28 resultados para Environment economics
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
The purpose of this review and analysis is to provide a basic understanding of the issues related to worldwide hypoxic zones and the range of economic questions sorely in need of answers. We begin by describing the causes and extent of hypoxic zones worldwide, followed by a review of the evidence concerning ecological effects of the condition and impacts on ecosystem services. We describe what is known about abatement options and cost effective policy design before turning to an analysis of the large, seasonally recurring hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico. We advance the understanding of this major ecological issue by estimating the relationship between pollutants (nutrients) and the areal extent of the hypoxic zone. This “production function” relationship suggests that both instantaneous and legacy contributions of nutrients contribute to annual predictions of the size of the zone, highlighting concerns that ecologists have raised about lags in the recovery of the system and affirms the importance of multiple nutrients as target pollutants. We conclude with a discussion of critical research needs to provide input to policy formation.
The use of chemicals is a critical part of a pro-active winter maintenance program. However, ensuring that the correct chemicals are used is a challenge. On the one hand, budgets are limited, and thus price of chemicals is a major concern. On the other, performance of chemicals, especially at lower pavement temperatures, is not always assured. Two chemicals that are used extensively by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are sodium chloride (or salt) and calcium chloride. While calcium chloride can be effective at much lower temperatures than salt, it is also considerably more expensive. Costs for a gallon of salt brine are typically in the range of $0.05 to $0.10, whereas calcium chloride brine may cost in the range of $1.00 or more per gallon. These costs are of course subject to market forces and will thus change from year to year. The idea of mixing different winter maintenance chemicals is by no means new, and in general discussions it appears that many winter maintenance personnel have from time to time mixed up a jar of chemicals and done some work around the yard to see whether or not their new mix “works.” There are many stories about the mixture turning to “mayonnaise” (or, more colorfully, to “snot”) suggesting that mixing chemicals may give rise to some problems most likely due to precipitation. Further, the question of what constitutes a mixture “working” in this context is a topic of considerable discussion. In this study, mixtures of salt brine and calcium chloride brine were examined to determine their ice melting capability and their freezing point. Using the results from these tests, a linear interpolation model of the ice melting capability of mixtures of the two brines has been developed. Using a criterion based upon the ability of the mixture to melt a certain thickness of ice or snow (expressed as a thickness of melt-water equivalent), the model was extended to develop a material cost per lane mile for the full range of possible mixtures as a function of temperature. This allowed for a comparison of the performance of the various mixtures. From the point of view of melting capacity, mixing calcium chloride brine with salt brine appears to be effective only at very low temperatures (around 0° F and below). However, the approach described herein only considers the material costs, and does not consider application costs or other aspects of the mixture performance than melting capacity. While a unit quantity of calcium chloride is considerably more expensive than a unit quantity of sodium chloride, it also melts considerably more ice. In other words, to achieve the same result, much less calcium chloride brine is required than sodium chloride brine. This is important in considering application costs, because it means that a single application vehicle (for example, a brine dispensing trailer towed behind a snowplow) can cover many more lane miles with calcium chloride brine than with salt brine before needing to refill. Calculating exactly how much could be saved in application costs requires an optimization of routes used in the application of liquids in anti-icing, which is beyond the scope of the current study. However, this may be an area that agencies wish to pursue for future investigation. In discussion with winter maintenance personnel who use mixtures of sodium chloride and calcium chloride, it is evident that one reason for this is because the mixture is much more persistent (i.e. it stays longer on the road surface) than straight salt brine. Operationally this persistence is very valuable, but at present there are not any established methods to measure the persistence of a chemical on a pavement. In conclusion, the study presents a method that allows an agency to determine the material costs of using various mixtures of salt brine and calcium chloride brine. The method is based upon the requirement of melting a certain quantity of snow or ice at the ice-pavement interface, and on how much of a chemical or of a mixture of chemicals is required to do that.
Promising Directions: Programs that Serve Iowa Girls in a Single-Sex Environment - a resource guide project of the Iowa Gender-Specific Services Task Force. Produced by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women.
