123 resultados para Danville Prison.
incarceration in Iowa prisons, as compared to white males. The rates are particularly alarming for African-Americans, in that while the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that they comprised just 2.5% of the state’s population as of 2006, they constituted over 25% of Iowa’s prison population as of June 30, 2008.
In the August Data Download, we reported that the number of prison admissions due to probation revocation had declined in FY 2008 in comparison with the previous four years, despite the fact that the number of offenders on probation has actually increased over that time period. In this issue we explore information in the reports of violation that led to probation revocations to prison.
In an effort to reduce the strain on limited prison beds, the Board of Parole – with the support of the Department of Corrections – instituted the Halfway Back revocation option. This option allows for selected parolees to be revoked to work release rather than to prison.
During 2011, the Iowa Department of Corrections analyzed the impact that attaining a GED has on recidivism – specifically, three-year return-to-prison rate. For those inmates who have a low or moderate risk level (as measured by the LSI-R assessment tool), attaining a GED does not tend to reduce the return-to-prison rate. However, attaining a GED does tend to reduce the rate for higher risk offenders.
The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning issued its first state legislation monitoring report in February 2002, covering the first six month’s impact of Senate File 543 on the justice system. SF 543, enacted during the 2001 legislative session, changed the maximum penalty for first-offense Burglary-3rd degree, and established new sentencing options available to the court: * An alternative determinate prison sentence for certain Class D felons * Extended felony sentence reconsideration from 90 days to one year
The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning issued its first state legislation monitoring report in February 2002, covering the first six month’s impact of Senate File 543 on the justice system. SF 543, enacted during the 2001 legislative session, changed the maximum penalty for first-offense Burglary-3rd degree, and established new sentencing options available to the court: * An alternative determinate prison sentence for certain Class D felons * Extended felony sentence reconsideration from 90 days to one year
The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning issued its first state legislation monitoring report in February 2002, covering the first six month’s impact of Senate File 543 on the justice system. SF 543, enacted during the 2001 legislative session, changed the maximum penalty for first-offense Burglary-3rd degree, and established new sentencing options available to the court: * An alternative determinate prison sentence for certain Class D felons * Extended felony sentence reconsideration from 90 days to one year
The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning issued its first state legislation monitoring report in February 2002, covering the first six month’s impact of Senate File 543 on the justice system. SF 543, enacted during the 2001 legislative session, changed the maximum penalty for first-offense Burglary-3rd degree, and established new sentencing options available to the court: * An alternative determinate prison sentence for certain Class D felons * Extended felony sentence reconsideration from 90 days to one year
CJJP found that for 2011, prison releasees who had gone throught the revamped MIFVPP were significantly less likely to be convicted of a violent assault on release from prison.
This report was compiled at the request of the Department of Corrections. The first section describes Iowa’s prison inmate population at mid-year. The first section also provides a comparison of the mid-year 1998 prison population with the population one year ago, and five years ago. Included is analysis of sex, race/ethnicity, age categories, life terms, mandatory minimum sentences, number of sentences per inmate, and offense type. Following the statewide section are Facility Profiles that examine each Department of Corrections institution. The facility profiles cover the same types of information as the statewide report for mid-year 1998, except that committing county and judicial district, Board of Parole risk scores and sex are excluded.
The Iowa Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) entered into a contract for services from January 2, 2007 to June 30, 2008 for the purposes of assisting in the evaluation component for the two-year Prison Re-Entry Initiative (PRI) grand awarded to the DOC by the U.S. Office of Justice Programs. The PRI grant period ran from July 2006 through June 2008 and included two primary components. First, all PRI participants returning to Polk County would participate in a Lifeskills curriculum offered through the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) at four Iowa prison institutions located at Mitchellville, Newton, Fort Dodge and Rockwell City. Second, all PRI participants returning to Polk County would be referred to The Directors Council (TDC) for cmmunity-based wrap-around services.
The following information is in this report produced by the CJJP: 1. Rate of reported rapes in Iowa, the west North Central states, and the U.S. 2. Statewide sex offense charges and convictions. 3. Iowa convictions for sex offenses, by class. 4. Sex offender prison and probation entries, FY2005. 5. Prison admissions for sex offenses, FY1995-2005. 6. Sex offender releases from Iowa prisons, 1990 and 1996-2005. 7. Three- year rates of sex offender recidivism. 8. Three- year rates of sex offender recidivism, by parolees and expiration.
Iowa’s adult correctional system carries out its legal mandate of protecting the public and promoting offender rehabilitation through a continuum of institution and community evidence based services and interventions. This continuum is designed with recognition that for most offenders, reentry planning starts upon admission to the corrections system. The effective and efficient management of offenders in accordance with their risk and criminogenic needs (those needs that contribute to criminality) is accomplished through targeted programming, release preparation, and transition services. Success in these endeavors assists offenders to become productive members of the community and makes it less likely that they will re-offend, resulting in lowered recidivism rates. In 1990 the Department’s prison recidivism rate was 44.7% and today it is 30.3%. Our overall desired outcome is to reduce the prison recidivism rate to 25% during the next five years by focusing resources toward our highest risk offenders.
It is no surprise that probationers are less likely to receive new felony or aggravated misdemeanor convictions than are parolees following discharge from supervision; probationers tend to be at lower risk to begin with. Likewise, parolees tend to be at lower risk and less likely to be convicted of serious offenses than are offenders who complete their sentences in prison.
Iowa’s adult correctional system carries out its legal mandate of protecting the public and promoting offender rehabilitation through a continuum of institution and community evidence based services and interventions. This continuum is designed with recognition that for most offenders, reentry planning starts upon admission to the corrections system. The effective and efficient management of offenders in accordance with their risk and criminogenic needs (those needs that contribute to criminality) is accomplished through targeted programming, release preparation, and transition services. Success in these endeavors assists offenders to become productive members of the community and makes it less likely that they will re-offend, resulting in lowered recidivism rates. In 1990 the Department’s prison recidivism rate was 44.7% and today it is 30.3%. Our overall desired outcome is to reduce the prison recidivism rate to 25% during the next five years by focusing resources toward our highest risk offenders.