13 resultados para Environmental impact statement

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approves the selection of the Reconstruction of All or Part of the Interstate (Construction Alternative) as the Preferred Alternative to provide improvements to the interstate system in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area, extending across the Missouri River on Interstate 80 to east of the Interstate 480 interchange in Omaha, Nebraska. The study considered long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along Interstate I-29 (I-29), I-80, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. FHWA also approves the decisions to provide full access between West Broadway and I-29, design the I-80/I-29 overlap section as a dual-divided freeway, and locating the new I-80 Missouri River Bridge north of the existing bridge. Improvements to the interstate system, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 (see Figure 1) up to current engineering standards and accommodate future traffic needs. This Record of Decision (ROD) concludes Tier 1 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) Improvements Project. Tier 1 included an examination of the area’s transportation needs, a study of alternatives to satisfy them, and broad consideration of potential environmental and social impacts. The Tier 1 evaluation consisted of a sufficient level of engineering and environmental detail to assist decision makers in selecting a preferred transportation strategy. During Tier 1 a Draft EIS (FHWA-IA- EIS-04-01D) was developed which was approved by FHWA, Iowa DOT, and Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) in November 2004 with comments accepted through March 15, 2005. The Draft EIS summarized the alternatives that were considered to address the transportation needs around Council Bluffs; identified reconstruction of all or part of the interstate, the “Construction Alternative,” as the Preferred Alternative; identified three system-level decisions that needed to be made at the Tier 1 level; and invited comment on the issues. The Final EIS (FHWA-IA- EIS-04-01F) further documented the Construction Alternative as the Preferred Alternative and identified the recommended decisions for the three system level decisions that needed to be made in Tier 1. This ROD defines the Selected Alternative determined in the Tier 1 studies.


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The proposed reconstruction of Trunk Highway 60 is considered a Federal Class I Action because of the potential for significant impacts on the natural and physical environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a full disclosure document that discusses the environmental impacts of a proposed Class I action. The Draft EIS, which was distributed in July 2002, is incorporated by reference herein and made a part of the Final EIS.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are proposing improvements to the interstate system in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area, extending across the Missouri River on Interstate 80 (I-80) to east of the Interstate 480 (I-480) interchange in Omaha, Nebraska (see Figure 1-1). The study considers long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along Interstate I-29 (I-29), I-80, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system1, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. These improvements, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 up to current engineering standards and modernize the roadway to accommodate future traffic needs.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are proposing to improve the interstate system around Council Bluffs with improvements extending across the Missouri River on I-80 to east of the I-480 interchange in Omaha, Nebraska, see Figure 1-1. The study considers long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along I-80, I-29, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system1, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. These improvements, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 up to current engineering standards and modernize the roadway to accommodate future traffic needs. In 2001, Iowa DOT and FHWA initiated the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) Improvements Project. The agencies concluded that the environmental study process would be conducted in two stages; that is, a tiered approach would be applied. The project is being conducted pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1502.20, and FHWA 23 CFR Part 771.111, that permit tiering for large, complex NEPA studies. Tier 1 is an examination of the overall interstate system improvement needs, including a clear explanation of the area’s transportation needs, a study of alternatives to satisfy them, and broad consideration of potential environmental and social impacts. The Tier 1 evaluation is at a sufficient level of engineering and environmental detail to assist decision makers in selecting a preferred transportation strategy. Tier 1 includes preparation of a draft and final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that would disclose the potential environmental and social effects (evaluated at a planning level that considers a variety of conceptual designs) of the proposed improvements. The final EIS will conclude with a Record of Decision (ROD) that states the preferred plan for improvements to be implemented. Essentially, the Tier 1 document will establish the planning framework for the needed improvements. Because the scope of the overall system improvements is large, the interstate improvements would be implemented as a series of individual projects that fit into the overall planning framework. The Tier 1 Area of Potential Impact, which is discussed in detail in Section 4 is an alternative that considers a combination of the most reasonable concepts that have been developed, buffered by approximately 100 or more feet to ensure that any Tier 2 design modifications would remain inside the outer boundary.


