105 resultados para resource effectiveness
Community organizations survey tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Parents survey tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Community members survey tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Interview tips developed by Lois Smidt with Beyond Welfare in Ames, Iowa and shared at the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Information shared at the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Information about Improving Transition Outcomes statewide resource mapping product.
The State of Iowa and the Hiring Practices Working Group commissioned this review of the State’s hiring practices in response to recent concerns about these practices involving racial discrimination claims against the Departments of Human Services, Transportation, and Iowa Workforce Development. The State of Iowa should be commended for undertaking this review. The State has a longstanding Affirmative Action Program and commitment to diversity – they instituted their Affirmative Action Program in 1973, and continue their commitment to its success by making the changes necessary to ensure the program is viable and sustainable. Iowa Department of Administrative Services In July 2003, the State created the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) as a way to manage and coordinate the major resources of state government. DAS provides human resource services through an entrepreneurial management model. Entrepreneurial management is a customer-focused approach to delivering services. The customer departments have input about what services and products they want from DAS and in turn DAS is funded by the customer departments through purchases of DAS services and products. DAS looks to offer new and additional services (for example recruitment support and coordination) to various customers on a fee-for-service basis. A customer council is charged with approving the DAS business plan, establishing the rate for services, and reviewing service delivery and complaints. Under this entrepreneurial model, human resource services are provided by DAS-HRE (Human Resources Enterprise) central staff, 12 DAS-HRE Personnel Officers located at the customer departments, and customer agency staff. The majority of the recruitment and hiring functions are done by the customer (hiring) departments and their staff. Applications for employment are submitted using the BrassRing system with applicants being qualified by DAS-HRE employees. Since the creation of Human Resources Enterprise, DAS-HRE has strived to provide human resource tools to the departments. The Screening Manual and the Supervisor’s Manual are just two examples of the resources created for the hiring departments. They also provide Supervisor Training for newly appointed supervisors. Larger departments have dedicated staff assigned to human resource activities. The staff at the departmental level may or may not have a human resources background. Iowa Population and Workforce The 2000 U.S. Census indicated that Iowa’s population was 2,926,324. According to this census, 92.6 percent of Iowa’s population identified their race as white (alone). The nonwhite alone or minority population (including Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, two or more races, or some other race) was 7.4 percent.
A special task force was formed and worked through its various committees to uncover and investigate possible areas for cutting costs and saving money in State Government operations. A total of 81 recommendations are made in this report, with potential savings of over $32 million during the next several years.
Instructions for using the Human Resource Information System, for the State of Iowa.
Gross-to-Net is a payroll calculator modeled after the actual payroll calculation program used for state employees’ pay warrants. This calculator can be used to project changes in deduction amounts and net pay when there are changes in pay amounts, hours worked, mandatory and voluntary deductions, including all pre-tax deductions such as retirement, insurances, deferred compensation or flexible spending plans. Federal and state tax withholding, retirement rates, OASDI and Medicare (FICA), and insurance deductions are calculated using current rates on HRIS Production.
A Step-by-step guide to dealing with a job loss, starting a new job and everything in between.
Special investigation of the Glenwood Resource Center Client Activity Clearing Account for the period January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
This guide is intended to serve as the fi rst step in your journey toward understanding your child’s hearing loss and the resources available for your child and your family. Research provides clear evidence that if a child with hearing loss is to succeed in both language and educational development, the involvement of parents is crucial. This guide will equip you with the basic knowledge and resources you need to navigate Iowa’s service system. Here you will find: • information about the professionals who will work with your child • information about family support • your child’s education and communication options • your rights and responsibilities as the parent of child who is deaf or hard of hearing • links to other important resources • a glossary of new words you may encounter
This guide is intended to serve as the fi rst step in your journey toward understanding your child’s hearing loss and the resources available for your child and your family. Research provides clear evidence that if a child with hearing loss is to succeed in both language and educational development, the involvement of parents is crucial. This guide will equip you with the basic knowledge and resources you need to navigate Iowa’s service system. Here you will find: • information about the professionals who will work with your child • information about family support • your child’s education and communication options • your rights and responsibilities as the parent of child who is deaf or hard of hearing • links to other important resources • a glossary of new words you may encounter Esta guía tiene por objeto ayudarle a dar el primer paso para comprender la pérdida auditiva de su hijo/a y los recursos disponibles para él/ella y su familia. Las investigaciones demuestran claramente que la participación de los padres es fundamental para que los niños con pérdida auditiva tengan éxito tanto en su desarrollo lingüístico como educacional. Esta guía le entregará los conocimientos y recursos básicos que necesitará para navegar por el sistema de servicios de Iowa. En esta guía encontrará: • información sobre los profesionales que trabajarán con su hijo/a • información sobre apoyo familiar • opciones de educación y comunicación de su hijo/a • sus derechos y responsabilidades como padre o madre de un niño con sordera o con difi cultades auditivas • vínculos a otros recursos importantes • un glosario de nuevas palabras que necesita conocer
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa Department of Administrative Service’s (DAS) Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Payroll, Integrated Information for Iowa (I/3) and E-Payment Engine Systems for the periods April 13, 2009 through May 15, 2009 and April 5, 2010 through May 7, 2010