88 resultados para Lake poets.
This project will include the construction of four separate drainage and retention facilities to handle urban runoff that currently flows directly into Lake Storm Lake. These facilities will filter storm water from approximately 503 acres of urban land including two large industrial users Tyson Fresh Meats and Sara Lee Turkey Processing as well as other commercial and residential sections that currently go directly to the lake without filtration. Specifically the project involves the construction of a two cell dry bottomed detention pond system, construction of two rain gardens/bio retention areas, construction of rain gardens along storm water intakes on Highway 7, and construction of a porous rock detention area. The completed project will provide for cleaner water outleting to the fake in an area that has the largest potential for pollutants to enter the lake. This project is being done in conjunction with other watershed improvements including two additional rain gardens already in place and a multi-year dredging effort of Lake Storm Lake that will be starting its fifth year in 2006. Improvements in the rural water shed are also taking place with the help of a watershed coordinator. Some of these projects include buffer strips and filter slips along the waterways in the watershed.
Lake Macbride is considered to be one of the top four lakes for fishing in the state of Iowa. It is widely used by the public and contributes significant economic benefits to the county. Lake Macbride is situated in the North Corridor which is one of the fastest growing areas in the state. The lake has a surface area of 940 acres and drains 16,205 acres. Lake Macbride is on the Iowa 303(d) list for excessive sediments and nutrients. In 2001, Lake Macbride State Park received over 2.5 million dollars from the Marine Fuel Tax and Fish and Wildlife Trust to install 2 silt basins and stabilize over 12 miles of shoreline in the lake. Also in 2001, the Johnson County SWCD received a WSPF allocation from DSC to address agriculture and urban runoff issues in the watershed. Section 319 funding was received in 2002 to continue watershed efforts to the present. A watershed assessment was completed in 2003 to guide watershed activities. In 2005, a TMDL was completed for the lake. Since 2001, over $645,000 dollars has been spent by landowners and funding partners to install conservation practices in the watershed. Watershed efforts have resulted in the reduction of over 4200 tons of soils from being delivered into Lake Macbride. Nutrient reductions have also occurred from the development of nutrient management plans on 2000 acres. The District is in the process of wrapping up watershed efforts on private land. A series of 13 structures is planned to be installed in the State Park over the next several years. One of the last remaining items that still needs addressed is 1,400 feet of eroding shoreline adjacent to Lake Macbride along Cottage Reserve Road. The road is under the jurisdiction of the Johnson County Board of Supervisors. Both the Board of Supervisors and the IDNR are willing to contribute substantial dollars to address the 250 tons of soil that are being directly delivered to Lake Macbride each year.
The enclosed project request for funding will address needed conservation work within the Storm Lake Watershed. The proposed conservation practices and activities have been planned for several years but due to funding limitations have not been completed. These innovative practices will address some of the remaining and hard to address problem areas of sediment and nutrient loading within the watershed. The four goals of this project are: installation of four in-stream Boulder Weirs, planting of native grasses around ten surface intakes, completion of three urban rain gardens and hiring of a part-time Iowater monitoring coordinator. Through the new Awaysis destination park project Storm Lake is truly placing a high value on our watershed and lake as a major asset to the area. Awaysis is a $30 million project that's success will hinge on maintaining the highest standards in regard to the water quality of the lake and its watershed.
The purpose of this project is to develop a management plan to address the City of Alta’s stormwater runoff. Currently, there is no management plan and the city is growing, so there are increased runoff problems from both residential and industrial sources. A large assortment of pollutants flow from these areas, examples include various forms of sediment, paper, plastic, gravel and metal as well as less visible potentially toxic pollution from lawns, streets, gas stations and other commercial and industrial areas. The goal for this project is to construct two infiltration/detention basins to protect water quality and reduce the peak volume of the City of Alta’s urban runoff. Each basin is designed with two functions: Control gully erosion and surface erosion with detention, while incorporating water quality through infiltration. The downstream erosion control provided by detaining runoff will reduce sediment delivery to Powell Creek and protect downstream agricultural land from urban runoff. The infiltration features designed into the basins will capture pollutants commonly associated with urban stormwater runoff such as: sediment, sand, gravel hydrocarbons, particulate matter, heavy metals, and nutrients.
Clear Lake, Iowa's third largest natural lake, is located in Cerro Gordo County in north-central Iowa. The lake is a premier natural resource and popular recreational destination in north central Iowa, providing more than $40 million dollars annually to the local economy. Despite the lake's already strong recreational use, water quality concerns have not allowed the lake to reach its full recreational potential. Clear Lake is listed on Iowa's 2004 303(d) Impaired Waters List due to excessive levels of phosphorus, bacteria, and turbidity. Urban storm water runoff from the 8,600 acre watershed is a significant contributor to Clear Lake's impairment. There are over 68 storm water outlet points in the Clear Lake watershed that allow untreated urban runoff to empty directly into Clear Lake. Local governments have been very active in installing storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) at as many of the outlets that current funding allows. To date, 11 of the 68 sites (16%) have been protected. These improvements have been very effective in reducing contaminants in the storm water runoff, but the remaining outlets still need protection. The first phase of this grant request is for an investigation of 10 storm water outlet sites to determine the most cost effective BMP for each site. The second phase of the grant request is to implement the BMPs deemed most cost effective at 5 of the 10 sites investigated. The grant request addresses one of the main priorities of the Iowa Watershed Improvement Grant: storm water runoff.
