119 resultados para Resilience, watershed governance


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This project would target Norfolk Creek Subwatershed for land treatment practices. The Norfolk Creek Subwatershed is 14,035 acres located southwest of Waukon. The landscape is characterized by rugged karst topography and is marked with hundreds of sinkholes, providing direct drainage into the water table, affecting wells, springs, and community water sources. The surface groundwater runoff from this karst landscape eventually flows into the Yellow River. The potential point and non-point pollution sources are complicated and expensive to resolve. Extensive water quality monitoring has been completed on Norfolk Creek and has tested high in many parameters. We hope that with the upland treatment included in this grant request, terraces, grade stabilization structures, sediment control basins, and livestock manure management systems, these will improve. Continued water quality sampling will monitor this. This application has been reviewed and approved by the Allamakee County Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners.


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With the Saylor Creek Watershed Improvement Project, Iowa Heartland RC&D and other area stakeholders have an opportunity to display how "best management practices" (BMPs) can reduce storm water runoff and improve the quality of that runoff in an urban setting. Conservation design is a uew approach to storm water management that addresses the negative impacts of storm water runoff and turns them into a positive. The master plan for the Prairie Trail development surrounding the watershed project will incorporate bioretention cells, bioswales, buffer strips, rain gardens, as well as native plant landscaping to slow storm water runoff and naturally clean sediment out of the water before it reaches Saylor Creek. In addition to conservation design elements, the project will utilize storm water detention ponds and creek bed restoration to develop a complete storm water "treatment train" system within Prairie Trail. The extensive use of conservation storm water management for Prairie Trail is unique for urban development in Iowa.


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Leisure Lake is approximately a 67 acre water body located in northwest Jackson County with a 2,681 acre drainage area. The watershed including the lake is a tributary to Lytle Creek which drains into the North Fork of the Maquoketa River. Portions of the Lytle Creek and North Fork Maquoketa River are on the 303(d) impaired waterbodies list. The project area includes a community of 370 residential properties and one business that currently has no central wastewater collection and treatment system. The purpose of this project is to construct a wastewater collection and treatment facility to improve water quality in the creek and river. The project will eliminate the non-permitted septic systems and construct a new wastewater system to properly treat wastewater prior to its discharge into the waterways.


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Mills County proposes to reduce the identified impairment of the watershed, Keg Creek, by eliminating one of the main reasons for the impairment - non-conforming, on-site septic tanks that allow effluent to drain into the creek from the unincorporated community of Mineola. This has been identified by the county as a major priority. Therefore, the county proposes to construct a collection system and lagoon treatment facility, which would eliminate effluent from draining into Keg Creek. Regional Water will own, operate, and manage the collection and treatment systems in Mineola for Mills County.


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Upper Catfish Creek is located in a 9,300-acre watershed that flows through two significant natural resources, Swiss Valley Park and Swiss Valley Nature Preserves, one of the largest nature preserves in the Midwest. According to DNR’s 2002 305(d) report, that portion of the creek within the park and preserve is classified as a Class B(CW) cold water stream of which a portion has naturally reproducing trout (one of only 30 in the state of Iowa with this capability). Urban sprawl is a real threat to the Upper Catfish Creek Watershed. Currently, 10% of the watershed is residential, but 27% is zoned residential or commercial. The watershed is near Dubuque city limits but the jurisdiction is in the county. Differing criteria for land development between city and county jurisdictions further entices developers to build in outlying areas. County leaders agree there is more that needs to be done and will work with municipalities on uniformity of regulations and follow-up measures. We propose to set up key urban conservation practice models that will address storm water runoff and water quality which can be learned about and viewed by city and county officials, engineers, developers, etc. This would be part of a larger initiative including an educational campaign, inter-jurisdictional planning, the development of a land use GIS database, and agricultural conservation practices. The successes coming out of and learned about this watershed will serve as a model to spread county-wide.