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa and Illinois Departments of Transportation (Iowa DOT and IDOT) have identified the Selected Alternative for improving Interstate 74 (I-74) from its southern terminus at Avenue of the Cities (23rd Avenue) in Moline, Illinois to its northern terminus one mile north of the I-74 interchange with 53rd Street in Davenport, Iowa. The Selected Alternative identified and discussed in this Record of Decision is the preferred alternative identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The purpose of the proposed improvements is to improve capacity, travel reliability, and safety along I-74 between its termini, and provide consistency with local land use planning goals. The need for the proposed improvements to the I-74 corridor is based on a combination of factors related to providing better transportation service and sustaining economic development.


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This Tier 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) presents the results of studies and analysis conducted to determine the potential impacts of proposed improvements in Segment 3 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) in the Council Bluffs metropolitan area. This document is tiered to the Tier 1 Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) that evaluated impacts of the overall CBIS Improvements Project, which includes five segments of independent utility This EA on Segment 3 of the Project is divided into the following sections: and encompasses 18 mainline miles of Interstate and 14 interchanges along Interstate 80 (I-80), Interstate 29 (I-29), and Interstate 480 (I-480).


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This Tier 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) presents the results of studies and analyses conducted to determine the potential impacts of proposed improvements in Segment 3 of the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) in the Council Bluffs metropolitan area. This document is tiered to the Tier 1 Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) that evaluated impacts of the overall CBIS Improvements Project, which includes five segments of independent utility1 This EA on Segment 3 of the Project is divided into the following sections: and encompasses 18 mainline miles of Interstate and 14 interchanges along Interstate 80 (I-80), Interstate 29 (I-29), and Interstate 480 (I-480). More information about the tiering process is found below under Project Background. • Section 1 provides background information on the Project and discusses the relationship between the earlier Tier 1 EIS and this Tier 2 EA. It also discusses the proposed action and the area studied, the purpose of the Project, and the need for the Project based on transportation problems that currently exist or are expected in the future. • Section 2, Alternatives, identifies the range of alternatives considered for Segment 3 to address the transportation problems identified in Section 1. It also identifies the alternatives retained for further study in this EA and the preferred Segment 3 alternative. • Section 3, Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences, describes the general environment for each resource affected by the proposed improvements. It also describes the potential environmental impacts of the Segment 3 Project and methods to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts. • Section 4, Disposition, lists the agencies and organizations that will receive copies of this EA and the locations at which this EA will be available for public review. • Section 5, Comments and Coordination, summarizes the agency coordination and public involvement efforts in conjunction with the Segment 3 Project. • Section 6, Conclusion and Recommendation, summarizes resource impacts. • Section 7, References, lists the sources cited in this EA. For Segment 3, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) determined that an EA is the appropriate level of Tier 2 study to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. The primary purpose of an EA is to clearly establish the significance of a project’s environmental impacts. That analysis is included in this document.


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The Office of Transportation Data, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, prepares this biennial traffic report. This report is used by federal, state, and local governmental agencies in determining highway needs, construction priorities, route location and environmental impact studies, and the application of appropriate design standards. The general public uses this information in determining the amount of traffic that passes a given area as they make their development plans and propose land use changes. The above reflects only a few of the many technical uses for this data.


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Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) has been identified by Bjorksten Research Laboratories as an environmentally harmless alternative to sodium or calcium chloride for deicing highways. Their study found CMA to be noncorrosive to steel, aluminum and zinc with little or no anticipated environmental impact. When used, it degrades into elements found in abundance in nature. The deicing capabilities were found to be similar to sodium chloride. The neutralized CMA they produced did cause scaling of PC concrete, but they did not expect mildly alkaline CMA to have this effect. In the initial investigation of CMA at the Iowa DOT laboratory, it was found that CMA produced from hydrated lime and acetic acid was a light, fluffy material. It was recognized that a deicer in this form would be difficult to effectively distribute on highways without considerable wind loss. A process was developed to produce CMA in the presence of sand to increase particle weight. In this report the product of this process, which consists of sand particles coated with CMA, is referred to as "CMA deicer". The mixture of salts, calcium magnesium acetate, is referred to as "CMA". The major problems with CMA for deicing are: (1) it is not commercially available, (2) it is expensive with present production methods and (3) there is very little known about how it performs on highways under actual deicing conditions. In view of the potential benefits this material offers, it is highly desirable to find solutions or answers to these problems. This study provides information to advance that effort.


