15 resultados para In-row spacing
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
As a result of higher seed prices, improved planters and weed management programs, soybean growers are more aware of the importance of seeding rates and optimal plant populations at harvest. A harvest population of approximately 100,000 uniformly distributed plants per acre will maximize economic return in Iowa regardless of row spacing. There appears to be no economic advantage to harvest populations greater than, or less than, 100,000 plants per acre. Economics, however, should be considered carefully when striving for higher harvest populations since seed is expensive. Timely management, such as weed management, is more critical at low plant populations.
Planting soybeans in rows narrower than 30 inches can improve yield potential. Most Midwest research documents that narrow rows (less than 30 inches) yield greater than wide rows (30 inches or greater). On average in Iowa a 4.5 bu./acre yield increase can be expected using 15-inch row spacing, compared to 30-inch row spacing. These data have been fairly consistent for the past 20 years.
As a result of higher seed prices, improved planters and weed management programs, soybean growers are more aware of the importance of seeding rates and optimal plant populations at harvest. A harvest population of approximately 100,000 uniformly distributed plants per acre will maximize economic return in Iowa regardless of row spacing. There appears to be no economic advantage to harvest populations greater than, or less than, 100,000 plants per acre. Economics, however, should be considered carefully when striving for higher harvest populations since seed is expensive. Timely management, such as weed management, is more critical at low plant populations.
Blowing snow can cause significant problems for mobility and safety during winter weather in three distinct ways. It may drift onto the road, thus requiring almost continuous plowing while the wind is blowing (which may occur when a given winter storm is over). Snow may drift onto wet pavement (perhaps caused by ice control chemicals) and dilute out the chemicals on the road, creating ice on the road. And sufficient blowing snow can cause a major deterioration in visibility on the road, a factor which has been shown to be significant in winter crashes. The problem of blowing snow can be very effectively addressed by creating a snow storage device upwind of the road that requires protection from snow drifting. Typically, these storage devices are fences. Extensive design guidance exists for the required height and placement of such fences for a given annual snowfall and given local topography. However, the design information on the placement of living snow fences is less complete. The purpose of this report is to present the results of three seasons of study on using standing corn as snow fences. In addition, the experience of using switch grass as a snow storage medium is also presented. On the basis of these experimental data, a design guide has been developed that makes use of the somewhat unique snow storage characteristics of standing corn snow fences. The results of the field tests on using standing corn showed that multiple rows of standing corn store snow rather differently than a traditional wooden snow fence. Specifically, while a traditional fence stores most of the snow downwind from the fence (and thus must be placed a significant distance upwind of the road to be protected, specifically at least 35 times the snow fence height) rows of standing corn store the majority of the snow within the rows. Results from the three winters of testing show that the standing corn snow fences can store as much snow within the rows of standing corn as a traditional fence of typical height for operation in Iowa (4 to 6 feet) can store. This finding is significant because it means that the snow fences can be placed at the edge of the farmer’s field closest to the road, and still be effective. This is typically much more convenient for the farmer and thus may mean that more farmers would be willing to participate in a program that uses standing corn than in traditional programs. ii On the basis of the experimental data, design guidance for the use of standing corn as a snow storage device in Iowa is given in the report. Specifically, it is recommended that if the fetch in a location to be protected is less than 5,000 feet, then 16 rows of standing corn should be used, at the edge of the field adjacent to the right of way. If the fetch is greater than 5,000 feet, then 24 rows of standing corn should be used. This is based on a row spacing of 22 inches. Further, it should be noted that these design recommendations are ONLY for the State of Iowa. Other states of course have different winter weather and without extensive further study, it cannot be said that these guidelines would be effective in other locations with other winter conditions.
Borrow areas are created where soil is removed to provide needed fill material for highway and other construction projects. Where these areas are located beyond the highway right-of-way, they must be restored and returned to useful purposes. In Iowa, borrow areas are often developed on agricultural lands and therefore, it is necessary to return them to agricultural uses whenever possible. This research project was established to evaluate the changes in row crop productivity where borrow is removed for highway construction. Secondly, several reclamation techniques were selected to be applied to borrow area research sites and the response of crops to each treatment will be evaluated. All borrow area research sites were selected in 1977 from Iowa Department of Transportation construction plans. The Audubon and Buchanan County sites were completed in the fall of 1977 and May 1978, respectively. Both were used for research in 1978, 1979, and 1980. The two remaining sites in Hamilton and Lee Counties were completed in the fall of 1978 and research was conducted at these sites in 1979, 1980, and 1981. In this report, the 1981 results from the Hamilton and Lee County borrow sites will be presented. Secondly, a summary of the three years of research from each borrow area will be presented along with specific and general conclusions from the research project.