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Lower Coldwater and Palmer Creeks in Butler and Floyd counties are subwatersheds of the Cedar River, which provides drinking water to Cedar Rapids, IA. The increasing concentration of nitrate+nitrate in the river is of concern to the Cedar Rapids water utility, and IDNR snapshot monitoring shows Coldwater and Palmer to be significant potential sources (above the 90th percentile for subwatersheds monitored). Both creeks are also on the Iowa Section 303(d) list of impaired waters (aquatic life). Citizens of these predominantly agricultural watersheds organized the Coldwater-Palmer Watershed Improvement Association to deal proactively with nonpoint source pollutants from crop and livestock operations through a performance-based environmental management program. The locally-adapted program implemented by the Coldwater-Palmer watershed council rewards participants for environmental accomplishments - soil quality improvement and nutrient source reduction as measured by accepted, scientifically-based tests and models. Most of the locally­appropriate BMPs used to improve performance are undertaken voluntarily at participants' initiative. WIRB funds will be combined with funding from the Iowa Com Growers Association and significant in-kind support from the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition, Iowa State University Extension and other partners. The project will result in sustainable reduction in nutrient loading achieved with voluntary participation of a majority of watershed farm operators.


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This watershed project will provide technical and financial assistance to improve surface and groundwater quality. This will be accomplished by installing an alternative tile outlet for 3 agricultural drainage wells (ADWs) and providing incentives to implement nutrient and pest management.


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Price Creek is a 13 mile long stream located in SE Benton County and the NE corner of Iowa County. It ends below the village of Amana where it flows into the Iowa River. The Iowa and Benton County Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) applied (and were tentatively approved) for 319/WPF/WSPF funding to treat livestock and water quality issues in this watershed over the next three years. That project’s funds were allocated for a Project Coordinator, information and education activities, and cost share for Best Management Practices (BMPs) directed toward livestock issues and nutrient issues. Soil erosion and sedimentation are also problems in this 18,838 acre watershed. It is 64% HEL (highly erodible land) and 58% of it is cropped. With a coordinator working with Price Creek producers, this would be an excellent time to also address the soil loss and sedimentation issues in this watershed. We will offer additional cost share incentives on BMPs targeting soil erosion on the critical areas we’ve identified. We are applying to IWIRB for additional funding to allow us to cost share specific BMPs up to 75% to treat soil loss in these critical areas of the Price Creek Watershed.


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Clear Lake, Iowa's third largest natural lake, is a premier natural resource and popular recreational destination in north central Iowa. Despite the lake's already strong recreational use, water quality concerns have not allowed the lake to reach its full potential. Clear Lake is listed on Iowa's 2004 303(d) Impaired Waters List due to excessive levels of phosphorus, bacteria, and turbidity. Urban storm water runoff from the 8,600 acre watershed is a significant contributor to Clear Lake's impairment. Local communities have been working towards the goal of making improvements at all 30 storm water outlets that have a drainage area of five acres or more and have a cost effective solution. Many improvements have already been made, and now there are only seven storm water outlet sites remaining that still need protection in order to meet the goal. The storm water improvements have been very effective in reducing contaminants in urban runoff, achieving reduction levels in the 50-80% range. The proposed Clear Lake Storm Water Improvement Project will address the remaining seven outlet sites and take place over three years. The first year will consist of performing engineering and design of storm water best management practices (BMPs) at the seven outlet sites to determine if a cost effective solution exists for each. Years two and three will consist of installing two storm water improvements each year to implement the most cost effective BMPs at a minimum of four of the seven sites. The grant request addresses one of the main priorities of the Iowa Watershed Improvement Grant: storm water runoff.


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A water quality resource concern has come to the forefront in the Upper Miller Creek watershed in Black Hawk County after five to seven inches of rain fell on the area on May 22nd and 23rd of 2004 and unprecedented amounts of soil and organic debris were washed from cultivated areas, clogging most culverts and roadside ditches. The quantity of soil deposited in ditches gave a good indication of the amounts that were transported into the stream. The estimated total cost to Black Hawk County for cleanup and repair within the road right-of-way was $345,000. There were undetermined environmental costs incurred when the incredibly high volumes of soil washed from the fields into Miller Creek which flows directly into the Cedar River that is identified by the Department of Natural Resources as an impaired water body. The Upper Miller Creek Watershed Project is an innovative, collaborative project intended to meet a specific need identified by a local steering committee made up of concerned community agencies and local landowners. Led by the Soil and Water Conservation District and the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors, the Miller Creek Watershed Project seeks to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and reduce county road infrastructure cost by implementing conservation practices, reducing nutrient and pesticide use and improving wildlife habitat.


