80 resultados para Stream-gradiente index
Summary of stream water quality data collected from 2000 through 2014.
In 2004, Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of Impaired Waters due to a low biotic index (lack of aquatic life) during IDNR stream sampling events. Sediment originating from agriculture, streambank erosion, and channelization were listed as the most likely sources impacting aquatic life. In an effort to address these concerns, a preliminary study was completed of the multi-county watershed to identify priority areas. A Watershed Development & Planning Assistance Grant was then funded by the IDALS-DSC to conduct a detailed assessment of these prioritized sub-watersheds. The impending assessment of the watershed and the stream corridor revealed ample opportunities to address gully, sheet and rill erosion while addressing in-stream water velocity issues that plagued the riparian corridor. A comprehensive plan was developed comprised of a variety of best management practices to address the identified concerns. In 2009, this plan was submitted to the WIRB Board by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs and $489,455 was awarded to address concerns identified during watershed assessment inquiries. Despite adverse weather conditions, which has hampered conservation construction recently, this project has held fast to pre-project goals due to the fortitude of the project sponsors and the overwhelming participation by the watershed landowners. Unfortunately, state budget shortfalls are bringing project progress to a halt. As specified in the original WIRB funding request, practice funding for Year 3 was to come from the Division of Soil Conservation’s Watershed Protection Fund (WSPF). Due to Iowa’s budgetary restraints, the Walnut Creek WSPF application, which was submitted this spring, was not funded since no new applications in the state were funded. If funded again, this grant will serve as the critical step in continuing what is destined to be a true watershed success story.
Lime Creek is a sub-watershed of the Cedar River above; approximately 25 miles from Cedar Rapids. The lower half of the stream is on the Iowa 2004 Section 303(d) impaired waters list. Monitoring by the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition documents that Lime Creek delivers above average amounts of nitrate+ nitrite-N, ammonia-Nand total phosphorus (above the 901 percentile) compared to other Cedar River sub-watersheds. The Cedar Rapids water utility is concerned about increasing delivery of nitrate+nitrate to the Cedar River, which provides drinking water for about 125,000 people in the area. A group of local citizens has formed the Lime Creek watershed council with the goal of reducing pollutant delivery to the creek and promoting sustainable, watershed-wide action by producers, urban and rural residents for improved environmental management. The council has established a performance-based program that rewards cooperators for improvement in research-based test and index scores which directly measure environmental impact of BMPs. The Iowa Com Growers Association is funding the performance rewards. The Watershed Coalition is contributing in-kind monitoring. Council and performance cooperators participate primarily with commitment of their own resources. WIRB funds will be used to increase program cooperators and for staff support. In addition to improvement of water quality in Lime Creek, the project will establish baseline values for arket-based a pro ch to valuing pollutant reduction by intensive livestock operations in eastern Iowa.
Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages do not appear to differ as markedly between coldwater and warmwater streams (in Iowa, at least) as do fish assemblages, and to our knowledge no parallel evaluation of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in coldwater streams has been conducted. What is known is that many taxa are exclusively collected in coldwater environments and are considered “rare” in Iowa from a biogeographical perspective. While the warmwater BMIBI has generally proven to work well as a diagnostic tool for Iowa’s streams, the streams of Iowa’s Paleozoic Plateau tend to group in the “excellent” to “good” qualitative rating categories. The streams of this area tend to be more ecologically intact than other areas of the state; however, there are some artifacts of the current warmwater BMIBI (most specifically metric scoring related to watershed size) that skew IBI values higher. Our objective is to develop a Coldwater Benthic Index (CBI) which will provide a more accurate assessment of streams classified, or potentially classifiable, as coldwater.
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidelines for low water stream crossings (LWSC). Rigid criteria for determining the applicability of a LWSC to a given site are not established nor is a 'cookbook" procedure for designing a LWSC presented. Because conditions vary from county to county and from site to site within the county, judgment must be applied to the suggestions contained in this manual. A LWSC is a stream crossing that will be flooded periodically and closed to traffic. Carstens (1981) has defined a LWSC as "a ford, vented ford (one having some number of culvert pipes), low water bridge, or other structure that is designed so that its hydraulic capacity will be insufficient one or more times during a year of normal rainfall." In this manual, LWSC are subdivided into these same three main types: unvented fords, vented fords and low water bridges. Within the channel banks, an unvented ford can have its road profile coincident with the stream bed or can have its profile raised some height above the stream bed.