6 resultados para Covariantização do gauge do cone de luz
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
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The Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauge is intended for rapidly determining the bitumen content of bituminous paving mixtures. A 300 Millicurie Americuium 241: Beryllium source emitts neutrons which are affected by the hydrogen in the mix. The affected neutrons are detected by Helium 3 detectors, counted and computed into a percentage bitumen of the asphalt mix. The current methods of determining the bitumen content of bituminous paving mixtures requires the use of potentially hazardous chemicals and several hours of testing time. When extracted aggregates are not needed, determination of the bitumen content of a paving mixture by the nuclear method may be easier, quicker and potentially safer. The objective of the project is to study the accuracy of the Troxler 3241-B Nuclear Asphalt Content Gauge in measuring the asphalt cement (AC) content of asphalt concrete mixtures produced with different asphalt cements and different aggregates.
A mechanical gauge was developed to monitor the movement of crack or joint openings in portland cement concrete structures, in general, and portland cement concrete pavements in particular. Designed to be inexpensive and simple to operate, this gauge is capable of recording maximum, minimum, and instantaneous crack or joint openings. Specific recommendations were made for recording minimum and maximum pavement temperature over the monitoring period. The report was written as a set of guidelines for design, fabrication, installation, and operation of the gauge as well as the temperature measuring device.
Based on results of an evaluation performed during the winter of 1985-86, six Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauges were purchased for District use in monitoring project asphalt contents. Use of these gauges will help reduce the need for chemical based extractions. Effective use of the gauges depends on the accurate preparation and transfer of project mix calibrations from the Central Lab to the Districts. The objective of this project was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of a gauge in determining asphalt contents and to develop a mix calibration transfer procedure for implementation during the 1987 construction. The first part of the study was accomplished by preparing mix calibrations in the Central Lab gauge and taking multiple measurements of a sample with known asphalt content. The second part was accomplished by preparing transfer pans, obtaining count data on the pans using each gauge, and transferring calibrations from one gauge to another through the use of calibration transfer equations. The transferred calibrations were tested by measuring samples with a known asphalt content. The study established that the Troxler 3241-B Asphalt Content Gauge yields results of acceptable accuracy and precision as evidenced by a standard deviation of 0.04% asphalt content on multiple measurements of the same sample. The calibration transfer procedure proved feasible and resulted in the calibration transfer portion of Materials I.M. 335 - Method of Test For Determining the Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures by the Nuclear Method.
Early stiffening of cement has been noted as contributing to workability problems with concrete placed in the field. Early stiffening, normally attributed to cements whose gypsum is reduced to hemi⋅hydrate or anhydrate because of high finish mill temperatures, is referred to as false setting. Stiffening attributed to uncontrolled reaction of C3A is referred to as flash set. False setting may be overcame by extended mix period, while flash setting is usually more serious and workability is usually diminished with extended mixing. ASTM C 359 has been used to detect early stiffening with mixed results. The mini slump cone test was developed by Construction Technology Laboratories (CTL), Inc., as an alternative method of determining early stiffening. This research examined the mini slump cone test procedure to determine the repeatability of the results obtained from two different testing procedures, effect of w/c ratio, lifting rate of the cone, and accuracy of the test using a standard sample.
Seasonal variations in ground temperature and moisture content influence the load carrying capacity of pavement subgrade layers. To improve pavement performance, pavement design guidelines require knowledge of environmental factors and subgrade stiffness relationships. As part of this study, in-ground instrumentation was installed in the pavement foundation layers of a newly constructed section along US Highway 20 near Fort Dodge, Iowa, to monitor the seasonal variations in temperature, frost depth, groundwater levels, and moisture regime. Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), nuclear gauge, and Clegg hammer tests were performed at 64 test points in a 6-ft x 6-ft grid pattern to characterize the subgrade stiffness properties (i.e., resilient modulus) prior to paving. The purpose of this paper is to present the field instrumentation results and the observed changes in soil properties due to seasonal environmental effects.