16 resultados para Hydraulic measurements.
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
The overarching goal of the proposed research was to evaluate the hydraulic performance of twenty two (22) fish-passage structures located in close proximity to bridges in western Iowa and within the HCA (Hungry Canyon Alliance) territory. Such structures include riprap weirs, fish ladders and grouted ripraps. The hydraulic performance of the aforementioned structures was evaluated via detailed field tests for a range of flow conditions relevant to fish migration through bridge waterways in different streams in western Iowa.
Removal of ice from roads is of the more challenging task in winter highway maintenance. The best mechanical method is to use a truck with underbody plow blade, but such equipment is not available to all agencies charged with winter maintenance operations. While counties and cities often use motor graders to scrape ice, it would be of great benefit if front mounted plows could be used effectively for ice removal. To reveal and understand the factors that influence the performance of these plows, measurement of the forces experienced by the plow blades during ice scraping is desirable. This study explores the possibility of using accelerometers to determine the forces on a front-mounted plow when scraping ice. The plow was modeled by using a dynamic approach. The forces on the plow were to be determined by the measurement of the accelerations of the plow. Field tests were conducted using an "as is" front-mounted plow instrumented with accelerometers. The results of the field tests indicate that in terms of ice removal, the front-mounted plow is not favorable equipment. The major problem in this study is that the front mounted plow was not able to cut ice, and therefore experienced no significant scraping forces. However, the use of accelerometers seems to be promising for analyzing the vibration problems of the front-mounted plow.
One of the more severe winter hazards is ice or compacted snow on roadways. While three methods are typically used to combat ice (salting, sanding and scraping), relatively little effort has been applied to improve methods of scraping ice from roads. In this project, a new test facility has been developed, comprising a truck with an underbody blade, which has been instrumented such that the forces to scrape ice from a pavement can be measured. A test site has been used, which is not accessible to the public, and ice covers have been sprayed onto the pavement and subsequently scraped from it, while the scraping loads have been recorded. Three different cutting edges have been tested for their ice scraping efficiency. Two of the blades are standard (one with a carbide insert, the other without) while the third blade was designed under the SHRP H-204A project. Results from the tests allowed two parameters to be identified. The first is the scraping efficiency which is the ratio of vertical to horizontal force. The lower this ratio, the more efficiently ice is being removed. The second parameter is the scraping effectiveness, which is related (in some as yet unspecified manner) to the horizontal load. The higher the horizontal load, the more ice is being scraped. The ideal case is thus to have as high a horizontal load as possible, combined with the lowest possible vertical load. Results indicate that the SHRP blade removed ice more effectively than the other two blades under equivalent conditions, and furthermore, did so with greater efficiency and thus more control. Furthermore, blade angles close to 0 deg provide for the most efficient scraping for all three blades. The study has shown that field testing of plow blades is possible in controlled situations, and that blades can be evaluated using this system. The system is available for further tests as are deemed appropriate.
Multiplan spreadsheet solutions were developed for a set of hydraulic and highway engineering computations of common interest to county engineers. These include earthwork, vertical and horizontal curves, staking superelevated curves and sign inventories for highways. The hydraulic applications were ditch flow, runoff, culvert size and stage discharge.
