25 resultados para Evaluation of graduate program

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program at the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in terms of regulatory compliance. Specific objectives included: 1) Determining if study sites meet the definition of a jurisdictional wetland. 2) Determining the degree of compliance with requirements specified in Clean Water Act Section 404 permits. A total of 24 study sites, in four age classes were randomly selected from over 80 sites currently managed by the Iowa DOT. Wetland boundaries were delineated in the field and mitigation compliance was determined by comparing the delineated wetland acreage at each study site to the total wetland acreage requirements specified in individual CWA Section 404 permits. Of the 24 sites evaluated in this study, 58 percent meet or exceed Section 404 permit requirements. Net gain ranged from 0.19 acre to 27.2 acres. Net loss ranged from 0.2 acre to 14.6 acres. The Denver Bypass 1 site was the worst performer, with zero acres of wetland present on the site and the Akron Wetland Mitigation Site was the best performer with slightly more than 27 acres over the permit requirement. Five of the 10 under-performing sites are more than five years post construction, two are five years post construction, one is three years post construction and the remaining two are one year post construction. Of the sites that meet or exceed permit requirements, approximately 93 percent are five years or less post construction and approximately 43 percent are only one year old. Only one of the 14 successful sites is more than five years old. Using Section 404 permit acreage requirements as the criteria for measuring success, 58 percent of the wetland mitigation sites investigated as part of this study are successful. Using net gain/loss as the measure of success, the Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program has been successful in creating/restoring nearly 44 acres of wetland over what was required by permits.


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In July of 2009, the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) received Byrne Justice Assistance Grant/American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding from the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the STAR (Sisters Together Achieving Recovery) program housed at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women (ICIW) in Mitchellville, Iowa. The STAR Program is a licensed inpatient substance abuse treatment program that utilizes a Therapeutic Community model (TC). All offenders exiting the STAR program between October 1, 2004 and June 30, 2008 were included in the study (n=173). A comparison sample was drawn of offenders exiting the ICIW during the same release time frame with identified but untreated substance abuse needs (n= 173). March 31, 2010 was designated as the cut-off date for the study. This yielded an average post-program follow-up time of 3.1 years. The STAR group was further divided into two groups by time of program exit. Participants exiting the program between October 1, 2004 and June 30, 2006 were designated as STAR 1 (n=78) and those exiting the program between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2008 were designated as STAR 2 (n=95). In order to have comparable tracking time between STAR groups, tracking time for STAR 1 concluded July 31, 2008. This yielded an average post release follow-up time of 2.4 years for both groups. Demographic, Program, Intervention, and Outcome data were examined. Comparisons were made between groups as well as categories of participation.


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With inflation, there is no longer a completely adequate budget for highway construction and maintenance. Restricted budgets have generated development and implementation of pavement management programs. A need for management guidelines generated National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 84, "Evaluation Criteria and Priority Setting for State Highway Programs". Traffic volumes and present conditions are two major factors in determining the priority of a proposed highway improvement. The Iowa DOT, Highway Division, Office of Materials has been conducting pavement condition inventory surveys on a three-year frequency since 1969 as input for pavement management. Development of substantial wheel rutting on paved roadways results in a potential hazard to highway safety. During periods of rain, these water-filled ruts may cause hydroplaning and loss of vehicle control. It is, therefore, imparitive that Iowa roadways be continually monitored for rut depths and further that this data be used in a pavement management program to determine priorities for rehabilitation or resurfacing.


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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program at the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in terms of regulatory compliance. Specific objectives included: 1) Determining if study sites meet the definition of a jurisdictional wetland. 2) Determining the degree of compliance with requirements specified in Clean Water Act Section 404 permits. A total of 24 study sites, in four age classes were randomly selected from over 80 sites currently managed by the Iowa DOT. Wetland boundaries were delineated in the field and mitigation compliance was determined by comparing the delineated wetland acreage at each study site to the total wetland acreage requirements specified in individual CWA Section 404 permits. Of the 24 sites evaluated in this study, 58 percent meet or exceed Section 404 permit requirements. Net gain ranged from 0.19 acre to 27.2 acres. Net loss ranged from 0.2 acre to 14.6 acres. The Denver Bypass 1 site was the worst performer, with zero acres of wetland present on the site and the Akron Wetland Mitigation Site was the best performer with slightly more than 27 acres over the permit requirement. Five of the 10 under-performing sites are more than five years post construction, two are five years post construction, one is three years post construction and the remaining two are one year post construction. Of the sites that meet or exceed permit requirements, approximately 93 percent are five years or less post construction and approximately 43 percent are only one year old. Only one of the 14 successful sites is more than five years old. Using Section 404 permit acreage requirements as the criteria for measuring success, 58 percent of the wetland mitigation sites investigated as part of this study are successful. Using net gain/loss as the measure of success, the Compensatory Wetland Mitigation Program has been successful in creating/restoring nearly 44 acres of wetland over what was required by permits.


