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School district funding sources and amounts
The Fox River is on Iowa’s impaired waters list. By working to reduce pollution in the watershed, we can make the Fox River healthy again.
Pollution from sediment and nutrients has hurt Farmers Creek’s fish population and placed the stream on the state’s impaired waters list. If we want to give our children and grandchildren clean water for drinking, swimming and fishing – we need to act now.
If you have limited income and resources, the State of Iowa may pay some of your Medicare expenses. Programs paying these expenses are shown in the chart on page 2. To see if you might be eligible, answer the questions below.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: More Sources on Students and Credit Card Debt Suggested by the Office of Attorney General Tom Miller
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Mounting Mortgage Payments? Call the Iowa Mortgage Help Hotline!
This publication is a guide to understanding the Iowa Department of Transportation’s roadside management programs. It offers descriptions of various landscape designs or planting styles used within or adjacent to Iowa’s highway rights-of-way, as well as various plant profiles. In addition, this guide will help you learn more about the value of plants and their contribution to our environment and society. This publication is written for persons having little or no formal training in botany, and technical terminology has been kept to the minimum necessary to maintain standards of accuracy and conciseness in the descriptions. Plants are known by common names and botanical names. Most people prefer to use common names because they are easier to spell and say. Both have been used in this publication. Botanical names are taken from Latin, Greek or “Latinized” words of other languages. Each plant species has a unique botanical name, consisting of the genus, followed by the species. Some botanical names contain additional words after the species name to designate cultivars or subspecies. Plant species are grouped into families by flower structure. Family names are Latin, so the associated common family names are included in parenthesis. Sources of information for this publication are not cited within the text to save space, avoid repetition and make it more readable. However, all references used are included in the bibliography at the end of this publication.
This brochures has information on the celebration of the American Revolution and describes the duties of the Bicentennial Commission and State Heritage '76 committees. It tells how a person can help with the celebration and lists the members of the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission.
The Department of Corrections contracts with Spectrum Health Systems to conduct front-end substance abuse assessments at the inmate reception center – Iowa Medical and Classification Center. Such assessments are considered vital in so far as 80-85% of offenders in DOC institutions list alcohol/drug problems as one of their top three need areas.
The overarching goal of this project was to identify and evaluate cognitive and behavioral indices that are sensitive to sleep deprivation and may help identify commercial motor vehicle drivers (CMV) who are at-risk for driving in a sleep deprived state and may prove useful in field tests administered by officers. To that end, we evaluated indices of driver physiognomy (e.g., yawning, droopy eyelids, etc.) and driver behavioral/cognitive state (e.g. distracted driving) and the sensitivity of these indices to objective measures of sleep deprivation. The measures of sleep deprivation were sampled on repeated occasions over a period of 3.5-months in each of 44 drivers diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and 22 controls (matched for gender, age within 5 years, education within 2 years, and county of residence for rural vs. urban driving). Comprehensive analyses showed that specific dimensions of driver physiognomy associated with sleepiness in previous research and face-valid composite scores of sleepiness did not: 1) distinguish participants with OSA from matched controls; 2) distinguish participants before and after PAP treatment including those who were compliant with their treatment; 3) predict levels of sleep deprivation acquired objectively from actigraphy watches, not even among those chronically sleep deprived. Those findings are consistent with large individual differences in driver physiognomy. In other words, when individuals were sleep deprived as confirmed by actigraphy watch output they did not show consistently reliable behavioral markers of being sleep deprived. This finding held whether each driver was compared to him/herself with adequate and inadequate sleep, and even among chronically sleep deprived drivers. The scientific evidence from this research study does not support the use of driver physiognomy as a valid measure of sleep deprivation or as a basis to judge whether a CMV driver is too fatigued to drive, as on the current Fatigued Driving Evaluation Checklist.. Fair and accurate determinations of CMV driver sleepiness in the field will likely require further research on alternative strategies that make use of a combination of information sources besides driver physiognomy, including work logs, actigraphy, in vehicle data recordings, GPS data on vehicle use, and performance tests.
The Office of Auditor of State's letter reporting the results of its evaluation of whether the Office of Secretary of State may appropriately use funds received under the Help America Vote Act
Methods of improving highway safety are of major concern to everyone who is involved in the planning, development and construction of improvements of our vast highway network. Other major concerns are the conservation of our rapidly disappearing sources of energy and quality building materials. This research is devoted to further exploration of a process which will: 1. help preserve higher quality aggregates; and, 2. improve the frictional characteristics and surface texture of asphalt pavement surfaces. Sprinkle treatment of asphalt concrete pavement surfaces with a non-polishing aggregate, a procedure which was developed in Europe, is one method which has shown promise in accomplishing the above listed objectives. This research seeks to explore the feasibility and cost effectiveness of using standard asphalt mixtures of local, less expensive aggregates for surface courses followed by a surface sprinkle treatment of a hard, durable, non-polishing layer of precoated chips to produce a durable, non-skid pavement surface for safe highway travel. Three standard mixture types are being evaluated for aggregate retention characteristics and six sprinkle aggregates are being evaluated for durability, polishing and friction characteristics. In addition, measurements of the surface texture by the silicone putty method are being made. Another feature of this research is the evaluation of a rubberized asphalt material called Overflex MS as a crack filler. It has been reported that the material could be beneficial in reducing reflective cracking. The project was begun in July of 1978 and was completed in August. A review made in the spring of 1979 indicates very satisfactory performance. It was determined from slide photos taken after construction and again in the spring that aggregate retention was very good. However, many cracks had reflected indicating that the Overflex MS had not been effective. Follow up friction test results and texture analysis were also very good. The results of these tests are shown in Appendix A.
It's a fact. Landowners like the five couples featured in the publication have helped replant Iowa. In fact, Iowa's forests and dwindled from an original 7 million acres to only 1.4 million acres in 1974. The state now has 2.8 million acres, surpassing the acreage of woodlands more than a century ago.
This issue review examines how non-general-fund revenue sources have been used to help balance the general fund budget over the last ten years. The report includes examination of non-general-fund appropriations to fund agency operations and programs traditionally funded from the general fund. This document also reviews revenues that have been shifted from a non-general-fund source to the general fund.
Cancer is a reportable disease as stated in the Iowa Administrative Code. Cancer data are collected by the State Health Registry of Iowa, located at The University of Iowa in the College of Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology. The staff includes more than 50 people. Half of them, situated throughout the state, regularly visit hospitals, clinics, and medical laboratories in Iowa and neighboring states to collect cancer data. A follow-up program tracks more than 99 percent of the cancer survivors diagnosed since 1973. This program provides regular updates for follow-up and survival. The Registry maintains the confidentiality of the patients, physicians, and hospitals providing data. In 2009 data will be collected on an estimated 16,000 new cancers among Iowa residents. In situ cases of bladder cancer are included in the estimates for bladder cancer, to be in agreement with the definition of reportable cases of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Cancer Institute. Since 1973 the Iowa Registry has been funded primarily by the SEER Program of the National Cancer Institute. Iowa represents rural and Midwestern populations and provides data included in many National Cancer Institute publications. Beginning in 1990 between 5 and 10 percent of the Registry’s annual operating budget has been provided by the state of Iowa. Beginning in 2003, the University of Iowa has been providing cost-sharing funds. The Registry also receives funding through grants and contracts with university, state, and national researchers investigating cancer-related topics.