31 resultados para Backarc Basins
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
Map of Drainage Basins of Iowa produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Map of Drainage Basins of Iowa produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Map of Drainage Basins of Iowa produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Flood-plain and channel-aggradation rates were estimated at selected bridge sites in central and eastern Iowa using four aggradation-measurement methods. Aggradation rates were quantified at 10 bridge sites on the Iowa River upstream of Coralville Lake and at two bridge sites in the central part of Skunk River Basin. Measurement periods used to estimate average aggradation rates ranged in length from 1 to 98 years and varied among methods and sites. A direct comparison cannot be made between aggradation rates calculated using each of the four measurement methods because of differences in time periods and aggradational processes that were measured by each method.
Severe flooding occurred during July 19-25, 1999, in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins following two thunderstorms over northeast Iowa. During July 18-19, as much as 6 inches ofrainfall was centered over Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Mitchell, and Worth Counties. During July 20-21, a second storm occurred in which an additional rainfall of as much as 8 inches was centered over Chickasaw and Floyd Counties. The cumulative effect of the storms produced floods with new maximum peak discharges at the following streamflow-gaging stations: Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli, 19,400 cubic feet per second; Cedar River at Charles City, 31,200 cubic feet per second (recurrence interval about 90 years); Cedar River at Janesville, 42,200 cubic feet per second (recurrence interval about 80 years); and Flood Creek near Powersville, 19,000 cubic feet per second. Profiles of flood elevations for the July 1999 flood are presented in this report for selected reaches along the Wapsipinicon, Cedar, and Shell Rock Rivers and along Flood Creek. Information about the river basins, rain storms, and flooding are presented along with information on temporary bench marks and reference points in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins.
Record flooding occurred May 17-20, 1999, in the Volga and Wapsipinicon River Basins following thunderstorm activity over northeast Iowa. On Sunday, May 16, between 6 and 8 inches of rain fell during a 24- hour period over portions of Bremer, Butler, and Fayette Counties. Highest rainfall during this 24-hour period was 8.3 inches recorded north of Oelwein in southwest Fayette County. A peak discharge of 29,800 cubic feet per second in the Volga River at Mederville, 53,900 cubic feet per second in the Turkey River at Garber, and 31, 100 cubic feet per second in the Wapsipinicon River at Independence set new peak discharge records. The peak discharge at Garber was greater than a theoretical 500-year flood, and the peak discharge at Independence was the equivalent of a 90- year flood. Information about the basins, rain storms, flooding, and a profile of high water marks are presented for selected intervals along the Volga River, Wapsipinicon River, Crane Creek, Little Wapsipinicon River, and Otter Creek.
Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of September 15-16, 1992, in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins, south-central Iowa, are presented in this report. The profiles illustrate the 1992 floods along the Thompson, Weldon, Chariton, and South Fork Chariton Rivers and along Elk Creek in the south-central Iowa counties of Adair, Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Madison, Ringgold, Union, and Wayne. Water-surface-elevation profiles for the floods of July 4, 1981, along the Chariton River in Lucas County and along the South Fork Chariton River in Wayne County also are included in the report for comparative purposes. The September 15-16, 1992, floods are the largest known peak discharges at gaging stations Thompson River at Davis City (station number 06898000) 57,000 cubic feet per second, Weldon River near Leon (station number 06898400) 76,200 cubic feet per second, Chariton River near Chariton (station number 06903400) 37,700 cubic feet per second, and South Fork Chariton River near Promise City (station number 06903700) 70,600 cubic feet per second. The peak discharges were, respectively, 1.7, 2.6, 1.4, and 2.1 times larger than calculated 100-year recurrence-interval discharges. The report provides information on flood stages and discharges and floodflow frequencies for streamflow-gaging stations in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins using flood information collected through 1995. Information on temporary bench marks and reference points established in the Thompson and Weldon River Basins during 1994-95, and in the Chariton River Basin during 1983-84 and 1994-95, also is included in the report. A flood history summarizes rainfall conditions and damages for floods that occurred during 1947, 1959, 1981, 1992, and 1993.