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This project evaluated the effectiveness of the Iowa Graduated Driver’s Licensing (GDL) program in reducing crashes for teenage drivers during a four-year period before and after implementation of GDL. The report presents a review of the literature on teenage drivers, crash rates, and graduated driver’s licensing programs around the country, followed by an analysis of teenage drivers and crash risk before and after implementation of GDL in Iowa.


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This study examines the effectiveness of Iowa’s Driver Improvement Program (DIP), measured as the reduction in the number of driver convictions subsequent to the DIP. The analysis involved a random sample of 9,055 drivers who had been instructed to attend DIP and corresponding data on driver convictions, crashes, and driver education training history that were provided by the Iowa Motor Vehicle Division. The sample was divided into two groups based on DIP outcome: satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion. Two evaluation periods were considered: one year after the DIP date (probation period) and the period from the 13th to 18th month after the DIP date. The evaluation of Iowa’s DIP showed that there is evidence of effectiveness in terms of reducing driver convictions subsequent to attending the DIP. Among the 6,790 (75%) drivers who completed the course satisfactorily, 73% of drivers had no actions and 93% were not involved in a crash during the probation period. Statistical tests confirmed these numbers. However, the positive effect of satisfactory completion of DIP on survival time (that is, the time until the first conviction) was not statistically significant 13 months after the DIP date. Econometric model estimation results showed that, regardless of the DIP outcome, the likelihood of conviction occurrence and frequency of subsequent convictions depends on other factors, such as age, driver history, and DIP location, and interaction effects among these factors. Low-cost, early intervention measures are suggested to enhance the effectiveness of Iowa’s DIP. These measures can include advisory and warning letters (customized based on the driver’s age) sent within the first year after the DIP date and soon after the end of the probation period, as well as a closer examination of DIP instruction across the 17 community colleges that host the program. Given the large number of suspended drivers who continued to drive, consideration should also be given to measures to reduce driving while suspended offenses.


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Each winter, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) maintenance operators are primarily responsible for plowing snow off federal and state roads. Drivers typically work long shifts under treacherous conditions. In addition to properly navigating the vehicle, drivers are required to operate several plowing mechanisms simultaneously, such as plow controls and salt sprayers. However, operators have few opportunities during the year to practice and refine their skills. An ideal training program would provide operators with the opportunity to practice these skills under realistic yet safe conditions, as well as provide basic training to novice or less-experienced operators. Recent technological advancements have made driving simulators a desirable training and research tool. This literature review discusses much of the recent research establishing simulator fidelity and espousing its applicability. Additionally, this report provides a summary of behavioral and eye tracking research involving driving simulators. Other research topics include comparisons between novice and expert drivers’ behavioral patterns, methods for avoiding cybersickness in virtual environments, and a synopsis of current personality measures with respect to job performance and driving performance. This literature review coincides with a study designed to examine the effectiveness of virtual reality snowplow simulator training for current maintenance operators, using the TranSim VS III truck and snowplow simulator recently purchased by the Iowa DOT.


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Each winter, Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) maintenance operators are responsible for plowing snow off federal and state roads in Iowa. Drivers typically work long shifts under treacherous conditions. In addition to properly navigating the vehicle, drivers are required to operate several plowing mechanisms simultaneously, such as plow controls and salt spreaders. There is little opportunity for practicing these skills in real-world situations. A virtual reality training program would provide operators with the opportunity to practice these skills under realistic yet safe conditions, as well as provide basic training to novice or less-experienced operators. In order to provide such training to snowplow operators in Iowa, the Iowa DOT purchased a snowplow simulator. The Iowa DOT commissioned a study through Iowa State University designed to (1) assess the use of this simulator as a training tool and (2) examine personality and other characteristics associated with being an experienced snowplow operator. The results of this study suggest that Iowa DOT operators of all ages and levels of experience enjoyed and seemed to benefit from virtual reality snowplow simulator training. Simulator sickness ratings were relatively low, implying that the simulator is appropriate for training a wide range of Iowa DOT operators. Many reported that simulator training was the most useful aspect of training for them.