Borrow areas are created where soil is needed to provide fill for construction projects. This research evaluated (1) the changes in row crop productivity resulting from removal of soil for highway construction in Iowa and (2) restoration methods which included: depth of topsoil, subsoil tillage, manure application, and two years of legume growth prior to row cropping. The research was carried out from 1977-1981 at four locations. Corn and soybean y1elds from borrow areas have been below, equal to; and greater than yields from undisturbed, neighboring farmland. Little or no yield increase was noted from restored topsoil at coarse textured sites. At finer textured sites, a marked yield increase of both crops occurred after the addition of 6 inches of topsoil but little added yield increase resulted from restoring 12 inches of topsoil. Subsoil tillage has shown little or no beneficial effect on crop yields. The manure treatment has resulted in a corn yield increase but only in the first year after application.
Borrow areas are created where soil is needed to provide fill for construction projects. The changes in row-crop productivity resulting from removal of soil for highway construction in Iowa and restoration methods, which included addition to topsoil, subsoil tillage, manure application, and 2 yr of legume growth before row cropping, were evaluated. The research was carried out from 1977 to 1981 at four locations. Corn and soybean yields from borrow areas have been below, equal to, and greater than yields from undisturbed neighboring farmland. Little or no yield increase was noted from restored topsoil at coarse-textured sites. At finer-textured sites, a marked yield increase of both crops occurred after the addition of 6 in. of topsoil but little added yield increase resulted from restoring 12 in. of topsoil. Subsoil tillage has shown little or no beneficial effect on crop yields. The manure treatment has resulted in a corn yield increase but only in the first year after application.
Little Clear Lake is a 162 acre natural lake located in the western part of Pocahontas County. The lake has a 375 acre watershed that is gently rolling with nearly 84% of the watershed in row crop production. The lake is listed on the Iowa DNR’s impaired waters list due to nutrients, siltation and exotic species (purple loosestrife). These impairments have been verified with in-lake monitoring and landowner conversations as well as watershed modeling. The watershed models estimates that the average sheet and rill erosion is 1.74 tons/acre/year and sediment delivery is .12 tons/acre/year with a total of 44 tons/year being delivered to Little Clear Lake. The goal of the Little Clear Lake Watershed Protection Plan is to (1) reduce sediment delivery to Little Clear Lake by 60%, or 26.5 tons annually, by installing best management practices within the watershed. Doing this will control nearly 100% of the of the lake’s drainage area; and (2) initiate an information and education campaign for residents within the Little Clear Lake watershed which will ultimately prepare the residents and landowners for future project implementation. In an effort to control sediment and nutrient loading the Little Clear Lake Watershed Protection Plan has included 3 sediment catch basin sites and 5 grade stabilization structures, which function to stabilize concentrated flow areas.
The objective of this study was to develop guidelines for use of the Iowa Vanes technique for sediment control in bridge waterways. Iowa Vanes are small flow-training structures (foils) designed to modify the near-bed flow pattern and redistribute flow and sediment transport within the channel cross section. The structures are installed at an angleof attack of 15 - 25' with the flow, and their initial height is 0.2 - 0.5 times water depth at design stage. The vanes function by generating secondary circulation in the flow. The circulation alters magnitude and direction of the bed shear stress and causes a reduction in velocity and sediment transport in the vane controlled area. As a result, the river bed aggrades in the vane controlled area and degrades outside. This report summarizes the basic theory, describes results of laboratory and field tests, and presents the resulting design procedure. Design graphs have been developed based on the theory. The graphs are entered with basic flow variables and desired bed topography. The output is vane layout and design. The procedure is illustrated with two numerical examples prepared with data that are typical for many rivers in Iowa and the midwest. The report also discusses vane material. In most applications, the vane height will be between 30% and 50% of bankfull flow depth and the vane length will be two to three times vane height. The vanes will be placed in arrays along the bank of the river. Each array will contain two or more vanes. The vanes in an array will be spaced laterally a distance of two to three times vane height. The streamwise spacing between the arrays will be 15 to 30 times vane height, and the vane-to-bank distance will be three to four times vane height. The study also show that the first (most upstream) array in the vane system must be located a distance of at least three array spacings upstream from the bridge, and there must be at least three arrays in the system for it to be effective at and downstream from the third array.