Traditionally, the Iowa Department of Transportation has used the Iowa Runoff Chart and single-variable regional-regression equations (RREs) from a U.S. Geological Survey report (published in 1987) as the primary methods to estimate annual exceedance-probability discharge (AEPD) for small (20 square miles or less) drainage basins in Iowa. With the publication of new multi- and single-variable RREs by the U.S. Geological Survey (published in 2013), the Iowa Department of Transportation needs to determine which methods of AEPD estimation provide the best accuracy and the least bias for small drainage basins in Iowa. Twenty five streamgages with drainage areas less than 2 square miles (mi2) and 55 streamgages with drainage areas between 2 and 20 mi2 were selected for the comparisons that used two evaluation metrics. Estimates of AEPDs calculated for the streamgages using the expected moments algorithm/multiple Grubbs-Beck test analysis method were compared to estimates of AEPDs calculated from the 2013 multivariable RREs; the 2013 single-variable RREs; the 1987 single-variable RREs; the TR-55 rainfall-runoff model; and the Iowa Runoff Chart. For the 25 streamgages with drainage areas less than 2 mi2, results of the comparisons seem to indicate the best overall accuracy and the least bias may be achieved by using the TR-55 method for flood regions 1 and 3 (published in 2013) and by using the 1987 single-variable RREs for flood region 2 (published in 2013). For drainage basins with areas between 2 and 20 mi2, results of the comparisons seem to indicate the best overall accuracy and the least bias may be achieved by using the 1987 single-variable RREs for the Southern Iowa Drift Plain landform region and for flood region 3 (published in 2013), by using the 2013 multivariable RREs for the Iowan Surface landform region, and by using the 2013 or 1987 single-variable RREs for flood region 2 (published in 2013). For all other landform or flood regions in Iowa, use of the 2013 single-variable RREs may provide the best overall accuracy and the least bias. An examination was conducted to understand why the 1987 single-variable RREs seem to provide better accuracy and less bias than either of the 2013 multi- or single-variable RREs. A comparison of 1-percent annual exceedance-probability regression lines for hydrologic regions 1–4 from the 1987 single-variable RREs and for flood regions 1–3 from the 2013 single-variable RREs indicates that the 1987 single-variable regional-regression lines generally have steeper slopes and lower discharges when compared to 2013 single-variable regional-regression lines for corresponding areas of Iowa. The combination of the definition of hydrologic regions, the lower discharges, and the steeper slopes of regression lines associated with the 1987 single-variable RREs seem to provide better accuracy and less bias when compared to the 2013 multi- or single-variable RREs; better accuracy and less bias was determined particularly for drainage areas less than 2 mi2, and also for some drainage areas between 2 and 20 mi2. The 2013 multi- and single-variable RREs are considered to provide better accuracy and less bias for larger drainage areas. Results of this study indicate that additional research is needed to address the curvilinear relation between drainage area and AEPDs for areas of Iowa.
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is a continuation of nearly 30 years of modeling efforts conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service. SWAT has gained international acceptance as a robust interdisciplinary watershed modeling tool, as evidenced by international SWAT conferences, hundreds of SWAT-related papers presented at numerous scientific meetings, and dozens of articles published in peer-reviewed journals. The model has also been adopted as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point & Nonpoint Sources) software package and is being used by many U.S. federal and state agencies, including the USDA within the Conservation Effects Assessment Project. At present, over 250 peer-reviewed, published articles have been identified that report SWAT applications, reviews of SWAT components, or other research that includes SWAT. Many of these peer-reviewed articles are summarized here according to relevant application categories such as streamflow calibration and related hydrologic analyses, climate change impacts on hydrology, pollutant load assessments, comparisons with other models, and sensitivity analyses and calibration techniques. Strengths and weaknesses of the model are presented, and recommended research needs for SWAT are provided.
This paper describes the application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to the Maquoketa River watershed, located in northeast Iowa. The inputs to the model were obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency’s geographic information/database system called Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS). Climatic data from six weather stations located in and around the watershed, and measured streamflow data from a U.S. Geological Survey gage station at the watershed outlet were used in the sensitivity analysis of SWAT model parameters as well as its calibration and validation for watershed hydrology and streamflow. A sensitivity analysis was performed using an influence coefficient method to evaluate surface runoff and base flow variations in response to changes in model input hydrologic parameters. The curve number, evaporation compensation factor, and soil available water capacity were found to be the most sensitive parameters among eight selected parameters when applying SWAT to the Maquoketa River watershed. Model calibration, facilitated by the sensitivity analysis, was performed for the period 1988 through 1993, and validation was performed for 1982 through 1987. The model performance was evaluated by well-established statistical methods and was found to explain at least 86% and 69% of the variability in the measured stream flow data for the calibration and validation periods, respectively. This initial hydrologic modeling analysis will facilitate future applications of SWAT to the Maquoketa River watershed for various watershed analysis, including water quality.
