119 resultados para Living Standards
Newsletter for those who reside on acreages in Iowa. Produced by the Iowa State University Extension Office.
Newsletter for those who reside on acreages in Iowa. Produced by the Iowa State University Extension Office.
Newsletter for those who reside on acreages in Iowa. Produced by the Iowa State University Extension Office.
Newsletter for those who reside on acreages in Iowa. Produced by the Iowa State University Extension Office.
Newsletter for those who reside on acreages in Iowa. Produced by the Iowa State University Extension Office.
In coordination with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consisting of County Engineers and Iowa DOT representatives, the Iowa DOT has proposed to develop a set of standards for a single span prefabricated bridge system for use on the local road system. The purpose of the bridge system is to improve bridge construction, accelerate project delivery, improve worker safety, be cost effective, reduce impacts to the travelling public by reducing traffic disruptions and the duration of detours, and allow local forces to construct the bridges. HDR Inc. was selected by the Iowa DOT to perform the initial concept screening of the bridge system. This Final Report summarizes the initial conceptual effort to investigate potential systems, make recommendations for a preferred system and propose initial details to be tested in the laboratory in Phase 2 of the project. The prefabricated bridge components were to be based on the following preliminary criteria set forth by the TAC. The criteria were to be verified and/ or modified as part of the conceptual development. - 24’ and 30’ roadway widths - Skews of 0o, 15o, and 30o - Span lengths of 30’ – 70’ in 10’ increments using precast concrete beams - Voided box beams could be considered - Limit precast element weight to 45,000 pounds for movement and placement of beams - Beams could be joined transversely with threaded rods - Abutment concepts may included precast as well as an option for cast-in-place abutments with pile foundations In addition to the above criteria, there was an interest to use a single-width prefabricated bridge component to simplify fabrication as well as a desire to utilize non-prestressed concrete systems where possible to allow for precasting of the beam modules by local forces or local precast plants. The SL-1 modular steel bridge rail was identified for use with this single span prefabricated bridge system.
To conserve natural resources and energy, the amount of recycled asphalt pavement has been steadily increasing in the construction of asphalt pavements. The objective of this study is to develop quality standards for inclusion of high RAP content. To determine if the higher percentage of RAP materials can be used on Iowa’s state highways, three test sections with target amounts of RAP materials of 30%, 35% and 40% by weight were constructed on Highway 6 in Iowa City. To meet Superpave mix design requirements for mixtures with high RAP contents, it was necessary to fractionate the RAP materials. Three test sections with actual RAP materials of 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% by weight were constructed and the average field densities from the cores were measured as 95.3%, 94.0%, and 94.3%, respectively. Field mixtures were compacted in the laboratory to evaluate moisture sensitivity using a Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device. After 20,000 passes, rut depths were less than 3mm for mixtures obtained from three test sections. The binder was extracted from the field mixtures from each test section and tested to identify the effects of RAP materials on the performance grade of the virgin binder. Based on Dynamic Shear Rheometer and Bending Beam Rheometer tests, the virgin binders (PG 64-28) from test sections with 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% RAP materials were stiffened to PG 76-22, PG 76-16, and PG 82-16, respectively. The Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) test was performed on laboratory compacted field mixtures with RAP amounts of 30.0%, 35.5% and 39.2% at two different temperatures of -18 and -30 °C. As the test temperature decreased, the fracture energy decreased and the stiffness increased. As the RAP amount increased, the stiffness increased and the fracture energy decreased. Finally, a condition survey of the test sections was conducted to evaluate their short-term pavement performance and the reflective transverse cracking did not increase as RAP amount was increased from 30.0% to 39.2%.
Currently, individuals including designers, contractors, and owners learn about the project requirements by studying a combination of paper and electronic copies of the construction documents including the drawings, specifications (standard and supplemental), road and bridge standard drawings, design criteria, contracts, addenda, and change orders. This can be a tedious process since one needs to go back and forth between the various documents (paper or electronic) to obtain information about the entire project. Object-oriented computer-aided design (OO-CAD) is an innovative technology that can bring a change to this process by graphical portrayal of information. OO-CAD allows users to point and click on portions of an object-oriented drawing that are then linked to relevant databases of information (e.g., specifications, procurement status, and shop drawings). The vision of this study is to turn paper-based design standards and construction specifications into an object-oriented design and specification (OODAS) system or a visual electronic reference library (ERL). Individuals can use the system through a handheld wireless book-size laptop that includes all of the necessary software for operating in a 3D environment. All parties involved in transportation projects can access all of the standards and requirements simultaneously using a 3D graphical interface. By using this system, users will have all of the design elements and all of the specifications readily available without concerns of omissions. A prototype object-oriented model was created and demonstrated to potential users representing counties, cities, and the state. Findings suggest that a system like this could improve productivity to find information by as much as 75% and provide a greater sense of confidence that all relevant information had been identified. It was also apparent that this system would be used by more people in construction than in design. There was also concern related to the cost to develop and maintain the complete system. The future direction should focus on a project-based system that can help the contractors and DOT inspectors find information (e.g., road standards, specifications, instructional memorandums) more rapidly as it pertains to a specific project.
The main objective of this research is to examine the effects that different methods of RAP stockpile fractionation would have on the volumetric mix design properties for high-RAP content surface mixes, with the goal of meeting all specified criteria for standard HMA mix designs. To determine the distribution of fine aggregates and binder in RAP stockpile, RAP materials were divided by each sieve size. The composition of RAP materials retained on each sieve was analyzed to determine the optimum fractionation method. Fractionation methods were designed to separate the stockpile at a specified sieve size to control the amount of fine RAP materials which contain higher amounts of fine aggregates and dust contents. These fine RAP materials were used in reduced proportions or completely eliminated, thereby decreasing the amount of fine aggregate materials introduced to the mix. Mix designs were performed using RAP materials from four different stockpiles and the two fractionated methods were used with high-RAP contents up to 50% by virgin binder replacement. By using a fractionation method, a mix with up to 50% RAP was successfully designed while meeting all Superpave criteria and asphalt film thickness requirement by controlling the dust content from RAP stockpiles.
This report provides a summary of the updates to the traffic signal content within the Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) Design Manual Chapter 13 and Standard Specifications Division 8. Major focal points included pole footing design, cabinets and controllers, monitoring systems, communications systems, and figure updates. This work was completed through a project task force with a variety of participants (contractors, Iowa Department of Transportation, city traffic engineers, consultant, vendors, and University research and support staff).
Report on the Peace Officers’ Retirement, Accident and Disability System, Schedule of Employer Pension Amounts required to implement Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions for the year ended June 30, 2015
West Africans in the United States may face negative responses from people in their community because of the current Ebola outbreak. People may say bad things about you, or try to stop you or your family from everyday activities like work, school, shopping, or spending time with friends. This is known as stigma. Stigma mostly occurs because of fear—people fear Ebola and the disease is linked with a specific region of the world. You are not more at risk for Ebola because of your specific race or country of origin.
Independent Living foster care is a foster care type of placement in which youth served must be at least 16 years of age and have the capacity to function outside the structure of a foster family or group care setting. This is a annual report about these living arrangements and how the Department of Human Services contracts them.
A living will is a written declaration informing medical personnel whether certain life-sustaining procedures should be withheld or withdrawn if (1) you are in a terminal condition; and (2) you are unable to decide for yourself. You (the declarant) may execute a living will declaration as a stand-alone document or you may include a living will within a health care power of attorney document. A living will can be revoked at any time and in any way by communicating the revocation to anyone who was aware that the living will existed.