The Road Rater is a dynamic deflection measuring appa-ratus for flexible base pavements. The basic operating principle of the Road Rater is to impart a dynamic loading and measure the resultant movement of the pavement with velocity sensors. This data, when properly adjusted for temperature by use of a nomograph included in this report, can be used to determine pavement life expectancy and estimate overlay thickness required. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring, when pave-ments are in their weakest condition, until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater does not have sufficient ram weight to effectively evaluate load carrying capacity of rigid pavements. All rigid pavements react similarly to Road Rater testing and generally deflect from 0.65 to 1.30 mils. Research will be continued to evaluate rigid pavements with the Road Rater, however. The Road Rater has proven to be a reliable, trouble free pavement evaluation machine. The deflection apparatus was originally front-mounted, but was rear-mounted during the winter of 1977-78. Since that time, van handling has greatly improved, and front suspension parts are no longer overstressed due to improper weight distribution. The Road Rater provides a fast, economical, nondestructive test method to evaluate flexible pavements. Road Rater test data can be used to predict pavement life, set priorities for asphaltic concrete resurfacing, and design asphaltic concrete overlays. Temperature and seasonal variations significantly affect Road Rater deflection readings and must be considered. A nomograph included in this report adjusts for temperature, but does not correct for seasonal effect. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater has not successfully evaluated rigid pavements, but research will continue in this area. 1. Recommendations for continuing Road Rater research, evaluation and application are as follows:A computer program should be established to reduce Road Rater raw data (Range and Sensor reading) to HR-178 Road Rater Dynamic Deflections For Determining Structural Rating Of Flexible Pavements mean deflection (mils) and/or structural rating. This computer printout would be similar to present friction testing printouts, and would greatly reduce Road Rater data reduction manpower needs and costs. 2. Seasonal variation study should continue to develop seasonal correction factors. Seasonal test roads will be studied concurrently with routine testing during 1979 to develop this relationship. All Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until the seasonal relationship is established. 3. An asphaltic concrete overlay design method should be established based on Road Rater de-flection readings. The AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures 1972 will be used as a base document for this study. 4. AASHTO Structural numbers should be compared to Road Rater Structural Ratings during 1979 on asphaltic concrete overlay projects. This analysis will enable us to refine Road Rater evaluation of flexible pavements. Roads will be tested before resurfacing and several months
Two goals were pursued in this research: first, to evaluate statistically some effects of sample preparation and instrument geometry on reproducibility of X-ray diffraction intensity data; and second, to develop a procedure for finding minimum peak and background counting times for a desired level of accuracy. The ratio of calcite to dolomite in limestones was determined in trials. Ultra-fine wet grinding of the limestone in porcelain impact type ball mill gave most consistent X-ray results, but caused considerable line broadening, and peaks were best measured on an area count basis. Sample spinning reduced variance about one third, and a coarse beam-medium detector slit arrangement was found to be best. An equation is developed relating coefficient of variation of a count ratio to peak and background counts. By use of the equation or graphs the minimum coefficient of variation is predicted from one fast scan, and the number and optimum arrangement of additional counting periods to reduce variation to a desired limit may be obtained. The calculated coefficient is the maximum which may be attributed to the counting statistic but does not include experimental deviations.
The asphalt concrete (AC) dynamic modulus (|E*|) is a key design parameter in mechanistic-based pavement design methodologies such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) MEPDG/Pavement-ME Design. The objective of this feasibility study was to develop frameworks for predicting the AC |E*| master curve from falling weight deflectometer (FWD) deflection-time history data collected by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT). A neural networks (NN) methodology was developed based on a synthetically generated viscoelastic forward solutions database to predict AC relaxation modulus (E(t)) master curve coefficients from FWD deflection-time history data. According to the theory of viscoelasticity, if AC relaxation modulus, E(t), is known, |E*| can be calculated (and vice versa) through numerical inter-conversion procedures. Several case studies focusing on full-depth AC pavements were conducted to isolate potential backcalculation issues that are only related to the modulus master curve of the AC layer. For the proof-of-concept demonstration, a comprehensive full-depth AC analysis was carried out through 10,000 batch simulations using a viscoelastic forward analysis program. Anomalies were detected in the comprehensive raw synthetic database and were eliminated through imposition of certain constraints involving the sigmoid master curve coefficients. The surrogate forward modeling results showed that NNs are able to predict deflection-time histories from E(t) master curve coefficients and other layer properties very well. The NN inverse modeling results demonstrated the potential of NNs to backcalculate the E(t) master curve coefficients from single-drop FWD deflection-time history data, although the current prediction accuracies are not sufficient to recommend these models for practical implementation. Considering the complex nature of the problem investigated with many uncertainties involved, including the possible presence of dynamics during FWD testing (related to the presence and depth of stiff layer, inertial and wave propagation effects, etc.), the limitations of current FWD technology (integration errors, truncation issues, etc.), and the need for a rapid and simplified approach for routine implementation, future research recommendations have been provided making a strong case for an expanded research study.
