5 resultados para Height Velocity

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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The objective of this study was to develop guidelines for use of the Iowa Vanes technique for sediment control in bridge waterways. Iowa Vanes are small flow-training structures (foils) designed to modify the near-bed flow pattern and redistribute flow and sediment transport within the channel cross section. The structures are installed at an angleof attack of 15 - 25' with the flow, and their initial height is 0.2 - 0.5 times water depth at design stage. The vanes function by generating secondary circulation in the flow. The circulation alters magnitude and direction of the bed shear stress and causes a reduction in velocity and sediment transport in the vane controlled area. As a result, the river bed aggrades in the vane controlled area and degrades outside. This report summarizes the basic theory, describes results of laboratory and field tests, and presents the resulting design procedure. Design graphs have been developed based on the theory. The graphs are entered with basic flow variables and desired bed topography. The output is vane layout and design. The procedure is illustrated with two numerical examples prepared with data that are typical for many rivers in Iowa and the midwest. The report also discusses vane material. In most applications, the vane height will be between 30% and 50% of bankfull flow depth and the vane length will be two to three times vane height. The vanes will be placed in arrays along the bank of the river. Each array will contain two or more vanes. The vanes in an array will be spaced laterally a distance of two to three times vane height. The streamwise spacing between the arrays will be 15 to 30 times vane height, and the vane-to-bank distance will be three to four times vane height. The study also show that the first (most upstream) array in the vane system must be located a distance of at least three array spacings upstream from the bridge, and there must be at least three arrays in the system for it to be effective at and downstream from the third array.


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This study was conducted for the purpose of evaluating a new concept for a bank-protection structure: The Iowa Vane . The underlying idea involves countering the torque exerted on the primary flow by its curvature and vertical velocity gradient, thereby eliminating or significantly reducing the secondary flow and thus reducing the undermining of the outer banks and the high-velocity attack on it. The new structure consists of an array of short, vertical, submerged vanes installed with a certain orientation on the channel bed. A relatively small number of vanes can produce bend flows which are practically uniform across the channel. The height of the vanes is less than half the water depth, and their angle with the flow direction is of the order of l0 degrees. In this study, design relations have been established. The relations, and the vanes' overall performance, have been tested in a laboratory model under different flow and sediment conditions. The results are used for the design of an Iowa-Vane bank protection structure for a section of East Nishnabotna River along U.S. Highway 34 at Red Oak, Iowa.


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Concrete paving is often at a disadvantage in terms of pavement type selection due to the time of curing required prior to opening the pavement to traffic. The State of Iowa has been able to reduce traffic delay constraints through material selection and construction methods to date. Methods for monitoring concrete strength gain and quality have not changed since the first concrete pavements were constructed in Iowa. In 1995, Lee County and the Iowa DOT cooperated in a research project, HR-380, to construct a 7.1 mile (11. 43 km) project to evaluate the use of maturity and pulse velocity nondestructive testing (NDT) methods in the estimation of concrete strength gain. The research identified the pros and cons of each method and suggested an instructional memorandum to utilize maturity measurements to meet traffic delay demands. Maturity was used to reduce the traffic delay opening time from 5-7 days to less than 2 days through the implementation of maturity measurements and special traffic control measures. Recommendations on the development of the maturity curve for each project and the location and monitoring of the maturity thermocouples are included. Examples of equipment that could easily be used by project personnel to estimate the concrete strength using the maturity methods is described.


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The effect of curing temperature, in the range of 4.4 to 22.8 degrees C (40 to 73 degrees F), on strength development was studied based on the maturity and pulse velocity measurements in this report. The strength-maturity relationships for various mixes using a Type I cement and using a Type IP cement, respectively, were experimentally developed. The similar curves for early age strength development of both the patching concrete, using a Type I cement with the addition of calcium chloride, and the fast track concrete, using a Type III cement and fly ash, have also been proposed. For the temperature ranges studied, the strength development of concrete can be determined using a pulse velocity measurement, but only for early ages up to 24 hours. These obtained relationships can be used to determine when a pavement can be opened to traffic. The amount of fly ash substitution, up to 30%, did not have a significant influence on the strength-maturity relationship.


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Velocity-density tests conducted in the laboratory involved small 4-inch diameter by 4.58-inch-long compacted soil cylinders made up of 3 differing soil types and for varying degrees of density and moisture content, the latter being varied well beyond optimum moisture values. Seventeen specimens were tested, 9 with velocity determinations made along two elements of the cylinder, 180 degrees apart, and 8 along three elements, 120 degrees apart. Seismic energy was developed by blows of a small tack hammer on a 5/8-inch diameter steel ball placed at the center of the top of the cylinder, with the detector placed successively at four points spaced 1/2-inch apart on the side of the specimen involving wave travel paths varying from 3.36 inches to 4.66 inches in length. Time intervals were measured using a model 217 micro-seismic timer in both laboratory and field measurements. Forty blows of the hammer were required for each velocity determination, which amounted to 80 blows on 9 laboratory specimens and 120 blows on the remaining 8 cylinders. Thirty-five field tests were made over the three selected soil types, all fine-grained, using a 2-foot seismic line with hammer-impact points at 6-inch intervals. The small tack hammer and 5/8-inch steel ball was, again, used to develop seismic wave energy. Generally, the densities obtained from the velocity measurements were lower than those measured in the conventional field testing. Conclusions were reached that: (1) the method does not appear to be usable for measurement of density of essentially fine-grained soils when the moisture content greatly exceeds the optimum for compaction, and (2) due to a gradual reduction in velocity upon aging, apparently because of gradual absorption of pore water into the expandable interlayer region of the clay, the seismic test should be conducted immediately after soil compaction to obtain a meaningful velocity value.