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The need to construct bridges that last longer, are less expensive, and take less time to build has increased. The importance of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) technologies has been realized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures. This project is another in a series of ABC bridge projects undertaken by the Iowa DOT. Buena Vista County, Iowa, with the assistance of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Bridge Engineering Center (BEC) at Iowa State University, constructed a two-lane single-span precast box girder bridge, using rapid construction techniques. The design involved the use of precast, pretensioned components for the bridge superstructure, substructure, and backwalls. This application and demonstration represents an important step in the development and advancement of these techniques in Iowa as well as nationwide. Prior funding for the design and construction of this bridge (including materials) was obtained through the FHWA Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment (IBRD) Program. The Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) provided additional funding to test and evaluate the bridge. This project directly addresses the IBRD goal of demonstrating (and documenting) the effectiveness of innovative materials and construction techniques for the construction of new bridge structures. Evaluation of performance was formulated through comparisons with design assumptions and recognized codes and standards including American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) specifications.


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The Office of Special Investigations at Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) collects FWD data on regular basis to evaluate pavement structural conditions. The primary objective of this study was to develop a fully-automated software system for rapid processing of the FWD data along with a user manual. The software system automatically reads the FWD raw data collected by the JILS-20 type FWD machine that Iowa DOT owns, processes and analyzes the collected data with the rapid prediction algorithms developed during the phase I study. This system smoothly integrates the FWD data analysis algorithms and the computer program being used to collect the pavement deflection data. This system can be used to assess pavement condition, estimate remaining pavement life, and eventually help assess pavement rehabilitation strategies by the Iowa DOT pavement management team. This report describes the developed software in detail and can also be used as a user-manual for conducting simulation studies and detailed analyses. *********************** Large File ***********************


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This report documents an extensive field program carried out to identify the relationships between soil engineering properties, as measured by various in situ devices, and the results of machine compaction monitoring using prototype compaction monitoring technology developed by Caterpillar Inc. Primary research tasks for this study include the following: (1) experimental testing and statistical analyses to evaluate machine power in terms of the engineering properties of the compacted soil (e.g., density, strength, stiffness) and (2) recommendations for using the compaction monitoring technology in practice. The compaction monitoring technology includes sensors that monitor the power consumption used to move the compaction machine, an on-board computer and display screen, and a GPS system to map the spatial location of the machine. In situ soil density, strength, and stiffness data characterized the soil at various stages of compaction. For each test strip or test area, in situ soil properties were compared directly to machine power values to establish statistical relationships. Statistical models were developed to predict soil density, strength, and stiffness from the machine power values. Field data for multiple test strips were evaluated. The R2 correlation coefficient was generally used to assess the quality of the regressions. Strong correlations were observed between averaged machine power and field measurement data. The relationships are based on the compaction model derived from laboratory data. Correlation coefficients (R2) were consistently higher for thicker lifts than for thin lifts, indicating that the depth influencing machine power response exceeds the representative lift thickness encountered under field conditions. Caterpillar Inc. compaction monitoring technology also identified localized areas of an earthwork project with weak or poorly compacted soil. The soil properties at these locations were verified using in situ test devices. This report also documents the steps required to implement the compaction monitoring technology evaluated.


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Since 1978 the concept of longitudinal edge drains along Iowa primary and Interstate highways has been accepted as a cost-effective way of prolonging pavement life. Edge-drain installations have increased over the years, reaching a total of nearly 3,000 mi by 1989. With so many miles of edge drain installed, the development of a system for inspection and evaluation of the drains became essential. Equipment was purchased to evaluate 4-in.-diameter and geocomposite edge drains. Initial evaluations at various sites supported the need for a postconstruction inspection program to ensure that edge-drain installations were in accord with plans and specifications. Information disclosed by video inspections in edge drains and in culverts was compiled on videotape to be used as an informative tool for personnel in the design, construction, and maintenance departments. Video evaluations have influenced changes in maintenance, design, and construction inspection for highway drainage systems in Iowa.


