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Vigorous and Healthy woodlands in Iowa have the unique distinction of being able to provide a wealth of benefits for the landowner and residents of the state. Benefits from a healthy forest include timber and wood resources, watershed protection, fragile site protection, wildlife and bird habitat, aesthetics and beauty, and recreational opportunities.
This report contains the results of the Park and Recreation Enhancement Study Committee on the current and future needs for artificial and natural lakes, state parks, forests, and recreational areas in Iowa and make recommendations on the development of the new facilities and the restoration and management of current facilities.
Iowa’s surface and ground water serves as a precious resource for industries, businesses and communities and provides state citizens and visitors with invaluable cultural and recreational opportunities. While water quality is regulated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), compliance assistance is available through the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) Water Quality Advocacy Program.
Garlic mustard is a rapidly spreading, highly invasive non-native plant. It was introduced from Europe in mid-1800 for medicinal and herbal uses. Came to the United States without predatory beetles or other natural controls. Threatens to rob us of healthy, diverse native woodlands.
Little River Lake watershed is a 13,305 acre subwatershed of Little River. The 788 acre lake was listed as a 303d impaired water body in 2008 due to elevated turbidity and algae levels. The Decatur SWCD has prioritized water quality protection efforts within the Little River Lake watershed because 1) portions of this watershed has been identified as the primary contributor of sediment and nutrients to Little River Lake, which provides an essential source of drinking water for Decatur County and the Southern Iowa Rural Water Association; 2) the watershed provides exemplary education and project interpretation opportunities due to its proximity to Little River Lake Recreation Area, and 3) by using targeted and proven soil conservation practices to address water quality deficiencies the probability of successfully attenuating soil erosion and ameliorating water quality impairments is enhanced. The specific goals of this proposal are to: 1. reduce annual sediment, and phosphorous delivery to the lake by 11,280 tons and 14,664 lbs., respectively, via applications of conservation practices on targeted agricultural land; 2. delist the lake as an EPA 303d impaired water body via water quality enhancement; 3. obtain a “Full Support” status for the lake’s aquatic life and recreational use; 4. reduce potable water treatment costs (minimum 50% cost reduction) associated with high suspended solid levels; and 5. restore a viable sport-fish population, thereby bolstering tourism and the economy. To achieve timely project implementation the Decatur SWCD has cooperated with the IDNR Watershed Improvement Section, Fisheries Bureau, and IDALS-DSC to assess extant water quality and watershed conditions, coalesced a diverse team of committed partners and secured matching funding from multiple sources.
The main channel of Upper Buffalo Creek has been identified on Iowa's 303(d) List of Impaired Waters as having a biological impairment (i.e., greater than 50% decrease in mussel species) due to habitat modification, stream alteration, nutrients, and/or siltation. The Buchanan County SWCD has identified this as a priority watershed because mussel population decreases have been well documented to be directly associated with decreases in ecological value, recreational value, and overall water quality. The presence of a diverse and reproducing mussel population indicates that a healthy aquatic ecosystem is intact, which means good fishing, good water quality for wildlife, and assurance that water is safe for recreation. Dan Cohen, Buchanan Conservation Board Director, stated that "should water quality conditions improve, and fishing holes and habitat be enhanced, there is no doubt that many people would take advantage of the renewed recreational opportunities". This watershed contains two "threatened" species of mussels and five "sensitive" species of fish. The District feels that a watershed project will assist in implementing conservation practices that will greatly improve water quality and enhance biological and recreational venues.
State University Audit Report
State University Audit Report
State University Audit Report
Audit of the Recreational Facility Revenue Bond Funds of Iowa State University of Science and Technology (Iowa State University) as of and for the year ended June 30, 2007
House file 2782 (2007 Infrastructure Appropriations Act) requires state agencies that receive appropriations from specific funds to report that information. The Iowa Department of Transportation received funds from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, the State Recreational Trails Fund, the Health Restricted Capitals, and the Rail Revolving Loan and Grant Program in FY 2007. These are the status reports for those funds and the status of the FY2006 funds received from the State Recreational Trails Fund, the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund and the Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
Report of the Recreational Facility Revenue Bond Funds of Iowa State University of Science and Technology as of and for the year ended June 30, 2008
State University Audit Report of Iowa State University
Many communities in Iowa have expressed a desire to develop a plan for better accommodating pedestrians and bicyclists in their community. This desire results from the recognition that walking and bicycling are popular recreational activities and, are increasingly important as “alternative transportation modes.” Recognizing the desire on the part of communities to create better conditions for bicycling and walking, the Iowa DOT developed this handbook as part of Iowa Trails 2000. This handbook outlines the steps and resources required to create a comprehensive system of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Such a system can serve local needs and connect communities to the Iowa State Trails System and other regional attractions.