Holiday Lake is included in the Walnut Creek watershed, which is listed on the 303(d) list of impaired water bodies. Research indicates that the causes of impairment are sedimentation and habitat alterations. To improve water quality, the goals of this project are to reduce the sediment delivery into Holiday Lake by 50% and assist in educating watershed residents about cost-effective ways to control sediment and nutrient contaminates. The best management practices will be installed to filter the water, reducing sediment and chemical loading into the lake. When all practices are installed, nearly 100% of the lake’s drainage area will be controlled.
Manteno Lake is located 8 miles northwest of Earling, IA in Shelby County. The lake has been impaired with an overload of silt and nutrients. In October of 2007, land directly north of the lake will be coming out of CRP and back into agricultural production. The Shelby Soil and Water Conservation District, Shelby County Board of Supervisors and Shelby County Conservation Board feel strongly that treatment of this area is necessary prior to the CRP contract expiring. The placement and construction of three structures will reduce the amount of silt and nutrients affecting Manteno Lake. This project calls for the construction of three structures on crucial tributaries to the lake.
Clear Lake, Iowa's third largest natural lake, is a premier natural resource and popular recreational destination in north central Iowa. Despite the lake's already strong recreational use, water quality concerns have not allowed the lake to reach its full potential. Clear Lake is listed on Iowa's Draft 2010 303(d) Impaired Waters List for algae, bacteria, and turbidity. Many restoration practices have been implemented to treat the algae and turbidity impairment, but few practices have been installed to treat bacteria. Reducing beach bacteria levels is a priority of the lake restoration partners. Federal, State, and local partners have invested more than $20 million in lake and watershed restoration efforts to improve water clarity and quality. These partners have a strong desire to ensure high bacteria levels at public swim beaches do not undermine the other water quality improvements. Recent bacteria source tracking completed by the State Hygienic Laboratory indicates that Canada Geese are a major contributor of bacteria loading to the Clear Lake swim beaches. Other potential sources include unpermitted septic systems in the watershed. The grant request proposes to reduce bacteria levels at Clear Lake's three public swim beaches by utilizing beach cleaner machines to remove goose waste, installing goose deterrents at the swim beaches, and continuing a septic system update grant program. These practices began to be implemented in 2011 and recent bacteria samples in 2012 are showing they can be effective if the effort is continued.
A targeted approach is being used in the Iowa Great Lakes Watershed with a keystone project featured within this project application in the heavily urbanized Center Lake Watershed. As identified in the Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Management Plan, urban runoff is the only remaining watershed concern in the Center Lake Watershed as the map in the attachments clearly shows. Fully one third of the watershed concerns of Center Lake will be treated through the installation of 7 keystone urban practices and will remove 63 pounds of phosphorous from entering the lake annually. Due to the interconnectedness of the Iowa Great Lakes (IGL), the watershed has been broken down into sub units called Resource Management Areas (RMA's) for priority practice implementation. This project will mesh with the existing Iowa Great Lakes Watershed Management Plan by reducing pollutant loads from the highest priority RMA's which are resulting in impaired water bodies. The majority of the funding needed for the specific practices specified in this proposal has already been secured through the Iowa DNR Section 319 and Lake Restoration Programs, The Water Quality Commission and the City of Spirit Lake. This funding request will simply bring the overall cost of these keystone practices into the range of affordability for the committed funders and the City of Spirit Lake
Twelve Mile Creek Lake is a 660 acre, Significant Publicly Owned Lake with a watershed of 14,820 acres for a ratio of 21:3. The watershed is predominately privately owned agricultural land that originates in Adair County and drains into the lake which serves as the primary source water for the City of Creston, Union County and the seven counties served by the Southern Iowa Rural Water Association. In recent years, frequent algae blooms and recurrent spikes in suspended solid concentrations have been inflating water treatment expenses for the Creston Municipal Utilities (CMU). Declining trends in water quality spurred CMU to enlist the Union Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to assist in evaluating watershed conditions for potential upland improvements. Significant gully erosion issues that had been previously underestimated were discovered during this watershed assessment process. Newly acquired LiDAR elevation data readily revealed this concern which was previously obscured from view by the dense tree canopy. A Watershed Development and Planning Assistance Grant Application was approved and funded by the Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship- Division of Soil Conservation. Throughout the planning process, project partners innovatively evaluated and prioritized a number of resource concerns throughout the watershed. The implementation plan presented will thwart these threats which left unaided will continue to diminish the overall health of the system, reduce the appeal of the lake to recreational users, and contribute to higher water treatment costs.
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Wall Lake, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Summary of lake water quality data collected in 2014 as part of the Iowa DNR's lake monitoring program.
Summary of lake water quality data collected from 2000 through 2014 for lakes statewide monitored as part of the Iowa DNR's lake monitoring program.