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Dry Run Creek Watershed was designated an impaired waterbody by DNR in 2002, following an assessment of the biota in the stream by DNR Biologist, Tom Wilton. Subsequent studies by IOWATER Snapshot effort in 2003, found e-coli bacteria concentrations and high nitrate readings in excess of the State of Iowa limits for recreational streams. The Dry Run Creek Watershed Improvement Project is comprised of five major components. Three components will feature demonstrations of structural best management practices (BMPs) to protect water quality in Dry Run Creek. The fourth is an educational workshop to "kick-off" the initiative and background the stakeholders of the watershed in new stormwater management strategies for water quality protection. The fifth is a monitoring program that will provide data on the effectiveness of the practices to be demonstrated. Measurable outcomes from these projects include monitoring to document the effectiveness of infiltration­ based BMPs to reduce pollutant loading in urban stormwater runoff and reducing the volume of stormwater discharged directly into Dry Run Creek via storm sewer flows. Understanding of and social acceptance of new stormwater strategies and practices will also be monitored by surveys of watershed stakeholders and compared to findings of a survey done before the start of the project.


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Controlling and managing manure-contaminated runoff is a responsibility of every livestock producer. The minimum requirement of all confined feeding operations in Iowa, regardless of size, is to settle solids. Two separate watershed assessments conducted in 2003-2004 by the Lyon SWCD of 141 feedlot sites indicated only 29% have solid settling basins in place. Regulating agencies generally recommend a holding pond followed by irrigation land application which require large capital investments, specialized machinery and additional management skill sets. Producers are looking for more cost-effective alternatives for controlling feedlot runoff and regulating agencies need to know these alternatives will protect the environment.


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Two sections of the Yellow River have been named to the State of Iowa’s 303d list of impaired waters. The listing reflects streams with pollution problems linked to habitat alterations, in addition to those with potential disease causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. This fact, combined with local knowledge of water quality problems, shows the need for land treatment practices and habitat improvement measures. This project would target the Yellow River watershed, which totals approximately 49,800 acres. Areas that drain directly into the Yellow River mainstream will be targeted. Individually, these areas are too small to be considered sub-watersheds. This project will assess the drainage areas for active gullies and prioritize grade stabilization structures based upon severity and impact on the fishery. Funding would be utilized to target high priority grade stabilization structure sites and provide cost-share for those projects. A prerequisite for cost-share allocation is 75% of the land contributing to the drainage area must have some form of treatment in place. The Allamakee SWCD has received an EPA Region 7 Grant toward grade stabilization structures in the same area. Landowners have indicated that 75% cost-share is necessary to implement practices. To meet this request, the EPA funding would be used at a 15% cost-share rate if matched with 60% cost-share from WIRB funding. If matched with Federal EQIP funds, 25% of funds obtained from WIRB would be used. If other funds were depleted, WIRB funds would be utilized for the entire 75% cost-share.


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The Rathbun Land and Water Alliance and partners have implemented a unique approach to water quality protection through the Rathbun Lake Special Project. This approach is achieving a significant reduction in the sediment and phosphorus that impair water quality in Rathbun Lake and its tributaries as a result of the targeted application of best management practices (BMPs) for priority land in the watershed. This project application proposes to assist landowners to apply BMPs that will reduce sediment and phosphorus delivery from priority land in two targeted sub-watersheds as part of the Rathbun Lake Special Project Features of this project are: (1) use of geographic information system (GIS) analysis to identify priority land that requires BMPs; (2) assistance for landowners to apply BMPs on more than 2,200 acres that will reduce sediment and phosphorus delivery by 3,300 tons and 13,300 pounds per year respectively; (3) evaluation of the benefits from BMP application using GIS analysis and water quality monitoring; and (4) watershed outreach activities that encourage landowners to apply BMPs for priority land to protect water quality.


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In-lake management can be a critical need for water quality improvement for impaired recreation lakes. Biomanipulation practices to achieve the proper balance of predatory fish, zooplankton grazing of algae, and native aquatic vegetation can sometimes restore water clarity of turbid, nutrient enriched lakes. Lakewood leaders have a renovation plan for Lake Colchester, involving several common and three innovative practices. Lakewood is prepared to pay for proven practices, but seeks WIRB grant support to test innovations in collaboration with Iowa DNR biologists, and ISU limnologists, serving as advisors and monitors for the entire project.