Recent reports have indicated that 23.5% of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7% are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa secondary road system where over 86% of the rural bridge management responsibilities are assigned to the counties. Some of the bridges can be strengthened or otherwise rehabilitated, but many more are in need of immediate replacement. In a recent investigation (HR-365 "Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System") several types of replacement bridges that are currently being used on low volume roads were identified. It was also determined that a large number of counties (69%) have the ability and are interested in utilizing their own forces to design and construct short span bridges. After reviewing the results from HR-365, the research team developed one "new" bridge replacement concept and a modification of a replacement system currently being used. Both of these bridge replacement alternatives were investigated in this study, the results of which are presented in two volumes. This volume (Volume 2) presents the results of Concept 2 - Modification of the Beam-in-Slab Bridge. Concept 1 - Steel Beam Precast Units is presented in Volume 1. Concept 2 involves various laboratory tests of the Beam-in-Slab bridge (BISB) currently being used by Benton County and several other Iowa counties. In this investigation, the behavior and strength of the BISB were determined; a new method of obtaining composite action between the steel beams and concrete was also tested. Since the Concept 2 bridge is primarily intended for use on low-volume roads, the system can be constructed with new or used beams. In the experimental part of the investigation, there were three types of laboratory tests: push-out tests, service and ultimate load tests of models of the BISB, and composite beam tests utilizing the newly developed shear connection. In addition to the laboratory tests, there was a field test in which an existing BISB was service load tested. An equation was developed for predicting the strength of the shear connection investigated; in addition, a finite element model for analyzing the BISB was also developed. Push-out tests were completed to determine the strength of the recently developed shear connector. A total of 36 specimens were tested, with variables such as hole diameter, hole spacing, presence of reinforcement, etc. being investigated. In the model tests of the BISB, two and four beam specimens [L=9,140 mm (30 ft)] were service load tested for behavior and load distribution data. Upon completion of these tests, both specimens were loaded to failure. In the composite beam tests, four beams, one with standard shear studs and three using the shear connection developed, were tested. Upon completion of the service load tests, all four beams were loaded to failure. The strength and behavior of the beams with the new shear connection were found to be essentially the same as that of the specimen with standard shear studs.
This report documents work undertaken in the demonstration of a low-cost Automatic Weight and Classification System (AWACS). An AWACS procurement specification and details of the results of the project are also included. The intent of the project is to support and encourage transferring research knowledge to state and local agencies and manufacturers through field demonstrations. Presently available, Weigh-in-Motion and Classification Systems are typically too expensive to permit the wide deployment necessary to obtain representative vehicle data. Piezo electric technology has been used in the United Kingdom and Europe and is believed to be the basic element in a low-cost AWACS. Low-cost systems have been installed at two sites, one in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement in Iowa and the other in Asphaltic Cement Concrete (ACC) pavement in Minnesota to provide experience with both types of pavement. The systems provide axle weights, gross vehicle weight, axle spacing, vehicle classification, vehicle speed, vehicle count, and time of arrival. In addition, system self-calibration and a method to predict contact tire pressure is included in the system design. The study has shown that in the PCC pavement, the AWACS is capable of meeting the needs of state and federal highway agencies, producing accuracies comparable to many current commercial WIM devices. This is being achieved at a procurement cost of substantially less than currently available equipment. In the ACC pavement the accuracies were less than those observed in the PCC pavement which is concluded to result from a low pavement rigidity at this site. Further work is needed to assess the AWACS performance at a range of sites in ACC pavements.
In this paper are described the results of a research project that had the objective of developing construction procedures for restoring load transfer in existing jointed concrete pavements and of evaluating the effectiveness of the restoration methods. A total of 28 test sections with various load transfer devices were placed. The devices include split pipe, figure eight, vee, double vee, and dowel bars. Patching materials used on the project included three types of fast-setting grouts, three brands of polymer concrete, and plain portland cement concrete. The number and spacing of the devices and dowel bars were also variables in the project. Dowel bars and double vee devices were used on the major portion of the project. Performance evaluations were based on deflection tests conducted with a 20,000-lb axle load. Horizontal joint movement measurements and visual observations were also made. The short-term performance data indicate good results with the dowel bar installations regardless of patching materials. The sections with split pipe, figure eight, and vee devices failed in bond during the first winter cycle. The results with the double vee sections indicate the importance of the patching material to the success or failure of the load transfer system: some sections are performing well and other sections are performing poorly with double vee devices. Horizontal joint movement measurements indicate that neither the dowel bars nor the double vee devices are restricting joint movement.