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The major objective of this research project was to investigate how Iowa fly ashes influenced the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. Chemical durability has become an area of uncertainty because of the winter application of deicer salts (rock salts) that contain a significant amount of sulfate impurities. The sulfate durability testing program consisted of monitoring portland cement-fly ash paste, mortar and concrete test specimens that had been subjected to aqueous solutions containing various concentrations of salts (both sulfate and chloride). The paste and mortar specimens were monitored for length as a function of time. The concrete test specimens were monitored for length, relative dynamic modulus and mass as a function of time. The alkali-aggregate reactivity testing program consisted of monitoring the expansion of ASTM C311 mortar bar specimens that contained three different aggregates (Pyrex glass, Oreapolis and standard Ottawa sand). The results of the sulfate durability study indicated that the paste and concrete test specimens tended to exhibit surface spalling but only very slow expansive tendencies. This suggested that the permeability of the test specimens was controlling the rate of deterioration. Concrete specimens are still being monitored because the majority of the test specimens have expanded less than 0.05%; hence, this makes it difficult to estimate the service life of the concrete test specimens or to quantify the performance of the different fly ashes that were used in the study. The results of the mortar bar studies indicated that the chemical composition of the various fly ashes did have an influence on their sulfate resistance. Typically, Clinton and Louisa fly ashes performed the best, followed by the Ottumwa, Neal 4 and then Council Bluffs fly ashes. Council Bluffs fly ash was the only fly ash that consistently reduced the sulfate resistance of the many different mortar specimens that were investigated during this study. None of the trends that were observed in the mortar bar studies have yet become evident in the concrete phase of this project. The results of the alkali-aggregate study indicated that the Oreapolis aggregate is not very sensitive to alkali attack. Two of the fly ashes, Council Bluffs and Ottumwa, tended to increase the expansion of mortar bar specimens that contained the Oreapolis aggregate. However, it was not clear if the additional expansion was due to the alkali content of the fly ash, the periclase content of the fly ash or the cristobalite content of the fly ash, since all three of these factors have been found to influence the test results.


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Cold in-place recycling (CIR) has become an attractive method for rehabilitating asphalt roads that have good subgrade support and are suffering distress related to non-structural aging and cracking of the pavement layer. Although CIR is widely used, its use could be expanded if its performance were more predictable. Transportation officials have observed roads that were recycled under similar circumstances perform very differently for no clear reason. Moreover, a rational mix design has not yet been developed, design assumptions regarding the structural support of the CIR layer remain empirical and conservative, and there is no clear understanding of the cause-effect relationships between the choices made during the design/construction process and the resulting performance. The objective of this project is to investigate these relationships, especially concerning the age of the recycled pavement, cumulative traffic volume, support conditions, aged engineering properties of the CIR materials, and road performance. Twenty-four CIR asphalt roads constructed in Iowa from 1986 to 2004 were studied: 18 were selected from a sample of roads studied in a previous research project (HR-392), and 6 were selected from newer CIR projects constructed after 1999. This report summarizes the results of a comprehensive program of field distress surveys, field testing, and laboratory testing for these CIR asphalt roads. The results of this research can help identify changes that should be made with regard to design, material selection, and construction in order to lengthen the time between rehabilitation cycles and improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of future recycled roads.


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As part of the overall research program of evaluating asphalt emulsion slurry seal as a pavement maintenance material, 31 duplicate 500-ft test sections were constructed on U.S. 6 between Adel and Waukee in Dallas County during September and October of 1978. These test sections included combinations of eight aggregates, two gradings, three asphalt emulsions, two mineral fillers, and a range of emulsion contents determined by laboratory mix designs. The emulsion contents of the test sections varied from 10.3% for Section 7A (Ferguson coarse) to 32.9% for Section 31A (lightweight aggregate). The post-construction performance evaluation of the test sections, consisting primarily of the friction tests and surface appearance observations, was conducted at different time intervals up to 24 months after construction. At the 24-month final evaluation, most of the test sections had carried a total of 1.4 million vehicles.