25 resultados para Marshall Mcluhan
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
County Audit Report
County Profile
Report on a special investigation of the West Marshall Community School District for the period January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2007
The Iowa D.O.T. specifications do not require 100 percent of 50 blow Marshall density (generally 94%) for field compaction. However, stabilities are determined in the Laboratory on specimens compacted to 100 percent of Marshall density. The purpose of this study is to determine the stabilities of specimens compacted to various densities which are below 100 percent of the 50 blow Marshall density.
It has been observed in the Laboratory that an increase in oven heating time of relatively short duration between mixing and compaction of asphaltic concrete hot mixes can have an effect on the Marshall stability results obtained. The purpose of this short investigation is to determine the effect of oven heating time on the density and stability of hot mixes.
Effect of Delay in Testing Asphalt Concrete Specimens for Marshall Stability, MLR-86-08, Draft, 1986
The Central Laboratory has been delaying the mix design testing of 2 1/2" X 4" Marshall specimens for stability, until the next day after molding. For example, if the mixes are made and samples molded on Friday a man would have to come in and work on Saturday to test these specimens. The reason for this is that the ASTM-01559 "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixes Using Marshall Apparatus," states that "the specimens after being molded shall be carefully transferred to a smooth, flat surface and allowed to stand overnight at room temperature, before being weighed, measured and tested." The AASHTO procedure, AASHTO Designation T-245-82 "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures using Marshall Apparatus," does not say when the specimens shall be tested for stability. The IDOT Lab. Specifications, Test Method No. Iowa 502-8 and test method No. Iowa 506-C "compacting asphaltic concrete by the Marshall Method" and "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using the Marshall Apparatus," respectively, only state that the specimens shall be cooled before testing. Due to the above conflict in specifications, a number of mix samples were tested, in the Central Lab, for stability on different days. This should furnish enough information to allow us to change the procedure and to test for stability the same day molded, or be able to delay the testing for 3 days or more.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. March 7, 2012 THIS WEEK: Orgin of the Historical Department of Iowa BACKGROUND: Charles Aldrich Charles Aldrich served as Iowa Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives for the eighth (1860) and ninth (1862) general assemblies. He volunteered for the Union Army in 1862 and served with the Thirty-second Iowa Infantry for 18 months. Aldrich came to Webster City, Iowa, in 1857. He started the Hamilton Freeman newspaper. He was also involved in the publishing and editing of the Dubuque Times and Marshall County Times. In 1882, at age 53, he represented Hamilton County in the House of Representatives during the 19th General Assembly. He was appointed as the Curator of the State Historical Department at its creation in 1890.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. April 26, 2012 THIS WEEK: The Ed Sullivan Show is Broadcast from the USS Iowa BACKGROUND: The Ed Sullivan Show On July 4, 1954, The Ed Sullivan Show was filmed aboard the battleship U.S.S. Iowa, which was docked in the Hudson River. The Ed Sullivan Show, then called Toast of the Town, was in its seventh season. Sullivan featured many celebrities on his show over the years. During this particular show, musical comedy star Dolores Gray was featured along with Bill Kenny of the group the Ink Spots. The Step Brothers were the featured dancers. Les Marcellis led an acrobat performance, Jay Marshall provided a stand-up comedy routine, and Eileen O’Dare performed as an acrobatic dancer surrounded by the navy audience. Sullivan spoke with navy Captain Wayne Loud, who then presented Sullivan with a caricature of Sullivan drawn by famed media layout artist Herb Hazelton, who also appeared.
Effects of polyolefins, neoprene, styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) block copolymers, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) latex, and hydrated lime on two asphalt cements were evaluated. Physical and chemical tests were performed on a total of 16 binder blends. Asphalt concrete mixes were prepared and tested with these modified binders and two aggregates (crushed limestone and gravel), each at three asphalt content levels. Properties evaluated on the modified binders (original and thin-film oven aged) included: viscosity at 25 deg C, 60 deg C and 135 deg C with capillary tube and cone-plate viscometer, penetration at 5 deg C and 25 deg C, softening point, force ductility, and elastic recovery at 10 deg C, dropping ball test, tensile strength, and toughness and tenacity tests at 25 deg C. From these the penetration index, the viscosity-temperature susceptibility, the penetration-viscosity number, the critical low-temperature, long loading-time stiffness, and the cracking temperature were calculated. In addition, the binders were studied with x-ray diffraction, reflected fluorescence microscopy, and high-performance liquid chromatography techniques. Engineering properties evaluated on the 72 asphalt concrete mixes containing additives included: Marshall stability and flow, Marshall stiffness, voids properties, resilient modulus, indirect tensile strength, permanent deformation (creep), and effects of moisture by vacuum-saturation and Lottman treatments. Pavement sections of varied asphalt concrete thicknesses and containing different additives were compared to control mixes in terms of structural responses and pavement lives for different subgrades. Although all of the additives tested improved at least one aspect of the binder/mixture properties, no additive was found to improve all the relevant binder/mixture properties at the same time. On the basis of overall considerations, the optimum beneficial effects can be expected when the additives are used in conjunction with softer grade asphalts.