In conventional construction practices, a longitudinal joint is sawed in a PCC (Portland Cement Concrete) pavement to control concrete shrinkage cracking between two lanes of traffic. Sawing a joint in hardened concrete is an expensive and time consuming operation. The longitudinal joint is not a working joint (in comparison to a transverse joint) as it is typically tied with a tie bar at 30 inch spacing. The open joint reservoir, left by the saw blade, typically is filled or sealed with a durable crack sealant to keep incompressibles and water from getting into the joint reservoir. An experimental joint forming knife has been developed. It is installed under the paving machine to form the longitudinal joint in the wet concrete as a part of the paving process. Through this research method, forming a very narrow longitudinal joint during the paving process, two conventional paving operations can be eliminated. Joint forming eliminates the need of the joint sawing operation in the hard concrete, and as the joint that is formed does not leave a wide-open reservoir, but only a hairline crack, it does not need the joint filling or sealing operation. Therefore, the two conventional longitudinal joint sawing and sealing operations are both being eliminated by this innovation. A laboratory scale prototype joint forming knife was built and tested, initially forming joints in small concrete beams. The results were positive so the method was proposed for field testing. Initial field tests were done in the construction season of 2001, limited to one paving contractor. A number of modifications were made to the knife throughout the field tests. About 3000 feet of longitudinal joint was formed in 2001. Additional testing was done in the 2002 construction season, working with the same contractor. About 150,000 feet of longitudinal joint was formed in 2002. Evaluations of the formed joints were done to determine longitudinal joint hairline crack development rate and appearance. Additional tests will be done in the next construction season to improve or perfect the longitudinal joint forming technique.
In jointed portland cement concrete pavements, dowel bars are typically used to transfer loads between adjacent slabs. A common practice is for designers to place dowel bars at a certain, consistent spacing such that a sufficient number of dowels are available to effectively transfer anticipated loads. In many cases, however, the standards developed today for new highway construction simply do not reflect the design needs of low traffic volume, rural roads. The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of the number of dowel bars and dowel location on joint performance and ultimately on pavement performance. For this research, test sections were designed, constructed, and tested in actual field service pavement. Test sections were developed to include areas with load transfer assemblies having three and four dowels in the outer wheel path only, areas with no joint reinforcement whatsoever, and full lane dowel basket assemblies as the control. Two adjacent paving projects provided both rural and urban settings and differing base materials. This report documents the approach to implementing the study and provides discussion and suggestions based on the results of the research. The research results indicate that the use of single three or four dowel basket assemblies in the outer wheel path is acceptable for use in low truck volume roads. In the case of roadways with relatively stiff bases such as asphalt treated or stabilized bases, the use of the three dowel bar pattern in the outside wheel path is expected to provide adequate performance over the design life of the pavement. In the case of untreated or granular bases, the results indicate that the use of the three or four dowel bar basket in both wheel paths provides the best long-term solution to load transfer and faulting measurements.
The primary objective of this project was to determine the effect of bridge width on deck cracking in bridges. Other parameters, such as bridge skew, girder spacing and type, abutment type, pier type, and number of bridge spans, were also studied. To achieve the above objectives, one bridge was selected for live-load and long-term testing. The data obtained from both field tests were used to calibrate a three-dimensional (3D) finite element model (FEM). Three different types of loading—live loading, thermal loading, and shrinkage loading—were applied. The predicted crack pattern from the FEM was compared to the crack pattern from bridge inspection results. A parametric study was conducted using the calibrated FEM. The general conclusions/recommendations are as follows: -- Longitudinal and diagonal cracking in the deck near the abutment on an integral abutment bridge is due to the temperature differences between the abutment and the deck. Although not likely to induce cracking, shrinkage of the deck concrete may further exacerbate cracks developed from thermal effects. -- Based upon a limited review of bridges in the Iowa DOT inventory, it appears that, regardless of bridge width, longitudinal and diagonal cracks are prevalent in integral abutment bridges but not in bridges with stub abutments. -- The parametric study results show that bridge width and skew have minimal effect on the strain in the deck bridge resulting from restrained thermal expansion. -- Pier type, girder type, girder spacing, and number of spans also appear to have no influence on the level of restrained thermal expansion strain in the deck near the abutment.