739 resultados para APSYM 2014

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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Regulations for hunting in Iowa.


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The Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) is published to inform Iowans of planned investments in our state’s transportation system. The Iowa Transportation Commission (Commission) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) are committed to programming those investments in a fiscally responsible manner. A major component of the 2010-2014 Program is the full integration of funding allocated to the Iowa DOT from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). To date, the Recovery Act has provided over $400 million of additional federal funding for transportation in Iowa, including funding that is allocated to local governments and entities. Recovery Act funding will result in a record year for transportation construction in Iowa and the creation and retention of jobs. Opportunities for additionalRecovery Act transportation funding remain and will be pursued as they becomeavailable. While Recovery Act funding will make a one-time significant impact in addressing Iowa’s backlog of needs, it is important to note that there remains a large shortfall in sustained annual transportation investment to meet Iowa’s current and future critical transportation needs. In recognition of this shortfall, Governor Culver introduced and the legislature passed an I-JOBS proposal. I-JOBS will result in an additional $50 million of state funding to reduce structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges on the primary road system and approximately $10 million in funding for other modes of transportation including $3 million of new funding to support the expansion of passenger rail service in Iowa. I-JOBS, and the continuing gradual increase in funding due to TIME-21, will complement and extend the benefits of Recovery Act funding and set the stage for addressing the shortfall in annual funding in the next few years. Iowa’s transportation system is multi-modal; therefore, the Program encompasses investments in aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A major component of the Program is the highway section. The FY2010-2014 highway section is financially balanced and was developed to achieve several objectives. The Commission’s primary highway investment objective is stewardship (i.e. safety, maintenance and preservation) of Iowa’s existing highway system. The highway section includes an annual average of $104 million for preserving the interstate system; an annual average of $78 million for non-interstate pavement preservation; an annual average of $36 million for non-interstate bridges; and an annual average of $14 million for safety projects. Another objective is to maintain the scheduled completion of interstate and non-interstate capacity and economic development projects that were identified in the previous Program and this Program does so. The final Commission objective is to further address capacity and economic development needs and the Commission has done so by adding several such projects to the Program. Construction improvements are partially funded through the current federal transportation act, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The act will expire September 30, 2009. With the expiration of SAFETEA-LU, there is significant uncertainty in the forecast of federal revenues in the out-years of this Program. The Commission and Iowa DOT will monitor federal actions closely and make adjustments to the Program as necessary. The Iowa DOT and Commission appreciate the public’s involvement in the state’s transportation planning process. Comments received personally, by letter, or through participation in the Commission’s regular meetings or public input meetings held around the state each year are invaluable in providing guidance for the future of Iowa’s transportation system. It should be noted that this document is a planning guide. It does not represent a binding commitment or obligation of the Commission or Iowa DOT, and is subject to change. You are invited to visit the Iowa DOT’s Web site at iowadot.gov for additional and regular updates about the department’s programs and activities.


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Report on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2014


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Iowa Community Colleges transmit fall enrollment data to the Department of Education after the 14th day of the fall term start date. All data included in this report, except where noted, are taken from the Management Information System (MIS) electronic data files and are confirmed by the community college.


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Governor Terry E. Branstad's FY2014-2015 budget recommendations.


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This document summarizes Governor Terry E. Branstad's Program and Budget Recommendations for the Second Session of the Iowa 85th General Assembly


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CJJP takes a look at the forecast of inmates population in the state of Iowa in a ten year period. Information was produced by Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning. This report was made possible partially through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and its program for State Statistical Analysis Centers. Points of view or opinions expressed in this report are those of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the U.S. Department of Justice.


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This document describes planned investments in Iowa’s multimodal transportation system including aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A large part of funding available for highway programming comes from the federal government. Accurately estimating future federal funding levels is dependent on having a multiyear federal transportation authorization bill in place and having a sustainable and solvent federal Highway Trust Fund. The most recent federal authorization, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), will expire September 30, 2014. At the same time that MAP-21 expires and absent Congressional action, the federal Highway Trust Fund will no longer be able provide funding at current levels resulting in up to a 90 percent reduction in federal highway funding for federal fiscal year 2015. These two issues provide funding uncertainty with this program in fiscal years 2015 and beyond.


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Agency Performance Plan for Fiscal Year 2014.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation and the offices of Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Vehicle and Motor Carrier Services, and Driver Services want to make your travels into and through our state safer, legal and less complicated. This book will address and clarify many of the rules and regulations concerning the operation of commercial vehicles in the State of Iowa. However, it is not possible to include every rule and regulation that may apply. If any questions exist, the reader is encouraged to contact other sources, including the agencies listed on pages 4 and 5 of this book.


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Iowa Department of Transportation Newsletter. INSIDE Magazine is developed to help keep all Iowa DOT employees informed about critical issues affecting them, recognize DOT employees for their excellent service and share interesting aspects in the lives of our co-workers.


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Newsletter produced by Deaf Services Commission of Iowa


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The ABD Promos Newsletter is produced monthly and details Division announcements, holiday schedules, broker promotions and a newly listed codes clipout section, which is formatted to be stapled into the Iowa Liquor Quarterly Spirits Price Book.


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Iowa Spirits Price Book is produced monthly details of the current prices of liquors in Iowa. Formerly titled Iowa Liquor Quarterly Spirits Price Book.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Cell Phone Contracts