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Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) has been identified by Bjorksten Research Laboratories as an environmentally harmless alternative to sodium or calcium chloride for deicing highways. Their study found CMA to be noncorrosive to steel, aluminum and zinc with little or no anticipated environmental impact. When used, it degrades into elements found in abundance in nature. The deicing capabilities were found to be similar to sodium chloride. The neutralized CMA they produced did cause scaling of PC concrete, but they did not expect mildly alkaline CMA to have this effect. In the initial investigation of CMA at the Iowa DOT laboratory, it was found that CMA produced from hydrated lime and acetic acid was a light, fluffy material. It was recognized that a deicer in this form would be difficult to effectively distribute on highways without considerable wind loss. A process was developed to produce CMA in the presence of sand to increase particle weight. In this report the product of this process, which consists of sand particles coated with CMA, is referred to as "CMA deicer". The mixture of salts, calcium magnesium acetate, is referred to as "CMA". The major problems with CMA for deicing are: (1) it is not commercially available, (2) it is expensive with present production methods and (3) there is very little known about how it performs on highways under actual deicing conditions. In view of the potential benefits this material offers, it is highly desirable to find solutions or answers to these problems. This study provides information to advance that effort. The study consisted of four principal tasks which were: 1. Production of CMA Deicer The objective was to further develop the laboratory process for producing CMA deicer on a pilot plant basis and to produce a sufficient quantity for field trials. The original proposal called for producing 20 tons of CMA deicer. 2. Field Evaluation of CMA Deicer The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of CMA deicer when used under field conditions and obtain information on application procedures. Performance was compared with a regular 50/50 mixture of sand and sodium chloride. 3. Investigation of Effects of CMA on PC Concrete The objective was to determine any scaling effect that mildly alkaline CMA might have on PC concrete. Comparison was made with calcium chloride. 4. Determine Feasibility of Producing High Magnesium CMA The objective was to investigate the possibility of producing a CMA deicer with magnesium acetate content well above that produced from dolomitic lime. A high magnesium acetate content is desirable because pure magnesium acetate has a water eutectic of -22 F° as compared with +5 F° for calcium acetate and is therefore a more effective deicer.


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The focus of highway runoff monitoring programs is on the identification of highway contributions to nonpoint source degradation of surface and groundwater quality. The results of such studies will assist the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in the development of maintenance practices that will minimize the impact of highway transportation networks on water quality while at the same time maintaining public safety. Highway runoff monitoring research will be useful in developing a basis to address issues in environmental impact statements for future highway network expansions. Further, it will lead to optimization of cost effectiveness/environmental factors related to de-icing, weed and dust control, highway drainage, construction methods, etc. In this report, the authors present the data accumulated to date with a preliminary interpretation of the significance of the data. The report will discuss the site setup, operational aspects of data collection, and problems encountered. In addition, recommendations are included to optimize information gained from the study.


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The dramatic rise in fuel prices and growing environmental concerns are pressing freight transportation companies to pursue new systems and methods to improve fuel efficiency and reduce their environmental impact. While select major carriers appear to be leading efforts to adopt technologies that support a dramatic improvement in fuel performance, there appears to be little understanding as to the breadth and depth of efforts being taken by the broader motor carrier community, consisting of over 20,000 companies of all sizes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of adoption of technologies and policies to support improved fuel efficiency among motor carrier fleets.


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Lime Creek is a sub-watershed of the Cedar River above; approximately 25 miles from Cedar Rapids. The lower half of the stream is on the Iowa 2004 Section 303(d) impaired waters list. Monitoring by the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition documents that Lime Creek delivers above average amounts of nitrate+ nitrite-N, ammonia-Nand total phosphorus (above the 901 percentile) compared to other Cedar River sub-watersheds. The Cedar Rapids water utility is concerned about increasing delivery of nitrate+nitrate to the Cedar River, which provides drinking water for about 125,000 people in the area. A group of local citizens has formed the Lime Creek watershed council with the goal of reducing pollutant delivery to the creek and promoting sustainable, watershed-wide action by producers, urban and rural residents for improved environmental management. The council has established a performance-based program that rewards cooperators for improvement in research-based test and index scores which directly measure environmental impact of BMPs. The Iowa Com Growers Association is funding the performance rewards. The Watershed Coalition is contributing in-kind monitoring. Council and performance cooperators participate primarily with commitment of their own resources. WIRB funds will be used to increase program cooperators and for staff support. In addition to improvement of water quality in Lime Creek, the project will establish baseline values for arket-based a pro ch to valuing pollutant reduction by intensive livestock operations in eastern Iowa.