This report is one of two products for this project with the other being a design guide. This report describes test results and comparative analysis from 16 different portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement sites on local city and county roads in Iowa. At each site the surface conditions of the pavement (i.e., crack survey) and foundation layer strength, stiffness, and hydraulic conductivity properties were documented. The field test results were used to calculate in situ parameters used in pavement design per SUDAS and AASHTO (1993) design methodologies. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate how in situ and lab testing can be used to assess the support conditions and design values for pavement foundation layers and how the measurements compare to the assumed design values. The measurements show that in Iowa, a wide range of pavement conditions and foundation layer support values exist. The calculated design input values for the test sites (modulus of subgrade reaction, coefficient of drainage, and loss of support) were found to be different than typically assumed. This finding was true for the full range of materials tested. The findings of this study support the recommendation to incorporate field testing as part of the process to field verify pavement design values and to consider the foundation as a design element in the pavement system. Recommendations are provided in the form of a simple matrix for alternative foundation treatment options if the existing foundation materials do not meet the design intent. The PCI prediction model developed from multi-variate analysis in this study demonstrated a link between pavement foundation conditions and PCI. The model analysis shows that by measuring properties of the pavement foundation, the engineer will be able to predict long term performance with higher reliability than by considering age alone. This prediction can be used as motivation to then control the engineering properties of the pavement foundation for new or re-constructed PCC pavements to achieve some desired level of performance (i.e., PCI) with time.
This document is the second of two deliverables for the project Optimizing Pavement Base, Subbase, and Subgrade Layers for Cost and Performance on Local Roads (TR-640). The first deliverable is the 454-page Final Field Data Report. The field data report describes test results and comparative analysis from 16 different portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement sites on local city and county roads in Iowa. At each site the surface conditions of the pavement (i.e., crack survey) and foundation layer strength, stiffness, and hydraulic conductivity properties were documented. The field test results were used to calculate in situ parameters used in pavement design methodologies for AASHTO (1993) and Iowa’s Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS). Overall, the results of the study demonstrate how in situ and lab testing can be used to assess the support conditions and design values for pavement foundation layers and how the measurements compare to the assumed design values. This guide summarizes the study results and outlines general guidelines for applying them to optimize pavement bases, subbases, and subgrade layers of local roads with PCC pavements and thus their performance.
Hydrologic analysis is a critical part of transportation design because it helps ensure that hydraulic structures are able to accommodate the flow regimes they are likely to see. This analysis is currently conducted using computer simulations of water flow patterns, and continuing developments in elevation survey techniques result in higher and higher resolution surveys. Current survey techniques now resolve many natural and anthropogenic features that were not practical to map and, thus, require new methods for dealing with depressions and flow discontinuities. A method for depressional analysis is proposed that uses the fact that most anthropogenically constructed embankments are roughly more symmetrical with greater slopes than natural depressions. An enforcement method for draining depressions is then analyzed on those depressions that should be drained. This procedure has been evaluated on a small watershed in central Iowa, Walnut Creek of the South Skunk River, HUC12 # 070801050901, and was found to accurately identify 88 of 92 drained depressions and place enforcements within two pixels, although the method often tries to drain prairie pothole depressions that are bisected by anthropogenic features.
A laboratory investigation was undertaken to determine the limiting model Reynolds number above which the scour behavior of rock protected structures can be reproduced in hydraulic models scaled according to the Froude criterion. A submerged jet was passed over an initially full scour pocket containing uniform glass spheres and the rate of scour was measured as a function of time. The dimensions of the scour pocket and jet and the particle diameters were varied as needed to maintain strict geometric similarity. For each of two different Froude numbers the Reynolds number was varied over a wide range. The normalized scour rate was found to be practically independent of the Reynolds number, R, (based on the jet velocity and particle diameter) at values of R above about 2.5 x 10^3, and to decrease with Rat smaller values. A grid placed in the jet was found to have a very strong effect on the scour rate. In an attempt to explain the effect of R on the scour behavior, turbulent pressure and velocity fluctuations were measured in air flows and water flows, respectively, over rigid scour pockets having the same geometry as those formed in the scour experiments. The normalized spectra of the fluctuations were found to be nearly independent of R, but the flow pattern was found to be very sensitive to the inlet condition, the jet deflecting upward or downward in a not wholly explainable manner. This indicates that scour behavior can be modeled only if the approach flow is also accurately modeled.