Efforts to eliminate rutting on the Interstate system have resulted in 3/4 in. aggregate mixes, with 75 blow Marshall, 85% crushed aggregate mix designs. On a few of these projects paved in 1988-1989, water has appeared on the surfaces. Some conclusions have been reached by visual on-sight investigations that the water is coming from surface water, rain and melting snow gaining entry into the surface asphalt mixture, then coming back out in selected areas. Cores were taken from several Interstate projects and tested for permeability to investigate the surface water theory that supposedly happens with only the 3/4 in. mixtures. All cores were of asphalt overlays over portland cement concrete, except for the Clarke County project which is full depth AC. The testing consisted of densities, permeabilities, voids by high pressure airmeter (HPAM), extraction, gradations, AC content, and film thicknesses. Resilient modulus, indirect tensile and retained strengths after freeze/thaw were also done. All of the test results are about as expected. Permeabilities, the main reason for testing, ranged from 0.00 to 2.67 ft per day and averages less than 1/2 ft per day if the following two tests are disregarded. One test on each binder course came out to 15.24 ft/day, and a surface course at 13.78 ft/day but these are not out of supposedly problem projects.
A number of claims have been made that polymer modified asphalt cements, multi-grade asphalt cements, and other modifications of the liquid asphalt will prevent rutting and other deterioration of asphalt mixes, thereby, extending the service life of asphalt pavements. This laboratory study evaluates regular AC-20 asphalt cement, PAC-30 polymer modified asphalt cement and AC-10-30 multi-grade asphalt cement. PAC-30 was also evaluated with 15% Gilsonite and 15% Witcurb in a 75% crushed stone - 25% sand mix. These mixtures were evaluated for all Marshall properties along with indirect tensile, resilient modulus, and creep resistance.
In view of the energy, environmental, and economic advantages of the foamed asphalt process using local aggregates in cold mixes and the promising results from Research Project HR-212, a 4.2-mile section of county road in Muscatine County was built with foamed asphalt and local aggregates during August-September 1983. Extensive laboratory evaluation was carried out on five plant mixes representing foamed mixes used in the nine test sections, a laboratory prepared foamed mix, and a laboratory prepared hot mix similar to Plant Mix 1. The foamed mixes were compacted, cured under 15 curing conditions and tested for bulk specific gravity, Marshall stability at 77° F and at 140° F, cured moisture content, resilient modulus and effects of moisture damage due to freeze-thaw cycles, water soaking, and vacuum saturation. In addition, four sets of 83 core samples were taken at 1 to 15 months and tested for moisture content, specific gravity, Marshall stability, and resilient modulus. In summary, the test road has performed satisfactorily for almost two years. The few early construction problems encountered were to be expected for experimental projects dealing with new materials and technologies. Overall results to date are encouraging and foamed asphalt mixes have proved to have the potential as a viable base material in areas where marginal aggregates are available. It is hoped and expected that performance evaluation of the test sections will be continued and that more foamed asphalt trial projects will be constructed and monitored so that experiences and findings from this project can be verified and mix design criteria can be gradually established. For future foamed asphalt projects it is recommended that anti-stripping additives, such as hydrated lime, be added in view of the potential moisture susceptibility of foamed mixes observed in the laboratory evaluation.
This is Part 3 of a study of creep and resilient modulus testing of hot mix asphalt concrete. The creep and resilient modulus testing in Part 1 showed the improved load carrying characteristics of crushed particles. Cores from pavements drilled in Part 2 exhibited a poor correlation with rutting and creep/resilient modulus on pavement with a range of rut depths. The objective of Part 3 was to determine the relationship of creep and resilient modulus for 1) Marshall specimens from laboratory mixing for mix design; 2) Marshall specimens from construction plant mixing; and 3) cores drilled from the hot mixed asphalt pavement. The creep and resilient modulus data from these three sources exhibited substantial variations. No meaningful correlations of the results from these three sources were obtained.
One of the most serious impediments to the continued successful use of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavements is rutting. The Iowa Department of Transportation has required 85% crushed particles and 75-blow Marshall mix design in an effort to prevent rutting on Interstate roadways. Relationships between the percent of crushed particles and resistance to rutting in pavement through the use of various laboratory test procedures must be developed. HMA mixtures were made with 0, 30, 60, 85, and 100% crushed gravel, crushed limestone, and crushed quartzite combined with uncrushed sand and gravel. These aggregate combinations were used with 4, 5, and 6% asphalt cement (ac). Laboratory tests included Marshall stability, resilient modulus, indirect tensile, and creep. A creep resistance factor (CRF) was developed to provide a single numeric value for creep test results. The CRF values relate well to the amount of crushed particles and the perceived resistance to rutting. The indirect tensile test is highly dependent on the ac with a small effect from the percent of crushed particles. The Marshall stability from 75-blow compaction relates well to the percent of crushed particles. The resilient modulus in some cases is highly affected by grade of ac.
This report presents the results of a comparative laboratory study between well- and gap-graded aggregates used in asphalt concrete paving mixtures. A total of 424 batches of asphalt concrete mixtures and 3,960 Marshall and Hveem specimens were examined. There is strong evidence from this investigation that, with proper-combinations of aggregates and asphalts, both continuous- and gap-graded aggregates can produce mixtures of high density and of qualities meeting current design criteria. There is also reason to believe that the unqualified acceptance of some supposedly desirable, constant, mathematical relationship between adjacent particle sizes of the form such as Fuller's curve p = 100(d/D)^n is not justified. It is recommended that the aggregate grading limits be relaxed or eliminated and that the acceptance or rejection of an aggregate for use in asphalt pavement be based on individual mixture evaluation. Furthermore, because of the potential attractiveness of gap-graded asphalt concrete in cost, quality, and skid and wear resistance, selected gap-graded mixtures are recommended for further tests both in the laboratory and in the field, especially in regard to ease of compaction and skid and wear resistance.