Based on accepted advances in the marketing, economics, consumer behavior, and satisfaction literatures, we develop a micro-foundations model of a firm that needs to manage the quality of a product that is inherently heterogeneous in the presence of varying customer tastes or expectations for quality. Our model blends elements of the returns to quality, customer lifetime value, and service profit chain approaches to marketing. The model is then used to explain several empirical results pertaining to the marketing literature by explicitly articulating the trade-offs between customer satisfaction and costs (including opportunity costs) of quality. In this environment firms will find it optimal to allow some customers to go unsatisfied. We show that the relationship between the expected number of repeated purchases by an individual customer is endogenous to the choice of quality by the firm, indicating that the number of purchases cannot be chosen freely to estimate a customer’s lifetime value.
The Rebuild Iowa Agriculture and Environment Task Force respectfully submits its report to the Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission (RIAC) for consideration of the impacts of the tornadoes, storms, high winds, and flooding affecting Iowa’s agriculture sector and environment. The Task Force was required to address very complex and multi-faceted issues. Understanding that there were a broad range of immediate concerns, as well as critical issues that need to be addressed in the future, the Task Force structured its work in two sessions. To better address the issues and priorities of the Task Force, this report categorizes the issues as agriculture, conservation, environment, and livestock.
This manual captures the experience of practitioners in the Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT’s) Office of Location and Environment (OLE). It also documents the need for coordinated project development efforts during the highway project planning, or location study phase and engineering design. The location study phase establishes: * The definition of, and need for, the highway improvement project * The range of alternatives and many key attributes of the project’s design * The recommended alternative, its impacts, and the agreed-to conditions for project approval The location study process involves developing engineering alternatives, collecting engineering and environmental data, and completing design refinements to accomplish functional designs. The items above also embody the basic content required for projects compliant with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 19691, which directs federal agencies to use a systematic, interdisciplinary approach during the planning process whenever proposed actions (or “projects”) have the potential for environmental impacts. In doing so, NEPA requires coordination with stakeholders, review, comment, and public disclosure. Are location studies and environmental studies more about the process or the documents? If properly conducted, they concern both—unbiased and reasonable processes with quality and timely documents. In essence, every project is a story that needs to be told. Engineering and environmental regulations and guidance, as documented in this manual, will help project staff and managers become better storytellers.
The Rebuild Iowa Agriculture and Environment Task Force respectfully submits its report to the Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission (RIAC) for consideration of the impacts of the tornadoes, storms, high winds, and flooding affecting Iowa’s agriculture sector and environment. The Task Force was required to address very complex and multi-faceted issues. Understanding that there were a broad range of immediate concerns, as well as critical issues that need to be addressed in the future, the Task Force structured its work in two sessions. To better address the issues and priorities of the Task Force, this report categorizes the issues as agriculture, conservation, environment, and livestock.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are proposing improvements to the interstate system in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area, extending across the Missouri River on Interstate 80 (I-80) to east of the Interstate 480 (I-480) interchange in Omaha, Nebraska (see Figure 1-1). The study considers long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along Interstate I-29 (I-29), I-80, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system1, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. These improvements, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 up to current engineering standards and modernize the roadway to accommodate future traffic needs.
Several factors influence a driver’s decision to travel, choice of vehicle speed, and the safety of a particular trip. These factors include, among others, the trip purpose, time of day, traffic volumes, weather and roadway conditions, and the range of vehicle speeds on the roadway. The main goal of the research project summarized in this report was the investigation of winter storm event impacts on the volume, safety, and speed characteristics of interstate traffic flow.
