99 resultados para Kuopion katoava kasvimaailma : Kuopion luonnontieteellisen museon julkaisuja 6
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
Part 6 of 7 for Henry County's Transition Partners Guidebook specific to youth with disabilities transitioning from high school to employment, post-secondary education, or adult services.
Business News from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
Special investigation of the City of Center Point Library for the period January 1, 2006 through December 6, 2007
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.