Record flooding occurred June 15-17, 1998, in the Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna River basins following severe thunderstorm activity over southwest Iowa. More than 8 inches of rain fell over a large part of Cass County. The rain gage at Atlantic, Iowa recorded a 24-hour total rainfall of 13.18 inches, which established a new official State record for the greatest amount of rainfall in a 24-hour period. The peak discharge was 41,400 cubic feet per second in the East Nishnabotna River near Atlantic, 60,500 cubic feet per second in the East Nishnabotna River at Red Oak, and 65,100 cubic feet per second in the Nishnabotna River above Hamburg. The peak discharge at Atlantic was greater than the theoretical 200-year flood and the peak discharges at Red Oak and Hamburg were greater than the respective theoretical 500-year floods. Information about the basin, the rain storms, the flooding, and a profile of high water marks at selected intervals along the Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna Rivers are presented in this report.
A network of 25 sonic stage sensors were deployed in the Squaw Creek basin upstream from Ames Iowa to determine if the state-of-the-art distributed hydrological model CUENCAS can produce reliable information for all road crossings including those that cross small creeks draining basins as small as 1 sq. mile. A hydraulic model was implemented for the major tributaries of the Squaw Creek where IFC sonic instruments were deployed and it was coupled to CUENCAS to validate the predictions made at small tributaries in the basin. This study demonstrates that the predictions made by the hydrological model at internal locations in the basins are as accurate as the predictions made at the outlet of the basin. Final rating curves based on surveyed cross sections were developed for the 22 IFC-bridge sites that are currently operating, and routine forecast is provided at those locations (see IFIS). Rating curves were developed for 60 additional bridge locations in the basin, however, we do not use those rating curves for routine forecast because the lack of accuracy of LiDAR derived cross sections is not optimal. The results of our work form the basis for two papers that have been submitted for publication to the Journal of Hydrological Engineering. Peer review of our work will gives a strong footing to our ability to expand our results from the pilot Squaw Creek basin to all basins in Iowa.
The Muchakinock Creek Watershed Project began in February of 2005 to treat upland soil erosion in the creek that has lead to a 303(d) impairment. The Mahaska SWCD is currently administering this cost-share program to promote terraces, basins, and grade stabilization structures. The District is seeking funding from WIRB to treat specific abandoned mine lands in the Muchakinock Creek Watershed. These areas contribute sediment to the creek at levels second only to agricultural lands as well as acid mine drainage from open pits mines that have been left to decay across the county. The WIRB funding would be used to compliment Federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) funding in the reclamation of these areas.
The Summit Lake Watershed Improvement Project is a watershed-based sediment control project designed to greatly reduce to nearly eliminate sedimentation of an existing lake that is being renovated for use as a water source in southern Iowa. Summit Lake is owned by the City of Creston and was once a water source lake until around 1984. The watershed improvements will include lakeshore stabilization and erosion control practices as a precursor for related improvements to the lake and overall 4,900-acre watershed. Best practices included in this phase are the implementation of riprap, a rain garden, grade stabilization structures, grassed waterways, terraces, basins, water use and access ordinances, education and outreach, water monitoring, and other stream bank improvements. These improvements, along with leveraged work to be done by strategic partners, will enable the lake to be used for local and regional water supplies by sustaining the lake for many years to come. Without the lake rehabilitation, the lake will likely be filled with sedimentation to the point that it will have no recreational value. Key partners are the City of Creston, IDNR, Southern Iowa Rural Water Association, Union County, the Union County NRCS office, Southwestern Community College, and the Summit Lake Association, which is a non-profit group of landowners working to protect the lake. The project will address WIRB targets: a) streambank stabilization, b) livestock runoff, c) agricultural runoff and drainage, d) stormwater runoff, and e) a section of inadequately sewered community.
The primary goal of the Hewitt Creek watershed council is to have Hewitt-Hickory Creek removed from the Iowa impaired waters (303d) list. Hewitt Creek watershed, a livestock dense 23,005 acre sub-watershed of the Maquoketa River Basin, is 91.2% agricultural and 7.5% woodland. Since 2005, sixty-seven percent of 84 watershed farm operations participated in an organized watershed improvement effort using a performance based watershed management approach, reducing annual sediment delivery to the stream by 4,000 tons. Watershed residents realize that water quality improvement efforts require a long-term commitment in order to meet their watershed improvement goals and seek funding for an additional five years to continue their successful watershed improvement project. Cooperators will be provided incentives for improved environmental performance, along with incentives and technical support to address feedlot runoff issues and sub-surface nitrate-nitrogen loss. The Phosphorus Index, Soil Conditioning Index and cornstalk nitrate test will be used by producers as measures of performance to refine nutrient and soil loss management and to determine effective alternatives to reduce nutrient and sediment delivery. Twenty-five livestock operations will improve feedlot runoff control systems and five sub-surface bioreactors will be installed to reduce nitrate delivery from priority tile-drained fields. The Hewitt Creek council will seek additional cost-share funding for high-cost feedlot runoff control structures, sediment control basins and stream bank stabilization projects.