7 resultados para Arterial Switch Operation
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
A document produced by Department of Elder of Affairs about resoruces for elderly people.
Blowing snow can cause significant problems for mobility and safety during winter weather in three distinct ways. It may drift onto the road, thus requiring almost continuous plowing while the wind is blowing (which may occur when a given winter storm is over). Snow may drift onto wet pavement (perhaps caused by ice control chemicals) and dilute out the chemicals on the road, creating ice on the road. And sufficient blowing snow can cause a major deterioration in visibility on the road, a factor which has been shown to be significant in winter crashes. The problem of blowing snow can be very effectively addressed by creating a snow storage device upwind of the road that requires protection from snow drifting. Typically, these storage devices are fences. Extensive design guidance exists for the required height and placement of such fences for a given annual snowfall and given local topography. However, the design information on the placement of living snow fences is less complete. The purpose of this report is to present the results of three seasons of study on using standing corn as snow fences. In addition, the experience of using switch grass as a snow storage medium is also presented. On the basis of these experimental data, a design guide has been developed that makes use of the somewhat unique snow storage characteristics of standing corn snow fences. The results of the field tests on using standing corn showed that multiple rows of standing corn store snow rather differently than a traditional wooden snow fence. Specifically, while a traditional fence stores most of the snow downwind from the fence (and thus must be placed a significant distance upwind of the road to be protected, specifically at least 35 times the snow fence height) rows of standing corn store the majority of the snow within the rows. Results from the three winters of testing show that the standing corn snow fences can store as much snow within the rows of standing corn as a traditional fence of typical height for operation in Iowa (4 to 6 feet) can store. This finding is significant because it means that the snow fences can be placed at the edge of the farmer’s field closest to the road, and still be effective. This is typically much more convenient for the farmer and thus may mean that more farmers would be willing to participate in a program that uses standing corn than in traditional programs. ii On the basis of the experimental data, design guidance for the use of standing corn as a snow storage device in Iowa is given in the report. Specifically, it is recommended that if the fetch in a location to be protected is less than 5,000 feet, then 16 rows of standing corn should be used, at the edge of the field adjacent to the right of way. If the fetch is greater than 5,000 feet, then 24 rows of standing corn should be used. This is based on a row spacing of 22 inches. Further, it should be noted that these design recommendations are ONLY for the State of Iowa. Other states of course have different winter weather and without extensive further study, it cannot be said that these guidelines would be effective in other locations with other winter conditions.
This study of Iowa’s Historic Automobile Roads has been prepared by the Highway Archaeology Program under the terms of an annual cultural resource surveys contract between the Iowa DOT and The University of Iowa. Under this agreement, state transportation funds are appropriated by the Iowa DOT for The University of Iowa Highway Archaeology Program to locate and determine the significance of cultural resources in the area of proposed highway and transportation improvement work. Cultural resources include archaeological, historical, and architectural sites. The study of Iowa’s Historic Automobile Roads reported herein, including archival research and survey, was conducted between June 2002 and June 2007, by Marlin R. Ingalls and Maria F. Schroeder. The University of Iowa Highway Archaeology Program is solely responsible for the content and accuracy of these reports with respect to site location description, interpretation, and recommendations. Duplicate project reports are filed at the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Community Programs Bureau in Des Moines. Illustrations in this report may have been altered for clarity and sized to fit the page.
Heavy traffic volumes frequently cause distress in asphalt pavements which were designed under accepted design methods and criteria. The distress appears in the form of rutting in the wheel tracks and rippling or shoving in areas where traffic accelerates or decelerates. Apparently accepted stability test methods alone do not always assure the desired service performance of asphaltic pavements under heavy traffic. The Bituminous Research Laboratory, Engineering Research Institute of Iowa State University undertook the development of a laboratory device by which the resistance of an asphalt paving mix to displacement under traffic might be evaluated, and also be used as a supplemental test to determine adequacy of design of the mix by stability procedures.
Contains information on Iowa Area Command Operation Plan 1, Military Support of Civil Defense, Iowa Area Command, consisting of the basic plan and Annexes "A" through "N", is furnished for information, guidance and necessary actions of Commanders concerned.
A mechanical gauge was developed to monitor the movement of crack or joint openings in portland cement concrete structures, in general, and portland cement concrete pavements in particular. Designed to be inexpensive and simple to operate, this gauge is capable of recording maximum, minimum, and instantaneous crack or joint openings. Specific recommendations were made for recording minimum and maximum pavement temperature over the monitoring period. The report was written as a set of guidelines for design, fabrication, installation, and operation of the gauge as well as the temperature measuring device.
The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) used the traffic simulation model CORSIM to access proposed capacity and safety improvement strategies for the U.S. 61 corridor through Burlington, Iowa. The comparison between the base and alternative models allow for evaluation of the traffic flow performance under the existing conditions as well as other design scenarios. The models also provide visualization of performance for interpretation by technical staff, public policy makers, and the public. The objectives of this project are to evaluate the use of traffic simulation models for future use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and to develop procedures for employing simulation modeling to conduct the analysis of alternative designs. This report presents both the findings of the U.S. 61 evaluation and an overview of model development procedures. The first part of the report includes the simulation modeling development procedures. The simulation analysis is illustrated through the Burlington U.S. 61 corridor case study application. Part I is not intended to be a user manual but simply introductory guidelines for traffic simulation modeling. Part II of the report evaluates the proposed improvement concepts in a side by side comparison of the base and alternative models.