Concrete paving is often at a disadvantage in terms of pavement type selection due to the time of curing required prior to opening the pavement to traffic. The State of Iowa has been able to reduce traffic delay constraints through material selection and construction methods to date. Methods for monitoring concrete strength gain and quality have not changed since the first concrete pavements were constructed in Iowa. In 1995, Lee County and the Iowa DOT cooperated in a research project, HR-380, to construct a 7.1 mile (11. 43 km) project to evaluate the use of maturity and pulse velocity nondestructive testing (NDT) methods in the estimation of concrete strength gain. The research identified the pros and cons of each method and suggested an instructional memorandum to utilize maturity measurements to meet traffic delay demands. Maturity was used to reduce the traffic delay opening time from 5-7 days to less than 2 days through the implementation of maturity measurements and special traffic control measures. Recommendations on the development of the maturity curve for each project and the location and monitoring of the maturity thermocouples are included. Examples of equipment that could easily be used by project personnel to estimate the concrete strength using the maturity methods is described.
Currently, hydraulic cement grouts are approved for Iowa Department of Transportation projects on the basis of a pullout test. However, other properties of the grouts should be evaluated. Therefore, this research was initiated to develop criteria to better evaluate hydraulic cement grouts. Fourteen grouts were tested for compressive strength, time of set, durability, consistency and shrinkage. Tested grouts all yielded compressive strengths higher than 3000 psi at 7 days and durability factors were well above 70. Time of set and consistency was adequate. The testing showed most grouts tested shrank, even though tested grouts were labeled non-shrink grouts. For many applications of grouts such as setting in anchor bolts and as a filler, minor shrinkage is not a problem. However, for some critical applications, shrinkage cannot be tolerated. The proposed Instructional Memorandum will identify those grouts which do not excessively shrink or expand in the tests used. Based on test results, criteria for evaluation of hydraulic cement grouts have been recommended. Evaluation consists of tests for compressive strength, time of set, durability, consistency, shrinkage and pullout test.
The overarching goal of the proposed research was to provide a predictive tool for knickpoint propagation within the HCA (Hungry Canyon Alliance) territory. Knickpoints threaten the stability of bridge structures in Western Iowa. The study involved detailed field investigations over two years in order to monitor the upstream migration of a knickpoint on Mud Creek in Mills County, IA and identify the key mechanisms triggering knickpoint propagation. A state-of-the-art laser level system mounted on a movable truss provided continuous measurements of the knickpoint front for different flow conditions. A pressure transducer found in proximity of the truss provided simultaneous measurements of the flow depth. The laser and pressure transducer measurements led to the identification of the conditions at which the knickpoint migration commences. It was suggested that negative pressures developed by the reverse roller flow near the toe of the knickpoint face triggered undercutting of the knickpoint at this location. The pressure differential between the negative pressure and the atmospheric pressure also draws the impinging jet closer to the knickpoint face producing scour. In addition, the pressure differential may induce suction of sediment from the face. Other contributing factors include slump failure, seepage effects, and local fluvial erosion due to the exerted fluid shear. The prevailing flow conditions and soil information along with the channel cross-sectional geometry and gradient were used as inputs to a transcritical, one dimensional, hydraulic/geomorphic numerical model, which was used to map the flow characteristics and shear stress conditions near the knickpoint. Such detailed flow calculations do not exist in the published literature. The coupling of field and modeling work resulted in the development of a blueprint methodology, which can be adopted in different parts of the country for evaluating knickpoint evolution. This information will assist local government agencies in better understanding the principal factors that cause knickpoint propagation and help estimate the needed response time to control the propagation of a knickpoint after one has been identified.
