128 resultados para Solid-surfaces
Concrete pavements can be designed and constructed to be as quiet as any other conventional pavement type in use today. This report provides an overview of how this can be done—and done consistently. In order to construct a quieter concrete pavement, the texture must have certain fundamental characteristics. While innovative equipment and techniques have shown promise for constructing quieter pavements in the future, quieter concrete pavements are routinely built today all across the United States using the following standard nominal concrete pavement textures: drag, longitudinal tining, diamond grinding, and even, to limited extent, transverse tining. This document is intended to serve as a guide that describes better practices for designing, constructing, and texturing quieter concrete pavements.
Audit report on the Rathbun Area Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Reaudit report on the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012
Audit report on the Crawford County Area Solid Waste Agency Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the Shelby County Area Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the Wayne-Ringgold-Decatur County Solid Waste Management Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
The first phase of a two-phase research project was conducted to develop guidelines for Iowa transportation officials on the use of thin maintenance surfaces (TMS) for asphaltic concrete and bituminous roads. Thin maintenance surfaces are seal coats (chip seals), slurry seals, and micro-surfacing. Interim guidelines were developed to provide guidance on which roads are good candidates for TMS, when TMS should be placed, and what type of thin maintenance surface should be selected. The guidelines were developed specifically for Iowa aggregates, weather, traffic conditions, road user expectations, and transportation official expectations. In addition to interim guidelines, this report presents recommendations for phase-two research. It is recommended that test section monitoring continue and that further investigations be conducted regarding thin maintenance surface aggregate, additional test sections, placed, and a design method adopted for seal coats.
In recent years there has been renewed interest in using preventive maintenance techniques to extend pavement life and to ensure low life cycle costs for our road infrastructure network. Thin maintenance surfaces can be an important part of a preventive maintenance program for asphalt cement concrete roads. The Iowa Highway Research Board has sponsored Phase Two of this research project to demonstrate the use of thin maintenance surfaces in Iowa and to develop guidelines for thin maintenance surface uses that are specific to Iowa. This report documents the results of test section construction and monitoring started in Phase One and continued in Phase Two. The report provides a recommended seal coat design process based on the McLeod method and guidance on seal coat aggregates and binders. An update on the use of local aggregates for micro-surfacing in Iowa is included. Winter maintenance guidelines for thin maintenance surfaces are reported herein. Finally, Phase One's interim, qualitative thin maintenance surface guidelines are supplemented with Phase two's revised, quantitative guidelines. When thin maintenance surfaces are properly selected and applied, they can improve the pavement surface condition index and the skid resistance of pavements. For success to occur, several requirements must be met, including proper material selection, design, application rate, workmanship, and material compatibility, as well as favorable weather during application and curing. Specific guidance and recommendations for many types of thin maintenance surfaces and conditions are included in the report.
Audit report on the Pocahontas County Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the Butler County Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Methods of improving highway safety are of major concern to everyone who is involved in the planning, development and construction of improvements of our vast highway network. Other major concerns are the conservation of our rapidly disappearing sources of energy and quality building materials. This research is devoted to further exploration of a process which will: 1. help preserve higher quality aggregates; and, 2. improve the frictional characteristics and surface texture of asphalt pavement surfaces. Sprinkle treatment of asphalt concrete pavement surfaces with a non-polishing aggregate, a procedure which was developed in Europe, is one method which has shown promise in accomplishing the above listed objectives. This research seeks to explore the feasibility and cost effectiveness of using standard asphalt mixtures of local, less expensive aggregates for surface courses followed by a surface sprinkle treatment of a hard, durable, non-polishing layer of precoated chips to produce a durable, non-skid pavement surface for safe highway travel. Three standard mixture types are being evaluated for aggregate retention characteristics and six sprinkle aggregates are being evaluated for durability, polishing and friction characteristics. In addition, measurements of the surface texture by the silicone putty method are being made. Another feature of this research is the evaluation of a rubberized asphalt material called Overflex MS as a crack filler. It has been reported that the material could be beneficial in reducing reflective cracking. The project was begun in July of 1978 and was completed in August. A review made in the spring of 1979 indicates very satisfactory performance. It was determined from slide photos taken after construction and again in the spring that aggregate retention was very good. However, many cracks had reflected indicating that the Overflex MS had not been effective. Follow up friction test results and texture analysis were also very good. The results of these tests are shown in Appendix A.
In 1980, a Vanguard High Pressure Water Blaster capable of providing 10 gallons of water per minute at 2000 psi was purchased to evaluate water blasting as a crack cleaning method prior to crack filling on asphalt concrete pavements. Afer some iniital trials demonstrated its effectiveness of removing dirt, debris and vegetation, it was included in joint and crack maintenance research on Iowa 7 in Webster County. The objective of the research was to evaluate six crack preparation methods and seven "sealant" materials. The cleaning and sealing was performed in the spring of 1983. Visual evaluations of the performance were made in the fall of 1983 and spring of 1985. Compressed air and/or high pressure water did not adequately prepare cracks less than 3/8 inch wide. Routing or sawing was necessary to provide a sealant reservoir. The water blaster was more effective than compressed air in removing dirt, debris and vegetation but this did not yield significant improvement in sealant adhesion or longevity. Periodic crack filling is necessary on ACC surfaces throughout the remaining life of the pavement.
Audit report on the Delaware County Solid Waste Disposal Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the Delaware County Solid Waste Disposal Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Iowa Highway Commission Project HR-33, "Characteristics of Chemically Treated Roadway Surfaces", was investigated at the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station under Project 375-S. The purpose of the project as originally proposed was to study the physical and chemical characteristics of chemically treated roadway surfaces. All chemical treatments were to be included, but only sodium chloride and calcium chloride treated roadways were investigated. The uses of other types of chemical treatment were not discovered until recently, notably spent sulfite liquor and a commercial additive. Costs of stabilized secondary roads in Hamilton County averaged $4300.00 per mile even though remanent soil-aggregate material was used. The cost of similar roads in Franklin County was $4400.00 per mile. The Franklin County road surfaces were constructed entirely from materials that were hauled to the road site. Costs in Butler County were a little over $3000.00 per mile some eight years ago. Chemical investigations indicate that calcium chloride and sodium chloride are lost through leaching. Approximately 95 percent of the sodium chloride appears to have been lost, and nearly 65 percent of the calcium chloride has disappeared. The latter value may be much in error since surface dressings of calcium chloride are commonly used and have not been taken into account. Clay contents of the soil-aggregate-chemical stabilized roads range from about 6 to ll percent, averaging 8 or 9 percent. The thicknesses of stabilized mats are usually 2 to 4 inches, with in-place densities ranging from 130 to 145 pcf. Generally the densities found in sodium chloride stabilized roads were slightly higher than those found in the calcium chloride stabilized roads.
Audit report on the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2013