of this project are summarized as follows:  Identify weathering steel bridge structures that would be most vulnerable to chloride contamination, based on location, exposure, environment, and other factors.  Identify locations on an individual weathering steel bridge structure that would be most susceptible to chloride contamination, such as below joints, splash/spray zones, and areas of ponding water or debris.  Identify possible testing methods and/or inspection techniques for inspectors to evaluate the quality of the weathering steel patina at locations discussed above.  Identify possible methods to measure and evaluate the level of chloride contamination at the locations discussed above.  Evaluate the effectiveness of water washing on removing chlorides from the weathering steel patina.  Develop a general prioritization for the washing of bridge structures based on the structure’s location, environment, inspection observations, patina evaluation findings, and chloride test results.


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This report is on state-of-the-art research efforts specific to infrastructure inventory/data collection with sign inventory as a case study. The development of an agency-wide sign inventory is based on feature inventory and location information. Specific to location, a quick and simple location acquisition tool is critical to tying assets to an accurate location-referencing system. This research effort provides a contrast between legacy referencing systems (route and milepost) and global positioning system- (GPS-) based techniques (latitude and longitude) integrated into a geographic information system (GIS) database. A summary comparison of field accuracies using a variety of consumer grade devices is also provided. This research, and the data collection tools developed, are critical in supporting the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Statewide Sign Management System development effort. For the last two years, a Task Force has embarked on a comprehensive effort to develop a sign management system to improve sign quality, as well as to manage all aspects of signage, from request, ordering, fabricating, installing, maintaining, and ultimately removing, and to provide the ability to budget for these key assets on a statewide basis. This effort supported the development of a sign inventory tool and is the beginning of the development of a sign management system to support the Iowa DOT efforts in the consistent, cost effective, and objective decision making process when it comes to signs and their maintenance.


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It is no surprise that probationers are less likely to receive new felony or aggravated misdemeanor convictions than are parolees following discharge from supervision; probationers tend to be at lower risk to begin with. Likewise, parolees tend to be at lower risk and less likely to be convicted of serious offenses than are offenders who complete their sentences in prison.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation is committed to improved management systems, which in turn has led to increased automation to record and manage construction data. A possible improvement to the current data management system can be found with pen-based computers. Pen-based computers coupled with user friendly software are now to the point where an individual's handwriting can be captured and converted to typed text to be used for data collection. It would appear pen-based computers are sufficiently advanced to be used by construction inspectors to record daily project data. The objective of this research was to determine: (1) if pen-based computers are durable enough to allow maintenance-free operation for field work during Iowa's construction season; and (2) if pen-based computers can be used effectively by inspectors with little computer experience. The pen-based computer's handwriting recognition was not fast or accurate enough to be successfully utilized. The IBM Thinkpad with the pen pointing device did prove useful for working in Windows' graphical environment. The pen was used for pointing, selecting and scrolling in the Windows applications because of its intuitive nature.


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In an earlier research project, HR-204, the magnitude and nature of highway related tort claims against counties in Iowa were investigated. However, virtually all of the claims identified in that research resulted from incidents that occurred in areas with predominantly agricultural land use. With recent increases in the rural non-farm population, many traditionally urban problems are also appearing in built-up areas under county jurisdiction. This trend is expected to continue so that counties must anticipate a change in the nature of the tort claims they will encounter. Problems that heretofore have been unique to cities may become commonplace in areas for which counties are responsible. The research reported here has been directed toward an investigation of those problems in rural subdivisions that lead to claims growing out of the provision of highway services by counties. Lacking a sufficient database among counties for the types of tort claims of interest in this research, a survey was sent to 259 cities in Iowa in order to identify highway related problems leading to those claims. The survey covered claims during a five year period from 1975 to 1980. Over one-third of the claims reported were based on alleged street defects. Another 34 percent of the claims contained allegations of damages due to backup of sanitary sewers or defects in sidewalks. By expanding the sample from the 164 cities that responded to the survey, it was estimated that a total of $49,000,000 in claims had been submitted to all 259 cities. Over 34% of this amount resulted from alleged defects in the use of traffic signs, signals, and markings. Another 42% arose from claims of defects in streets and sidewalks. Payments in settlement of claims were about 13.4% of the amount asked for those claims closed during the period covered by the survey. About $9,000,000 in claims was pending on June 30, 1980 according to the information furnished. Officials from 23 cities were interviewed to provide information on measures to overcome the problems leading to tort claims. On the basis of this information, actions have been proposed that can be undertaken by counties to reduce the potential for highway-related claims resulting from their responsibilities in rural subdivisions and unincorporated communities. Suggested actions include the eight recommendations contained in the final report for the previous research under HR-204. In addition, six recommendations resulted from this research, as follows: 1. Counties should adopt county subdivision ordinances. 2. A reasonable policy concerning sidewalks should be adopted. 3. Counties should establish and implement a system for setting road maintenance priorities. 4. Counties should establish and implement a procedure for controlling construction or maintenance activities within the highway right of way. 5. Counties should establish and implement a system to record complaints that are received relating to highway maintenance and to assure timely correction of defective conditions leading to such complaints. 6. Counties should establish and implement a procedure to ensure timely advice of highway defects for which notice is not otherwise received.


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In recent years there has been renewed interest in using preventive maintenance techniques to extend pavement life and to ensure low life cycle costs for our road infrastructure network. Thin maintenance surfaces can be an important part of a preventive maintenance program for asphalt cement concrete roads. The Iowa Highway Research Board has sponsored Phase Two of this research project to demonstrate the use of thin maintenance surfaces in Iowa and to develop guidelines for thin maintenance surface uses that are specific to Iowa. This report documents the results of test section construction and monitoring started in Phase One and continued in Phase Two. The report provides a recommended seal coat design process based on the McLeod method and guidance on seal coat aggregates and binders. An update on the use of local aggregates for micro-surfacing in Iowa is included. Winter maintenance guidelines for thin maintenance surfaces are reported herein. Finally, Phase One's interim, qualitative thin maintenance surface guidelines are supplemented with Phase two's revised, quantitative guidelines. When thin maintenance surfaces are properly selected and applied, they can improve the pavement surface condition index and the skid resistance of pavements. For success to occur, several requirements must be met, including proper material selection, design, application rate, workmanship, and material compatibility, as well as favorable weather during application and curing. Specific guidance and recommendations for many types of thin maintenance surfaces and conditions are included in the report.


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The use of voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) criteria for proper mix design of hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures is a time honored and fairly successful tool. Recent developments in the field of asphalt mix design have encouraged the use of mixtures with a coarse aggregate structure to resist the affect of heavy traffic loads. By using the equations presented, which account for both aggregate gradation and the volumetric properties of the materials, the mix designer is able to judge the proper VMA requirement for each unique blend of materials. By applying the new equations, the most economical mix may be selected without great risk of reduced durability. Supporting data from field application is presented to illustrate the use of the equations.