Two portable Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems (made by Texas Instruments and HiTAG) were developed and tested for bridge scour monitoring by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Iowa (UI). Both systems consist of three similar components: 1) a passive cylindrical transponder of 2.2 cm in length (derived from transmitter/responder); 2) a low frequency reader (~134.2 kHz frequency); and 3) an antenna (of rectangular or hexagonal loop). The Texas Instruments system can only read one smart particle per time, while the HiTAG system was successfully modified here at UI by adding the anti-collision feature. The HiTAG system was equipped with four antennas and could simultaneously detect 1,000s of smart particles located in a close proximity. A computer code was written in C++ at the UI for the HiTAG system to allow simultaneous, multiple readouts of smart particles under different flow conditions. The code is written for the Windows XP operational system which has a user-friendly windows interface that provides detailed information regarding the smart particle that includes: identification number, location (orientation in x,y,z), and the instance the particle was detected.. These systems were examined within the context of this innovative research in order to identify the best suited RFID system for performing autonomous bridge scour monitoring. A comprehensive laboratory study that included 142 experimental runs and limited field testing was performed to test the code and determine the performance of each system in terms of transponder orientation, transponder housing material, maximum antenna-transponder detection distance, minimum inter-particle distance and antenna sweep angle. The two RFID systems capabilities to predict scour depth were also examined using pier models. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The first system (Texas Instruments) read one smart particle per time, and its effective read range was about 3ft (~1m). The second system (HiTAG) had similar detection ranges but permitted the addition of an anti-collision system to facilitate the simultaneous identification of multiple smart particles (transponders placed into marbles). Therefore, it was sought that the HiTAG system, with the anti-collision feature (or a system with similar features), would be preferable when compared to a single-read-out system for bridge scour monitoring, as the former could provide repetitive readings at multiple locations, which could help in predicting the scour-hole bathymetry along with maximum scour depth. 2) The HiTAG system provided reliable measures of the scour depth (z-direction) and the locations of the smart particles on the x-y plane within a distance of about 3ft (~1m) from the 4 antennas. A Multiplexer HTM4-I allowed the simultaneous use of four antennas for the HiTAG system. The four Hexagonal Loop antennas permitted the complete identification of the smart particles in an x, y, z orthogonal system as function of time. The HiTAG system can be also used to measure the rate of sediment movement (in kg/s or tones/hr). 3) The maximum detection distance of the antenna did not change significantly for the buried particles compared to the particles tested in the air. Thus, the low frequency RFID systems (~134.2 kHz) are appropriate for monitoring bridge scour because their waves can penetrate water and sand bodies without significant loss of their signal strength. 4) The pier model experiments in a flume with first RFID system showed that the system was able to successfully predict the maximum scour depth when the system was used with a single particle in the vicinity of pier model where scour-hole was expected. The pier model experiments with the second RFID system, performed in a sandbox, showed that system was able to successfully predict the maximum scour depth when two scour balls were used in the vicinity of the pier model where scour-hole was developed. 5) The preliminary field experiments with the second RFID system, at the Raccoon River, IA near the Railroad Bridge (located upstream of 360th street Bridge, near Booneville), showed that the RFID technology is transferable to the field. A practical method would be developed for facilitating the placement of the smart particles within the river bed. This method needs to be straightforward for the Department of Transportation (DOT) and county road working crews so it can be easily implemented at different locations. 6) Since the inception of this project, further research showed that there is significant progress in RFID technology. This includes the availability of waterproof RFID systems with passive or active transponders of detection ranges up to 60 ft (~20 m) within the water–sediment column. These systems do have anti-collision and can facilitate up to 8 powerful antennas which can significantly increase the detection range. Such systems need to be further considered and modified for performing automatic bridge scour monitoring. The knowledge gained from the two systems, including the software, needs to be adapted to the new systems.