6 resultados para Productivity enhancement
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
The Iowa Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is a state, federal, local, and private partnership that provides incentives to landowners who voluntarily establish wetlands for water quality improvement in the tile-drained regions of Iowa. The goal of the program is to reduce nitrogen loads and movement of other agricultural chemicals from croplands to streams and rivers. In addition to improving water quality, these wetlands will provide wildlife habitat and increase recreational opportunities.
Report on a review of the Transportation Enhancement Program of the Iowa Department of Transportation for projects closed out during the period July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009
This report contains the results of the Park and Recreation Enhancement Study Committee on the current and future needs for artificial and natural lakes, state parks, forests, and recreational areas in Iowa and make recommendations on the development of the new facilities and the restoration and management of current facilities.
This research was initiated in 1991 as a part of a whitetopping project to study the effectiveness of various techniques to enhance bond strength between a new portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and an existing asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavement surface. A 1,676 m (5,500 ft) section of county road R16 in Dallas County was divided into 12 test sections. The various techniques used to enhance bond were power brooming, power brooming with air blast, milling, cement and water grout, and emulsion tack coat. Also, two sections were planed to a uniform cross-section, two pavement thicknesses were placed, and two different concrete mix proportions were used. Bond strength was perceived to be the key to determining an appropriate design procedure for whitetopping. If adequate bond is achieved, a bonded PCC overlay technique can be used for design. Otherwise, an unbonded overlay procedure may be more appropriate. Conclusions are as follows: (1) Bond Strength Differences - Milling increased bond strength versus no milling. Tack coat showed increased bond strength versus no tack coat. Planing, Air Blast and Grouting did not provide noticeable improvements in bond strength; nor did different PCC types or thicknesses affect bond strength significantly. (2) Structure - Structural measurements correlated strongly with the wide variation in pavement thicknesses. They did not provide enough information to determine the strength of bonding or the level of support being provided by the ACC layer. Longitudinal cracking correlated with PCC thicknesses and with planing. (3) Bond Over Time - The bond between PCC and ACC layers is degrading over time in the outside wheel path in all of the sections except tack coat (section 12). The bond strength in the section with tack coat was lower than the others, but remained relatively steady.
Borrow areas are created where soil is removed to provide needed fill material for highway and other construction projects. Where these areas are located beyond the highway right-of-way, they must be restored and returned to useful purposes. In Iowa, borrow areas are often developed on agricultural lands and therefore, it is necessary to return them to agricultural uses whenever possible. This research project was established to evaluate the changes in row crop productivity where borrow is removed for highway construction. Secondly, several reclamation techniques were selected to be applied to borrow area research sites and the response of crops to each treatment will be evaluated. All borrow area research sites were selected in 1977 from Iowa Department of Transportation construction plans. The Audubon and Buchanan County sites were completed in the fall of 1977 and May 1978, respectively. Both were used for research in 1978, 1979, and 1980. The two remaining sites in Hamilton and Lee Counties were completed in the fall of 1978 and research was conducted at these sites in 1979, 1980, and 1981. In this report, the 1981 results from the Hamilton and Lee County borrow sites will be presented. Secondly, a summary of the three years of research from each borrow area will be presented along with specific and general conclusions from the research project.
This project resulted in the development of a framework for making asset management decisions on low-volume bridges. The research focused on low-volume bridges located in the agricultural counties of Iowa because recent research has shown that these counties have the greatest percentage of structurally deficient bridges in the nation. Many of the same counties also have the highest crop yields in the state, creating a situation where detours caused by deficient bridges on farm-to-market roads increase the cost to transport the crops. Thus, the research proposed the use of social return on investment (SROI), a tool used by international institutions such as the World Bank, as an asset management metric to gauge to the socioeconomic impact of structurally deficient bridges on the state in an effort to provide quantified justification to fund improvements on low-volume assets such as these rural bridges. The study found that combining SROI with current asset management metrics like average daily traffic (ADT) made it possible to prioritize the bridges in such a way that the limited resources available are allocated in a manner that promotes a more equitable distribution and that directly benefits the user, in this case Iowa farmers. The result is a system that more closely aligns itself with the spirit of MAP-21, in that infrastructure investments are used to facilitate economic growth for Iowa’s agricultural economy.