The development of new rail systems in the first part of the 21st century is the result of a wide range of trends that are making it increasingly difficult to maintain regional mobility using the two dominant intercity travel modes, auto and air. These trends include the changing character of the economic structure of industry. The character of the North American industrial structure is moving rapidly from a manufacturing base to a service based economy. This is increasing the need for business travel while the increase in disposable income due to higher salaries has promoted increased social and tourist travel. Another trend is the change in the regulatory environment. The trend towards deregulation has dramatically reduced the willingness of the airlines to operate from smaller airports and the level of service has fallen due to the creation of hub and spoke systems. While new air technology such as regional jets may mitigate this trend to some degree in medium-size airports, smaller airports will continue to lose out. Finally, increasing environmental concerns have reduced the ability of the automobile to meet intercity travel needs because of increased suburban congestion and limited highway capacity in big cities. Against this background the rail mode offers new options due to first, the existing rail rights-of-way offering direct access into major cities that, in most cases, have significant capacity available and, second, a revolution in vehicle technology that makes new rail rolling stock faster and less expensive to purchase and operate. This study is designed to evaluate the potential for rail service making an important contribution to maintaining regional mobility over the next 30 to 50 years in Iowa. The study evaluates the potential for rail service on three key routes across Iowa and assesses the impact of new train technology in reducing costs and improving rail service. The study also considers the potential for developing the system on an incremental basis. The service analysis and recommendations do not involve current Amtrak intercity service. That service is presumed to continue on its current route and schedule. The study builds from data and analyses that have been generated for the Midwest Rail Initiative (MWRI) Study. For example, the zone system and operating and capital unit cost assumptions are derived from the MWRI study. The MWRI represents a cooperative effort between nine Midwest states, Amtrak and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) contracting with Transportation Economics & Management Systems, Inc. to evaluate the potential for a regional rail system. The 1 The map represents the system including the decision on the Iowa route derived from the current study. Iowa Rail Route Alternatives Analysis TEMS 1-2 system is to offer modern, frequent, higher speed train service to the region, with Chicago as the connecting hub. Exhibit 1-1 illustrates the size of the system, and how the Iowa route fits in to the whole.
This Executive Summary presents a brief summary of the main research report, "The Economics of Reducing the County Road System: Three Case Studies in Iowa" (DOT/OST/P-34/86-035). The case studies are described, as well as the analytic methodology and research findings.
This research project looked at the economic benefits and costs associated with alternative strategies for abandoning low volume rural highways and bridges. Three test counties in Iowa were studied, each 100 square miles in size: Hamilton County having a high agricultural tax base and a high percentage of paved roads and few bridges; Shelby County having a relatively low agricultural tax base, hilly terrain and a low percentage of paved road and many bridges; and Linn County having a high agricultural tax base, a high percentage of paved roads and a large number of non-farm households. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to develop estimates of farm and household travel patterns. Benefits and costs associated with the abandonment of various segments of rural highway and bridge mileages in each county were calculated. "Benefits" calculated were reduced future reconstruction and maintenance costs, whereas "costs" were the added cost of travel resulting from the reduced mileage. Some of the findings suggest limited cost savings from abandonment of county roads with no property access in areas with large non-farm rural population; relatively high cost savings from the abandonment of roads with no property access in areas with small rural population; and the largest savings from the conversion of public dead-end gravel roads with property or residence accesses to private drives.
The Iowa counties have been successful in maintaining a good roadway environment on our 90,000 mile secondary road system. However, county highway personnel must remain vigilant in detecting, discovering and correcting potential problems if our roads are to remain so. This presentation was developed for those county personnel who work and travel on secondary roads. The presentation discusses things county personnel can look for during their daily operations which could possibly create a potential problem. If these situations are uncovered and corrected in a timely manner, our secondary road system will be maintained in an appropriate manner.
The purpose of this research project is to determine if (1) epoxy lane markings will last an entire winter season without replacement, (2) epoxy lane marking is an economical alternative to standard paint on high-traffic multi-lane roadways where lane changing is frequent, and (3) there are worthwhile benefits derived from thorough cleaning of the pavement surface before painting. The success of epoxy lane marking depends on the success of the equipment with which it is mixed and applied. The epoxy lane marking material, if properly mixed and placed on a clean surface, has the durability required to withstand a high traffic volume and frequent lane changes for at least one year.
In recent years, there has been an increased interest in conservation of our resources, preservation of our environment and maintaining our ecology. Recycling of materials is a procedure that will immediately contribute to all of these desirable end results. Our economy is built on private enterprise and profit incentive and in the past, with abundant inexpensive resources, there was little incentive to recycle. Shortages of materials and energy (once considered abundant) along with regulations to protect the environment have emphasized the need for recycling. These environmental conditions coupled with the loss of purchase power by inflation has generated more interest in recycling in the transportation field. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is interested in recycling portland cement concrete (pcc) pavement to: 1. Provide aggregate where high quality aggregate is no longer economically available. 2. Eliminate the need for locations to waste the large amount of pavement rubble. 3. Conserve the present aggregate sources. 4. Reduce the need for disrupting land for quarrying purposes. 5. Save fuel and energy by reducing aggregate transportation.